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Song Druid

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Posts posted by Song Druid

  1. I'm sorry, but I can't get behind this.  I'm pleased you put this much work into something like this but I don't think it fits in the overall mythos of LotC.  As I always say we try and overcomplicate things by adding all this new lore rather than increasing or embelishing what we already have.


    As someone who is an "authority" on this territory of lore (aka I stamp my feet and shake my fist till I'm sated) I don't think it goes well with what we've already established.  Keep writing though! :)

  2. I was asked to make a self-taught app to go with my teaching one.  Here it is



    MC name: YifengZhong

    Character's name and age: Arik SonofNone, Very Old around 800-1000


    Character’s Race: Wood Elf

    What magic/s did you learn?: Druidism



    Who/how did you learn magic/s?:  Through heavy meditation and practice Arik taught himself to communicate with nature.  He was already adept at it before his attunement and when his powers arrived he excelled.  He would often sit in the middle of his swamp at one with nature and all manner of beasts would come to his side.



    Over the course of many many years he advanced in his abilities and within the Order alike.  He became a teacher of the art to younger students and even those who came before him.  


    Further information on the arts came from a number of Druidic tomes that lie in the massive library located in the sanctuary he lived in as a Dedicant, which also housed the Rose Grove for a time.  His mentor Delfyr often left him to his own devices as he looked for animals to speak with and people to assist.  This in time paid off.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:



    Druidism has many different complexities that are built upon how students are trained in not just the arts but also on a cultural level.  It is a highly defensive magic, but it can also be devestating if many druids use it together.  It is based on an Aengudaemon connection with the Druid Deities known as the Aspects.  As their bond with the Aspects strengthens over time so does their powers.  These powers range from a variety of things such as controlling plants and animals to interesting and unique methods of healing people at a higher rate.  While on the subject of healing, Druid healing is not like cleric healing or other magical healing.  It is a far more increased healing rate but it is not instant.  Depending on wounds it can take days or weeks or months as far as severity.  For reference a good Druid healer could heal a paper cut with the right bandages and powers in about a minute.  A broken arm could be healed in three weeks.


    Druid Culture is taught in such a way that the magic is only used in service or defence, never to instigate attacks.  There have been a select (very select) few exceptions to this rule, but the culture taught is a good in character moderator to the magic.

  3. MC name: YifengZhong

    Character's name and age: Arik SonofNone/ 800? IDK it's hard to keep track at this point.  He's old.


    Character’s Race: Wood Elf

    Link to your accepted magic application:   I don't have one, I was originally grandfathered in.  Here is the link to my accepted teacher application.  https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/65910-75teacher-application-for-arik/

    What magics do you desire to teach?: Druid


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic: Druidism has many different complexities that are built upon how students are trained in not just the arts but also on a cultural level.  It is a highly defensive magic, but it can also be devestating if many druids use it together.  It is based on an Aengudaemon connection with the Druid Deities known as the Aspects.  As their bond with the Aspects strengthens over time so does their powers.  These powers range from a variety of things such as controlling plants and animals to interesting and unique methods of healing people at a higher rate.  While on the subject of healing, Druid healing is not like cleric healing or other magical healing.  It is a far more increased healing rate but it is not instant.  Depending on wounds it can take days or weeks or months as far as severity.  For reference a good Druid healer could heal a paper cut with the right bandages and powers in about a minute.  A broken arm could be healed in three weeks.


    Druid Culture is taught in such a way that the magic is only used in service or defence, never to instigate attacks.  There have been a select (very select) few exceptions to this rule, but the culture taught is a good in character moderator to the magic.

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):



    The Dedicant looked up at the Song Druid with curious eyes. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds chirping and insects rustling, the river rippling past with so much ferocity that it as well held its own life.  The Elder Druid stood, draped over the large staff, eyeing the youngling back with a fierce glare.


    "How is it you can get the vines to move for you, Brother Song?  Will they do that for me?"


    "I ask them. Have you ever thought to ask?" He smiled down at the dedicant now, more gently regarding him than before.


    "They do not speak back!   ...Or I can't hear them..."


    "Come!"  The Elf motioned with a finger and together they walked through the forest, weaving in and out of trees until they came up to a suspiciously round collection of mushrooms.  The Druid pointed at the bare center and said simply, "Sit."


    The dedicant wordlessly obeyed, and as he sat within the circle he gasped as he was overcame with the powers of the fairy ring.  "..Sir!"


    "Focus!  This will be your first lesson.  You shall sit here for a half-hour and at the end of it you shall tell me all that occurred in this forest.  I will return."




      After that point I would disappear and begin to emote different things, enhancing the experience for the dedicant.  Ie "*A bird perches on a branch, searching for his mate.  You cannot make out what he says because of the other things bursting with information*"  and so on.  After Arik returns he would quiz the dedicant and point out things he missed.  This lesson would be repeated more and more until the dedicant could pick out individual things from the flow of information yet still be attuned to what is happening.   If any of you have read Eldest, "See one and know all".

  4. Reflections

    An Excerpt From the Song Druid's Journal




    As the warmth of the sun leaves my neck when dusk falls, I felt the passing of my student Callax.  The instant it occurred he became one with the Aspects and we connected in that moment, and I knew he was ready.  I think back to when I first trained the boy.  Alongside Giovanni...so full of yearning and perhaps a little too headstrong, I had to pull the fool out of a few sticky situations many times.  Still our numbers were so few then, the skills he picked up I never imagined he would use to arguably build up our order himself.  He fostered a generation that saw the greatest rise in our Order in the longest time. 


    I know he had bound himself to a tree....the Aspects allowed him to bypass it.  It must mean he did everything he was meant to.  So why have I not been allowed to...?  I have reformed three times since arriving in this new land...They expect more out of me.  But I am so very tired...I will intensify my search for the stone.  I will return to the tree Rui'thni soon, and there we will finally make this Order whole.  Callax will surely accompany us in spirit.



    "Aspects hear my prayer

    Brother have I known.

    Dwelling with you there,

    Seeing things I have never known.


    Triumph still in death,

    Free, for all to see,

    And I shall fight, and carry on,

    Till they sing this song of me!"

    ~Druid Lament Verse

  5. One thing I love about Druid culture is that it's fundamentally flawed.  In much the same way High Elven culture is designed to be what we in OOC consider "morally wrong" (aka racism and general master race stuff) the Druids are very much like that.  I like to think of them as old people culture.  For instance, we have no quarrel with Clerics.  It's actually a Druid belief that Clerics serve the Aspects but just don't realize it.  xD


    To give something to help new players, I'll ask these questions:


    Can anyone join the Druids?


    Is it hard to become a Druid?




    2-Not at all. Just commit to the dedicancy (training process) and you'll be on your way!



    Haha! Looks like this is one we beat you to!

    What's the very top limit of the capabilities of a top-of-the-line Druid?



    Top of the line Druid here.  They're extreme.  But, with great RP power comes great responsibility.  Therefore you don't see me impaling dozens of soldiers Groot style (though it may be in my power to do so) on a regular basis.  The neat thing about Druidism is because of how powerful it can get we train our Druids in such  way that they only seek to use their magic defensively.  It's why you never see a Druid misuse Druidic arts! (Also why the subtype is locked ;) )



    1) What sort of RP can/do the Druids, traditionally seen as a rather insular or elf-focused group, provide for the server as a whole or the average player?


    2) Piggy-backing off a question in the Shaman thread, how has Druidism changed on the server since its inception in Aegis? Did you, like the Shamans, have to make unwelcome adaptations to your practices/lore to accommodate the 2.0 magic system?


    3) What is the official Druid group response to the recent Magic Plugin announcements? Do you have any recommendations for alterations to the announced mechanics or do you want it overhauled to better represent current magic lore and the practice of guild-locking subtypes?


    4) How's Frank the Scholarly Scorpion doing?



    1-A bunch of stuff!  Rp can be enhanced in many ways-by being healers, ministers, friends and great sources of knowledge, the Druids have been open to every race.


    2-No.  We do not alter our lore as it's pretty well fleshed out.


    3-We're discussing it with Telanir and I'd rather not start up any more arguments.


    4-I'm not sure who that is.  But I'm sure he's great if he's with us!



    What is the spirit-tree thing I've heard hints about in RP?


    It's an RP secret!  We have many of those, and they stay so neat because we don't talk about them in OOC.  :)


  7. Q: Will existing mages be compensated?
    A: No. Since we were unable to compensate players who valiantly role-played a profession throughout earlier maps, it only seems fair to apply the same clean slate for magic.
    Q: Does that mean all of my work goes to waste?
    A: No, provided that you roleplayed out your magic in the past you are most likely a much more profound roleplayer than most seeking to engage in magic roleplay. People will be more willing to agree with you roleplaying powerful magic than those who have yet to learn self-control and the lore behind spells.



    This leaves me sad.  Your reasoning for not compensating players is because you've never done it in the past?  That's actually not true.  I was given access to the magic plugin being one of the more powerful Druids when it was being tested in Anthos.  What you are saying is fair is totally unfair.  There are players who have been waiting for promise after promise about a magic plugin.  And your only reassurance is "well you were probably a good RPer anyways so you'll just find it faster".   Seems lazy to me.




    Now onto the worst problem.  I read through enough pages to see what is happening to this subtype and I am extremely angry at how flippant everyone is about nature magic being released.  It goes against every single bit of lore that has developed and the Druids have kept a VERY tight hold on their lore.  This plugin shall NOT undermine 3 years of stability.


    I don't know how other subtypes feel about it I'm just looking at this how it relates to Druidism and I am extremely disappointed that despite at length talks with you over skype and an extensive google doc about Druidism and nature magic you went without saying anything to those in charge of this lore (aka me) and want to say that in the favor of "accessibility" some spells are allowed.



    Katherine, I realize you want the power, and I know that cliques want certain spells and the lock and key for them, but do you realize how much it is to ask for a team with a full plate to focus on a very specific minority in our community (which we love and don't question it) and dedicate a sizeable portion of our time to making sure every concern is met? I promise we will try to accommodate everyone as best as we can but there are in fact limits.



    Then remove nature magic entirely.  I'd rather lore be followed than not at all.  We discussed Druid magic at length and during our discussions our subtype didn't seem like a problem at the time.  Sorry but ensuring lore is followed when making your plugins is not catering to players.  I keep trying not to compare you to Vaq but this is the second time in as many days when that's how you're rubbing off.

  8. ((Bringing this back for people to see))


    An Insight Into Druidic Culture
    by Arik

    Druidic Culture exists around the principal of "preservation of nature". It should be noted that if one seeks to be added to the Order, they must understand the true commitment to the following. Most assume that Druidism is a small commitment, and for this reason many are turned away.

    From an out of character standpoint, one must understand the process that takes place when becoming a Druid. The Druids are a very proud people, and their culture reflects that. And while it is understood that diverse and unique RP is encouraged for each individual, one must also understand the change in mindset required to become a Druid. "Dedicantism", or the act of learning to become a full-fledged Druid, is an extremely important process. Through different tasks and lessons the Dedicant will learn culture related to the Druids, and more importantly over time grow into our mindset.

    What does this mean? Well, first, and most importantly, it means that people who learn to become a Druid ICly become conditioned to think and act like a Druid would. With a strict culture and proud people, having people that act out of the Druid's values isn't something tolerated. For instance, Dedicants are taught to despise and condemn magic. Its use is a perversion and abomination to the Druids, and therefore the Druids do not associate with magic users, usually under any circumstances. When becoming a Druid one would expect the Dedicant's mindset to be changed accordingly.

    The most important part about being a Druid though is understanding the wisdom of the elder Druids, for they have endured much and understand many things. True commitment of nature will create a great Druid. Personal gain will only see a Dedicant fail to be Attuned.

  9. A Description of the Sacred Stones and Their Properties

    a tome by the Song Druid


    The Sacred Stones of the Aspects are powerful Artifacts associated with the Druids.  There is believed to be three, one for each of the figurehead Aspects and a third that binds them together.  They are large, rounded square-ish boulders that each are a different colour; Blue for Cerridwen, Silver for Cernunnos, and black for the binder.  They are very heavy, but one person could transport one stone on his own.  The three together however have known to require at least 3 people to carry a chest with them in it.  And once the Stones are close enough they magnetize, though this effect is only present when all three are together it seems.


    The stones emit a powerful aura of Druidic EnergyTogether the three stones can prevent corruption of any kind from breaching the perimeter of the grove they are in.   Indeed, just one has enough power to stop corruption for up to twenty feet, but together their power is much larger.  The stones have been known to give visions to those who touch them, and help aid Druids on paths to enlightenment through their pulsating auras.


    Symbolically the stones represent the completion of the Order.  Each one represents an Aspect, and are thought to have been molded by the Aspects themselves.  To possess something touched by the Aspects is beyond blessed to the Druids.  Even when broken down the stones seem to emit light Druidic energy even centuries after their crumbling.  It is rumored the the Order remains in possession of the Stone Dust that was once the Great Aegis Stones.

  10. A Journal of the Sacred Stones

    A tome written by the Song Druid


    Our most sacred order of Drui stretches back farther than any guild that has ever been.  We have maintained stability despite those around us crumbling.  However we are not without our own losses.  Since the fall of Aegis centuries ago we lost something that leaves a hole in our order.  The Sacred Stones of the Aspects.  The most coveted artifacts that have ever been, and ever will be.


    What were the Aspect stones?  Three stones, mounted within the Mother Grove, one a shining blue, another a glinting silver.  Between the two sat a dull black-together they make the Sacred Stones.  Each stone represents an Aspect of Nature.  The left one, the blue one, represents Cerridwen, our great Mother.  The right, silver, speaks of Cernunnos, the mighty Hunter.  Bound by the neutrality of the black stone they come together to form the Three stones of the Aspects.


    Alas, my memory of the Aegis stones wanes with each day, but I do remember their size.  Rounded square in definition, each stone resembled the size of an Orc's head, and just as heavy!  When all three were together nobody dared steal them.  The three of them seemed to attract one another with some form of natural magnetism....yes it was truly remarkable.  You'd have to move the three at that point, to steal them!  Heavy indeed!


    Still, I digress.  What became of these stones?  As Iblees began his final vengeful strike against Aegis the Druids fled alongside the other citizens to the Verge.  The Fox Druid Valas did lead the transport of the stones through the portal-but something occurred when the chest passed through the portal; the stones cracked and broke up into dust!  This being at the end of my own Dedicancy, I took special interest.  As I stepped into the title of "Soul Druid" on the shores of the Verge I examined the stones remnants.


    The Aspects have often given me whispers, indeed it was one of the reasons I rose so quickly, they spoke to me like they would no other, but yet where others would receive visions from the Aspects I did so less frequently.  But one such vision does exist within the recesses of my mind to this very day....I saw the stones, but they were different....newer.  Remade, for this new world.  Little did I know that the world was much larger than just Asulon.  It became my mission to find the stones and restore the Order to its full power.


    It was in Asulon that I discovered the first stone.  I found it within the city of Menocress, home to the Mori'Quessir.  But what use, I rationalized, did one stone that didn't represent a known Aspect have? I secured the stone and continued my search.   But it wasn't for many decades that I would find the second stone, the stone of Cerridwen.  With the help of the Arum Druid I was able to secure it, but upon contact with the stone we somehow triggered the Third Great Dream of the Druids.  It was a time of rejoicing.  One more stone left!  Where could it be....?


    And now I watch these troves of ships gather and clouded whispers from the Aspects become clear to me.  The final stone is somewhere beyond this horizon, that much I am sure.  Shall I find it before I finally join my brethren?  Still.  It is clear now what my true calling as a Druid is and has always been-to reunite the Aspect Stones and finally restore our Order to it's mighty power.

  11. This should be handled in the same way that repairing is - it should require X material that the item is made of in order to rename it, as well as a certain level in the profession it belongs to. It could perhaps be done with the old anvil GUI.


    Eg. Bow takes some wood to rename and Adequate Woodworker, Iron swords would take some iron ingots and Adequate Blacksmith to rename.


    That's how I think it should be done. It would give some added business opportunities and a value to professions.

    At first I was like eh..... but I thought more on it and I think it could really work.  RPly the name could be etched on certain items or weapons in some way of engraving, and the way you get those engravings?  The proper craftsman of course!

    <script type="text/javascript"> //</script>

  12. Is there any way that the tech team could code in an item naming center?  Then GMs can just check the que and approve names.  No inappropriate names, no need for long back and forths, they can be threaded in with modreqs and people who troll can have their ability to request names revoked for wasting too much time.

  13. ((This is a continuation of an attunement ceremony taking place on the server that was interrupted by its constant crashing and ultimate death.  I'll start from the beginning, however.))



    The tall Elder Elf gestured towards the Dwarven Dedicant, and the dedicant obliged, stepping into the tranquil attunement pool that rested at the heart of the cozy little grove.  The Song Druid regarded the dedicant for a few short moments, perhaps pondering the future of this soul, perhaps simply thinking about a bowl of mushroom soup, but ponderance was clear upon his face nonetheless.


    Finally, he spake:


    "Dedicant. Do you swear onto your life to uphold the values and traditions of our Order and the Circle to which you are bound?"


    The Dedicant shuddered in the chill of the water that pooled at his knees.  "Ah duh," his thick accent sounding even more distorted by the acoustics from the enclosed area.


    "And will you, to the best of your ability, strive to teach our ways to new seekers, as well as pass our reverence for nature to others, seeking to teach them to respect it eversomore than they do today?"


    "Ah duh."


    "Very well.  Give me your staff, Dedicant."  The Song Druid reached out his left hand, outstretching claw-like fingertips that betrayed his age most of all.  The nervous Dwarf quickly handed over his staff, and the Druid gave pause as he felt his mind connect with the being now in his hands.  How often had he whispered words of power to a Dedicant's staff upon Attunement, and how often he wondered if that Dedicant would ever commune with their own staff as others would learn.


    Shaking the thought from his head he outstretched his arms now, Gildun's staff in his left hand, and the ancient Wilting Staff gripped within his right.  "Relax your mind, for we begin!"



    The Song Druid began to sing in Ancient Elvish, a beautiful melody that swang higher and higher as he began to pull power and channel it around him.  The water in the Attunement pool began to churn as well, gaining more strength the higher and more intense the Elf sang.  The Dedicant's mind began to swim as the ringing in his ears grew....and grew....and suddenly the pool violently thrashed and he found himself falling on his back, and everything went black.


    Slowly the Dedicant came to.  But the odd Druid was nowhere to be seen.  Indeed, his clothes were dry and he did not stand in a pool.  Where could he be?  He grunted and pushed himself up wordlessly from the ground, taking in his surroundings.




    Unbelievable!  It was Elandriel, the great forest of Asulon!  He'd been there in his youth, so many years ago...


    The great canopy rose hundreds of feet ahead, and most of the sunlight was blocked out.  However, the lamps lit by the Druids still shone in the branches, and the wildlife itself seemed to shine with a light all its own.  It was peaceful, tranquil, and Gildun couldn't help but feel right at home.  A slight murmuring was in his ear, but he couldn't quite make it out.


    A frog sat upon a tree stump and let out a loud croak before hopping off, and it was this that jolted Gildun back to reality, or whatever this was.  He began to move throughout the forest, exploring its mysteries.


    As he passed trees ten times his width he found himself overlooking a great river.  Lurking behind a bush was a faceless hunter, and somehow inexplicably the Dedicant knew that he did not hunt for survival.  This man killed for sport.  He could not help but consider this but a crude visage of the true nature of man.  Following the man's gaze he noticed three shrouded figures near the water's edge: two large and one small. They were bears!


    By the time he'd swung his vision over to the hunter he was shocked to find him already loosing an arrow, then another in rapid succession.  "NUHH!  STAHP!"  He screamed, rushing towards the hunter.  Startled, the hunter bolted into the forest, disappearing in the growing mist.  The murmuring in his ear was louder now.


    Shaking, he turned to the scene before him.  Two great beats lay at the water's edge, each felled by a single arrow, but the youngest, the cub, was nowhere to be seen.  Looking bout frantically, he heard a commotion coming from the river itself.  Rushing to the bank, he found the little beast struggling to reach above the water to breathe.  It must have fell in when the hunter shot its parents!  Panicking, the Dedicant began to wade in the river, and saw the beast disappear below the clear waters, sinking below.  The chanting in his ear was deafening now, each step he took seemed to shake his very being.  Finally he made it to the spot where the bear sank, and he saw beneath the surface the bear staring back at him.  He ducked beneath the current to retrieve it but lost sight of the beast.  Coming up for air he searched the waters again, only to find his own reflection staring back.  Confused, he searched about for a moment before the roar of the chanting took hold, and he saw himself once more in the water.




    Finally paying attention to the voices, he felt a massive power surging through his body, it was more like epiphany, an understanding that he was being touched by something ancient, wiser than his greatest comprehension, and more powerful than what he could have ever imagined.  The current from the river swept him from his feet, and he thrashed in the water for a few moments, fighting to break back to the surface.  When finally he did, the Druid stood before him, holding out his staff.



    "Rise, Gildun, and claim your totem."


    Sputtering, and confused, the Druid gripped the length of the staff, breathlessly exclaiming, "Ah claim mah totem as tha Cub!"


    "Welcome, Cub Druid.  Blessed be!"





  14. "No fun allowed"


    This really pisses me off.  It's like you want to cop out of an argument with that line and think that you're persecuted.  At the end of the day, it's all about common sense in RP IN GAME.



    That thread? It was a good laugh!  It was funny. 



    People need to have the common sense to be able to go in game and not do dumb ****.



    For instance.  In the middle of seirous RP breaking cadence for everyone to insert funny emotes that you immediately void:


    "Bo'gash suddenly slaps Arwen in the backside with his scabbard, laughing maniacly*


    ((Lol jk void that))




    Or a group of OOC friends who form a clique going about making glaring OOC references and hiding behind the guise of RP.  Really they're all in TS laughing at the reactions they get from everybody because THAT is what they consider to be fun. 







    There is a huge amount of examples we can come up with, but you don't care because you already know what everyone means by stop the trolling, but you don't want to.  This is why FMs and other staff are hated because they don't take time to argue with your semantic crap and cut the root of the problem out.

  15. Step up?  Really?  You think the staff doesn't step up?  Oh god if you knew half the things I had to go through just to be the resident FM whipping boy.  Cracking down on this kind of thing also creates backlash that paints you bright red in the process.  The children on the forums cry "abuse" or "bias" when you ban their friends for blatant/repeated trolling (in game or on the forums), and then proceed to become trolls in their friend's stead because they didn't get their way.  Like a f*cking Hydra.


    Then you have to waste time trying to set an example on these idiots by warning/banning them as well so that people know that we don't tolerate this and that that is not ok.  In the end?  You're just a mean bigoted biased jerk who does nothing to help.   And even your superiors don't like you.

  16. These look nice but I still think restricting forum PM limit is really an unfair thing for everyone to do.  It makes it harder for people communicate via forums.  It was a huge pain in the arse as an FM trying to contact somebody who had a full inbox.  You guys should just give unlimited space to everyone.  It's text so it wouldn't really affect memory of the server...

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