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Song Druid

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Posts posted by Song Druid

  1. 1 minute ago, zaezae said:

    Never once in the new map have I ever seen any of those besides byros and never have I heard anyone, not even once, mention them IRP. Who exactly plays a good deal of their time on these characters? Or is it a '1-hour a week alt if that' characters? 

    I see.  You haven't seen it so it mustn't be there?


    Regardless, even if they were hyper active or inactive, I'm afraid you're missing the point entirely.  It's not about something I or you wouldn't notice, it's about making decisions that don't need to be made.  If nobody continued to not play them, ok cool.  We wouldn't notice either way.  Why move them at all?  It's not sensible.


    And also, if someone plays a one hour a week alt let them.  Whatever someone wants to do to enrich RP for however long it isn't a crime.  Don't be a Debbie Downer.


    Finally for any of your other concerns refer to my "Thinking out Loud post"

  2. I know you guys have been going back and forth but I need to think out loud here.  Why on earth do we need to remove anything at all to add something else?  Is there some sort of quota for accepted lore?  What process does the LT go through to deem lore "unnecessary"?  Does x amount of players need to play it?  If that's the case why remove it?  Wouldn't the RP become more rewarding and unique as a result of less players playing it?   Or are too many players playing it?  And if that's the case wouldn't it mean that it's a pretty well-used bit of lore and shouldn't be removed?


    None of this makes sense.  To me, my impression is the LT waving a hand saying "look, we did something!".  There is no satisfactory explanation to your original statement that removing x allows you to accept y.  In fact, you aren't even removing anything.  The Event team still has access to these characters!  Which means you still think there is use for them!  This is a continuous lapse in logic and common sense.


    Which brings me to the last possible explanation.  Was there something wrong with the lore, or the players who played it?  Was the lore too strong to hand to regular players thus meriting it being pushed to the ET?  Was it simply bad lore?  If that's the case why move it to the ET and not simply remove it altogether?  If the lore is fine and its the players, why not correct and reprimand the players?  And you expect to entrust new, similar lore to these same players?


    Finally, I wonder if I can go through the lore proposals and find lore that, if accepted, would contradict this old lore.  Maybe that's why?  Wait, no, that can't be the case because the ET still has access and playability in this lore.


    See what I'm saying here? Nothing makes sense.



  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjdi4wFhHvk


    Within the grove of the Druii, the Song Druid brings his Dedicant to the attunement pool.   After a long while of training, his time had come to  become a part of nature's elite.  The Elf raised his staff and the staff of his student in his hands, singing a high melody until  it pierces everyone's mind and renders the young Elf unconscious.  There, he was attuned, and when emerging from the mysterious vision, the Elf claimed the totem, "Donkey!".  The Druii rejoiced as a new face joined their ranks.



  4. I'm a little unclear about the whole thing.  So are player monks back?  Are we undoing the original removal?  I think that's the biggest thing everyone is upset about.  I will commend you Will for acting upon a clear negative feedback.  I would urge those who were upset about the original thing to ask the relevant questions at this point instead of continuing to harp on about what they did with the AT monks, for as you can see, they heard your feedback.  No sense dwelling on it.  Kudos there.

  5. Hahaha what a slap in the face to the old monks.

    Ok, so, in that community meeting transcript there was a bit of talk about the monk situation, and it was mostly 'wait a bit.'

    Now, this implementation is 1 of 2 things. Either the staff have no ******* clue how to appropriately gauge the reasons why some people get mad at certain decisions, or some sort of alien has come down from Mars and infested the minds of all people in the 'GM staff chat.'

    For the most part, the majority of people who were upset about the monk business weren't upset because some sort of group that helped me players was removed basically. They were upset with the way it was handled, the reasons behind it, etc. So, to like... Say that something will happen, and then basically implement something that is nearly unrelated to any concerns that most people had is... Well, it's pretty silly. Actually, it's incredibly stupid.


    The monks as a whole were created as a group to assist and guide new players whilst in the Cloud Temple. The magic given to the monks was given exclusively to heal those whom came to the temple needing healing, and wished to roleplay it out. Yet, in the recent past, the monks have failed to act as consistent guides, consistent healers, or simply consistently at the Cloud Temple helping out. These problems, along with the friendly, intimate, and continual interaction, and even recruitment of unsavory in-character individuals has even further shown that the monks are not serving their purpose.

     What I find mind-boggling is that instead of contacting the current Monks and letting them know they are not doing their duties as correctly as they should, you,  and all forms of staff ceased(if there was any communication to begin with) any form of communications with the Monks. This is no isolated incident either, for the past few years since early Anthos communication with the staff with the Monks have been the most cancerous events I've had the pleasure of going through throughout my time with this community. Instead of contacting the Monks like responsible staff members you've decided to wait for them to fall prey by various teams and pick at it like vultures, gutting the Monks for what they were for a lifeless husk. Though as the voices of the community clearly do not matter, there is not much to do here.
    The communication through this process was cancerous and the morality concerning. I haven't cringed this hard in a long time. 

    I agree.  The staff have a lot to answer for.  They need to actually address the issue at hand rather than try to misdirect.

  6. The system that was previously instated did absolutely nothing for player cliques.  You act like that was the be all end all way to end cliques on the server.  Enlighten me.  What sort of cliques are you talking about? IC or OOC?  If it's OOC it's simple really you have a sit down with them and say "look you can't be the only ones able to teach this magic and only teach it to your friends.  Stop being a cock and teach others or lose your TA."


    If it's IC you find a way to get into their good graces IC because no staff member has any business trying to change something that is IC.


    EDIT: Kudos to the staff for making the appropriate change when clearly something questionable was happening, and then making a good decision after that as well.

  7. I challenge Slic3 to personally acknowledge the claims and allegations that he seems to be the only MAT in support of this rule, or at the very least that he is in the minority where the rest of the team do not support it.  If you cannot operate as a team and work together properly why then should you expect us as a playerbase to acknowledge the rules you put forth?  We're all waiting to hear from you, Slic3.  I think everybody has made their points pretty clear and we want to know why you seem to be the only one on your team that is for your proposal.  

  8. The reasoning being the removal of magic cliques? Druids are already disliked for many reasons.  Now because on a whole Druids are clearly being given a form of special treatment on a rule that really shouldn't even exist, it's only going to serve to alienate us even further from the server (which we are taking painstaking lengths IC to undo).

  9. So Slic3 kindly explain why suddenly even if your team doesn't support your move why you think it's appropriate to undermine existing infrastructure in order to see your own ideas posted as the "law"?  So far it appears that not only players, but Lore Masters and actual several members of the MAT seem to dislike this change and do not support it.  I feel that this only drives my point home about the ineffectiveness of the MAT and why they have no business butting in.  Especially when the internal workings do not appear to support a team decision.



    Seriously, what is the point of a MAT that governs over magic if one person makes all the decisions despite the rest of the team's objections?  May as well be the MAG.  (Magic Applications Guyyy)

  10. If I may ask, if several MAT members are against this, exactly why is this a thing?  Is there a singular person on the team with more power than the rest that believes it should be a certain way?  I'm concerned about the effectiveness of a team that enforces the will of a few if the majority (as I've been told) feel differently.

  11. What?  There was no need whatsoever.  You are on the outside and have no experience or insight to offer as to our efficiency or inner workings.  Same with the MAT.   In the spirit of Thanksgiving, kindof like the English Settlers seeing the "uncivilized" Native Americans and deciding they needed a nice change of pace.



  12. The average player doesn't care or see magic because it's either being done in some remote jerk circle of gms and the other staff  (*cough Paladins and necromancers cough*) I mean it's literally an army of heerozeros who will do anything for magic power and staff power on a minecraft role play server

    As a magic RPer, I rarely if ever see magic RP being done outside my own with random folk. Also tbh the more I read this the more I think it over. Not necessarily what it is or will be doing, but rather the idea of it. I will use druids for example (No hate I like you all) they have like 4 different magic subtypes in all of druidism and each leader is skilled in the majority of them if they know all four (Including Shadeshifting) now I think people are missing what they are saying, atleast from what i've read in that you guys are saying that a druid must be able to teach communion plus other magics to be a teacher. Though why is that? Being a teacher doesn't mean you are a strongest at something, it just means OOCly you're able to teach it. So the idea of atleast in groups of having different members only being able to teach certain things in a group I do like. So instead of having like 4 or 5 druids who are able to teach all types of the magic. Instead why not have 7 or 8 druids that specialize in certain forms of druidism? Also, why is communion even a subtype. Imo druidism should just be considered one magic in itself (Minus shapeshifting) but being like bnk wants Arcanism to be where you can specialize in the different forms of them. As for other groups of magic users just do similar things. Though this is just an opinion I wanted to express don't hate!

    I think you have a misconception on how druidism works. We don't choose 5 people to teach everything, individuals simply learn what they are interested in and some will go on to become teachers in it. Many druids only learn/teach one subtype of healing, but all of them HAVE to be able to teach Communion. The reason Communion is considered a subtype is because we had to force druidism to fit the MAT rules. Normally Communion and Control would be separate subtypes, but for the purposes of the application they're lumped into one (Druidism) so druids aren't screwed over even more. Your suggestion isn't a bad one, however it would require rewriting druidism or the magic rules to fit each other (AGAIN).


    Well then it's also an MAT issue that communion is in-fact a sub type which to me sounds like it should not. Understandable but over all this might have messed things with druids but it's still something that is good for the bigger picture server wise.


    This is f(_)cking rich.  The only reason it's anywhere near as bad as it is now is because of the stupid MAT in the first place.  Any guide used to be able to teach the magic because they are the teachers.  Now they have to have a TA accepted.  Along with other useless trivialities that the MAT has implemented to make things that more convoluted for the Druids to pass on their knowledge to the next generation.  The fact of the matter here is we don't have to explain ourselves or how we regulate to you or anyone else because we have done a good job of it so far and the only ones who haven't are the rest of the server and the MAT (who change things EVERY FEW MONTHS because they don't know what works).

    Take a breather, you are losing a magic or two..not a limb..

    I am calm.  Despite the words I use I'm just the kind of guy who never minces words.  But I will repeat once again, the Druids are not acknowledging this rule.  Whatsoever in any shape form or fashion.  The GMs are certainly free to systematically place bans on all attuned Druids if they feel that will solve the issue...

  13. I'm not even a Healing Teacher, IDK why my name is on that list.  But outside of shapeshifting I am only a teacher of 2 subtypes (thanks for the screenshots).  I'll make sure my name is removed from the Healing list.  Arik is not a powerful healer.


    But this is (once again) just useless, MMO style crap that has no place on a RP server.    I am just so sick of dealing with this, as are my peers.  I'm sick of dealing with the MAT.  I'm sick of having the Lore Masters combing over Druid Lore trying to verify if it was ever accepted or some bullshit attempt to balance artifacts as if this is some damn MMORPG.  I'm beyond tired of having the exact same discussion with different MAT members ever 6-8 months because the team changes hands so much and the exact same issues come up that I had to go over in the past.  It's disorganized, it's indecisive, and it's ineffective.  

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