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Posts posted by Bircalin

  1. Forgive my foolishness, friend. Forgive my defending my people. I am a Human, for me to aid in the destruction of the Human race is to be traitorous. Enough is enough, this has gone on far too long and side-tracked beyond comparison. I suggest ( " suggest" as I know my place with my people, unlike some. ) that a meeting is held with representatives of Malinor and Krugmar, and that they decide upon a suitable conclusion to this matter. No more insults and mockery are needed, respect your damn leaders.

  2. Blatantly, the relation between the Orcs and Elves is still strong, the bond is not only one of respect but of familt. Indelwehn has spoken her mind and the other Elves will do well to respect that. As for the gentleman referring to Humans as barbarians who solve issues with violence, shut up, or I'll kill you.

    *grins cheekily, giving chase to the lunatic assailant kidnapping his wife

  3. I assure you, if my wife is 100ft from danger I will see to it's extinction myself. If she is kidnapped I will give my life for her, as is my vow, nobody elses.

    Polcari, your bravery is admirable but Indelwehn would not want your death to be her fault.

  4. If you would fight on the ranger's side then I do not trust you to be Hogh Prince. The leader of a nation has to be devoted to that nation, not off maybe giving away information we do no want Oren to know. If Oren ever attacked the elves, would you turn on the place you have spent you life in in just a second. That is not the dedication of a High Prince.

    Should a war with Oren be waged, I would seek a diplomatic solution. I'd fight as a Ranger if there was trouble with the Dwarves.

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