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Posts posted by Bircalin

  1. Being taught by such wise beings within the Druids (Respiren, Apollan etc.)I learned to love and respect the forests. All will know the grand Druid tree, looming over Laurelin's centre. Not many will know I built the trunk of that tree, the very core, filling it with it's winding stairs. I was made to do this four times, it truly tested my patience. Alas, my love for Malinor and Laurelin alike drove me forth.

    As for war, being High Prince would greatly increase relations with the Human people. This would greatly decrease chances of a war. As for the Orcs, as a Human, honouring the Orc treaty would show much respect. If Dwarves were to create war with the Humans for example, I would fight as a Ranger, NOT the High Prince.

  2. My position as a Ranger does indeed conflict with the matter however my adoration towards Malinor and it's people grows ever stronger with each passing day. Indeed, I am Human. I understand there's popular stereotype that we are " young and naive" and I respect in many cases this is the truth. However it is vital that all know this. All who know me will know that I have spent nigh-on all my days with the Elves. I spent roughly 20 years as a Druid, protecting nature and upholding balance. Doing so reminded me to keep a non biased opinion in all situations. I won't feed you an opinion of me, I'm simply telling you how much I know is true.

  3. Indelwehn and I came to the conclusion, that IF I was to become High Prince. We would share responsibilties. Covering a huger range of issues that may otherwise be overlooked. We deemed it appropriate, that I would oversee more macabre "grizzly" happenings. Such as War, the current issue regarding Wardens.We both see fit I keep an eye on finances and economy as Indelwehn has a habit of either spending her entire life savings or losing some mina from sheer clumsiness! Back on topic, mainly things occuring outside of Malinor's land. Or as of recently IN Malinor's land. Indelwehn would cover topics such as housing, guilds, businesses.

    This is just how we would wish to go about things again, IF I were to be granted the title.

  4. I have seen you around many times Bircalin, though I have never met you personally. From what I have seen from you, you are worthy of taking on the role of High Prince. I was there when you defended Galahar from the Undead. I saw you as a Druid, and a damn good one at that. I saw you in the keep when Indelwehn was injured, and how much that incident had hurt you. Yet you still went to fight.

    To me, you have proved yourself. To me, you are an Elf. I would welcome you with open arms of you were to call yourself High Prince. You are evidently a loyal follower of Malinor, and I believe Malin would smile upon you.

    Much appreciated, friend. Your support comes as a great perk to me. A "pick-me-up" of sorts. Said perks are precious gems in such dark times. It reminds me of a popular phrase I live by. " No matter how dim, all light shines within the dark.

  5. ((My opinion is that the elves at large should accept you as High Prince before you start wearing the title.

    Also, OOCly, it might cause some confusion. People might think YOU were the elf leader instead of Indelwehn. We still have a patriarchal mindset and people might think "Oh, he's the Prince and she's the Princess, so therefore he has to be the main ruler." I think it would be good if you didn't wear the title.

    Of course, it is up to the elves entirely. I prefer the orc method, where we earn our titles through our deeds and don't just "marry" into them.))

    Don't get me wrong, I refuse to be seen as a power hungry person. I believe entirely in earning your respect and reaping what you sow. But I was asked many'a'time if I was the High Prince and this was a way of asking myself " Am I? ". Presently, I AM still Bircalin and I have no intention of handing myself the title because I am married to Indelwehn. I understand people might misinterpret this whole thing as me asking to become High Prince. This isn't the case. I'm simply asking, " Am I? " " Should I? " " Can I?"

  6. I understand that, I did wonder wether it would make me Prince or not. I'd had many say yes, and many say no. As for one High Prince(ss) at a time. I'm afraid that's not entirely true, as there was once High Prince Native and High Princess Soriuss.

    As for where my loyalties lie, indeed. I am loyal elsewhere, but my loyalty isn't divided. Should I be called upon as High Prince, my loyalty to Malinor and it's people will be unmatched. This, I am sure of.

    Thank you for your kind words and opinion, I take them gratefully.

  7. *A notice is pinned alongside others on Laurelin's bulletin board, borderlined in leaves and vines*

    Citizens of Malinor, as you all know our beloved High Prince Native has stepped down from his position with Indelwehn to replace him as the new High Princess.

    Most of you will know that Indelwehn and I are married happily and have been for some time so this intrigued me... Is it now my responsibility to take up the role of High Prince? Is it right for a Human to share leadership of Malinor? Am I wanted as a leader? Of course, the decision lies within the Elven Council, but my concern lies with the people.

    I realize that it is near impossible to truly replace Native. However I would be extremely honoured to walk in his footsteps, as his predecessor.

    I spend a HUGE majority of time inside of Malinor/Laurelin. I know the roads well, the people well, and the shrooms well. Of course, this comes as a benefit, but at a cost. Some seem to think due to my time spent in Laurelin makes me an Elf. I'm sad to admit that this is not the case. As I am a Human. Now, obviously there is tension between the Elves and the Humans.

    As a Ranger of Oren I understand it well as I see the massacres heated debates myself. Before you make your decision, my duties as a Ranger of Oren mean that I will not retire from the Rangers. I am sworn to them. As is the Ranger's motto, " Rangers First ". For those of you who aren't brilliant with words, this means IF I am to become High Prince, I will still be a Ranger of Oren. I can only hope this ceases the catastrophic war boiling around us. I believe my position as High Prince of Malinor and Ranger of Oren will increase the relationship between the Elves and the Humans.

    I thank you all for reading this, and bid you safe travels.


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