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Posts posted by Bircalin

  1. It is true that Availer did bring the community that we have today, together. Without him there would be no Lord of The Craft. Few of us would know eachother as we do now. His actions were, granted, selfish, but his name will always be imprinted on Lord of The Craft. All we can hope to do is cover it with a new shine, Shiftnative!

    I truly hope the server continues to thrive as it always has. Though there has been rough patches indeed, DDoS attacks, Large crashes etc. The server still lives to this very second, thanks to the dedication of the GM Team, the FM Team, The Admins, and of course, us! The community! It's not the end, it's simply an event that has, undoubtedly crippled the server.

    Truly, I have no words to describe this matter. Only, a sweet serenade. Please, take your time to listen and contemplate what has occurred.

    Good day to you all.


  2. It has painfully come to my attention, through no fault but our own, the Malinor is floundering. With Lirinya's betrayal, and other dark events, Malinor's power has been depleted, and the people are loosing faith. I am blaming no one, from what I have seen, from the Sister City being lit up like kindling, to Ravenhold's vast estates being laid to waste by daemon fire. This is a call to all elves, that we need to change. Our ways are no longer effective. We can no longer hide in the forests, for they have been burnt down. Laurelin's security is threatened from all sides, and there is no one to protect it. I write to you to convince who ever can help that we need help, for without major reform, Malinor's forests will burn, and elves will be heard screaming for years.

    For Hope,

    Ebs, Viscount of Fionn

    I look forward to seeing Lirinya's head impaled on the front gate. Her betrayal shan't go unpunished.

    As a Human, as a Northerner, the Elves can count on my support.

  3. This would Indeed be interesting.. Perhaps such beasts lay hidden within the Verge... Haelphon, perhaps ye' would consider using titles within these " Dragonriders" . Similar to that of the Druids. So, if Aedan were to become a Dragonrider, he could be, for example, The Madness Rider or just Madness. Moreover, you could name the rider's dragon instead? Suggestions suggestions suggestions!

  4. Name: Bircalin Sturtart

    MCName: Crippledbaboon

    A bit about yourself: I came to Aegis a Halfling, I became a highly ranking member of the druids. Upon aiding in the battle at Wrath's Clutch, Aeriel blessed me with the stature of a Northerner, over the years, I became stronger, faster, taller and such. Until one night, the transformation was complete. I now stand a tall, proud 29 year old Northerner!

    Your skills: I learnt the ways of healing through my druidic training. Becoming a journeyman of the art, healing all taht I could. I trained for many years in the art of hand-to-hand combat (( Wrestling lvl 52, not sure if that matters?)) and am a sturdy hand with a sword.(( lvl 50)) I wish not to improve anything as I am confident of my abilities as they are.

    Your goals: I wish to bring good fortune, honour, and glory to the Knights Of the North and become a well known and respected member. I hope to achieve peace within Aegis through words, though, should the need arise, bloody myself in battle.

    What do you bring: I bring my healing ability (( Only rp)), my dear friend Rigrud the Dwarf. I am a loyal fighter and companion and will fight even when I'm six feet under!

    Other notes: I have no other information to give I'm afraid.

    (( I feel a good idea would be to have a skin template for the rank in which a member is, so a Knight would have a chainmail look to his skin, blacksmith having a dirty apron etc. ))

    Battle Record: The taking and holding of Snowyfields undead tower.

    The Battle Of Wrath's Clutch.

    Galahar's stand.

    The defending of Al'Khazar/Laurelin/San'Jezal.

    Multiple assaults on undead.

  5. Accepted!

    Welcome into the wonderful world of Aegis!

    ( By the by, you may want to remove the crown on your skin, lovely as it may be. You could give off the wrong impression! )

    (( Please don't message anyone if you do not instantly get allowed into the world. The moderators physically have to type commands to give access to the world for every person and this can prove tedious. Please wait patiently! Thank you! ))

  6. Accepted!

    Welcome to the vast lands of Aegis.

    Enjoy your stay!

    ( There will be some time before a moderator can give you access to the normal worl. Please, do be patient as every other player has been and they will be sure to help you along as soon as possible. Please do not message any moderators. They get enough stick anyway. Thank you! )

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