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Status Replies posted by MrWizzard

  1. So... Hello! How has everybody's day been so far? 

  2. How do you reunite two siblings who were separated near birth and have little to no memory/information concerning their family?

  3. The Candid Cantrip: Magic and Alchemy at a reasonable price. Your thoughts?

    1. MrWizzard


      I'd rather you not. Though that could be an event other people could offer.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. This makes me want to jump on and make a dwarf character:

    1. MrWizzard


      Well now you just have me wanting to tempt fate there char.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)


    1. MrWizzard


      No, it's Will is Love, Will is life. Will was, is, and Will always be. We Will rock your world.

  6. If halflings are called Halflings... Where is the other half?

    1. MrWizzard


      Hmm... Both answers make a lot of sense... I can't decide which should be added to my head canon...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. I'm working on my twerking.

    1. MrWizzard


      Eh, not for everyone. I thought it was funny/cute in it's own way.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Lore for Fart/Methane Evocation coming to a lore thread near you!

  9. server down?

    1. MrWizzard


      Apparently, login.lordofthecraft.net works.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Great news! I'm baaaAAAaaack! But I re-rolled. I think that Maverick has limped on long enough. Not that I hate him, but I was just never able to do anything with him. I wanted magic rp, and failed. So now mee my new character:

  11. Great news! I'm baaaAAAaaack! But I re-rolled. I think that Maverick has limped on long enough. Not that I hate him, but I was just never able to do anything with him. I wanted magic rp, and failed. So now mee my new character:

  12. Yeah... so it's been a few months, and I think I may be taking an even longer break. Helping with some other rp servers n' stuff. So, Maverik is dead. And since Mav's never really had a unique place in LotC, I hope to make up for that is his death via freak noodle accident. Peace out!

  13. Yeah... so it's been a few months, and I think I may be taking an even longer break. Helping with some other rp servers n' stuff. So, Maverik is dead. And since Mav's never really had a unique place in LotC, I hope to make up for that is his death via freak noodle accident. Peace out!

  14. Just got a Saint Bernard :)

    1. MrWizzard


      Why is it that I always think of beer when I see them...


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Just finished my math exam! Now I need to drag myself through chemistry.

  16. Since when am I on the application team? O_O I put in an application but no PM....

  17. I'm looking for a skin designer, they will be compensated in minas.

    1. MrWizzard


      Sorry, already got someone working on it. :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Bringing back my old character, Maverik. Hope everyone welcomes him back!

    1. MrWizzard


      Sometimes, after I save, I go terroize a town. :P

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. Bringing back my old character, Maverik. Hope everyone welcomes him back!

  20. Bringing back my old character, Maverik. Hope everyone welcomes him back!

  21. Bringing back my old character, Maverik. Hope everyone welcomes him back!

  22. With finals this week and the next, Im likely going to be on the forums for a very minute amount of time this and next week; likely not being on at ALL ingame until the new map or very late into the current one.

  23. With finals this week and the next, Im likely going to be on the forums for a very minute amount of time this and next week; likely not being on at ALL ingame until the new map or very late into the current one.

  24. Planning to open the Chronic Cantrip in Aegis 2.0 but I may be able to get it up before then.

    1. MrWizzard


      Please donate materials so it can go up faster!

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