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Nefarious Aus Shitpost

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Posts posted by Nefarious Aus Shitpost

  1. Hail Morgrim.

    There is currently an existing and accepted scripture dating

    back to before my time as Archbishop. I am unaware of how

    many copies are in circulation, but once I am able to, I will

    bring the tome with me.


    I also have another book known as the "Heresy of the Ninth

    Son", however I have no published it or given it to the Clergy

    thus far as I hold little trust for your predecessor.

                                                           ~ Bael Tunnelsmasher

  2. As you walk down the Anthos Highway towards the human lands, you spot a dusty, worn old book wedged between two large rocks. If curiosity should spark, you may find yourself motivated to open and have a read.



    Foreword: Svengal Ulfhaedyn, son of Aedric "Elvesbane".

    It has happened at last - I have found the evidence I have at last been looking for! While elvenkind will surely burn in the deepest pits of the nether for their constant and repeated atrocities against man, they can at least be thanked for their incessant need to record everything in a high level of accuracy, even that which does not reflect their disgusting race in a favorable light.



    Here, I display an excerpt from the stories told by man, elf, orc and dwarf since the beginning of time. The final defeat of Iblees: in his final moments as the creator banished him into his firey prison, the demon cursed all peoples, present and future which still fell under his power, with the following words, as recounted by the individual known as "the Wandering Wizard" also known as Availer, a mysterious creature that supposedly assisted the mortal races during the second war with Iblees.


    “You believe you may simply banish me from this plane and that my taint
    shall not last? I have touched this world with evil and it shall forever
    be part of the souls that inhabit it.

    Malin, I curse you with sterility, you and your kin shall forever lack
    the children they need. May your forest halls forever be silent, and
    your hearts heavy with sadness.

    Urguan, your greed and lust shall overcome you, you are not worthy of
    the height God gave you, your descendants shall be short, squal
    id and
    ugly. You will always seek to find Gold and Gems in the deep underground
    of the earth, your hunger never satisfied.

    Horen, you wish immortality? I will curse you with the opposite, early
    death for you and your kin. You shall age quickly and die before you
    experience the fruits of your useless labour.

    And you Krug, the most hated of The Descendants, you shall always have
    the lust of war. You are strong? Well, the strength shall be used
    against your brothers, used to pillage and murder! Your lust for battle
    shall be unsatisfied and your descendants shall grow ugly and


    Or so we have been deceived into believing, as very few individuals who took part in this final battle survived, there are fewer yet actual records of what transpired during these last moments. The children of Krug, due to their nature, both before and after Iblees, had, understandably little interest in remembering what transpired, other the fact that there had in fact been a battle. Also, the dwarven records of this time seem to have been destroyed in a series of planned purges between the years of 700 and 1300, likewise, the human records were entirely demolished when the orcish hordes, at the behest of Krug, sacked the city of Oren in the early years of recorded time.


    This left me with a single avenue to seek the answer I was after: Why is mankind so inclined to hate "peace-loving" elves? The truth I discovered shocked me. While raiding Malinorian records in the final days before our flight from Asulon, I discovered a truth that shook even my families undying hatred for elvenkind.


    The words, kept under lock and key in the Elven records, that were spoken by Iblees, were in fact quite different:


    “You believe you may simply banish me from this plane and that my taint
    shall not last? I have touched this world with evil and it shall forever
    be part of the souls that inhabit it.


    Malin, I find no need to curse you, for so many of your kind have already

    willingly submitted to me now and will on my return in the distant future. The

    curse you will bear, is not of my doing, but of your own. Even you have done

    by work, if you realize it or not.


    Urguan, your greed and lust shall overcome you, you are not worthy of
    the height God gave you, your descendants shall be short, squal
    id and
    ugly. You will always seek to find Gold and Gems in the deep underground
    of the earth, your hunger never satisfied.


    Horen, the immortality you hope for will never arrive. Your longevity has

    already been stripped away thanks to the labors of the twisted heart of your

    brother Malin. You will age quickly and die before you ever taste the fruits

    your your pointless labors.


    And you Krug, the most hated of The Descendants, you shall always have
    the lust of war. You are strong? Well, the strength shall be used
    against your brothers, used to pillage and murder! Your lust for battle
    shall be unsatisfied and your descendants shall grow ugly and



    The drive that all men feel at some point in their lives - the drive to rid the world of elvenkind - is no trick of the mind. This drive is not the result of warlust as the elves would try to have told us, nor is it the influence of years of misinformation, no, indeed this drive is the burning desire to have what was stolen from us returned to us: our lifeforce. My further digging in the archives, shortly before having being forced to vacate the scene by some intrusive sentinels shed light on the words of Iblees.


    Twas indeed a dark day when I saw this. Seeing the populations of Laurelin depleting evermore in the twenty three years of war against Iblees, Malin himself realized that even if a handful of elves lived to see the end of bloodshed, there would never be enough children to rebuild, given the limited lifespan of elvenkind at this point. Knowing the children of Horen bred fastest out of his brothers progeny, Malin, alongside a handful of his most trusted children, gathered up a hundred elven babes and sacrificed them in the heart of Laurelin (a location I am led to believed existed below the infamous "Gauntlet" obstacle course).


    Calling upon the powers of the great evil itself, Malin used to lifeforce of the elven children to create a powerful spell which permanently tore out the lifeforce from all of mankind, present and future, save Horen himself as due to his divine creation, was immune to such tampering. Horen and the other sons of Men were completely unaware of what had transpired.


    Malin however was aware this spell was bound to elven souls, likely due to the fact that so many were consumed in its casting, and immediately slew his assistants in the matter to hide his crimes.


    As the final battle came to its conclusion, the words which the angels of the Creator told to us, as recounted by the Wandering Wizard, the elves in fact received no blessing, instead a curse - that nothing would await Malin, nor his children upon their death, the orcs, the men and the dwarves would all live after their mortal bodies expired, but elvenkind would be bound in eternal suffering. Malin, in a great panic, worsened his crime, by using his powerful black magics to alter the memory of the event in Horen's mind.



    This is why we hate elvenkind so; All men are wired this way so to speak, they can feel the stolen years in the elves, even if we have no knowledge of the event. But there is still hope, Malin bound the spell with the souls of elves, and thus it will be undone with the souls of elves. When every last drop of elven blood is spilt, even that of half-elves and other half-bred abominations, mankind will be returned to its rightful place. Our long life restored.


    Raise up arms brothers and sisters. Burn Luminaire! Sack Lin'everal! End the macecatcher menace! It is the only way to return us to our birthright! Yet, there are still questions to be answered: Why did the Wandering Wizard choose to deceive the nations so, and to what end?


    ~ Svengal Ulfhaedyn


  3. Bael thinks long and hard over this one. Tough. "Suh, les' see shall weh? Urhm... Delver King version tuu, tyrant of Mt. Ire all ovah again orrrr.... the 'eretical beardlin' w'o f'inks 'e can actually talk tu dah gods. Damn it, w'y does nae dworf actualleh nominate somewun uvver den 'imself?"


    Your Name: Bael Tunnelsmasher



    ((MC Name)): Bipolar_Juice




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