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Nefarious Aus Shitpost

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Posts posted by Nefarious Aus Shitpost

  1. I did. Still feedback. But this is beside the point so whatever.


    Your feedback amounted to "I like Arik". Please do not call in other people for not stating why they do not wish a person to be made staff, when you can not provide any credible reason for the opposite. Personal opinion on someone does not mean they would make a competent, likeable member of staff; I have many, many friends on this server and almost all of them I wouldn't trust with any form of out of character authority at all.

  2. Now, aside from the fact you haven't been seen for a year, give or take a few posts here and there, I do remember you being an overly harsh FM (this is from observations before I went troll). Anyone who was an overly harsh FM, would I suspect, be an overly harsh GM, for that reason I can not support.



  3. I love the idea of professions, but the implementation and the way you have had it done is sloppy to say the least; it was agreed that professions were supposed to make the game better, not restrictive, but with the rotting food, it is becoming one hell of a grindfest.


    If anyone can remember Vaquxine's skill system before it went bad in mid-late Asulon (with the restrictions, crafting changes and fail chances), that is the system I'd like to see brought back, non-intrusive; all the basics can be done by anyone with the advanced things requiring a specialization. 

  4. Hiebe stomps his staff waiting for these 'record's the so called high prophet speaks of. He wishes to look for Bael.

    Dwain comes home and wishes to help.build these shrines.


    Bael will come online when the bastards finish his skin (hint, hint).

  5. MC Name: Bipolar_Juice


    Timezone: 8+ GMT


    Real LIFE Age: 18


    Real life GENDER: male


    Character Name(s), Race(s), and age(s): Bael Tunnelsmasher, Dwarf, 400-something

    svengal ulfhaedyn, man, dunno


    Why in the world you want to be my son/daughter/grotesque hybrid (explain which character you'd like to play, and why you feel you'd be the best for it): i'll play whatever


    Will you be active "af" on this character: yeh


    What video james do you play:

    crusader king 2

    europa universalis 4

    mount and blade: warband + with fire and sword

    dragon age origins

    all three mass effects


  6. People have basically already said my piece for me, but muskets (or any guns for that matter) are a no-no. We used to have cannons on Lord of the Craft and they were supposed to be restricted to one group; they leaked, just as almost everything does and they caused some serious community issues when people started using them. Guns will be the same.


    Additionally, guns have no mechanical representation, so they just wont work and plus, if they were ever to be used in an emote fight (which I can not for the love of me fathom why you would want to emote fight), they are a one way street to powergaming.

  7. Basically, since I have gone through two computers since I last played on the server and changed my skin about as many times (yeah not much I know), I have completely lost my old skin file which is kinda annoying, so before I come back on LotC I need a new skin for everyones least favourite dwarf, Bael.


    I have no reference picture, but basically Bael is a middle age dwarf, with black hair, grey-ish skin, his right eye is green, his left eye has been removed. He walks around in fairly wealthy looking robes with a purple trim.


    Will pay in minas (If I still have my fortune on my account, we'll see...).

  8. On an overcast night, Dungrimm's Mouth is quiet; no sign of Orenian raiders and the guards are sleeping on the job. Suddenly a powerful gale blows through the area, the winds awakening and startling the tired guardsmen. As they rub their sleepy eyes and look out beyond, they see an amazing spectacle: the clouds divide down the middle, revealing the full moon, the home of Dungrimm, in all its glory. A strange omen on a strange night.


    The guards are disinterested; they yawn and slump back on the stones, intending on getting a little more rest once the winds die down... but no. A great thunder rolls through the area as lightning strikes, emerging from between the two sheets of cloud. The guards draw their weapons, unsure of what trickery is being used here.


    But another great thunder resounds throughout the plain as a second bolt of lightning strikes, exactly where the first had moments before; and then a third, leaving a charred crater only dozens of meters from the gate.


    From the crater arises a figure: barely five foot tall with poorly groomed brown hair and emerald eyes, naked save a loincloth covering his bits and a long, sharp shard of black rock in his right hand.


    A strange omen indeed.

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