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Iron VIP
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Posts posted by Broski

  1. Aye, like at that wedding it was really wild and such ther' although i truely loved it, the Guards ( not rookies ) should have done ther jobs ther, or well act like they wher standing there to keep safety, it makes the guard job more exciting and usefull

  2. * runs into Kal Urguan with a half burned book *

    "They have him! They have Flynn! I found dis book, it means hes still alive, or is he?!" Said Broski gasping for breath.

    There is a Silence at the Guards, everyone was afraid to Speak or they just hadn't got any words for it.

    "Her', let me read th' note out loud fer all of ya" Broski said "It be me, Flynn, im writing from the Jail from Caravan. Im so alone, Its so cold and my hunger be eating me from my inside... Trapped, Trapped I am, those bastards! Ill tell where it started, I was in the Team of Vod, we marched trough some villages and hamlets as we where getting closer to Caravan, we he heared Thunder, and we saw lightning bolts, that was our sign to attack, it ment the battle was already going on.

    When we arrived at the back of Caravan, Vod took his ladders and made a way up, many people tried climbing the ladders but only some of them made it, The others fell, hit by thunder or even Pushed! I made my way to the top safe and well, Vod ran through the Wall looking for a way down, I ran behind him.."

    Broski stopped reading with an Searching look on his face.

    "What?! There is a page missing.. "

    "After we red dis we need to go back, ther' could be some important information on that page!" said Stronghold

    "Their coming, Their her...."

    Broski stopped

    Stronghold said "Broski!? Why arent you reading along?!

    We need to know how dis ends!"

    "I Can't!" Yelled Broski with some Tears in his eyes

    " We will safe ye Flynn, dont worry, Soon ye will be 'ere with us again! My Promise!" Stronghold said while putting his Sword High up in the air

  3. You're selling iron and diamonds for less than a good number of shops buy them from the public at. Be weary of any reseller trying to make a coin offa you who wants to buy your entire stock of everything.

    I mean, I want to, honestly, but I just don't feel right about restocking someone else's goods. I could always use some more iron for railway though if there's still some. I'll have to swing by kal, but i don't know where your shop is exactly.

    Thank you, I really appreciate that.

    What are the normal prices of those things, ill change them inmediately,

    I have like 1 stack and 40 iron right now.

    I will open an offline shop soon, when the Kal Urguan Shop District is opened

    I get a refund from my old shop

  4. Luiginova - Ill have 16 gold Ignots so sell

    Raffus - Iron ignots only, sorry

    Hullabaloony - We'll try to contact eachother

    The iron ignot prize will raise to 20 minas Each!

    Sorry for the invonvinience,

    I didnt realized how much it was worth actually.



  5. Location: Kal Urguan


    Diamond - 245

    Gold - 90

    Redstone - 1,5

    Iron ignot - 31

    Lapis Lazuli - 13

    Iron Ore - 30

    You do not agree my Prizes? Tell me Please.. Thank you

    My prizes wont be changed anymore!

    Intrested in Buying something

    Send a Hawk to me, My name is Broski




    Shop will be soon in Kal Urguan shop district

    ( In Offline Shop mode )

  6. (( he fell, with that he means unconscious or so ))

    I liked th' battle, I was trapped many times in thunder but I survived, it made me feel really good, Really mighty and powerful

    But we have 'un problem, our mate Flynn.. hes gone

    he might died but he could also be caught by Wrath

    Who knows

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