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Posts posted by Broski

  1. -Note in the Guard house-

    All dwarven millitary personell an' guards. Basically same thing now... Report in Te' Guard 'ouse. (( i will tell you in GMT+0 time it will be at 11 and its your job to meet up and find out when it is for you. I hope as many as possible meet up.)) We will be goin threw Strategies in Defence of Kal'Urguan. ~Lord Marshall Thorik Braveaxe

    (( Im GMT+1 Ill Might make it, Hope many others will make it aswell ))

  2. MC Name:bradley112

    IG Name:Zack

    Why you wish to be a guard of Kal'Urguan:Good food first to be launched in action some Fun

    How long have you played on this server:2 or 3 weeks now

    What lv. is your swordsmanship skill or If you prefer an axe((Requirement lv.10 or higher.)):Axe level 11

    And you read the following rules

    Aye Melee

    You will always obey your leaders:Aye Melee

    You will not obuse your power:No i will not

    You will be kind to the other races:Yes espacially elves

    (( haha one thing, Dwarves arent really good friends with the elves, just that you know, dis doesnt mean however that YOU cant be friends with elves, but dis is just 'un tip for RPing, you might need to know that to understand things ))

  3. (( I don't know if you read my signs in the guard HQ yesterday but it was a few suggestions of what we should have for the HQ and for our guards. 1. We all know the nights are darker and there are more monsters and villains out on Kings Road always causing trouble. So my suggestion to you is have like a two or three man squad periodically go to kings road at night and make sure everything is ok. 2. When I walk into the holding chambers I feel like it isn't ever complete. It is a hassle trying to get the people into the cells without getting distracted on the way. We should establish a real HQ jail directly right of when you go down the stairs into the training area. And I also added some spider webs at the bottom of the pit fall. Thanks for reading this, see you later on.

    Im not sure if I like the idea from Patrolling on th kingsroad, but you are right about th jail, we should put th jail next to th guard HQ but not that you have to walk via the HQ but just next to th Guard HQ ( wher th defect train station also is ) A stair down and lookin really like 'un jail ( like the one in the Scholary District )

    (( And also permit it that only Officers or higher can use ( or so ) )) And I will provide mossy cobble and iron fer dis project.

    Are you alright that I build dis, Stronghold?

    If yes ill start on th project, ill also finish th Archives and we should tell th new recruits should read those. We are now saying th books in th guard HQ, that could be a little confusing.

    You might need to write some things fer me that I cant or shouldnt write, but ill tell ye about it.



  4. 1.

    (( Skills are up, but do not work, most of them do not gain EXP, it will be fixed soon probarly ))


    (( Im about ta create a Skin Request, but I need to know what ta Reward / Prize is, something like 1k? Or is that too much fer ya


    I will make a spot wher' Guards can equip ther selves with stone swords, and I will probarly provide some iron swords from my own iron, but I will hand those out myself


    (( When I have my VIP ill start a little shop for the officers (Flynn) when their in need of building materials (dont worry, itll be cheap: 5 minas per stone stack for instance )


    Do the Officers discuss with the Head Guard when a rookie is Promoted?



  5. Alright, this has been happenin' a lot lately, and i've really had it. STOP ASKING THEE OFFICERS FER BLOODY PROMOTIONS!!!!!!!!!!! Fer thee last bloody time, we do not promote people, only Stronghold does! And I have a feeling, if ye ask him fer one, he will eat ye face. Yes, he will EAT YE FACE!!!! If ye so happen to talk to me one more time bout promotions, I will beat ye with a stick and fire ya. Ye have been warned.


  6. Well, flynns idea was good, but then we'll do that with chain, what do ye need th' repair chain?

    Wher ye want th build the fort? Wher th building contest was might be a good place, it be kal urguan and it be a nice and flat area

    I will help ye with th project, and fer th underground thing, we should maybe ask all or most of th Guards to 'elp

  7. Mc name: CaptainRedHead

    Rp Name: Broski

    Sword skill: 24 ( Heavily Training )

    Axe Skill: 0 ( Not Training )

    Pvp Experience: Many Battling of Monsters for Minas

    How much your on. How many hours per week and Weekend: 2-3 Per Day, In weekends, Around 10 Houres ( or more )

    How long you have been on the server: Since end of July ( I Guess )

    Reasons you want to join: Ofcourse I wish to Serve my Race, But also King Algrim said that all Guards should join th' Army

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