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Posts posted by Broski

  1. Ye, If we want to be Hardcore dwarves we should have things to do underground, ofcourse there are some travelers that dont want to be in the city alot, and just want to see daylight, they cant call themselves a Dwarf, Then it would be solid.. I guess

    But for the one who are Hardcore underground, ther' should be a Place where they can do something, Same for the Guards, Guarding can be boring but the Bell makes a lot possible, that Guards can be training ther' skills (I (well, me and flynn) Have a mobspawner at our 'ouse so that could be used as training).

  2. Well, the 1.8 update brought that if your almost at bedrock you wont see much, that could be very cool and confinient or it could be very stupid, for farms or halls very low in ground.

    Are there things or people needed ta build the new capital, or just needing ideas, cause fer many dwarfs it could be an amazing experience, but I understand many dwarves want ta help and that could be annoying

  3. That was indeed the meaning. However, I do find it interesting to learn that you "don't deal with Alras" and would like to hear more about that. As close as the nations are to one another (and with the massive building projects Alras is undertaking while we carry out similarly-massive excavations) it would be strange if there was no room for growth of trade.

    Well, I know That Rendo, (( CaliMkali )) is th' Ambassador of Alras, Not Sure if he really does his Job,

    Then we might need 2 more Ambassadors, Or ye could Tell th' Other ambassadors to be Ambassadors of 2 Places, Because they be Experienced Already, but it can be to much to do.. I Dont raelly know.

    Ambassadors we need:

    - Ascended

    - [Maybe] Alras


  4. Well, the gate with th' Guard HQ could be totally destroyed cause it be old already, and than we could create a new 'un and a bigger 'un since we 'ave enough space at th' beginning of those wheat farms.

    Iron would be little expensive but we could try and decorate it with iron so that it looks really strong but is just half of th' iron then if it be massive.

    Oh, and about outer kal urguan, ia ther' some kind of refund fer yer old plots?

  5. Stronghold.

    I wanted to clear up some things 'ere,

    Cause many people where askin, to me and Flynn, When they will be promoted, What do they have to do to be promoted, When they get etc.

    Some ideas I or Flynn had, ( If You, Flynn, Have more send them too )

    - Rookies dont get yet, only when they be promoted, in that way. They Cant place signs, With that we can make an board or so, where we put messages for you (Stronghold) on, or Requests for promotion, from normal Guards.

    - A Way to be promoted, Flynn thought of a Training, A combat training, ( Still Makin, And thinkin ) But if they succeed 5 trainings or so, they can be promoted. And if they Guarded 5 hours, Then we know for sure, we have specialized guards, And not Guards that only Sign Up, But never Show up.

    - Maybe I could edit th' Guard skin a little bit, For Non-Rookies, Looks a good idea for me.

    - Fer th' kind of Training, We be needin an Area, (it be someting Agility things i Guess, Flynn knows more) If ye Know an good area, Please tell us.

    We wish th' build it so quick as possible.

    - we might need th' set a rule that you may ask fer yer minas every 5 'oures of work. So that people wont ask every 'our they worked.

    - (Flynn Maybe) And me, will be building on a Tour 'ouse, close th' the Guard 'ouse. If ye 'ave any ideas fer that 'ouse, or 'ow we could promote or advertise th' Guards, Tell me or Flynn.

    - (I Posted dis too at th' Kal'Urguan Jail post) ther' be a problem in kal urguan with Guarding, If someone doesnt listen, It be a No PvP Area, and Most of th' Guards cant Jail, So we be Kind of useless. only if they be outside of th' Gate, We can stop them. ( Check that post also, Would be good)

    Those be it for now, If I, Or Flynn have more, We will let you Know sir.



    Thank ye fer reading.

  6. Stronghold, Ye should give every Guard from kal urgaun That worked 2 IRL Weeks Permissions, And if they Quit der job, Take their permissions back. Because alot of times ther' be a problem in kal urguan with Guarding, If someone doesnt listen, It be a No PvP Area, and Most of th' Guards cant Jail, So we be Kind of useless. only if they be outside of th' Gate, We can stop them.

    Think about it. It be kind of an Unreconized Problem ther'


  7. There is "freedom of speech" and then there is crossing the line, and you crossed the line. Ye talked about burning down the kingdom, ye talked bad about the king, and the people of Kal'Urguan. I would be mindful of returning if I was you.

    Hm, Aye, there is "freedom of speech"

    But ye 'ave to always be Respectful and No Racism, Might th' King thought ye wher' doin 'un of those.

    Who knows, The king Always 'as a reason if 'e Executes someone.

  8. ljcrzynfree19 wrote:

    or 'ave a book that people can follow as they tour themselves around th' city.

    Or give jobs to th' dwarves... -_-

    Aye, we be needin more jobs, so this would be 3 more jobs i guess,

    But if we would like it automized all, if no-one wants tha' jobs anymore,

    and might then we could let people make a book (Contest ? ) of a Tour through kal Urguan.


    Perhaps, since along that main hallway to the right there is just abandoned buildings, can set up a room where jobs will be posted.

    That is what i ment, we could use it for more things ( Casino or so.), cause only a Guide place cant fill it totally up. And no Guards use it anyways,

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