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Posts posted by Broski

  1. I am unsure, but I will PM you some Pictures Ever, I only enjoy your idea because we would get Minas, we are rather poor on Diamonds and Minas, this makes us weak not even being able, in times of need, to supply Diamond Armor for our race.


    Our friend Tyrion already made a fitting design for the rails and tracks and all, do not worry about that

  2. I just listed this, this shows that you can actually make this a full time job and you will be RPing a Load, which will make you the best in it. We can create certain Ranks and all, that is to be considered but as I stated all this I show you what you need and possibly need to practice on AND that this can actually be rather a full time job

  3. Two people willing to work.in the Archives, Library, and all around it.

    Here is what you will have to do, OOCly and RPly:

    [*]All the Dwarven History must be documentated and placed in public and/ or private.

    [*]You have to go around and or, 'interview' people and possibly write a Volume about their jobs or ask them to do write these Volumes about their profession themselves.

    [*]You may gather life stories from Dwarves and/ or write own stories yourself.

    [*]You make sure that books robbed out of shelves are replaced, with this comes you need to have books backed-up.

    [*]You can go on a journey with the Ambassador and possibly King for a talk about politics, you can then make sure everything that is said is noted down and stored away safely in the Archives.

    Out of this you can conclude that you this job looks like Dwarven Druids.

    You also need perfect punctuation, and you will have to dedicate mostly to roleplay seeing as that is where this job is all about.

    This is summarised what You need, what You would do and What it also looks like.

  4. Yes! I support every single change here! It's all for the good of the server.

    Forcing rerolls will force players to actually play carefully, meaning you have to be careful as hell, even while fighting mobs while lagging, because if you die, it's all over. Just like real life. Great patch, keep up the good work.

    You don't know what you are talking about, Look, If Vaq fixes all the regular Minecraft bugs or personal bugs etc. And make it so that you can be revived or things like IRL health, what you can actually take and Potions for Healing. Then yes it would be a possibility to do a re-roll on death

    Happeh April Fools eh~

  5. Minecraft Name:- william_cutting

    RP Name:- Thorgar_Braveaxe

    Exact Region Name:- khaz and khaz_forest1

    Reason Why you want Permissions:- I live in Khaz'a'zharr and I chop down and replant trees in the forest outside of Khaz'a'zharr

    Accepted for khaz_forest1 Denied for khaz, seems unnecessary to hand you permissions for a big region like this.

    Minecraft Name:- CaptainBrock

    RP Name:- Longbeard_Oyvind_Ireheart

    Exact Region Name:- khaz

    Reason Why you want Permissions:- I'm a Longbeard an Ireheart, WHY NOT!

    Denied. You sound Trollish, I am not handing out without a Good reason.

    Minecraft Name:- Safilix666

    RP Name:-Kildrid_Ironbeard

    Exact Region Name:- Molkmat_hills, khaz, dmininghall.

    Reason Why you want Permissions:- To further help our town by mining and building

    Added for khaz, dmininghall. Denied for Molkmat_hills, region is to dangerous to hand out for as of now.

    Minecraft Name:-shields12347

    RP Name:-Oor Farhammer

    Exact Region Name:-The new capital city region

    Reason Why you want Permissions:-I live in the city and do my best to continue with the building progress in the capital


  6. Ah dunn' Accept di', Ah bludeh track ye down so me cann put mah Ax trugh yu 'ead and make sure ye cann' ney t'ink o anythin anehmore. Ah'll git me Dwarves on dis, y' be Dead f'r sure once ye found.

    Ah burn Salvus, ah du anythin jus git back da women, dah be Dwarf women, dose ney find often ye nae Kill her'uz if ye do y' be Dead an' nevah livin After,


    Yuh Angreh Dwarve King Broskih'

  7. I once tried to become a Villain for things like these, I just didn't have the requires vocab and originality to create Master Thief like you, or even a simple Villain, I lacked skills and most likely still do, sad because RP like that would then be unreachable. Next Topic, I have a question. Can I consider this being told to my actual Character, because soon were heading back to Karik for the anvil and you see then I have a reason to go take a look at the Vault and see what you did, this would allow Dwarves to become angered toward the Master Thieves and fun RP can be created, maybe fun War Claims. Maybe we can reach this by saying you as a robed man would find a Dwarf and tell him this story, he would tell it to one of the Kings and we would see with our own eyes and then we have a conflict, Dwarves don't have many Villains or at their side or against them. I personally would like some for the RP, you also just prove that your an excellent RPer. ))

  8. * Grand King Broski Braveaxe notices Dash_Rogers telling how he had entered the Dwarven city and captured parts of the vault *

    But, but dah cannae be possible, da city bludeh collapsed 'uz of da Dragon killin evereh bludeh Dwarf that encountered 'im, ah dunnae balieve ya an soon we all 'ed back ta Karik te get back oh' Grand Forge. Den we will see w'ut ye did an' if ye did do any'ting, Ah'll fin ye alive an put me bludeh Golden axe crafted by mah master Smith through y' dirtayh face, den y' wun be so proud o' all ya deeds anymur, eh

    * stumbles away with his pickaxe hanging aside of him *

    (( I am unsure whether I am allowed to be there IC and hear you talk about that, if not just ignore this. I don't mind writing up RP comments like this ^.^ ))

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