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Posts posted by Broski

  1. Under Construction! Nothing is Official Yet.

    Dwarven Nation

    Khaz A’ Zharr:

    A new born city, built by Dwarves as they had to leave Karik behind. Dwarven men and women are living here in peace, it seems as the Dwarves have found a permanent home.


    We arrived on the new Continent, the so called ‘Asulon’. We found an abandoned city, it would fit us Dwarves and so we lived there, we called it Karik. Karik was the city of development it brought many ideas and inventions to the Dwarves but yet, it was huge, and took away all of our Dwarves so we got emptied out. Then a Dragon awoke from his sleep, he terrorised Karik and Dwarves then moved to Khaz A’ Zharr.


    The First city of Dwarves, this is where Dwarves started their existence of true brotherhood. The time we lived in Aegis our main home would always be Kal’Urguan, it had many Kings and many changes were made as time went, but in the end this is were the Heart of a True Dwarves lays.

    Dwarven History:


    • King Simppa and the High Council rule over the Dwarves of Kal'Urguan. However, after a few years, Simppa becomes ill and steps down, being replaced by King Charles.

      ((A video tour of Kal'Urguan, the grand city of the Dwarves.))

      ((A video of Charles's coronation.))

    King Charles's rule is a mighty one with many dwarven expansions happening. He eventually goes mad and wages war against the humans and because of this, the dwarf settlement, Alras, separates and starts its own nation.

    After disagreements between Decks Blackaxe and King Charles over the attack on the humans, the Blackaxe clan leaves Kal'Urguan, seeking refuge in their mountain home of Kal'Domhain.

    The story of the Blackaxe clan's self exile from Kal'Urguan.

    Decks loved 'is drinkin'. 'e prided 'imself on 'ow much 'e could drink whenever 'e went ta tha tavern with 'is younger brothers, Grady and Gulik. They loved that tavern and all tha ale that came with it. Tha brothers would go and sing songs of ale and war and 'ave a good time. But ever since tha war broke out, they where less than merry. They 'ated tha idea of tha war with tha 'umans. Decks loved war as much as tha next dwarf, but fightin' without a cause didn't seem right to tha brothers. They'd 'ead ta tha tavern and drink themselves stupid. They would talk of 'ow tha war be pointless and should be stopped. Of course them bein' drunk couldn't possibly see tha 'arm in thar actions. Decks, bein' tha eldest, would be moar bold in 'is speeches, goin' as far as treason towards tha king.

    Once King Charles 'eard word of these anti-war talks, 'e was infuriated. Later that night, two guards showed up at tha tavern with a warrant for Decks' arrest, dead or alive. Luckily, tha dwarves in tha tavern whar on Decks side, from tha numerous speeches 'e gave against tha king. Tha tavern quickly turned into a 'uge bar fight. This gave tha diversion that Decks needed ta flee Kal'Urgaun. So Decks marched out inta tha unrelentin', frozen wastelands of tha north. 'ere in tha 'igh mountians, Decks made 'is new 'ome dubbed Kal'Domhain. As for Decks' sons, Gulik and Grady split 'em up and passed them on ta other families for fear of them bein' sought out by King Charles.

    Durin' tha ages of tha war between tha Mad King Charles and Oren, Father Decks lived in tha 'alls of Kal'Urgaun with 'is t'ree sons; Bazian, Valen, and Flynn. Durin' tha time, we where still very young and didn't know much of tha world. We where all bore from different mothers which names even Father Decks didn't know of, as 'e spent a good deal of time drinkin' and whatnot. Yet, 'e was a 'ard workin' dwarf and was loyal to 'is family.

    A rough sketch of Kal'Domhain, the old home of the Blackaxe clan.


    King Belin Irongut is crowned and rules fairly.

    Outer Kal'Urguan is developed, just to be destroyed by "The Crag".

    King Algrim Irongut crowned and rules with a soft touch to protect his beaten brothers. This is a down time for the dwarves as many forsake their homeland to live in other lands. Only a few strong clans remain like the Ironguts and Braveaxes.

    Outer Kal'Urguan is rebuilt into farms and other buildings.

    The Blackaxe Clan returns to Kal'Urguan under the new leadership of Bazian Blackaxe, the eldest son of Decks.

    The undead, Wrath, attacks Kal'Urguan but suffers a defeat at the hands of the Legion and the elven Wardens. Fort Fairleaf is constructed by the Wardens, in an effort to bring down Wrath's Clutch forever.

    After weeks of planning, The Legion and the Wardens launch a succesful assault on Wrath's Clutch. However, this only leads to rivalries between the two groups over who was responsible for it's ultimate downfall.

    A quote of Lord Marshall Thorik Braveaxe's view on the situation.

    Long the dwarves had been working to bring wraths fort down as it was a plague upon our land, Some times a other race would attack wraths clutch, But never togheter with other.

    But i had talked to more then one elf, claiming that dwarves did nothing. That we never tried to remove wrath. And that nothing was done before they came. At the finale battle where wraths clutch was won, It was a victory fer both sides. Te' elves had keept them occupied so te' dwarves got inside te' fort and started te' slaughter.

    When we arrived it was a even fight, The elves were behind their own walls shooting arrows and te' undead was shootin lightning at em. Then the dwarves stormed the side. Puttin up siege ladders climbing the fort. We then enterd in stealth before shouting words of war filling our enemies with horror.

    A quote of an Elven diplomat's view on the rivalries.

    However, I overheard strange rumors that the wardens were boasting about doing more work than the dwarves. I would like to clear this up. I saw many wardens back at there bases, watching the dwarves fight. While we elves shot from far range, the dwarves charged with axe in hand. If any elf believes that the wardens did anymore work than the dwarves, than challenge me here and now.

    I was there, fighting alongside my kin. A very gruesome, yet satisfying victory indeed.


    A memorial, placed at Wrath's Clutch by the Elven Princes.


    After biterness on both sides, the Legion is marched to Fort Fairleaf where they demand that the fort be demolished because it is on Dwarven lands. The Wardens grudgingly comply but relations between Kal'Urguan and the Wardens are damaged for years to come.

    The Legion begins hunting for the surviving allies of Wrath.

    The Legion is sent to Al'Khazar to fight off the undead as King Edmund Sheffield is corrupted.

    Queen Cassandra of the Undead leads an attack on the great city of Kal'Urguan but it is repulsed due to the defenders great strength. Ascended and normal dwarves protect their lands, including Hiebe Irongut and Thorik Braveaxe.

    The Orc - Human war begins but the Dwarves originally choose not to get involved as they are allies of neither nation.

    As the humans and orcs battle at Kramoroe, an elite Dwarven squad searches for King Algrim who has been captured by the undead.


    Algrim betrays the dwarves, becoming a minion of the undead. He is then arrested as he returns to Kal'Urguan but eventually escapes.

    Drawings of Algrim's arrest by the Dwarven military.



    King Gotrek is crowned but his reign is short lived due to his travels outside of Aegis.

    The War Council is formed in Gotrek's absence. This is made up of Lord Marshall Thorik Braveaxe, Longbeard Chaecus Braveaxe, Longbeard Valen Blackaxe, Head Guard Stronghold Braveaxe, Guard Officer Broski Braveaxe, Guard Officer Aloicius Flynn and Archbishop Thordon Irongut.

    Spies inform the War Council of a possible attack from the Wardens in the near future. Years later, these rumours are proven to have been true, although Malinor's leadership held the Wardens back from attacking.

    Dwarven military leaders including Longbeard Chaecus Braveaxe and Longbeard Valen Blackaxe collaborate with Elven spies and rebels to plan an invasion of Laurelin, in the event of a war with Malinor and the Wardens.

    Towards the end of the Orc - Human war, the Legion helps the Orcs in sieging Al'Khazar to put a swift end to hostilities along the King's Road. However, this proves to be a regretful decision as the Orcs are close allies of the Wardens.

    A secret defensive Pact is made between Lord Marshall Thorik Braveaxe, representing Kal'Urguan and King Enor, representing Oren in case of a future war.

    Lord Marshall Thorik Braveaxe, and Longbeards Chaecus Braveaxe and Valen Blackaxe lead a joint Dwarven/Human assault on an undead keep that is threatening Aeriel's Keep. The battle is a success and the undead are temporarily driven out.

    After years of planning by the War Council, King Thorik is crowned, through military overthrow of the High Council, with the backing of the Braveaxe and Blackaxe clans.

    A new political system is put in place. This includes the Grand Council, Lower Council, and new ranks. The Longbeards, the commanders of the Legion, Chaecus Braveaxe, Valen Blackaxe, Stronghold Braveaxe and Broski Braveaxe become the new Grand Councilors.

    A document, listing the founding members of the first Grand Council of Kal'Urguan, upon the overthrow of the High Council.

    Grand King Thorik Braveaxe
    Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe - Diplomacy
    Grand Councilor Stronghold Braveaxe - Guilds
    Grand Councilor Broski Braveaxe - Economics
    Grand Councilor Chaecus Braveaxe - War
    High Lord Bazian Blackaxe - Diplomacy
    High Lady Vulena Braveaxe - Guilds
    High Lord Grumdul Balor - Economics
    High Lord Gimrik Braveaxe - War

    ~The First Grand Council~

    1326 - Upon venturing into the verge, Tazarak is established (an alliance between Alras, Humans, and Dwarves). Tensions between Tazarak and the Orcs and Wardens are high during this time. Alras eventually backs out of the alliance.

    1329 - The first Grand Tournament is held. Kjell Ireheart becomes the new "Grand Champion".

    1336 - A dispute outside of Krugmar between a number of Dwarven and Orc officials leads to a fight, in which a small number on each side are killed. This event acts as the spark that ignites conflict across Aegis.

    1336 - Upon witnessing the conflict outside of Krugmar, Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe escapes to Kal'Urguan after resisting an attempted arrest on him by the Orcs. Here, he places the Legion on alert and gathers information coming out of Krugmar that the Orcs are rallying an army to siege Kal'Urguan.

    1336 - A Legion squad is dispatched to the city of Aeriel after rumours are spread that the Orcs intend to rally there for an attack on Dwarven territory. A small battle takes place in Aeriel, resulting in the deaths of a number of Orcs and Aeriel townsfolk and the arrest and eventual interrogation of one of the surviving Orcs.

    1336 - After years of rising tensions and sporadic conflict, an army of Orcs and Elves, led by Warlord Mogroka, siege Kal'Urguan but are defeated by the Dwarves and Humans, beginning the Great War, Dwarves, Humans and the Kaxil clan against Orcs, Wardens and the Teutonic Order.

    A quotation from Grand King Thorik Braveaxe on how the Great War began.

    My men were travelin' on te' Kingsroad outside Krugmar when yer men shouted taunts at us, We are a pridefull people and will not take this so it was returned with words aswell.
    My men got sick of ye and decided they would leave te' area. Then yer bloody orc's filled te' air with arrows aiming at my men, Yer petty orcen arrows did not penetrate our fine dwarven armor, quickly my men picked up their weapons and charged at ye slaying a few orcs. A few dwarven warrior fell, And likewise with te' orcs.

    Then in yer bloodthirst ye attacked an dwarven city, before ye marched at Kal'Urguan 'ere ye treacherous words was returned with a few well thrown rocks in yer 'ead.

    Elves ye 'ave supported te' orc's and brought 'onour to an alliance ye made long ago, I respect this. Te' orc's brought this war upon themselves, through raids at te' 'uman nation, And also threw attacks at my people and cities.

    Te' war that 'as come upon us is one that 'as draggen inn far to many, 'ere is not a day I do not think of te' people that 'as been lost in this war. Even thought all of this te' orc's need to learn they cannot threathen my people, and shoot 'em with arrows when they are walkin on te' kings road.

    1336 - Galahar is sieged by the Orcs, Teutonic Order and Wardens but are forced to retreat after the Dwarves and Humans rally for an attack on Krugmar.

    1336 - The Dwarves and Humans siege Krugmar and are shown in through a secret entrance by the Kaxil clan, a rebelling clan of Orcs.

    1336 - 1339 - As the war continues to rage on, various sieges and skirmishes are made on both sides of the conflict. The remnants of the Wardens are eventually forced by Malinor's leadership to pull out of the war, although many continue to fight, leading to the eventual disbandment of the entire Warden military and the end of the Orc - Elf alliance.

    A notice, once attached to the Elven message board, detailing how the Elven leadership reacted to the war.

    Today, we came incredibly close to a calamity of massive proportions. For those of you who are unaware, I will recall this story as it played out in front of me - and hopefully, you will heed my call.

    About a week ago, the humans and orcs clashed in Galahar, the small town that stands where Kramoroe used to be. This lead to the humans marching into the Orc deserts and waging war in the sands.

    When this happened, we all were afraid. But we all took up arms and guarded our homeland in the fear that the humans would move on to us after they finish with the desert - due to the pact we share with the orcs.

    But after a handful of false alarms...our pent-up worry and rage exploded. We marched into the desert, preparing for another supposed attack from the humans. We grew angry, and whispers of an attack on Al'Khazar loomed.

    This was when myself and the Dark Elf woman named Sythra began to wonder if this was a whole misunderstanding. After dwelling on this, we decided to move into human territory to determine what the actual plan was. After attempting to enter the city by conventional means, we were forced to sneak in through a hole in the walls. We encountered King Enor by chance, and pleaded our case with him. We couldn't believe our luck - he wanted peace as well!

    We escaped Al'Khazar and returned to the Warden outpost in the Orc capital. After explaining to Lord Haelphon and Princess Indelwehn, they demanded to speak with the King in person. After replacing broken gear and weapons, we returned to Al'Khazar. But on the way there, we were jumped by a Warden Officer who claimed that he would order a siege on the humans, disobeying orders. We tried to stop him but he disappeared into the night. We had to press on, and before long we were slipping through that same hole in the human walls.

    The guards saw us entering and nearly slew us: but King Enor ran into us and called off his guards, saving our lives. He took us into the keep, and we held a meeting. The peace talk was brief, since both sides were in agreement. The King wanted to only protect his people, he didn't wish another attack - as did we. So once that was solved, we needed to escape in order to stop the attack.

    Here's where we ran into problems. To put it simply, the gate was shut down and the hole we used to get in was plugged. Sythra and Princess Indelwehn got seperated from us in the panic of the people running about in the streets, but after a long and grueling effort myself and Haelphon managed to climb the walls in the highest portion of the city.

    Once we arrived in the Orc lands, myself and Haelphon attempted to arrest the rouge officer. But we failed, and he slipped away while his companions attacked us. But through Haelphon's courage and way with words, we were narrowly saved from a gruesome death at the hands of our own countrymen.

    ...The only reason I'm spending so much time writing this account (and believe me, with all of these wounds, it's not easy) is to warn you. Yes, all of you.

    Though we supported our allies by helping bolster their defenses, we were gripped tight by our fear of being attacked. This stress of war, when it wasn't turned on the invasion we thought was coming, ended up being forced on each other.

    We are Elves. We do not forcefully attack other races - we welcome them with open arms. Our warriors do not attack, they defend. If not for the bravery, skill and courage of those around me, Aegis would've been ripped in half by the monstrosities of war.

    In the years to come, we will face similar situations. But when we encounter these problems, we mustn't repeat our mistakes. Rather, we must take what we have learned in this last week and ensure that we will never have to endure war with our companion races.

    ...Now, I'm going to go sleep. It's the middle of the night as I'm writing this, I'm covered in sand and cuts and I feel like sleeping for an Elven year.

    --Ashur Kenbough


    ((A video of a Dwarven assault on Krugmar, during the Great War.))


    Former King Algrim is redeemed due to the efforts of his good friend, Kilgrim.

    1337 - An alliance is formed between the nations of Kal'Urguan and Oren. As well as this, they form alliances with Aeriel and the Kaxil clan in order to gain further allies in times of war.

    1338 - Increased attacks made by the undead force the Dwarves to remain in their homeland.

    The Dwarven Legion tries to defend Al'Khazar against the undead but is ultimately forced to bring the refugees back to Kal'Urguan and Alras, before the city falls.

    A torn map piece is delivered to the Dwarves by a hooded figure. The completed map is eventually used to guide the races of Aegis to Asulon.

    1339 - Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe and Warlord Mogroka end the Great War with a peace treaty, allowing Kal'Urguan to join the United Aegis Coalition.

    1340 - Former Grand Councilor of War, Chaecus Braveaxe is murdered by the undead High Prophet.

    1341 - The Dwarven Legion, led by Grand Councilors Valen Blackaxe and Kjell Ireheart, arrives in Galahar to aid the Phoenix rebels against an Orc attack. Here, they battle the Orcs, driving them out of Galahar. The result of this is that Oren is split between the nations of Hanseti, under Gaius Marius and the Teutonic Order and Renatus, under Eze'kiel Tarus and the Phoenix Rebellion.

    1342 - Kal'Urguan is dismissed from the United Aegis Coalition due to a conflict between Urir Ireheart and a number of Alrasian guards. This event angers many Dwarves and increases suspicion as to the Ascended's true motives.

    1342 - A 100,000 minas bounty is put on the head of Grand Councilor Kjell Ireheart by High King Syrio of Alras, due to the actions of his brother, Urir Ireheart. The Irehearts are hunted by the Alrasian Order, causing outrage across the Dwarven clans. The Blackaxe and Frostbeard clans eventually choose to intervene, against the orders of their King, battling the Alrasian Order outside of Alras, defending their Dwarven brothers.

    1342 - With the growing pressure from the noble clans of Kal'Urguan, Grand King Thorik Braveaxe and Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe arrive outside the entrance to Alras, where Thorik announces a declaration of war upon Alras. Kal'Urguan, with the help of allied Knights of Galahar, under the command of Lord Gideon Silverblade, sieges Alras, in search of the map pieces that Alras had supposedly come into possession of. The Dwarven map piece is eventually retrieved after the battle.

    Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe's address to the Dwarven nation, shortly after the attack on Alras.

    This all started when the guards of Alras attempted ter arrest Urir Ireheart, after he attacked a Goblin who was falsely claimin' ter be the High King Syrio. Urir, unable ter talk 'is way out of arrest was forced ter resist and killed a number of guards who 'ad tried ter capture 'im. Although Urir may 'ave acted rather agressively ter the siituation as Irehearts often do, this was an act of self defence and not murder 'as some 'ave claimed. It is therefore not Urir's fault if Ascended chose ter involve themselves in the fight as it is not their job ter take sides in conflict, involvin' nations.

    Anyway, while I was about ter attend a feast in Kal'Urguan, I received word that the Ascended, Shoi, along with a large number of armoured men 'ad entered the city and were 'eadin' ter King Thorik's caslte. As I attempted ter greet these visitors, they rudely ignored any Dwarf who approached 'em and refused ter stop as we questioned them on their reasons fer bein' in Kal'Urguan. This seemed ter me personally like an agressive act by the Ascended that I certainly will not ferget. While I understand that they were guards, would it not 'ave been more appropriate of 'em ter 'ave waited at the main entrance ter Kal'Urguan fer somebody ter speak to 'em instead of marchin' up ter the castle, without a word ter explain their business?

    Upon reachin' the castle, Shoi declared that she would like ter speak ter Thorik which made us wonder why she needed such a large group of guards. Anyway, we 'ad a brief meetin' with three Ascended, includin' Shoi who announced that the Irehearts actions 'ad been representing all of Kal'Urguan and the Dwarves. Fer this they rudely insulted us and dismissed us from the UAC with immediate effect. Since we no longer 'eld any loyalty ter Alras, I decided ter reveal to one of the Ascended the main topic of our recent council meetin', the corruption of 'igh King Syrio. Ter those who are not already aware, Syrio fueled the war between Kal'Urguan and Krugmar by sellin' arms ter both sides, profiteerin' from the deaths of both Dwarves and Orcs. Algrim Irongut is a witness ter this so before anyone claims that Alras is a neutral nation, look at what 'e 'as ter say.

    Now then, after this meetin' 'ad finished, Syrio came ter Kal'Urguan 'imself, announcin' that a 100,000 mina bounty 'ad been placed upon Urir, as well as Grand Councilor Kjell Ireheart who personally, 'ad done nothin' ter offend Alras. Now I ask, if the Alrasians 'ad truly wanted peace, why would they send bounty 'unters after Dwarven officals? Anyway, when the Blackaxe clan 'eard word that the Alrasian guard were fightin' Irehearts, the Blackaxe took it upon themselves to defend their Dwarven brothers. Soon, others followed includin' the Frostbeards, until, King Thorik decided that ter avoid a split in Kal'Urguan's government, the clans would 'ave ter unite against Alras fer both their and the Ascended's outrageous actions against us.

    I will not go into detail as to what 'appened durin' the battle but I can tell yer that we raided Syrio's keep, in an attempt ter look fer the map pieces that 'ad been 'idden from us. Although these were not found, we believe the Ascended may now possess 'em. Durin' this battle, the Orcs also decided ter turn on us once we 'ad reached the keep. While I do not blame the Orcs fer their actions, as I 'ave 'eard that somebody attacked the Warmistress before 'and which was against our orders, I do 'ope that the Orcs open their eyes to the corrupt nation, they seemed ter be fightin' fer.

    So aye, it is now time ter decide what our next move is. We 'ave already made an agreement with another nation ter form our own coalition against the undead, consderin' the Ascended are incapable of stayin' neutral in nation conflicts. Already, a number of Alrasians 'ave chosen ter defect to our side. Our 'ope now is fer peace between the nations, without Alras and the Ascended rulin' over us, 'as 'as been seen in thee United Aegis Coalition. If yer truly want ter bring peace ter Aegis, do not side with the UAC fer they will treat you kindly ter begin with but then backstab yer when things don't go their way. While I once respected the Ascended I fear that they 'ave now gone against their true purpose by fightin' fer Alras. I ask ye all, do yer really wish ter side with these tyrants who 'ave recently, done nothin' ter 'elp Kal'Urguan and attack us durin' the battle of Alras? I certainly would not and I 'ope all Dwarves will unite under King Thorik and do the same.

    I understand that there 'as been some confusion over our reasons fer attackin' Alras. Well, I would like ter explain this to clear up any negative thoughts against those involved and ensure that these events are understood.

    An alliance is made between the nations of Kal'Urguan, Renatus and Malinor.

    1343 - The Dwarves begin work on a new coalition made up of Kal'Urguan, Renatus, Malinor, Hanseti and Krugmar.

    A drawing of the meeting, between Grand King Thorik, High Princess Indelwehn and Warlord Mogroka on forming the coalition.


    The coalition intervenes to prevent Renatus from sieging Hanseti. Thorik Braveaxe beats Eze'kiel Tarus in a duel to determine the fate of the nation.

    'The Ballad of the Black Cross' detailing the situation as it unfolded.

    Left sam with power but all the dread
    The sariants were strong but not in their head

    Disobedence and misconduct they went to instead
    Mirtok tried to order and tried to lead
    to bring the sariants to heed
    his orders were true and fool proof too
    but they wouldnt listen through and through

    Tarus attacked when no one could aid
    outnumering our men with devious raid
    Miscommunication and countless killing
    lead the Order to turn to the others who were willing

    To thier suprise a coalition had formed
    to bring galahar to reason and reform
    Tarus was stubborn and wouldnt agree
    until the leaders came up with a duel between thee

    The Cross and The Phoenix were to battle it out
    in a duel among champions that they had sought out
    Tarus chose to battle for himself
    but sam was cunning for he is an elf
    He chose King Thorik a master of axe
    stronger than swords he cut Tarus down
    In three golden chops Thorik had won
    He had saved the order from being undone.

    Now we rejoice for all that we've gained
    a peaceful period it shall remain
    Long live the order and Hochmeister Sam
    Now we shall drink all the ale in the land
    until we fall to the floor with tankards in hand

    Rejoice brothers and sisters.

    The order was strong until Gaius was dead

    1345 - The Legion helps the Galahar Knights in defeating The Purge.

    ((Videos of the Purge event. The first video shows the initial attack by the Purge and the second shows the Dwarven/Elven/Galahar Knight Counter Attack.))



    Kal'Urguan falls to the might of the undead, forcing the Dwarves to once again, relocate to Tazarak.

    Urir Ireheart, Kjell Ireheart and Valen Blackaxe enter the Nether in an effort to defeat the undead. Urir Ireheart sacrafices himself to save the races of Aegis, while Kjell Ireheart and Valen Blackaxe manage to escape before the portals close.

    Grand King Thorik's response to the death of Urir Ireheart.

    Im 'ere tae tell ye wat' 'append wit' Urir Ire'heart an' tae Sacrefice 'e did tae save us all.
    As told tae me by Valen Blackaxe who was wit' Urir in 'is last moments an' one of tae few tae escape tae Nether...

    Thorik Choughs to clear his throath before he continues

    Before Urir enterd tae portal I pulled 'im aside an' presented 'im wit' a t'ing of great importance tae me clan an' meself. I gave My ancestor Bogrin's armor, Made by 'is father Urguan 'imself tae go into tae nether wit'. So tat' 'e would be 'ave tae fear nuthin'.

    Valen 'as told me wat' 'append after tat'. Tey 'ad enterd tae portal an' all 'ell broke loose.. Litterly. Everyboday rushed forwards tae be stucked down by tae powers of tae non livin'. Valen 'ad sticked close tae Urir most of tae way, But suddenly tey came tae 'e place tey 'ad tae jump. Urir 'ad jumped wit'oot fear an' gotten over while Valen 'ad calculated each an' everyone of 'is jumps before dooin 'em. All around 'im 'ere 'ad been only death an' now many 'ad died an' only 'e few remained. Tae next time valen meet Urir in tae nether was In tae 'eart of it.

    Urir 'ad taken tae axe of Krug an' had sprinted throrwards tae portal as fast 'as 'is legs could carry 'im, oot running tae few left alive. When Valen Finally 'ad found 'im again 'ere 'e 'ad taken tae 'ardest decision of 'is life.. To end it, An' to take tae undead wit' 'im.

    Wit' tat' Urir cast of tae armor of me ancestor so tat' it would not keep 'im alive under tae sacrefical pit 'an jumped intae it. 'and to 'and wit tae axe. After tat' Valen tells me 'e got tae heck oota 'ere fer tae whole thing was falling upon itself.

    Now, Lets 'ave e' moment of silence fer one of tae Strongest an' bravest warriors we 'ave ever 'ad.

    Thorik walks up infront of the people speaking from the stairs going up to the uper castle part.

    The Dwarves and the other nations of Aegis flee to the verge to escape from the chaos. Here they build ships that are used to sail onwards to Asulon. However, Grand Councilor Kjell Ireheart refuses to leave Kal'Urguan, while Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe goes missing after he is knocked overboard after a lightning bolt strikes one of the ship's engines.

    The Dwarves as they prepare to leave for Asulon.


    Grand King Thorik's response to the disappearance of Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe.

    ' powerfull thunderstorm 'e went missin'. By tae time it was discoverd we 'ad gona tae far.

    I ask of ye all tae take 'e moment Silence in memory of our old Grand councilor, Elite of the army, Leader of Victoriouss battles an' most important gud friend Valen Blackaxe.

    A sad look is upon Thorik as he gives Valen a Moment of silence before continuing

    An' lets all live wit' tae 'ope of 'im returning.

    Me old friend fer tae last fifty years, An' Grand Councilor of Politics Valen Blackaxe 'as gone missin. 'e might be dead, But I still live wit' tae 'ope of 'im returning. Under e

    The true story of Grand Councilor Kjell Ireheart.

    Kjell Ireheart walked into Laurelin with his cousin Urir, and the pirate dwarf Valen, They chose themselves to volunteer as the Champions of Kal'Urguan to gain aerial's blessing, and to thwart the inevitable rise of the Undead. In doing so they may inevitably loose their lives in this heroic act to save the people of aegis from the inevitable doom that was to come.

    After gaining the blessings of aerial, and the clever concoctions created by the alchemists the dwarvern champions stepped through the portal, they awaited a hell, of un earthly beasts of whom where rarely seen, but have taken a more common appearance on the face of aegis since the beginning of the end... Kjell charged out of the portal, and began his conflict with the damned, he fought, and fought through the mindless horde as if he had the same qualities of the beasts he fought himself, yet greater. He witnessed glimpses of the other champions around him struggling to press onward, he continued to hold back the line of the endless minions that charged at his fellows in arms who passed by, over what seemed days inside the hell, he became weary, he held back the armies of the damned enough to see that no other champion was around, save for some of their corpses. The hordes oddly stopped, he collapses back on the rotting piles of fleshly cleaved flesh, and slumbered. When he awoke, he rose gently refreshed and ready to kill again, but yet again no hordes in sight! He walked towards the portal his attention on the matter became rather weary. He stepped through the portal to meet a beautiful sight! Laurelin was set ablaze! His eyes grew wide, and his mouth fell open, which later became a crooked grin. He muttered to himself "Ah can 'ave done it better meself! But nae matter! Nae ***** elves in soight!" He pranced around looting chests, and collecting rare goods. He then thought "what ov Krugmar, an' Sanjazel! Maybe San'ar tu!" He ran to the orc kingdom to meet a sight which would make him cry with glee. It was gone, all of it! He examined the scorched bodies, and skinned other more fresher ones that have only suffered a death through a piece of poor orcish architecture breaking their skulls in. He ran around with great glee from kingdom to kingdom, and finally with loot in his arms he ran to Kal'Urguan, he marched into the it's inner sanctum the keep, where he stored his precious booty. He now awaits the return of the Undead spawn who have further ravaged the land of aegis awaiting a mightier challenge than the nether to grant him death. To not on this story he met other survivors, those keen on never leaving their beloved home, and wishing to denounce the ascended for their failure in keeping their promise, the lineage of the Irehearts now lives on as it awaits the final coming of Iblees to consume the land they now name themselves refugees in.

    This be the true tale of Kjell Ireheart, which will long be forgotten when the dwarves live in the new golden era, in the land of asulon.


    As the Dwarves begin to explore Asulon, they found the kingdom of Karik, built upon the ruins of an old Dwarven nation.

    ((A video tour of Karik.))

    A second Grand Tournament is held and Darain Blackaxe becomes the new Grand Champion.

    Darius Irongut founds Kal'Dwain which is used as a mining colony for the Dwarves.

    2 - After Hiebe Irongut fails in an attempt to overthrow Grand King Thorik, the Ironguts leave Karik, forming a new nation, The Archipelago of Holm. This event splits the Dwarven nation into two.

    The bandit group, led by Prince continues to threaten the citizens of Karik.

    9 - Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe returns to the Dwarven nation to find it disunited and under threat from bandits.

    10 - Grand King Thorik is murdered by an unknown killer. Upon Thorik's death, Valen Blackaxe resigns and departs from Karik to become the High Constable of Salvus as he fears that the Dwarf's greed has changed the nation from what it was in Aegis.

    13 - Former member of the first Grand Council and son of Thorik, Broski Braveaxe is crowned Grand King of Karik. He inherits a weakened nation but one that has great potential for the future.

    14 - Karik joins a coalition of Hanseti, Krugmar, Salvus and Alras. Together, they successfully siege the fortress of Das Boot. The war between Hanseti and Renatus ends soon after.

    20 - The Dwarves are forced to abandon Karik after a dragon is unleashed upon it. The great doors are barricaded but many Dwarven lives are lost, including former Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe who falls as walkway collapses beneath his feet.

    Laws of Khaz’A’Zharr (Khaz):

    • You shall not confront

    another dwarf without reason, or commit and types of, murders, brawls, or

    fights without, any supervision, of Lord Marshall or of higher rank.

    • You shall not commit any of

    the following crimes, thus doing so, will result, in Jail, Execution,Public

    humiliation, or Shaving of the beard.

    Specific crimes you shall not commit:

    No insulting of other


    No Fighting Dwarves

    in the city

    outside the ‘Tavern’ or ‘Arena’

    No Creating of Havoc Inside

    the City

    You Shall provide any information

    of Criminals to the Kingdom that applies to your knowledge. Failure to do so,

    will result in Shaving of the Beard or if worse being thrown out of the City Temporarily

    or Permanently.

    • You must always obey direct

    orders of the Following:

    Grand King: Broski braveaxe

    Commerce King: Bazian Blackaxe

    War King: Kjell Ireheart

    Lord Marshall Arcane Blacaxe

    Current Governmental System:

    Powers within the Kingdom

    Kings Council:

    - Grand King

    - War King

    - Politics and Commerce King

    Second Council:

    -Lord Marshall

    - Lord Steward

    - High- Councilor

    - Archbishop

    - Head Miner

    - High Architect

    - Forge Lord

    - Head Remembrancer

    - Grand Champion

    - Groundskeeper

    - Master of Ceremonies

    - High Ambassador

    Clan Council:

    ~Official Clan Leaders~

    Braveaxe Clan

    Blackaxe Clan

    Goldhand Clan

    Irongut Clan

    Grimmhall Clan

    Starbreaker Clan

    Full Explanation; Kings Council.

    The Grand King: (Vote Count: 3)

    Chosen by the Second and Clan council.

    The powers of the the King include diplomacy with other nations and the ambassadors, but the High Ambassador should do the travelling to get informed of relations with other nations. The Grand King has the last say on all things. He must also oversee the Guilds, Lords, Clans etc.

    The War King: (Vote Count: 3)

    Has absolute control over the Legion. All alliances and enemies are sorted out my him and his job is to keep us safe and defeat our enemies.

    The Politics and Commerce King: (Vote Count: 3)

    In charge of maintaining balance in the political system. He is supposed to monitor the economics of the kingdom and make sure the kingdom has enough goods. He should be creating alliances and trade with other nations, and must keep the Kingdom safe within talking. He will be in charge of Market Row and will have most of the same duties as the Treasurer.

    Full Explanation; Second Council

    Lord Steward: (Vote Count: 1)

    The caretaker of the defenses of Karik, where as the War- King keeps himself busy with the actual war and preparations of the Legion. He is allowed to modify it all, but must discuss or warn the War- King before doing so.

    High Councilor: (Vote Count: 2)

    They are outranked by the Kings. Ruler of a Hold that falls under the command of Karik, but this Hold is however independent and has its own council if required, the High- Councilor also presides over the day-to-day affairs of his Hold.

    Archbishop: (Vote Count: 1)

    Goes over all Religious matters, decides which Religion and Paragons the Dwarves believe in and goes over the Religious sector.

    Head Miner: (Vote Count: 1)

    Rules and decides over the Mining Guild, establishes Mining colonies like Kal’Dwain.

    High Architect: (Vote Count: 1)

    Constructs the Architecture, and in charge of the Architecture Guild. He thinks of new plans and discusses them with the Kings and Council, afterwards when accepted he and his appointed helpers construct accepted projects.

    Forge Lord: (Vote Count: 1)

    In charge of the Grand Forge and constructing tools, weapons, and armor for the Kingdoms armies and architects.

    Groundskeeper: (Vote Count: 1)

    In charge of keeping the farms of Karik in order and making sure the farmers pay their quotas. They are responsible for keeping track of the farmers that work the fields and giving and removing the permissions of the farm.

    Head Lumberjack (needs better name): (Vote Count: 1)(What about Head Forester? ~Juvens)

    Head Remembrancer: (Vote Count: 1)

    Holds and protects the Dwarven Artifacts such as the Great Sword and records all the history and eventually puts it all into archive.

    High Ambassador: (Vote Count: 1)

    Arranges treaties and alliances within approval of the King.


    Alliance between Oren and Kal’Urguan

    Alliance between Aeriel and Kal’Urguan

    Alliance between the Kaxil clan and Kal’Urguan

    Giving advice to King on how to deal with the Purge

    Joining the United Aegis Coalition

    Creating a coalition between Kal’Urguan, Malinor, Renatus, Krugmar and Hanseti.

    Negotiating an end to wars.

    Making defensive pacts with other nations.

    Advising King on how to turn nations against each other if they are both a threat.

    Advising the King on whether war with a nation is the best option.

    Grand Champion [title]: (Vote Count: 1)

    He is in lead of the `1, where the arena is settled, and they can re-create, have and plan events but must inform a king when he is planning on having an event or something big built.

    Master of Ceremonies:

    Looks after the Entertainment of Dwarves, collects dues from the Taverns, and organises tournaments and possibly Spleef duels. He would be allowed to keep 20% of the earnings from the selling of the plot for payment, the rest goes to Khaz’A’Zharr.

    Can employ Legion members to Guard the Arena and collect entry fees for tournaments and Spleef duels. During tournaments and duels, the Master of Ceremonies will be in charge of the peddlers and merchants that wish to sell goods during the event. A small peddler’s fee will be issued for 100 minas, if the merchant informs the Master of Ceremonies of his arrival and pays the peddler’s fee before hand, the fee will be reduced to 50 minas. Again, the Master of Ceremonies is allotted 20% of the earnings as the rest goes to the Kingdom.

    Full Explanation; Clan Council:

    The Clan Council decides together with the Second council decisions that has to be voted on, this will Grand a lot of opinions to come into a Vote. It also arranges events within the Clans and co-operation of the Clan Leaders is required with this. Every Clan Leader will get (Vote Count each: 1)

    Vote Counts:

    Only in Important decisions the Council’s have the right to vote, and then the amount of vote count is applied.


    a King has a Vote Count of 3 meaning he needs 4 people with Vote Count 1 to outplay him.

    Current Council Members:

    Kings Council:

    - Grand King - Broski Braveaxe


    - War King - Kjell Ireheart


    - Commerce King - Bazian Blackaxe


    Second Council:

    -Lord Marshall - Arcane Blackaxe


    - Lord Steward - Goimbar Doomcrusher


    - Lord Baron - Darius Irongut, -


    - Archbishop - Tyrion


    - Head Miner - Darius Irongut


    - Master Architect, High Architect - Oghren Grimmhall, Magna Grimmhall

    (exodawn, Ined)

    - Forge Lord - Arbrek Starbreaker


    - Head Remembrancer - Kirrekith Bravaexe


    - Grand Champion -

    ( )

    - Groundskeeper - Saviticus Irongut


    - Master of Ceremonies - Hogarth Irongut


    - High Ambassador - Longbeard Braveaxe


    Clan Council:

    ~Official Clan Leaders~

    Braveaxe Clan - Longbeard Braveaxe


    Blackaxe Clan - Bazian Blackaxe


    Goldhand Clan - Dunhagen Goldhand


    Irongut Clan - Hogarth Irongut


    Grimmhall Clan - Oghren Grimmhall


    Starbreaker Clan - Arbrek Starbreaker


    Etiquette's for Dwarves:

    This feature is still under construction

    Dwarven Settlements or Holds:

    Dwarven lands expand far out and there is a huge amount of free land, we are currently approving towns to be built in Dwarven region under certain terms & conditions.

    This feature is still (Partially) under construction

    Maps of the Dwarven Lands:

    OOC MAP:


    IC MAP:


    Entering our City

    This feature is still under construction

    Terms & Conditions of Khaz’A’Zharr:

    This feature is still under construction


    This feature is still under construction


    This feature is still under construction

    Mining Rules:


    1) Stealing Ores from the Kingdom will severe in punishment.

    2) Creating unsafe mineshafts is One-time Warning (1x2 Shafts)

    3) If you are mining and some other Dwarf takes your Ore ask a Guard if you cannot take it back Yourself.

    4) Follow how the Halls and Mineshafts are supposed to be built.

    5) If you find yourself a Ravine and you do not inform a Head miner you will be Punished.

    6) If you find Abandoned Mineshafts and you do not inform a Head Miner you will be Punished.

    7) Mining alone is not safe. Always have a partner with you or multiple.

    8) Carry around antidotes and bandages, some Dwarves will get injured.

    9) You see any corruption? Tell the Kings, or Overseer.

    10) You Mining a Mineshaft, you will finish your Mineshaft regardless whether you find any ore or not.

    11) Coal and Cobble Stone is always needed, Don't think it is a waste, Donations to the Kingdom are always welcome.

    12) Fill up the holes you make from Mining, Other Dwarves can fall in them and then you will be the one blamed.

    13) Call for Experienced Miners if ye need Help Mining rare ore

    14) If you are Not on the book, you cannot Mine at all. Don't bother.

    15) Guards that let anyone Mine will be warned twice. If they are not on the book they cannot Mine.


    1) 1x2 Mineshafts

    this ruins the RP for mining. I understand it's to collect ore for later but this destroys the fun in mining for dwarves. Especially those who wish to RP as a Miner. It also can ruin the economy and ruin future builds. You also will get a kick in the face.

    2) XRAYING

    This is a Bannable offence and if caught your gone from the server, notify the Head Miner, Council Member or a King in RP but in OOC make a modrequest (/modreq) after you examined it. This ruins the Economy of the Whole Server, it stops people from enjoying the RP in mining and the Ores are gone.

    Ways to spot XRAYERS:

    · They dig 1x2 holes and most of the time dig straight down to diamond level and mostly make weird shaped tunnels

    · If you are digging with someone and He or She looks towards the wall or down all the time, He or She could supposedly be an XRAYER, take screenshots of him or her doing it, and just act like you are Mining normally so that he won’t notice you looking at him or her all the time.

    3) Stay within Self-made Mineshafts

    You must stay within the Mineshafts at all times if you see a Cave, notify a Head Miner, Council Member or a King. If it's a ravine or an Minecraft Generated “Abandoned Mineshaft” you must also notify a Head Miner, Council Member or a King. Close it off with Cobblestone and make sure to continue the path of the Mineshaft. Once notified you can go in the Ravine or Cave IF permission is granted.

    4) Don’t go too deep

    in caves and ravines, you will get lost not only that is that you will also start mining in random hap hazard patterns.

    5) Always stick to the Design of the Mineshafts

    If you Do not stick to this design, your permissions to the mine will either be temporily revoked or permanently revoked.

    Holding Dwarven Events:

    This feature is still under construction

    Organization of Dwarven Roleplay Forum:

    This feature is still under construction

    Organization of Dwarven Teamspeak Channel:

    This feature is still under construction

  2. Wonderful, as a pet project I made a Tree for all of the Clansdwarves that should be fairly accurate.

    Ah good, Arbrek as I see you have been granted access to our Wiki page, I will have to make some rules with you, where we together will negotiate about, on how, what and where you may edit. I have faith in you that you maintain it well.

  3. I, Dwarven King, will state hereby that my troops will help in this fight against the so called "White Ravens", they have been trying to claim my lands and now I will, together with others claim their lands. I do however want something in return. Yet I shall decide upon what I wish to obtain for joining this seige.

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