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Quiet Kitten

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Status Updates posted by Quiet Kitten

  1. I think LOTC is getting into my dreams somehow...

    1. Brent
    2. Sinstrite


      You're becoming one of us...

    3. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      lol thanks.. I had a dream I had to defeat this undead zombie type guy in order to get the Fus Ro Dah scroll....

  2. so much going on...should I take care of stuff irl? Naahhhhh lets play LOTC!! :D

    1. Thu'um


      That's the spirit!

  3. is looking forward to the opening of Normandor tomorrow!! :)

    1. V0idsoldier


      Is also looking forward to this XD.

  4. Hey fellow Canoodian! So I hear you would like a new skin? Send me a pic and I'll make one for you! :)

  5. is feeling inspired!

  6. just saw The Grey with Liam Neeson..good movie, but leaves you feeling lonely and hopeless..

    1. Dash_Rogers


      I chose the guy who drowned. My brother was the guy who gave up. So I won, but did not survive

    2. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      lol, did you wait through the credits?

  7. Happy Valentines day everyone!

  8. Crossing my fingers and hoping I get to see this new story! No meta! XP

  9. +1,000,000,000,000 for rp!

  10. bah! Addicted to RP!

    1. V0idsoldier


      *Looks left and right with shifty eyes* I had nothing to do with this, I SWEAR!

  11. Soooo I'm finally out of the caverns of Menorcress :) YAY!

  12. My character's head hurts..I'm glad I can't feel it...

  13. Sooo tired! Must finish making skins!

    1. V0idsoldier


      *Gasps* You made skins instead of logging in and rping =3 how dare you XD.

    2. Quiet Kitten

      Quiet Kitten

      lol I know, I'm waiting for the mori guy I'm rping with to log on though... yes I'm still stuck down there :S haha.

  14. No rush, at this very moment I"m busy, but just let me know when you manage to get on, I understand you're limited on pc time :)

  15. Hey let me know when you're online! :)

  16. You have no profile comments yet ... so I'm saying hello! :)

  17. wants work to be over so I can go home and play lotc already!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sinstrite


      I know the feeling! Soon... soon...

    3. V0idsoldier


      hehe, hopefully soon, I want to find out what happened last night with the whole Mori incident XD

    4. Haelphon


      Don't worry Mrs. Bravepaw! We're all excited for your return :D

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