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Posts posted by zortjr

  1. *You see a large poster on the bulletin board in one of the Dwarven cities.*

    A New Mine is Born


    In the lands of Kal'Anart a new mine is now open. It has been some time since a fresh flow of ores have entered the markets of Anart. We hope all miners grab their picks and shovels and take advantage of the new opportunity that lay beneath our feet.

    -Skath Grandaxe ((zortjr))

  2. ((I don't see why you can't build defences, I would totally do that do. However, the dwarves would probably suspect this IC, so they may also just send scouts to find and detect these traps before the battle. Just a thought, although I actually think the dwarves will be too lazy to actually do that.))

    ((We did go IC and scout the area, and I personally don't mind building defenses. I would actually expect that, it makes RP sense. But all of that water flowing from no where is a little vexing, I mean the entire house has water flowing down hill from its base on all sides. How are we supposed to attack at all?))

  3. *Reads a scribbled under the main notice, and writes his own comment.*

    "The elders will choose which dwarf may take these trials. We monitor their honor and valor in battle and watch how they support the hold. Not just any Grimaxe will be chosen, nor will they by the length of time they have been a Grimaxe. Only through their actions will they be given the opportunity to take the Trials."

    -Skath Grandaxe

  4. *Sees a dwarf in the cloud temple and starts talking to him*

    "Hmm, I 'aven't seen ya before. Me name is Skath Grandaxe. If ya are ever in ta northern reaches of the dwarven empire ya should come to ta Grandaxe city, Kal'Anart."

    *Gives the dwarf a small piece of paper with a roughly drawn path from the cloud temple to Kal'Anart.*


    ((Also we have a boat at the far end of the cloud temple docks.))

  5. *Skath sees his friend Rehnof talking to a young dwarf.*

    "Ahh, 'ello Rehnof. Who be tis, I 'ave not seen ya face before. If ya be lookin fer work or just find some trade be sure ta come to Kal'Anart. It be ta 'ome of ta mighty dwarven clan ta Grandaxes. I 'ope ta see ya tere someday."

    *Pulls out a peace of paper from his pocket and draws a crude map on it, and hands it to the young dwarf. Then walks away to find the local markets.* ((-2200,-750))

    ((Also we have a boat at the far end of the cloud temple docks.))

  6. ((Okay, this may be my fault. When we were discussing our battle plans someone asked when we should head to Alras. I responded with "2 hours before" and it was and honest mistake at the time. With the server down we kind of got a little hyped that we would have our time for preparing cut short and we wanted to start building as soon as we thought that we could, 5:30. Again I am sorry if this ruined your RP.))

  7. *Stares at the Poster in Anart and is puzzled by what he sees.*

    "T'is is strange. To 'ave found a marvel of our past age is a miracle in itself. But t'is be ta most sophisticated technology and magics we 'ave, and ta ask tat we fix it fer him?"

    *Ponders to himself.*

    "Ta Paragon must know tat t'ere is an inactive golem in t'is person's 'ands."

    *Skath takes the poster down and writes a letter to Kjell about the inactive golem and the to plan to reactivate it , adding the poster as proof.*

    ((Golem tech is very prized in the dwarven land and only a hand full have ever been made. Also there are only one or two people alive that know the secrets of making a golem. Lastly this is not something that would be given to a commoner, especially one that lives outside of the nation. In the Dwarven nation if you are a Dwarf and you are not in the empire you are considered a traitor. Sorry but I don't think you will get your golem.))

    ((P.S. You posted all over the nation that you have an inactive golem and the letter is being sent to the king. He will probably hunt you down to retrieve that.))

  8. The Kal'Anart Shops

    Here in Anart we have three different sized shops.

    Large: 1500 -Can hold four to six double chests.

    Medium: 800 -Can hold two double chests and a single chest.

    Small: 500 -Can hold one double chest and a single chest.

    All shops will be taxed weekly.

    Large: 500

    Medium: 350

    Small: 300

    Number of Shops:

    Large: 3

    Medium: 1

    Small: 7

    • All shops will be taxed at the end of each week.
    • You may pay in advance for the following week.
    • We will be keeping a record of all tax transactions.

    If taxes are not payed, then the shop will be repossessed. You will be given one warning.

    [Link to the /rshop commands]

    The Kal'Anart Housing

    All housing has its own price posted next to the door. The housing will not be taxed.

    Any alteration to the house is permitted except the outer wall and roof.

    The Kal'Anart Farms

    Pricing and plot size is determined by Bazian Grandaxe ((TEEbrown)). See him for buying a farm.

  9. *You see a map with a small note attached to the opening announcement.*

    To all tat want a permit ta cost is 1000 minas for unlimited use of ta mine. See Zezimus or me to acquire ta proper documentation. I 'ope tat all are fruitful in t'ere endeavors.

    *The map shows a path leading south from Kal'Anart, towards the mine. ((-2050,-500))

    -Skath Grandaxe

    ((PM or send a bird to zezimus or zortjr for perms))

  10. Welcome to the Kal'Anart Smithy

    Proprietor: Skath Grandaxe ((zortjr))

    To place an order post the following information:

    MC name:

    IC name:

    Items and amount:

    Total minas:

    Pricing at Kal’Anart Hold Smithy

    Iron- 1500

    Head: 300

    Chest: 500

    Leg: 400

    Boot: 300

    Sword: 100

    Axe: 125

    Pickaxe: 125

    Shovel: 75

    Hoe: 100

    Chain- 500

    Head: 100

    Chest: 150

    Leg: 150

    Boot: 100


    Sword: 400

    Axe: 500


    All: 20

    Diamond- 17000

    Head: 2500

    Chest: 6500

    Leg: 6000

    Boot: 2000

    Sword: 1400

    Axe: 1800

    Pickaxe: 1800

    Shovel: 1000

    Hoe: 1400


    Iron: 50

    Gold: 300

    Diamond: 600


    Coal: 100 a Stack

    Iron ore: 15

    Gold ore: 35

    Diamond ore: 150

    Iron Ingot: 25

    Gold Ingot: 75

    Diamond: 350

  11. MC name: zortjr

    IC name: Skath Grandaxe

    Skills: Swords-90, Blacksmithing-100, Mining-5, Farming-80, also a merchant

    Reason: I wanted to get better RP with a lot of people joining this hold, and this is the home of the Grandaxe clan.

  12. *You see a sheet of paper on the Kal'Anart notice board*

    To all dwarfs living in the Kal'Anart Hold; Please write down your name, line of work, and your reason for coming to this city and leave it on the notice board.

    -By order of Bazian Grandaxe

    ((Hey, Bazian wants us to put up our names, skills and reasons for coming to Anart. This is to just better organize ourselves and to become more familiar with each other.))


    MC name: Doe

    IC name: John

    Skills: Swords-100, Blacksmithing-100, Mining-75

    Reason: I want to join a city with a lot of good RP.

  13. Application:




    Time Played on Lotc:

    10.5 Months

    # of Ban reports placed on yourself:

    1... well 2 if you count the time Mrbampow got mad at me.

    Position you are looking for?:

    High Merchant

    Why are you good for this position?:

    I am a merchant myself, I served as treasurer and adviser to the 'Economic king' from Karik to Kahz, and I have given much effort into improving the kingdom's economy in the past.

    Display some examples that prove the above:

    Here are some links to the charts and presentations that I have made to help the economy.

    [Link 1] -This was used to determine the price of black-smithing items.

    [Link 2] -This is a black copy of the weekly inventory that i use and used in Karik and Kahz.

    [Link 3] -This was to present my idea of how a guild should be run.

    Do you believe other Dwarves respect you?

    I believe so, I have been a loyal dwarf and haven't give anyone a reason to disrespect me.



    Skath Grandaxe

    Yer partial bluud loine (Cave Dwarf, Mountain Dwarf, Forest Dwarf):

    Cave Dwarf

    'Ow long 'ave ya lived in da Empire ov Urguan?:

    I 'ave been apart of t'is nation many years before ta fall of Aegis.

    Wut be yer current position?:

    I be ta smith fer ta Grandaxe Clan and 'elpin build up ta Kal'Anart Hold.

    Wut position are ye current luukin' fer?:

    I would like ta be ta High Merchant of Urguan.

    Are ya a Clod? a Dreg? or a Noble?:

    I am no Noble, but I do not see meself as a clod or dreg, I am a Grandaxe.

    Wut be yer primary skills?:

    I be a Blacksmith (100), proficient with a sword (92 ...Skills got goofed), and a decent farmer (60).

    W'y duh ya fink yer a capable Dwarf fer dis job eh?

    I 'ave been around tis nations economy and ter leaders since we landed 'ere in Asulon and I was ta treasurer of Karik and Kahz.

    W'o duh ye pledge Oath tuh?:

    I pledge me loyalty to ta Paragon, ta Nation, and ta all Dwarfs.

  14. ((This is purely OOC))

    I am trying to make a new price guide for all armors and weapons. But with all of the new variables that come with black-smithing I need a lot of new info. Such as level durability and creation chance. All of these new factors will play into the pricing of future armor and weapons.

    What I am asking is that you post if you find any information missing within the link below.

    [item Stats]


    - zortjr (Skath Grandaxe)

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