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Posts posted by zortjr

  1. MC: zortjr

    IC: Skath Grandaxe


    Blacksmithing-100 (Main Skill/ Not Changing)

    Farming-80 (May lower for new skills)

    Mining-5 (Only to be able to use a stone pick)

    Swords-90 (Meant to be 100, messed up a skill reset... working on it)

    All my skills are up in the air at the moment. When Vaq finishes his tinkering with the game I may alter my setup. Though, I am keeping Blacksmithing at 100.

  2. *Skath walks into Mt.Ire and talks with many dwarfs new and old. There is one topic in the local news that has him puzzled. He is somewhat confused on the merge of the Ironguts and the Starbreakers. He begins to ask around.

    "What happened to t'ese clans? Are ya Ironguts, Starbreakers, or Stonebeards. Tis is very confuising."

    *Skath starts to continue with some meaningless rant and eventually goes off topic.

    ((I just want to know what I should called you guys.))

  3. ((From experience as someone who created and maintained two Dwarven Kingdom Vaults, secrecy is the best defense out there. Also I would separate the kingdom's resources from the personal and guild resources, the more frequent the access, the less secure it is.

    What I would suggest is that you make guild resources and personal resource in a building in a public area and have it guarded. For the Vault that holds the Kingdom's resources I would put it deep underground and out of the way, hidden behind many traps, and have a secure entrance within the most protected area, the kings castle.))

    ((Also If you like I can show you the defense systems I created back in Kal'A'Zhar. Just PM me.))

  4. Name: Skath Blackaxe

    Titles: At the moment I am a High Smith and I have been the Treasurer of the nation from our time at Karik till the move to Mt.Ire, I also was a High Smith back in Karik and an avid merchant.

    House interested in: Noble House ((If I am aloud too, I am not sure if these houses are for noble only or you can just buy them. If it is noble who would that constitute for. I doubt I qualify as a noble but 'If you don't ask you don't get'.))

    Extra comments: I was a worker for the city, and would like to know if I could take off the price of a normal house for a higher one, or should I just buy the other one and sell the normal at my leisure. Also I have supplied over half of the nation with food.

  5. MC Name: zortjr

    RP Name: Skath Blackaxe

    Smithing Skill: 100

    Weapons Skills: Sword 92 ((Skills got reset and I goofed in placing them, working back up to 100))

    Mining Skills: 5 ((Only enough to pick up my anvil))

    Link To Post Proving

    Previous Membership: I couldn't find my old post, it was back when we were in Karik. I also studied under Kanatar.

  6. ((As many of you know Bazian and I are brothers IRL and I will tell you were we have been. Bazian is off on a mission trip fixing up old houses for the less fortunet. I on the other hand have been sick, and this has been 'I cant get out of bed sick' since Friday. Bazian is going to be back late Wednesday night and I will be back on when I feel better; hopefully sooner than later.))

    -Skath Blackaxe

  7. Renati, Syrila will bring aid, and I'm requesting help from the blackaxes.

    Our leader is gone for a few days so this is not official yet, but our rule is always the same; Blackaxes will always support our kin. As long as our brother Kilgrim resides in your walls we will aid you.

    -Skath Blackaxe

  8. *A note posted responding to Balator's comments.

    First off I would like to say that I appreciate the fact that you put a lot of time in effort into improving the Dwarven society. But I do not think you fully understand the extent of what we do, a lot of what you have said is already in place.

    The survivor colony as you called it will be our new capital. The new capital's is called Kahz'A'Zharr, or Kahz for short.

    As for structure of the quota system, we initially did this so dwarfs would have the opportunity to get resources while not having to face the dangers of the wilds. We plan on keeping this system but with some alterations. In Karik we had an individual quota system, which every dwarf was responsible for themselves. In the new system it will be the responsibility to the guild leader to drop off the quota. This dwarf will have to make their subordinates work in order to meet the deadline. We hope this will have a better effect on the workforce by having the leader mediate the quota of their respective guilds, instead of have myself reporting to the guild leader who hadn't completed their quotas.

    I understand your idea of having a overseer and inspectors but it would cost a lot for four dwarfs, to only make sure others are doing what they are supposed to. This is also already been implemented into the Treasurer position.

    For your concerns about the land the quota will use, I don't think we will give out large plots as you asked. Mainly because we want to keep the new city close together.((The entire reason we moved from Karik was that we wanted to make the city smaller.)) We do plan to give the guilds as much land as they need to be productive for their size.

    -Treasurer Skath Blackaxe

  9. *A letter sent to each guild of the quota.

    Dear quota members,

    Due to the general poor participation of individual quotas, we will now change to a guild quota. This will put all the responsibility to the official of your respective guild. From now on we will expect the official to handle the quota responsibilities.

    -Treasurer Skath Blackaxe

    ((We are still desideing on how the new system is to work. We will let you know on Monday. The changes will be posted on the current jobs forum.))

    ((So everyone is aware; we only had 4 people drop off their quota this week out of 20. This was also not the worst week. Be aware that this will not continue.))

  10. *A letter is sent to your respective guild.

    To all quota participants,

    Today the is quota due for all guilds of Karik. Please make sure your quota is filled. Also note that there will be new rules put in place for next year's quota.

    -Treasurer Skath Blackaxe

    ((We will be implementing a guild quota instead of a personal quota. This will insight the Officials to drive the guild members to work. This is still underway, but will be in effect this week.))

  11. *You see a piece of parchment posted on your guild's bulletin.*

    Dear quota participants,

    As many of you know, the last quota day had very poor attendance. This note is a reminder to everyone that the next quota will be due in a couple of months ((March 10, 2012)). Also many of you have already received a strike on your record; if you do not pay your quota you will be removed.

    -Treasurer Skath Blackaxe

  12. If you must have a place above ground for trading, don't build walls for it. Have it as a small village erected over a city. Kinda like suburbs.

    I think we should keep a wall for the trade area at least. I liked the one on the build server and think it would be a good idea to protect our commerce. I also think we should build a small wall around the multiracial housing; not much but at least some protection.

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