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Posts posted by zortjr

  1. *A letter sent to the farming guild from the Treasurer.

    Ta followin dwarfs 'ave missed tis years quota:

    Odsarh Frostbeard (begreen98)

    Elric Blackaxe (watthe21)

    Mili Irongut (Leland22)

    Kilgrim Blackaxe (EpicDAX)

    Due to ta complications in ta most resent quota we will wave all unfilled chests, tis is due to ta announcements made by Grand King Broski, which stated tat we will not be collect ta quota tis year but was latter changed. For t'ose tat did put in ta quota will be givin an extra leniency fer future reprimands. I expect ta see ta chests filled by ta next quota.

    -Treasurer Skath Blackaxe

    ((I know farming in this server is difficult and much more land is needed than usual. I suggest you expand your wheat farm land. Also I will be making a quota system for farming animals. This will be given to only a few farmers.))

  2. *A letter sent to the mining guild from the Treasurer.

    Ta followin dwarfs 'ave missed tis years quota:

    Skippy Irongut (Skippy369)

    K'orr (xToXiiCz)

    Darius Irongut (blackhawk77g)

    Sono (sonomavc_012)

    Tungdal (SuperWatz)

    Due to ta complications in ta most resent quota we will wave all unfilled chests, tis is due to ta announcements made by Grand King Broski, which stated tat we will not be collect ta quota tis year but was latter changed. For t'ose tat did put in ta quota will be givin an extra leniency fer future reprimands. I expect ta see ta chests filled by ta next quota.

    -Treasurer Skath Blackaxe

    ((Make sure you know the pricing for the resources, they will change on Monday.))

  3. I log on to find 15 or so people outside the walls shouting stuff like give us your loot or you'll die if ye don't pay the sum of 20k.

    ((That was an idea by one of the legion members and has since been acquitted. The whole idea of bringing so many of the dwarfs was for intimidation. It was are way of declaring that we won't stand for banditry on our lands. Also we don't know how you got permition to build in our land and we don't want a fort that belongs to someone else there.))

  4. (( You realize that by integrating yourself into the Quota System, Karik can in return, get you surplus ores from its quotas to you. You'd be able to get a constant flow, thus granting a stable production and then having much more flexibility.))

    ((Cracker we are leaving the Smithing guild out of the quota because they don't have a steady income. The way they are designed is that they only need to supply labor, as of right now they only need to smelt and repair, they can have no loss of profit but are limited to the amount of business they get. If you start to implement the need for them to supply the iron to do repairs that adds an entire aspect to their business that can be otherwise avoided. We already have merchants who can supply iron to those that need it. Simple is usually the best.))

    ((Oh, and congratulations Mili.))

  5. (Pin this!)

    Can I git de' title High Merchant? Suuds mure fancy-like.

    Also, I'm interested in joinin' all de' guilds! *chuckles*

    I dabble in all d'ese t'ings, plus I'm always luukin' tew help de Kingdom.

    Wuuld officials get a lightened quota by de way? Just fer helpin' out in de city in udder ways? I t'ink det'd be fair.

    (I'd also like to say that as a merchant, apples traditionally go for 5 minas an apple. So the quota trade number of .5 is way too little. Up it up a bit, to 3-5. Gold ore could be lowered, though 150 ain't a bad price. Lower coal a bit, and Iron can be lowered a bit (20~25))

    ((Alright Cracker I know you want to have access to everything but can you really fill the quota for a miner, lumberjack, and farmer, not to mention your job in the legion and being in charge of all of the merchants? I was already worried that you wouldn't have enough time to organize and keep track of all the merchants while being in a leadership role in the legion. Just tone it down, I don't want see the merchants weakened because you have too many obligations.))

  6. The Treasury

    Ta treasury is comprised of two parts. Ta Vault, which 'ouses ta personal chests of our community and ta Stockpile, ta place were we store ta wealth of Karik. Ta workers of ta treasury are ta tellers. T'ey compile records, take inventory, and 'elp Dwarfs access t'eir chests in ta Vault.


    Ta Vault hold our many private chests in a secure underground labyrinth. Each chest is locked and will only be opened by ta owner. Ta price fer ownin a chest is only 250 minas.


    Ta Stockpile is filled of all of Karik's resources, t'ese resources come from our quotas bein filled and from our excellent merchants tradin all throughout Asulon. Fer ta quota, t'er will be a chest labeled fer each Dwarf employed by Karik. T'ese will be located on ta right and ta left of ta main entrance of ta treasury. Ya will be required ta fill a quota weekly set by ta King of Economics Bazian Blackaxe. T'ese chests will be checked at ta end of each Year and a half ((Each week)) and will be documented as it is put into ta stockpile. Any time ta quota is not filled ta appropriate Official will be notified as well as ta Legion.

    List of employees:

    Treasurer: Skath_Blackaxe

    Teller #1:

    Teller #2:

    Teller #3:

    ((At the moment I am not sure on how many tellers are needed, once the amount of work from the quotas come in, I will have a set number of positions.))

    Hirin of tellers:

    MC name:

    IG name:

    Past experience in economic affairs:

    What you have been doing so far in Asulon:

    Demonstrate a scenario with a disgruntled patron and you helping him:

    How can I trust you with the riches of Karik:


    Records will be a big part of bein a teller. Everytin will need ta be recorded. T'is is ta location of our books. Only t'ose t'at are tellers will be able ta access ta statistical information.


  7. I will soon be in charge of the treasury of Karik and I have noticed that the money of each kingdom is held by the current ruler and is very unorganized with payments. I would like to know if it would be possible to have an alternate money account for the kingdom itself. This way when taxes are collected it would go directly into a separate account and not have to worry about mixing money. It would also keep the money together when positions of power change. (I have no idea if this is even possible but I think this would benefit all kingdoms)

  8. For the food issue I myself am a farmer and would not change the 'no food = Death', but I do understand that many cant afford food at this time and die off. I don't know if it is possible but you could make it so that when you are starving your stats are nerfed. Such as your Wood-chopping you could have a base stat of 50 but when starving it can be cut to 25. Again I don't know how you would implement this but it would keep the food business healthy and those who can not afford food could still do work, but with a little more effort.

  9. MC Name: zortjr

    RP Name: Skath_Blackaxe

    What is your smithing skill: 100

    What is your skill in either axe or sword: 0 for both but 75 wrestling.

    Reason For Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph):

    I would like to join your guild for the experiance of it all. So far in Lord of the Craft I have been on my own and just seeing the sites, not really apart of anything. Now I joined the Blackaxe clan and want to continue to spread my reach. I have already taken an intrest in blacksmithing and I am already helping my clan in that respect. I just want to learn the trade through the Dwarfen way and enrich my rp blacksmithing skills.

    What Will You Add to the Guild:

    I will be a fresh pair of hands eager to work and learn the ways of the anvil.

  10. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: zortjr

    -How old are you?: 19

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: USA Eastern Standard

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am from a really small town in PA and there is not to much to do here. So minecraft is free time.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: About15 hours

    -How long have you played minecraft?: 6 to 8 months

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: I have played roleplaying computer games such as Diablo 1 & 2, Titan Quest, and others. I understand that it takes everyone's participation in order to have a successful role playing server. If one person doesn't role play then the whole part doesn't work.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be just like it was when Knights and kings ruled the land. It will be an ever changing world relating to the people that choose to make it as such.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I used to play on a server called matcatSMP but it didn't have the adventure and freedom that I was looking for. This server seems to break down the the walls that other servers set up.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Human, Elf, Orc, and Dwarf

    -How did you hear about us?: My brother started playing this server and kept nagging at me to join, so I am, and so far I say well done!

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: zortjr


    -Character Name: Skath Gwydion

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -Biography: Out of the tattered pages of a book, you find a diary of a small boy born out of a small village, in the kingdom of Oren.

    -Skath Gwydion, the 20th year of snow

    As a lad, I've always saw danger and the unknown as a way to prove myself to my ever protecting father. You see, my father is the leader of the village, the village hero. He and his highly elite soldiers defended the town against numerous undead attacks. Although despite all this, he tries to keep me sheltered in the house all day, fearing that one day he might lose me. But, what he doesn't know is that I face danger every day! I spit on the very ground that danger treads! Danger and I cross paths on numerous occasions, whether it be traveling to underground dungeons or scaling the high walls of an Ogre fort to sneak in. No one knows of my secret life for adventuring, not even my over protecting parents. For I must keep this a secret if I ever want to see the light of day again.

    -Skath Gwydion the Brave, the 32th year of the harvest

    My latest adventure takes me to the depths of Snowy Fields beyond the great capital of Oren, Al'Hazar. I'm venturing to this area because of the recent attacks of the undead, and to get my vengance upon them. I still lie awake at night reliving my nightmare over, and over again.

    The scene portrays a my father surrounded by the burning village that is my home. Undead are all around. His soldiers fall one by one. It gets down to him and a handful of men-at-arms. My father, being slain by the likes of the Undead. He was slain because of me. He sacrificed his life for the sake of mine by charging the dark mage with a fury of swings from his blade, giving me enough time to escape.

    This is why I must travel to the land covered by snow and blood of the innocent. I must avenge my father's death and the bring honor and glory back to my villages lost name, as my father always wanted. But before I can attempt to face the Undead I must seek out the monks in The Cloud Temple of Aegis to recive their blessing. So onward into the night I walk, because fear is not an option for weakness is its brother, only by the bravery in my heart, the sharpness of my blade and for the love of my fallen father, carries me into the night.

    -Character Age: 32

    -Character Appearance: My many scars I keep hidden from the pressing eyes for those loved ones around me. For I fear that they might start asking questions about how I got them and where I've been to.

    -Character Personality: I have kept from becoming corrupted by the taint, because of my father's teachings in self-reliance and the purity of the human soul. I am exceptionally brave, for I do not fear death or the horrors that it brings.

    -Your ambitions: I wish to explore the world, making evil and the undead cower at each step I take. But, before I take my part in ridding the world of the tainted ones, I must avenge my father's death.

    -Can your character read or write?: As kept inside all my life, I was taught the tombs of the world and learned much.

    -Can your character mine?: My mining skill are non-exsistant for I have been kept inside for the younger years of my life, never leaving the village until the age of 14.

    -Are you a capable builder?: I have read many tombs of the architecture of the world and is very capable of building if I had actual experiences.

    -Can you wield a sword?: In my years of adventure, I have become known for bravely slashing my sword accurately at my foes. I have not been slain yet, for that I must be a excellent swordsmen.

    -Enjoy Farming?: I grew up around a farming village, therefore I know the trade very well, but I do not enjoy it as much as adventuring.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: I have the uncanny ability to sneak out of my own house. To sneak out of other structures is less than adequate.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/96 ... 22431.png/

    -Other Information: Hope I see you all in the land of possibilities that is Aegis!

  11. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: zortjr

    -How old are you?: 19

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: USA Eastern Standard

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am from a really small town in PA and there is not to much to do here. So minecraft is free time.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: About15 hours

    -How long have you played minecraft?: 6 to 8 months

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: I have played roleplaying computer games such as Diablo 1 & 2, Titan Quest, and others. I understand that it takes everyone's participation in order to have a successful role playing server. If one person doesn't role play then the whole part doesn't work.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect this server to be just like it was when Knights and kings ruled the land. It will be an ever changing world relating to the people that choose to make it as such.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I used to play on a server called matcatSMP but it didn't have the adventure and freedom that I was looking for. This server seems to break down the the walls that other servers set up.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Human, Elf, Orc, and Dwarf

    -How did you hear about us?: My brother started playing this server and kept nagging at me to join, so I am, and so far I say well done!

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: zortjr


    -Character Name: Skath Gwydion

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -Biography: Out of the tattered pages of a book, you find a diary of a small boy born out of a small village, in the kingdom of Oren.

    -Skath Gwydion, the 20th year of snow

    As a lad, I've always saw danger and the unknown as a way to prove myself to my ever protecting father. You see, my father is the leader of the village, the village hero. He and his highly elite soldiers defended the town against numerous undead attacks. Although despite all this, he tries to keep me sheltered in the house all day, fearing that one day he might lose me. But, what he doesn't know is that I face danger every day! I spit on the very ground that danger treads! Danger and I cross paths on numerous occasions, whether it be traveling to underground dungeons or scaling the high walls of an Ogre fort to sneak in. No one knows of my secret life for adventuring, not even my over protecting parents. For I must keep this a secret if I ever want to see the light of day again.

    -Skath Gwydion the Brave, the 32th year of the harvest

    My latest adventure takes me to the depths of Snowy Fields beyond the great capital of Oren, Al'Hazar. I'm venturing to this area because of the recent attacks of the undead, and to get my vengance upon them. I still lie awake at night reliving my nightmare over, and over again.

    The scene portrays a my father surrounded by the burning village that is my home. Undead are all around. His soldiers fall one by one. It gets down to him and a handful of men-at-arms. My father, being slain by the likes of the Undead. He was slain because of me. He sacrificed his life for the sake of mine by charging the dark mage with a fury of swings from his blade, giving me enough time to escape.

    This is why I must travel to the land covered by snow and blood of the innocent. I must avenge my father's death and the bring honor and glory back to my villages lost name, as my father always wanted. But before I can attempt to face the Undead I must seek out the monks in The Cloud Temple of Aegis to recive their blessing. So onward into the night I walk, because fear is not an option for weakness is its brother, only by the bravery in my heart, the sharpness of my blade and for the love of my fallen father, carries me into the night.

    -Character Age: 32

    -Character Appearance: My many scars I keep hidden from the pressing eyes for those loved ones around me. For I fear that they might start asking questions about how I got them and where I've been to.

    -Character Personality: I have kept from becoming corrupted by the taint, because of my father's teachings in self-reliance and the purity of the human soul. I am exceptionally brave, for I do not fear death or the horrors that it brings.

    -Your ambitions: I wish to explore the world, making evil and the undead cower at each step I take. But, before I take my part in ridding the world of the tainted ones, I must avenge my father's death.

    -Can your character read or write?: As kept inside all my life, I was taught the tombs of the world and learned much.

    -Can your character mine?: My mining skill are non-exsistant for I have been kept inside for the younger years of my life, never leaving the village until the age of 14.

    -Are you a capable builder?: I have read many tombs of the architecture of the world and is very capable of building if I had actual experiences.

    -Can you wield a sword?: In my years of adventure, I have become known for bravely slashing my sword accurately at my foes. I have not been slain yet, for that I must be a excellent swordsmen.

    -Enjoy Farming?: I grew up around a farming village, therefore I know the trade very well, but I do not enjoy it as much as adventuring.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: I have the uncanny ability to sneak out of my own house. To sneak out of other structures is less than adequate.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/96 ... 22431.png/

    -Other Information: Hope I see you all in the land of possibilities that is Aegis!

  12. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: zortjr

    -How old are you?: 19

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: USA Eastern Standard

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am from a really small town in PA and there is not to much to do here. So minecraft is free time.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:15 hours

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Around 8 months

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: I have played roleplaying computer games such as Diablo 1 & 2, Titan Quest, and others. I understand the concept of playing games with acting as your character would.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Adventurous with an in depth story line and many players who act there part.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I used to play on matcat's server but a lot of the mods stopped working and people stopped playing.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Human, Elf, Orc, and Dwarf

    -How did you hear about us?: My brother started playing

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:zortjr


    -Character Name: Skath

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -Biography: I am the son of a blacksmith from Whisper Islands. Upon turning 19 I decided to travel the world and find my trade, though my father would have it that I learn the ways of the hammer and anvil. I want to see the world and meet the diverse creatures of Aegis. I want to see the Dorfin mines of Kal’urguan, travel with the nomadic Orcs, and clime the Elvin trees. I understand there are risks; I have heard stories of the dreaded undead, how they have completely destroyed one of the northern most cities. This has not deterred me though. As my father says ‘Everyone has a grand destiny in front of them, but it is up to you which road you will take’.

    -Character Age:19

    -Character Appearance: Brown hair and eyes.

    -Character Personality: Strong Willed, Brave, and ambitious.

    -Your ambitions: I want to see the world and would like to become a Mage when magic becomes more prevalent.

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes

    -Can your character mine?: Yes

    -Are you a capable builder?: Yes

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes

    -Enjoy Farming?: Yes

    -Does your character have any special skills?: I can survive through harsh conditions.

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/96 ... 22431.png/

    -Other Information:

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