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Pikel Boldshoulder

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Pikel Boldshoulder

  1. All I want to do is open a place in Kingston why must it be so hard D:

  2. 30 on minestatus not bad.

  3. your avatar is the best movie

  4. whats the command to see whos online

  5. Pikel's Books&Ale coming to New Abresi soon :)

  6. I'm going to be in need of quite a bit of wood and reeds though

  7. why is the the new news not at the top of the forums anymore?

  8. Can you copy books anymore?

  9. An ad for Ja'mie just popped up on LOTC, has to be the only ad worth seeing here (other than Spirithoods)

  10. Come on to find my horse that I tacked up in the stables last night to be dead. Awesome

  11. Come on to find my horse that I tacked up in the stables last night to be dead. Awesome

  12. seriously giving up on ever getting time on the server, hope you guys are having luck fixing it soon.

  13. i should tell you i stalk you on occassion

  14. Server needs a reset it's being derpy and crashing everyone.

  15. And there goes another two horses T_T

  16. *pats the server fondly* Get better soon dear

  17. What's the use for TNT if I can't blow stuff up :(

  18. Brah what's your skype I wanta talk to you about building stuff

  19. #makeitstraight #hordesofmordormobs

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