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Posts posted by Dun_Irongut

  1. Minecraft Name:




    Skype Name (This may alternatively be PMed to be for privacy purposes):




    Applicant Name:


    Dun Irongut

    Race and Age:


    Dwarf; 253.

    What position are you applying for? (Librarian, Maven, Inventor, Analyst, Phrenal):




    List any experience you have had with matters regarding that Department:


    • An off chance meeting with a ministry applicant and the Preminant Sevant at the Cloud Temple Library during the Dissolution of Oren Conference. 


    • Several bidding wars in pursuit of objects I may have found interesting and thought may look quite nice in my personal museum. 


    Describe the reason for your interest in that position (>5 sentences):


    I've taken a tinge of disgust with the politics of the world and wish to retire my worldly possessions and artifacts to the ministry, as well as use what knowledge I have to procure pieces of artwork and literature that aren't currently in the ministries collection. I've always had a knack for gathering said works and I believe the job of Librarian would be well suited for me. I've spent a great many years traveling, working in several pursuits and endeavors and I've returned with a knowledge on a multitude of subjects. I intend to spend a great deal of time scribbling what knowledge I have down so that perhaps future residents of Anthos may have more knowledge on topics such as brewing, inter-kingdom business, rare objects, locations unknown, etc. I look forward to spending my time with a quil to parchment. 


    By applying, should you be accepted you are expected to utterly adhere to the Common Clauses. Do you understand this?:


    Indeed. I accept them with a great deal of relief. 

  2. Name: Dun Irongut

    Age : 256

    Race: Dwarf


    Position applying for: Grand Merchant

    Experience: Owner and operator of Lionsgate Brewing for over 10 years, all around merchant, and past position as Grand Merchant. 

    Reason(s) to be said position: I have the experience and dedication. My previous leaving was due to the death of my adopted son at the hands of the Flay and I shall not be doing such a thing again.  I look forward to serving the kingdom dutifully once more. 

  3. ((I like the idea, it's cute. Some advice, though, if you care to take any. I suggest removing the topic. Forum posts are the Bane of groups like this. If you wish to create a secret society/organization like this that is all about deception and crime, it is SO much more efficient to do it all in game. Leave no paper trail. The deadliest group is the group no one sees coming. Just remember that having a forum post on the matter doesn't make it any more official than not having it, and some of the greatest villain groups have all done without forum posts ^.^ ))


    [[i debated posting one for about a month since the group's creation. I'm still on the cuff about removing it, as I enjoy a place where it can be public. I'm not worried about meta-gaming or anything of that sort, nor do we need to be too secretive. Then again, I still agree with you. So, in short, I'm really conflicted.]]

  4. I truly looked up to you as a player who's given his all to make this server a better place and I still see you no differently. I just wish you hadn't, despite the anger you garnered from the situation, pushed back in the way that you did. Posting something like this beforehand and choosing not do doll out the minas would have had a much stronger pull. 

  5. The Iron Circle



    Introduction and Purpose:

    The creation of the Circle was as casual as it was quick. A rough assortment of clansmen and friends, they simply decided to go into business together through casual conversation. When speaking of "business," it can be inferred as to which. However, they agreed; strong morals will stand. The death of a Blackmont is prioritized over a run of the mill bastard thief. The protection of the truly innocent will always be considered and of course, reputation must remain everything. On the topic of purpose, to each his own. Perhaps it's wealth, perhaps not. Whatever one's purpose, they are sure to be in for an interesting Circle of friends. 



    The first oath was taken when the first members of the group each cut there hands, letting blood flow into a communal bowl to create such a ritual for future members to take. It was not formed out of the need for silence or secrecy, but out of the want for tradition. This ritual is now the foundation of initiation procedure. One must go through several trials with their recruiter before sitting down for the oath. These trials may include killing someone on command, stealing, beating someone, or dealing substances of ill repute. Whatever the case, completion of these tasks with one's senior member leads to initiation. At this point, one is pulled out from whatever they are doing at an opportune time and brought to a dark "borrowed" room. The room is decorated and fresh flowers are on the table. After enjoying a fine meal of flat bread, baked potatoes, mushroom stew, and beef cutlets, the Oath is taken in three distinct and very secretive stages. It is here that all moral qualms are tossed away and the orders that come down from the Mask are expected to be followed to the letter. 



    1. The Mask - The boss of all Circle operations. Orders are always given indirectly and he never makes direct contact his lowest underlings,only sending notes through various messengers. His word is law; failure to obey will result in your "removal," which may adopt a different meaning depending on your transgression.


    2. The Cloak - Second in command for all Circle operations. Most prominent task is keeping all Dens in line and checking up on them. Can give orders, but cannot make Order changing decisions without approval from the Mask.


    3. The Coins - Acting mentors for the Shadows. Each coin may be assigned up for five Shadows and may be sent off to another town, city, village, or structure to expand operations and construct new safe houses. They must instruct the coins in whichever skills they can. Coins must be experienced

    in two of these categories. All Coins are to be approved by The Cloak and Mask before being inducted.

    • Fencing: Those who wish to take the path of fencing stolen items and distributing them. Adequate financial skills. 
    • Theft: A pick pocket who has lost his child-like agility may wish to hone his skills further and become a fully fledged thief. Or perhaps one a bit older simply wishes to learn the rather casual art of removing a fine piece of jewelry from a Noble's jewelry box and exit through a broken window?      

    Pick Pocket: A thief will take this route if he is young (5-17), able, and still being by a Coin. 

    • Recycling: Those who work to "chop up" items and strip them down. This may be melting down old armor and molding bars to be stored.      
    • Deception/Conning/Leadership: Skill in rhetoric, how to know when to bribe, etc. 
    • Combat: Prefered style of the user. 
    • Other: If a special skill is had, it may be very
    • useful. For example, an Alchemist may teach his skill and sell Alchemists fire, making a profit for the Circle. Such a skill must be approved by The Cloak or the Mask.

    4. Shadows - Basic rank of the order. All members start here and move their way up. They will have already taken their oaths and their names will have been passed on to the mask. All Shadows are to be approved by The Cloak and Mask before being inducted. Will be taught at least one skill listed above throughout the course of their work. 


    5. Associates - Those that associate themselves with the Circle. The information they get may not be much, but they are given help, paid, or inducted into the Circle. Those who are chosen to join the Circle start as associates and will be asked to perform certain tasks before becoming aware of the Circle and taking their oaths.Others will simply remain associates as long as they provide services to the Circle's members and are trustworthy. Those that take this route must always be kept in check and watched.  Associates will not be told of the Circle, it's motives, or it's activities. Only provided with tasks.



    There is no application for now. All interactions have been and must be in-game. Remember that this post is purely OOC, so no information about this group can be taken from this post. You'll have to find it all out. 


    The purpose of this guild/group, at least from an OOC standpoint, is to try and centralize Dwarven criminal RP and create yet another hub for roleplay. The roleplay in Kal'Azgoth has been dead for sometime and it is my hope that we can bring a new element to it, perhaps revitalizing the sparse RP that exists there. 

  6. Wonderfully said. RP interaction and the stimulation of trade are a necessity. More diplomacy and trade agreements will certainly make the server more immersive. RP materials and things that may be considered "junk" will develop value when the jewelry system comes out and already have some RP value in many cases. 

  7. *Dun counts down the list of alliesof the Dwarven nation*

    • Salvus
    • Malinor
    • Gorkil
    • Gahztusk
    • Orc Confederacy
    • The Mages Guild
    • Celets
    • Adunians
    • All Dwarven Holds
    • Cat Folk
    • Druids
    • Malinor*
    • Golems
    • Doomforge


    *He smiles as he face slowly begins more contorted and far from its original composure*


    "W'ere will we fin' allies?"

  8. *Dun paces back and forth, deciding whether to leave or not. Looking toward Siege's corpse, he pushes through the comotion and removes the Siege's scutum. He thinks to himself for a time*


    "'e may 'ave been a bastard, but 'e did nae deserve this ****. All involved will pay, I'll be sure uv it."


    *Dun then walks toward the gates of Salvus, holding the shield, intent on bringing to The Rose the same gifts he had brought to the Blackmont*

  9. Hmm, but remember guys, we don't want to be limiting the community. Remember that much of the community is against having a professions plugin that restricts you from crafting certain things. People want to have freedom in what they do.


    Being unable to create items like doors and tools was the issue with Vaq's plugin. Creating colored glass is a rather specific thing to be able to do and such a limitation doesn't decrease functionality of the server, which was the main problem with restrictions. 



    On two different notes, me and SuperSodaPops are writing up some gem lore for a few more additions to the current LOTC gems and stones. You alright with this? I don't want to jump over what you've already prepped to program. 


    The second note being my question about Brewing. Will this not be a profession? It would be nice to have something along the lines of a way to test the viability and quality of brews the higher level you are. Perhaps also the ability to 

  10. *The Old Paragon steps forth, pulling a large tome from his beard flipping through the pages and holding forth the text bearing the Greed Law's contents.*



    "Dese charges cannae pass, fer da Articles ov Urguan states dat da law mus' be up'eld by da Clan Fadder! Nae da King! Igor be da un responsible fer punishments an' 'andlin' ov dis business! Tuh duh odder woise woold be da breakin' ov da Greed law's content woold be da breakin' ov da Articles!"


    *Moves from the seating and looks at Kjell in the eyes, his face devoid of emotion. He clears his throat and asks a rather simple question*


    Who might t'is clan fadder be, den? If such a court be 'is idea, then yeh cannot put it inte question, unless t'is becomes a matter uv the entire clan, in which King T'orin shall judge it. 

  11. Name IC/OOC: Tak/Blackhawk77g

    Race(Has to be Orc): Orc

    Orc Skin Tone: His normal skin tone with sun spots blotched on his head. 

    Orc Subrace: Goblin

    Brief Bio (2 sentences, tell me who he is): Tak is a fun loving goblin with an affinity for knowledge and wisdom. He has go so far as to venture from his small hut in the Badlands to Salvus, where he was able to see how fireworks work. Magic and technology excite him and he wishes to bring both these things back with him to the Badlands. 

    Why are you interested?: RP'd  a bit  with you and enjoyed it; Also I like bears. 

    Player status (Active player, New player, etc.): Active Player

  12. Imperial Citizenship Form 1.0.0

    Name: Dun  Irongut
    Surname/House: Irongut
    Age: 256
    Gender: Male
    Race: Dwarf
    Citizen Ship Class (A or B): B
    Physical Description
    Height: 4'9
    Weight: Unknown
    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair Color: Black
    Skin Color/Shade: Tan
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: One scar through the left eye
    Personal Information
    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):
    Nation of Residence (Choose one: Renatus, Salvus, Hanseti, Seventis):  Salvus
    Profession/Occupation: Brewer
    Oath(s) of Loyalty
    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):
    "I, Dun Irongut, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  13. *Looks at the hanging body of Mills and begins to laugh, cackling under his breath as he walks toward his shop stall. He continues laughing as he stocks his shop stall, slapping his knee. He then abruptly stops and grabs a bottle of his own brew, biting the cork off and knocking it back*


    "And so begins... The end."

  14. MC Name: blackhawk77g

    RP Name: Dun Irongut

    Rank: Stoneguard

    Anything the officers need to know ((Inactive times, reason for inactivity, etc.)) : I've been selling my wares in Oren. The Blackmonts recently burned down my brewery, so I have been unable to do much work in the kingdom. 

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