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Posts posted by Dun_Irongut

  1. Application For the Order:

    Out of Character information


    [Age]: 16

    [Time-Zone]: PST

    [How much time you can be online per day]: 1-3 hours

    [How long have you been playing on the server?]: Since early Aegis.

    [Why do you, as a player, want to join the Order?]: For some time I've been intent on having my character expand on what his RP has progressed into. In the Order, I would like to do something along the lines of "bookkeeper" and maintain information on everything that is needed.

    [Do you have TS?]: Yes

    [Do you have a Skype?]: Yes

    In Character Information

    Name: Dun Irongut

    Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yes.

    Race: Dwarf

    Age: 70

    Experience: I am intent on learning all that I can. I am a simple Dwarf by name. A trader, a brewery, a nephew, a politician, and a philosopher. I have done many things in my short life and seen much. I suppose this is just another opportunity to gain experience. I hope that if you accept me, it yields much more.

    Why do you wish to join?: I wish to join a group where benefits can be mutual. To gain a group of friends honor and cherish. Instead of writing that kind of crap, I refer to the first sentence. To be frank, simply I wish to provide my services in information keeping.

    Describe your personality: I am honorable, at least that is what I believe. Perhaps you will judge for yourself? Regardless, I enjoy reading, writing, and discussion. However, when I must enter in a fight, I will.

    Describe your personal attributes: I am a Dwarf, that is really all you need to know, as much can be inferred from that. But I will tell you that I would prefer to remove my accent and associate myself with Humans often. I also enjoy a strong brew of Vodka, so I suppose the best way to describe me would be almost a stereotype.

    Personal Biography: I was born in the icy wastes of Hanseti, in Asulon, some time ago to a father that cared little and a mother who I don't know. That's not to say I hated my bastard of a father, but he was a bastard nonetheless. I traveled for years, meeting many and earning many friends until I finally stumbled upon the dwelling of my father, Kal'Dwain. It turned out he was dead, so I ended up joining my clan and earning their respect. During this time, I studied religion and learned much about the Dwarven god Dungrimm. I entered service in Dwarven politics and did much, but that should be discussed at a later date, as it's not important quite yet. All and all, I've gone through my life learning. That is what I will mention several times here and it is the truth. I wish to learn what you have to offer and in turn, I will provide what I have to offer.

    Will you be one hundred percent loyal to the Order? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: I am loyal and I will be loyal to the order, if the same respect is given to me. I intend to build something in this "order" and I don't wish to be killed while doing it. So, with that said, yes, I will be loyal and I am a loyal person.

    Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, such as other guilds or organizations. Are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?:I have always been loyal to my clan, which is an extended family of sorts. They have taken me in and provided hospitality and I have provided the same to them, in times of peace and in times of need. I think it is fair to say that those I am loyal to deserve it and it is because of this that I remain loyal. But to answer your fears as to whether or not I will be loyal to this group, the simple answer would be if a document such as this were to be used against me, I would do what needs to be done. But if trust is kept, then no issues should arise and perhaps friendships can be developed, eh?

    Some Additional Out of Character Questions

    [show me you know how to talk in OOC:] ((I prefer tells, but brackets or double parenthesis are the norm for talking in OOC.

    [Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being part of the Order?]: Mhm. I've really wanted to find an order/group for a while without starting my own, so I can build on to others RP instead of creating my own entirely. It looks like a fun and fresh experience, so hey, why not?

    [Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:]http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/77201-dun-ironguts-va-1/

    [Link to Server Application (if findable):]

    [When applying, grammar and capitalization do matter!]

  2. Absent evidence is not evidence.

    Yes... Absence of evidence is not evidence... And yet in terms of an argument using the same standards given by those who support Intelligent Design, the evidence is all there. Correlation clearly equals causality :wink:

    They are. Alot. But the word dinosaur wasn't invented until the late 1800s. They used other words like, Leviathan, Dragon, or Behemoth.

    I'm most likely misinformed, but when animals were taken two by two onto the ark, were Dinosaurs taken as well?

  3. What's with all of the generalization? Atheists this... Deists that... If you're going to generalize a group, there's no point in debating. As a staunch agnostic-atheist, I see that religion does a lot of good in the world and provides a coping mechanism for those who cannot comprehend the multitude of atrocities committed in their life time. Please don't flame and in all reality, if you're insulted by scientific theory, than don't debate. The Church of Latter Day Saints, specifically, makes no sense to me and yet the Mormons who I've met seem to be the nicest people. But, I digress far too much, this debate in on Evolution vs. Creationism.

    Evolution, if studied enough, is a tried and tested Scientific theory. My thoughts are if you aren't a scientist, don' purport to have the same level of knowledge. So my short response to this would be carbon dating is flawed, which is why it's not primarily used, the moon was not created at the same as the earth and the earth is clearly older than 6000 years. My question to the creationists here is simply...

    Why are dinosaurs not mentioned in the bible, Old Testament or New?

    (Sorry for spelling or grammar issues, typed this on my phone.)

  4. "I will cite the constitution fer this occurrence..."

    *Dun then pulls out a small sheet and begins to recite a portion of the constitution. The whole portion.*

    "King: The King and Council are able to suggest a Dwarf to be become King. The Council will then vote whether this Dwarf is to be the next King. The Council must take careful time in choosing the next king, they need to meet at least three times altogether in the deciding of this matter. These three meetings must be over a span of one elven week.

    Any one dwarf can run for king, although, there are only allowed for two running dwarves for the throne at any given election. If there are too many candidates, than the council will pick the two that they think are most likely to be in their favor. After this is done, the election process may begin."

    "Unless this law is begin' changed, ye 'ave already bypassed the constitution. There was no real election, no meetin's, and none of this sort done. Should the constitution be tossed all together?"

  5. *A note written by Dun Irongut and signed by his clan-father, Hiebe Irongut, is placed on the throne. It reads...*

    Thorin Grandaxe, a guard and soldier of the Dwarven Legion, has attacked me in the center of the city. He proceeded to choke me, spit on me, and kick me before I retaliated. Then, rather recently, I had discovered that the very reason he has struck me (defending Elves who had entered out city and insulted it), is flawed. I have seen on of them, the sister, with the Syndicate. It is for these reasons that I hold a grudge against this man and will not rest until he has made a public apology or renounced his legion position for an abuse of power.

  6. *The Paragon nods grinning a toothy grin.*

    "Aye Ah'm toired ov did schitt! Let's get us a few pints ov drink an' talk at da tavern."

    *Kjell flips his empty tankard upside down.*

    "Ah coold use a fill ov dis 'ere mug tuh nevah know w'en ya need moar drink."

    *Follows the two men to the tavern, knowing full well of what's to come*

  7. " Yer a fool skippeh, nobodeh denied that fact. Ah me'self would like th' Crimson tu return. But ye completeleh took whut ah was talkin' about an' flipped it around, as if ye be talkin' tu yer'self! Ye 'ave a nack ov doin' dat Skippeh ye realleh du, dunnae twist words. "

    Gorum then turns to Bael.

    " Ah dunnae feckin' care! It ain't me tamperin' with religion, if ah ain't th' one doin' it den ah dunnae give a feck! Ah will stay true tu th' law ov th' Brathmordakin, an' it states that th' Paragon is nearly on par to a God livin' among us, and so ah will treat it that way untill th' Brathmordakin themselves tell me otherwise. "

    "Keep this in mind brother... All of Kjell's claims to Paragon have not been proved, nor has he been challenged on that account. He is a great hero in battles that we've seen, but by no other standard. Urir Ireheart shall always remain a Paragon by the standards of what a Paragon shall be deemed as. I cannot deny Dungrimm. Ancestors shall be respected, those who do not represent their position shall not. Kjell has not been recognized by the current clergy and with that said, it is you who recognizes him, not the Brathmordakin. To directly quote the constitution, since that is what you have done,”The ArchBishop is the religious leader of his time, informing the council of the views of the gods and the paragons of all their actions. He is chief on all matters of religion throughout the dwarven nation." This is fairly clear and by this standard, the matter is settled."

  8. *Darius looks at the old man with disdain, saddened to see power corrupt another of his brothers *

    "A paragon earns his title with 'onor. You have none. If yeh wish to implicate conspiracy, then do so with proof. I have called yeh out publicly and this is nay a secret. Ye 'ave disrespected our allies, our brothers, and my father, regardless of whether he was a bastard. Your title was instated during a tumultuous time of an unorganized and unsorted religious turmoil. Your "right" of Paragon is not a right, but a title given honorably by the Dwarven people for respect and service to us. We then respond by honoring you, but not when the respect is no longer mutual. If it is simply that you've lost your mind, then please, I offer you the simple chance to retire with your position and return your statements. Until your statements are retracted to Ventus and a public apology made to me for the actions against my father in Asulon and Aegis, I will remain adamant that your position is not weighed properly and you sir, are lacking in character. The only Ireheart fitting of the title of Paragon is Urir and that is something that can be taken to the history books, old man."

    *Takes a breath and continues*

    "This is no conspiracy, nor is this lack of respect unwarranted. Respect your people and its safety or have no place in our city."

  9. Contention Form

    Use this Form if you wish to remove the title of Paragon from a living Paragon


    Your MC Name: Blackhawk77g

    MC Name of the Person being Contended: Kjell_Ireheart


    Your RP Name: Dun Irongut

    RP Name of Person being Contended: Kjell_Ireheart

    List of Reasons they should be Removed: A suggested Dwarven grudge shall be carried on this fashion. For the crimes of a discovered wartime assault on my father in times of Aegis, the kidnapping of women from ally nations, and general disrespect of the position. It is in this manner, that I also point out his disrespect of Elves, primarily Ventus, a member sworn to protect our nation with his guild. He has jeopardized the security of this nation and decreased our military force by 20 fold. A paragon is a man of honor and respect, not foolish behavior. Attention must be paid, lest we forget our own honor. If the man has already lost his title, so be it, as I do not see it listed. If not, I stand firmly in my position.

  10. Perhaps we should focus on doing this in RP. History is often updated and errors removed. The creation of a hall of records that is grand and maintained would make sense in Dwarven culture and be the perfect place for clans to submit and compile information that will be written down in the records hall, to be used freely, as well as backed up on a Google Doc or the Wiki?

  11. For that matter, if you're interested in fishing, I don't see any problem (Hiebe, do you?) with a fishing guild of some sort or just the event yourself. And what many people don't take into account, is that a guild doesn't have to meet regularly or work together (Not that I've seen, anyway). How about regulating fish prices? Coming together occasionally to host events like this? I'm digressing, so I'll just leave you with... If you take the initiative, no one will put you down for it. As Hiebe said, any event is a good one. If you need any help, feel free to ask, I'm always willing.

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