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Posts posted by Tegrof

  1. Kayne spits at Toveah's words


    "Ye ain't got leverage wit' da dwarves ye fat smelleh 'uman! An' threatenin' us fer sure ain't gon' 'elp yer case."


    Kayne nods as this is said.

    *Tegrof frowns upon this notion and says loudly over the voting crowd, holding a flier containing a text chanting for Kayne: "Oi! Yeh and yeh Gol'ands are litterin' de citeh wiff fliers 'n soch. Sum scumbag Gol'and was en de tavern, trowin' dem aroond and den desrespectin' me 'n Dun 'imself, as 'e was meh guest. Way ter go if yeh wannah win, wiff litterin' 'n disrespectin' 'ere 'n der."*

  2. *Turns around as Fulgrin makes his order. "Ah'd recommen' ah pint'ov Blackpeak Stoot. Et's bitteh 'n creemy dark stoot." At the same time he started to prepare the mug. As Dun starts to talk to him again, he turns to him and says: "One secon' Dun. Ah'll serve dis foine stone'ed first." He turns back to Fulgrin, saying: "Wut be yer name, stone'ed?" As he awaited the answer he took forth a ladder and climbed up, to reach the ale casks up there. Done pouring the dark ale, he places the mug on the counter. "'Ere yeh go."


    *He then turns to Dun again. "Wut where yeh sayin' Dunny? Ehm yeh, aboot dat. Ah tink ah'll stay away from dem politican games. Ah dunnae loike it much ov de toime, ter be perfectly 'onest. Pardon me fer sayin' it, but yer stoopid clans take ter much space and gets en de way. Imagine dem clans not existin', wulditnae be easie' ter come ter conclusions?", he says, loud enough for any other guests to hear, and jump in the conversation.


    As Tegrof awaits answers, he sees Hiebe take a seat and snap his fingers. Tegrof's eyes darts off as a small light suddenly appeared and disappeared, just as quickly. He eyes Hiebe, looking for any signs on what he just did. After a couple of seconds he shrugs, takes a cloth and starts to wipe the counter, looking towards Dun and Fulgrim once again.*

  3. *Frowns as Finki runs through the tavern, barely understanding the fast rambling.*

    "Oi!. Ah'd loike yeh te take dat advertisin' elsewere. Dunnae disturb meh guest 'ere."


    *Tegrof back to Dun as he answers. With a smile Tegrof takes down a tall mug and says: "Pleese. Wai'ere fer one second. Ah'ma go down ter de cellar and get yer de ale. Ah dunnae trost evreone yet ter not barge in 'ere and tink et's a common lager beer. Dis ale is meh precious, so one cannae be ter careful." He scurries off but comes back oh so more slowly, carrying the filled, tall mug carefully. "'Ere yeh go. Ah pint ov Ferdek's Chocolate Stoot. Enjoy!"*

  4. *Tegrof stands behind the bar counter of the Dripping Beard, wiping it with a clean cloth. He eyes the shelves filled with different drinks and the empty bar and table chairs. He listens in on the bubbling of the cauldron and the fire of the hearths, all the while thinking: "I am finally ready. Now lets await our first customers."*


    ((This is the RP thread for the tavern and inn, The Dripping Beard. This thread will be a great opportunity to share news and gossip, tell stories and such. The establishment is found in Kal'Azgoth.


    I’d like to keep business conversations and discussions in the thread found in the link below, while we have the RP in this thread. Further information can be found here.))

  5. *As Tegrof steps towards King Omithiel, he makes an effort not to jump up and down in excitement. His excitement grows as the King gives him praises about the ale. When Omitihel stands up to go away, Tegrof says, with a trembling voice: 

    "Tank yeh, meh Kin'. Ah ahm 'onored, not only dat yeh toisted meh ale, but ah ahm also 'onored to get soch praises. Ah ahm glad yeh loiked it."

    Tegrof bows and smiles big, as the company walks away.



    A week later, a messenger finds Tegrof and gives him a letter, with the King seal on it. Excited, he rips it open and reads it. He had to read it several times before actually understanding it. Once the message would sink in, he starts looking for quill, ink and paper, and scribbles:


    "Thank you, my King. I will attend to the meeting.




    He then takes a walk to the tavern storage room, with a tear rolling down his cheek. Taking a mug, he quickly steps up to one of his casks, the ones he had worked with several weeks earlier. He pours the dark liquid, and hurries up to the fire.

    "T'ank yeh, again, Masteh Ferdak", he says and takes a sip.

  6. I would suggest to point to other guides that talks about character diversity, and especially the two below in particular. Read them and sum them up in a way that would make new players go there and at least think over what a new character can be, along with the famous war hero, that is discussed here. 


    I really think the important point of the guide is "Your are also advised to roleplay in a realistic sense which most RPG games lack". In reality, those war heroes and ninjas doesn't come in numbers, not even in fantasy or medieval settings. Keep enhancing this part, and I think you'll have people getting your drift even more.


    Meet the-series

    100 ways to improve RP

  7. If I was reading this as a new player I would be really demoralised and walk away from this server. Most people come here wanting to be the next epic character or what have you, and telling people they can't do this, can't do that, and that they must be limited to mediocrity all the time is a bad idea, everyone should be ambitious to do cool and epic things, this server was built entirely around this concept.


    New players, if you read this post, go for it and be whatever you want to be, try to make a difference and do those cool and epic things.

    I don't get it really. You don't have to be this warrior to become a known character in the world of LotC. You can be that awesome tavern owner, a famous writer or paper owner, a baker (Dawn?), etc. etc. etc. This is what Cyndikate is trying to tell you.

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