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Posts posted by Tegrof

  1. ((Everyone that are located in Kal'Azgoth are welcome to participate in this event, although only the chosen judges are allowed to taste the ale at this time. Everyone else are welcome to add to the RP environment in the tavern during the event.))

    *In preparation s for making his special ale, Tegrof would acquire all the necessary ingredients. After collecting it all, he would be found in the Kal’Azgoth brewery, most often for himself, studying each step of the process carefully, even before starting.

    The very first step would be to roast the malt Tegrof had chosen for this bear. This process is very vital since it will give a very special taste, if done in the way he intends. If one roasts it long enough, it’ll become chocolate brown and very aromatic. This specially roasted malt gains a very chocolaty taste.

    Taking the chocolate malt and his supplementary grain, oats, together with water, Tegrof starts mashing the mix. The selection of oats as a secondary grain is to make the ale very smooth. Mashing is a process where the brewer soaks the malt together with the ingredients so as to extract flavours and soften it. Tegrof is mashing his ingredients in exactly one hour and a half, always tasting. Once finished, the ale wort (the liquid one makes the beer out of) would be separated from the mashed grains.

    As the mashing is finished, Tegrof takes the wort and pours it into a copper (a large copper tank). He also adds a big hand full of grounded cocoa beans. The ale wort is now ready for boiling. Usually, at this point of the brewing process, a brewer would also add hops. But, after experimentations for this particular brew, he adds his hops within the last 15 minutes of the boil. This boil, Tegrof has calculated, have to take around 65 minutes to make it perfect. This point of the process is important, because there is a lot of tasting going on, which Tegrof performs every so often. Once the boiling is finished, he filters it once, to take away the last remaining particles.

    The boiled wort is now taken into a vessel for fermentation, and remains there for cooling. Once cooled, Tegrof adds yeast, and even a little more grounded cocoa beans into the wort, and another bunch of hops. During the upcoming fermentation cycles, Tegrof would ready three oak casks. After two fermentation cycles of one elven week, Tegrof divides the ale in three smaller casks, and let them ferment, age and condition for another three elven weeks. This lagering is had at very low temperatures.

    After a long wait, about five weeks, Tegrof finally decides that the aging is over. He goes down to the tavern warehouse, striding towards the casks. He picks up one of the casks, and brings it up to the tavern. Completely alone, he takes a mug, and pours this Special Chocolate Stout. As he pours, a rich, aromatic flavor reaches his nose. The ale itself, is dark brown, almost shading into black. The mug slowly gets a topping of a caramel brown head of foam. With a big smile on his face, he picks the mug up and takes it to his mouth. As the liquid reaches his tongue, he clearly tastes the mellow tones of chocolate malt, oats and cocoa beans, with an ending of bitter-sweet. The feel is smooth, almost creamy. Tegrof ends his sip, sighing, all the while thinking, with a tear rolling down his cheek:

    “Tank ye masteh Fardak. Ah culd nevah ‘ave dun dis witoot ye. Ah toast ter ye, wiff dis foine Ferdak’s Chocolat Stoot.”

    After taking away the cask, Tegrof took his mug, and sat down by the tavern hearth, enjoying life.

    The day after, he prepares letters that would be sent to the judges, inviting them to the tavern, for a taste of his Ferdak’s Chocolate Stout. He would also let the word out that each and every dwarf and citizen living in Kal’Azgoth would be invited to the tavern, to watch the event.

    At the day of the judging, he would have his specially made cask brought up, and placed on a table of its own, inside the tavern. On the table several mugs are placed, one of them being richly decorated with emerald leaves and vines, and one big ruby for a red flower. Now he would await the judges. Instructions are given to those who are not chosen judges, that they may not taste the ale, nor are they to disturb the event. Everyone are welcome to look at the judges reactions.

    Upon the arrival of the last judge, Tegrof would wait for the merry chatting of the judges and the others to calm down. Once it had been quiet for a moment, Tegrof took a deep breath and says, with a booming, rough voice, that echoes through the tavern:

    “‘Ail meh Kin’, Omitel Strongbroo. And greetings ter ye, judges, ‘n lastly ‘ello ter ye guests. Ah ahm Tegrof Largefist, ale broower ‘n enjoyer ov loife. Welcome ter dis jodging ov deh Competition ov Broowers, were ah ahm ter present meh entry.”

    Tegrof backs off towards the table and the cask. He takes the specially made mug and slowly pours the dark liquid.

    “As yeh ahll can see, dis is a dark stoot, ‘n ah dark one at dat. Ah learned dis recip from me brew masteh, Ferdak. Yeh’ll all naow knoow dis ale as Ferdak’s Chocolate Stoot. Yeh, yeh ‘erd meh. Dah ale contains rich flavours of chocolate. Et es ah smoot ale wit ah bitteh sweet endin’.”

    Tegrof walks up to the kings seat and hands him the mug, saying:

    “Meh Kin’, ah’ll let yeh take the first toiste.”

    Tegrof backs to the table and quickly starts to prepare fresh mugs for the rest of the judges, still carefully pouring. After handing mugs out for all judges, Tegrof says:

    “‘All ‘ail Kin’ Omitel, ‘n enjoy yer ale!”

    After letting the king taking the first sip, Tegrof takes a seat further back in the tavern, letting the judges do their business.*

    ((OOC disclaimer: Tegrof is the only one knowing this recipe. No one will be able to sell or brew this ale except for himself. Deals may be struck further down the line that he can brew and sell it to various establishments.))

  2. (( Origins of such things come from me and I am the Ishikawa this is how I've role played since I joined the server, and I've had ties to Oren since in Aegis))


    "Hmm seems they are getting their name out into the public, with my consent of course."

    ((Sounds cool. Good luck Shimazus!))

  3. (( I have had such a great time tonight on the server. Its been so much fun to RP with so many new members and see many old friends and I want to thank you all for the warm welcomes.

    For some of you that may be confused, please let me clarify this. My current character's name IS Dawn. Dawn is my IRL name and most people call me by it already, so I chose to use it again in RP. Her last name is Ashby...its a bit of a joke based on the fact that the old "Dawn" character died by fire. I, the real life woman, has always enjoyed the RP that the bakeries have created and I wished to do what I enjoyed the most, again. The parallels to my old character come only from this RL influence. My current character is in no way related to the Pereas of the past. I hope this clears up any confusion and hope that this post announcing my new bakery does not become a home for trolls. I hope to see everyone in the bakery soon! :D))

    ((but it must be ok to rply be confused about it? I mean, as a tavern keeper in kal'azgoth, on the other side of Anthos, it must surely be twisted rumours changing the story. For me, I'll gossip it as if you'd be the old Dawn Perea :-P

    Welcome back though!))

  4. Be happy we have a coder who does stuff! (not saying that Dgco doesn't do stuff)


    I do love this, the fact that most fish don't do anything is awesome, it's just for pure RP. That's awesome...

    Exactly this is what I'm thinking as well. More stuff for pure RP, for the people!

  5. Great idea. Thanks for doing this!



    ((Telanir now OOCly drinks for free at the Rusted Cog. But his characters still have to pay. Great stuff))



    More types of William the Minstrel Fish!'





    I really don't think using plugin items together with frames is a good idea...

  6. *As Tegrof was walking the grand halls of Kal'Azgoth, he couldn't care to miss the fliers put up on the many walls. Stepping up to one of them, and after reading it through, he mutters to himself:

    "Hrmf. Ah will show dem wut ah can. Ah tink I'll even muster meh ol' speciel recip. Et wuld mabe even get meh sum noice reputation. Ah even 'ope the kin' will see dis as an 'int regardin' meh request ter 'im."

    What he wouldn't say aloud was that he didn't do the competition for the sake of the ownage of the tavern ((Only he knows that)). A note would soon be found on the longtable in the throne room, with Tegrofs application.* 


    I, Tegrof Largefist ((Possut, GMT+1)) am applying for the Competition of Brewers. Me age of 364 has given me the experience and knowledge on how to brew the finest of ales, which I would like to show the dwarves of Kal'Azgoth. I will bring forth my best and most tasteful recipe, which I perfected over a long time.


    First and foremost, I compete for the reputation it would give. Serving a good mug of ale to the king. Only that would be an honor. Secondly, I would like to show the dwarves my skill as a brewer.


    As I have been in the tavern business for a longer time, I know how to organize a tavern. I have not yet prepared any papers on how to organize this particular tavern. But in the case that I would receive the honor of becoming the tavern keeper, I would prepare those papers in an instant.


    In hopes of becoming one of the competitors,

    From your humble servant,


    Tegrof Largefist





  7. ((Hello. It is not of such a big deal in this case, the but "you start reading it" is power gaming. You can and shall not write or play in this manner, where you force others to do something. In this case, you could just have skipped that. The player/characters will probably read on without it being forced on them, because you said so. I tell you this so you understand it better for future texts you might write. Have a good day ^o^))

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