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Ned Lud

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Posts posted by Ned Lud

  1. I think people are over-reacting to this rule change. It's really just a common sense guideline to keep one or two heavily armed players from running into, for example, a guild of mages who are minding their business and in the middle of something else, role-playing the minimum shitty role-play requirement and hacking and slashing them to death because *shrugs* PvP default. This happens a lot and anyone that's ever PvPed regularly has even played a part in the offending party, let's not deny it.


    So what we have here it a majority vote that wins. If the group you're attacking's majority still doesn't want to PvP with you, you can always opt out of the role-play altogether and head home. No one's forcing you into a horrible ten-man, lagging, confusing role-play scenario. Why would you want a five minute slaughter with players that aren't going to enjoy it anyway? This rule change just gives the more passive groups an alternative to opt out from dealing with annoying marauders that feel they can bully the countryside on a whim.

    I wouldn't really want to exhaust my efforts on all these disagreements, but then I tend to find myself in like-minded company and I'll simply choose like-minded opponents and change my ways when needed. And if I'm ever the swing vote, you better get your clicker-finger ready.

  2. I just think it's annoying to have to sit there and hash out the votes and the tie-breakers between two groups of people deciding how to go about killing one another. If anything destroys the role-play immersion, it's any player anywhere that can be arsed to sit there and muddle over this bullshit when it's time to kill one another. Just to clarify, kill me any way you'd like so long as I don't have to sit there beforehand and discuss, at length, how it's done, then tally up a vote, work my way towards a compromise, shake hands and document everything with screenshots, then count to five. Just kill me or walk away if I have to be arsed to butcher the immersion with this ****.

  3. The four descendant nations get a certain degree of protection for the sake of stabilizing the server and balancing the choices and opportunities we offer our new players. If you have a strong, active, populated fledgeling nation that is being entertained, you've already got all the privileges you need to work with. Combine that with upcoming population-based plots, and I'm not sure what anyone's complaining about, other than not being able to pre-build your keeps. Most of these nations are cliques anyway, and we need to offer something consistent to the new players that may not know where they fit in yet.

  4. Just because it can be done using Minecraft mechanics, doesn't mean it's a legitimate tactic to use on a role-playing server. It's the same reason we aren't supposed to block-jump, plant our own levers to open locked doors or click beds to warp into locked houses. It might be fun to exploit, but it's not realistic and goes against the spirit of the server. Horses don't jump ten blocks high, the equivalent to roughly thirty meters.

  5. I agree with the removal of the Event Team. Never cared for the idea nor the way it has been executed since it's creation.


    If we have GMs doing their jobs effectively, we shouldn't need an Event Team. GMs should be facilitating player-driven events themselves. I feel like the Event Team was created because many GMs couldn't be arsed to help out in the past and so they pawned everything off on all of these teams: Event Team, Guides, MAT, VAT, Lore Team. These are all just a few examples of things that the GMs used to moderate themselves. I don't see why players should be doing all the work. If they are putting in the work and are trustworthy, make them GMs and weed out those that aren't. We don't need all these teams, they are weakening our leadership and our playerbase. We need more active GMs in the trenches.

  6. I think there should be a list of generally supported and agreed upon Casus Belli worked into the rules so that when nations violate certain terms, cannot reach a compromise through role-play and then refuse to accept the resulting warclaim, warring nations can steam-roll over them regardless. These would be very specific things that a nation has to knowingly provoke and bring upon themselves, I'm sure the community could throw together a list based on what we've seen in the past. Think of it as a stand your ground law.


    Bullying other nations is frowned upon, but so is provoking other nations into violence and then hiding behind plug-in protected walls, denying war claims and ignoring shouts. To me it's on the same level as sprint-hopping into a no-PvP zone. If your peaceful clique wants to piss off a group of killers, have the courtesy to agree to log on for a half hour to an hour one evening and take your beating.

  7. I feel like allowing visitors would just stir the pot and drag out the process of finishing the map and releasing it as players critique and bicker over the details. I'd rather we just roll with it and work with what we've got once we get there. We can already see the map we're dealing with, structures can evolve over time once we get there and we really just need to focus on setting up land, regions and a basic template for growth, which seems to be what is already underway. Too many people have their thoughts on what should and shouldn't be and it is this plethora of thoughts and builders in disagreement that choked up the building and progression of Asulon and Anthos, it wasn't an absense of builders that did it. We had too damn many and they all disagreed and kept bulldozing plans and in-fighting until the last minute which left us with a handful of players scrambling to salvage things for release. I say we leave our half a handful of players and developers in cohesive agreement to continue their work and we enjoy ourselves as best we can once they're done.

  8. Players that choose to role-play complex characters that are difficult to act out using Minecraft mechanics and plug-ins need to accept what they're getting into by doing so. The rules of the server and choices made need to benefit the majority of players, and the majority of players are working men that wield swords and click to kill. This is what is fun for the majority of the playerbase. Enjoy those few moments where you get a solid role-play battle from a cooperative player, but realize that by role-playing a Dread Knight, Golem or Mage, that you are a minority player with little support from the plug-ins or the rules and you simply have to find a niche and deal with it until the plug-ins are made or the majority of the community comes around to your way of thinking. I feel like in the last year there have been too many rare, magical characters trying to build there own personal legacy rather than simply getting in where they fit in and having fun with the rest of the playerbase. No offense to the rarities out there, I just see this struggle going on when it needs to be accepted for what it is. It was the same with the Undead, you throw that black cloak on and walk into town hissing and you accept the consequences of your character choice.

  9. Warmongering bullies are going to harass players off their land regardless of whether there's a population requirement or not. This requirement at least formalizes land ownership so that you don't have one player with ten alts on one account trying to squat ten plots of land indefinitely. If you have one account, you throw your stone into one pot, at least I hope that's how I'm interpreting things. Players need to put more thought into how many alts they run and squat with and how it effects the server and the community.


    The map's coming along nicely.


    As far as war approval goes, I doubt we'll ever win that battle. As much as I'd love to see reasonable and fluid war-fighting without the need for consent, it is the war-fighters themselves that have ruined war for everyone. We can blame the elves and the tree-huggers all we want, but the warriors and their kings are equally at fault, always biting off more than they can chew, always conquering more than they can manage, greedy, self-righteous, uncooperative, rude. Pots calling kettles black. We have a community to maintain here and not everyone has the same definition of fun. Warmongers were given an opportunity and they failed. Now it's the leaderships' decision to make. We change some things around, roll the die and see what happens.

  10. (Just dropping in to say hello and see how things are going. Sorry for bailing a while back, I just began to get fed up with the state of the server, this never-ending limbo of indecisive server change flip-flopping, lots of decent players burning out, etc. and decided to cut my losses for a bit before burning out entirely myself. There's a chance I may return for 4.0 or a bit earlier but I'll probably roll a new halfling altogether. I've been promoted twice in the last year at work, so I've just had my hands full. Hope all is well, still catching up but I may at least try to lurk the forums occasionally. Take care.)

  11. This server needs leaders that lead well and survive within their positions only because their followers allow them to. Giving a leader the benefit of a required staff title which complicates his removal from power should he turn to ****, clogs up the flow of good leaders willing to step over his corpse and take charge of things the moment he falters. It also puts his competition at a major disadvantage since they do not have his same permissions and perks with which to vie for power. A good leader needs the Sword of Damocles dangling over his head and a long struggle ahead with only a handful of fools to help him along that follow him with blind devotion because he is a nice fellow, not because he has friends in high places and power, land, wealth, permissions and staff-executed events to offer them. Don't curse our leaders by surrounding them with false friends and the bloody curse of staff positioning.

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