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Ned Lud

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Posts posted by Ned Lud

  1. You can begin the path of a Farseer at any age, really. Wisdom doesn't come with age, but with understanding. The elder orcish shaman tend to take up the role of Farseer though, as it's really more of a subtle, utilitarian subtype. As a Farseer you're more focused on watching over the welfare of the orcs rather than trying to be a badass, which is what most elder orcs end up doing later in life.


    Thanks for this, it actually makes a lot more sense of all the **** that I couldn't put into words. Hopefully magic loosens up so we can get back to role-playing shamanism the old way.

  2. I agree with Aislin on the grounds of he is sometimes nice to me.


    I would like to see a removal of the slow animations and the exhausting stamina requirements. This would make it much more pleasant to combat mobs and hang in there on a poor computer or connection. Perhaps stamina could be used for special attacks only, but allow standard hits to be freely meleed out. I feel that armor restrictions coupled with stamina loss is just far too much and gives too great an advantage to guerrilla tactics, kiting and hit and run, especially for those who are already lagging horribly. Dodge, block and armor weight are nice to have and don't put as much of a damper on the overall enjoyment of things. I believe it's a fair compromise. Let's face it, most of us are playing Minecraft because we have shitty computers and are borderline poor; at least poor by American standards, which means we still have a computer, internet access and plenty of time on our hands yet somehow we manage to make ends meet. Also, riposte seems unnecessary and far too overpowered. I would rather see some random critical hits worked into the system somehow, but not a one-hitter-quitter that the player can somewhat predict and control.


    I also really want to see alternative weaponry and hope that it gets worked into the professions somehow.


    Also, maybe some sort of AOE combat abilities for certain weapons that consume stamina and do less damage per target than a direct hit but can be swept across an area. This would be a lot of fun against mobs and in large battles.

  3. I'd like to suggest that instead of Diamond Axes, Shovels, Pickaxes and Hoes representing their high-end namesake, they be used to visually represent and function as Maces, Spears, Warhammers and Flails, or something of the sort. I'm not sure if there are additional weapons being added with the pending plug-ins, but this would be a good way to do it, as the items can easily have their damage values and other properties adjusted. When players would see a diamond-blue weapon on the screen, they would instantly know, "Okay, this dude's wielding a whatever." It might be a useful option for alternative weaponry, rather than just using the graphics for more of the same. This would come in handy if alternative weapons had different properties and effects, such as knock-back, stun, longer range, etc. Players ought to see a wielded item and know what it is, this would be a way to do that. These weapons would still be crafted with iron and whatnot, we'd just be reserving the image to represent them.

  4. Perhaps the underground cavern system could also function as a sewer. Sprinkle a few piss holes around town that you can also drop trespassers into. Watch them scramble in the sewage as the dinner bell is rung below.


    I also had an idea for a giant, orc-smithed statuary war-horn that would rest in the center of an orcish encampment that could be blown to summon orcs from all over to raid or war. This would allow orcs to /modreq a server broadcast to announce raids. Perhaps the requirement would be that an Orog is the only one strong enough to blow the war horn and also it would take multiple Orog to move the horn from camp to camp. Just an idea I was kicking around while inactive.

  5. I'll be rejoining soon as well, as soon as I patch together a new skin and my work settles down. I've never really felt at home anywhere else as I have when I was an orc. I've tried a few other characters but nothing sticks. If there's any last-ditch effort to keep me from leaving the server, it's returning to the orcs, especially now that PvP is default and the server seems to be getting back to it's roots.


    The key to keeping it fun is pretty much just roll into the thick of it and let it all hang out. Hang with other orcs. Don't get too hung up on the clans or the politics, just focus on being an orc, doing orcish things and having a good time. Kill stuff, get killed and get into trouble. The funnest times I've ever had on this server involved doing those three things with my orc.

  6. So far the combat plug-in's been pretty risky for me killing spiders with the combination of lag and the one-hit followed by cooldown. I'm willing to see this through and wait for tweaks, but it's initially off-putting for me, as I average about 15-20 FPS on a good day and am now in great peril with only one or two mobs on the screen. I'll keep at it though and see if figuring out the technique a bit better makes it easier to overcome the lag factor. Bit of a learning curve. I was happy with vanilla fighting, but I suppose once the professions are added that will be another piece of the puzzle and perhaps we'll all find a way to overcome lag and tweak things to perfection.


    I'm actually a little afraid to challenge an actual player at the moment.


    Edit: I'm also really not liking the fact that I can't bat things off of me with a shovel.

  7. Damn you all and your reasonable compromise and general increase in cooperation and communication. Many thanks to all of those involved in the decision-making for hashing out all of this and getting the ball rolling towards reviving this server's true potential. We'll settle for a half-measure on these things and see how things go and hopefully those that wallow in the sin of Villain Applications, Magic Applications and role-play by default will see the light in time and join me in my kingdom.


    I'm just glad that decisions are being made and that the communication is flowing. It's also nice to know that everyone is going to suddenly become a Domestic Mage overnight now and ruin the server. Your theories were correct. The Flays are choreographing a dust mop sequence and we're all going straight to hell. :^)

  8. Leave the majority of the out-of-character factors out of this, except for the ones that are crucial to the survival of the race.


    The Orcs should function like a hermit crab, shedding it's shell for a bigger and stronger one every chance it gets, tossing that **** aside and moving on. Orcs don't give a **** about aesthetics or having to pick up and move. This is their lot, always has been. Salvus represents a stronger base of operations for them to attack and defend from and so it should be the natural choice for them to move into it. Raizing Salvus to the ground requires unnecessary work. Destroying the Trog requires unnecessary work. Orcs don't give a damn what the place looks like. There's the fire pit, there's the **** hole, there's where we keep the loot. That's all that should really matter to them.


    Do not divide the orcs up and don't bother with clan wars. The Orcs need to be one unit right now and the clan concept needs to mellow out until all are one. Take the fight to the other nations. They should be more afraid of the orcs than they are of the antagonist right now. PvP is default. Yehaw!!


    Pick a leader. One leader that makes the decision. None of this bipartisan ****. None of these councils. Klomp today and figure out a sole leader that's going to make the right decisions for the Orcs consistently.


    Don't get overly involved in politics, governments, councils and careful decision-making. Make your decisions the orcish way and roll with them. Does it make us stronger? Does it bring us honor? Does it give us food, water or shelter? Can we kill with it? If yes to any of those, then when in doubt, just do it.


    Overall, keep it simple. Always keep it simple. When the orcs start complicating things is when the orcs start faltering as a nation.

  9. Designate a place to cook meat, a place to **** and a place to put loot and set up camp. Orcs should be conquering, moving in or razing it to the ground and that is all. If the Trog is a better role-play location, raze everything else to the ground and render it useless to the enemy. If Salvus land would function just as well as the Trog, move in and orcify the hell out of the ruins.

  10. Shh...quickly now, quickly...this will distract the beast for a time, but we need to slay the VA before it awakens. You, halfling in the cookpot armor, you go with the farmer and take out that highly trained military elite guarding the entrance to it's den while he's sleeping, I'll watch the road for travelers and if anyone gets too close, I'll make quick work of them with my rapid fire clicker program. Hoot once like a barn-owl and twice like a screech-owl when the coast is clear. Time is of the essence.

  11. Care and thought was put into it and the staff cared and thought that this was a better idea.


    We began as a PvP default server and were successful for several months and then a similar decision was made to go to role-play default. The three or four of you that represent the majority don't seem to understand that. Those of us that support PvP default have endured this **** for over a year now with minimal complaint. We've continued to contribute to the community and role-play and now we've finally won the long, hard fight. Interest in Lord of the Craft has declined at a 45% angle while interest in Minecraft has risen at a 45% angle ever since we transitioned from Aegis to Asulon and switched to role-play default as one of many changes. Those of y'all that have a problem with it can pick up your ball and go home. This server will survive without you.


    We're crunching numbers and trimming fat here. That's what servers do to guarantee that the machine survives and clanks onward. We're at a 50/50 split on PvP default versus role-play default and we know for a fact that PvP default was a successful factor for the server two years ago. So we can afford to risk losing 50% of our uncooperative playerbase if it has the potential to attract the numbers that we experienced back when PvP was default.


    This is essentially a business run by volunteers. If you can't hang, go to the competition. There are plenty of customers waiting in line.

  12. I've averaged 10-20 FPS for the entire two years I've been on this server. I'm a halfling as well and will likely lose most fights anyway which is why I'll simply have to talk my way out of conflict or try to flee. If a biggun draws a sword on me and I can't do either of the two, I'm a dead man whether I role-play it or PvP it. I have no problem with dying quickly, ingloriously and dropping all of my items the moment someone eyeballs me and decides they want to end my life. When I transitioned from being an orcish warrior to a halfling burglar I did so knowing that I put myself at such risk.


    Instead of click-click it's going to be w-w.

  13. There are many factors that may have contributed to the server's decline; we recognize that and we are working on them one by one. This is one of them. You can't change what you tolerate and there's no way for us to determine what our problem areas truly are unless we're willing to shake things up now and then and try some different approaches to things. You have to be able to embrace these changes without curling into the fetal position and crying out that the world is over. Those of us that have been around for two years now have endured many changes that we dislike and there will be many more to come. You just have to roll with them. Improving the server is a constant effort and we're not going to be able to please every player all of the time.

  14. Alchemists can request that they resort to a role-playing fight, but honestly, what sort of potions are you slurping down when there's a man with a sword at your throat?


    As for children and animals, there's not much role-play to be had there. A killer would grab them by the scruff and put cold iron in their belly in a matter of seconds.

  15. This server was at it's prime during the time of PvP default. It was changed to role-play by default and many of us politely held our tongues and gave it a shot and have done so for quite a while now. Y'all can do the same. You've had your chance, it's our turn now to show you how it's done.

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