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Ned Lud

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Posts posted by Ned Lud

  1. Check out the House of Riddles. It's fairly small but could open up into a basement dungeon; located on the right side of the road from Lenfarthing to Malinor, hidden in the forest about half way to the first bridge. I don't think anyone really owns it. If you go through the Witch Woods from Lenfarthing to the bridge at the end, there's also a river that runs down into a cave with a partially built ruin there that would be a good entrance to something bigger. It's usually jam-packed with Endermen for some reason. Not sure who owns either, so double-check, but they're some nice little spots. The Lone Ossuary is also a badass grotto, but someone's been actively building there for a while with a lot of Undead references, so that might be planned for something else down the road. I'm also pretty sure there's a secret passage there that I haven't gotten into yet.

  2. Smoke bombs are cool. I recall on the build server there was a custom item smoke bomb that was an enderpearl that released firework sparkles when thrown. Something like this would be a nice visual and there could be perhaps a blindness effect to those immediately around the impact. There might be instances of abuse, sure, but those could be handled with strikes and whatnot. This is just something that would be really nice to have in a rogue's arsenal.

  3. Yeah, there's a lot of gaps in our herb lore. We usually just made stuff up as we went along and kept it vague. There's a lot of room for improvisation here and I would also recommend searching around for the general Alchemy and Herb threads. Some players have created and fleshed out some decent lists of herbs that can be found around Anthos and their effects. I'm not sure if these are official, but it's a good start at least. The only real Alchemist we ever had was Lexperiments and I'm not sure how in depth he got with herbs or if he's even still around to ask about them. The rest of us mostly used cactus green. Aside from that, the closest thing we ever had to any sort've doctor would have probably been Craotor's short-lived Painboyz. He was mostly a trolly surgeon though, not even a witchdoctor. So there's plenty of blank slate for orcish herb lore and witchdoctor lore. I'm sure as long as you keep your ideas within the spirit of the orcs and their lore, Mogroka would have no problem ranking you up over time so that you might take the lead on things for the Witchdoctor subtype and even shamanism as a whole.


    Most of the veterans are gone or on the verge of leaving altogether and we never really had a good turnover or change of command with any sort've cross-training. This is why I hate the Magic Application system, it really kills the less popular subtypes when your handful of teachers just ups and leaves. I wish I had more motivation to get in there and help myself, but it's hard for me these days. We're going to need to step aside and allow for fresh blood to fill the void. If there's anything I can do to back you guys as you take over the reigns, let me know. I just can't promise I'll get in there playing full-time again. It's just never been the same for me since Aegis and early Asulon.

  4. Bango Blackfoot trots over to the commotion and nearly slips on a wad of guts, steadying himself with his shovel just in time.


    "Oi, tha's a slippery fella'!"


    He takes a gander at the mess and whistles through his teeth, shaking his head as he scratches himself.


    "Well?!" He snorts with a shrug, "Who needs a burrow?"

  5. I can only train Farseers. I recently got an application approved to start self-teaching Witchdoctor and if I do become active, I was hoping to focus more on that and eventually be able to teach it as well. I feel like with this new evil coming, Witchdoctors could become an essential part of the orcs and lead to a lot of fun role-play.


    The Witchdoctor magic is a clean slate right now. To be honest, no one really ever developed a whole lot of lore for that subtype, which is largely the reason I went into it as self-taught. Mogroka and other veterans can oversee these things for any developments that clash with the lore, but for the most part, we'll have the freedom to make stuff up as we go along once again. So it's really a great time to start sharing ideas and role-playing something like that, especially with all of these evils approaching.


    Here's my suggestion. Submit an application to start self-teaching Witchdoctor Shamanism to yourself with Mogroka overseeing. It's really the only way to learn it right now and still remain legit through the Magic System. I recently got an application approved for the same which is currently In-Progress. I would also speak with Mogroka and try to get grandfathered in somewhat for the time you spent training that was not recorded on an application. This way you're not sitting around waiting to meet the full extent of the time requirements, since you've already been waiting long enough.

  6. We let the orcs down big-time, from the top down. Our momentum's gone and there's just not enough of an active playerbase to encourage anyone to return. I've tried several times to make a comeback and there's never anyone online, so I've pretty much abandoned the cause until the population picks back up. The race is deader than I've ever seen it and all of these server changes over the last year haven't helped it at all.


    What sort've shamanism are you looking to learn? I won't make any promises I can't keep, but from looking at the list I'm probably one of the only shaman still checks this section of the forum.

  7. I'd like a solid explanation to be forthcoming as to why the founding fathers were immolated and forced into servitude all this time and we're just now finding out about it. If Krug has been a dark servant all this time, why haven't the orcish shaman, who draw their power through him among other ancestors, sometimes even speak with him, been either made aware of this or somehow corrupted into servitude? If I'm understanding the implications of this new lore correctly, I'm going to feel strongly obliged to have my orc either abandon shamanism or turn over to the dark side. Not that any of us really play our orcs anymore anyway, but it's something to consider. And I'm sure we're not the only players with characters that will be drastically affected by this sorta "Deus ex Machina" lore overhaul.


    Either way, I'll roll with this regardless of whether or not the lore makes sense to me or not. Looks like a good time and I appreciate everyone's attempts at making this work and hopefully improve the server.


    Make fun, not lore.

  8. Bango Blackfoot eyeballs the posters, having seen several of them in his travels.


    "High-qualerty mass production...some fine craftsmanship indeed. Surely 'ese highfalutin' pos'ers mus' be th' work o' some dark majuk man tha' dwells beneath th' fires o' th' belly o' th' earth, countin' 'is bones 'n' cacklin' all th' while."


    He whistles a sigh and glances at the sky for good measure.

  9. Bango Blackfoot plucks the string from one of the scrolls and twirls it in his fingers, flossing something at the back of his mouth as he eyeballs the literature. He winces and then bellows as his jaw starts to become sore from missing his mark several times,


    "Remove 'is wad o' gristle from between me teeth!!"

  10. If it was the Hidden Scrolls, here they are: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/wiki/index.php?title=The_Hidden_Scrolls


    Also, around the time of the Hidden Scrolls and the end of the world prophecies, there was a ruin that erupted near Krugmar that contained some prophetic riddles. I released the spirit of the scholar there that was somehow bound by Kahooli, an old god of vengeance. Here's a link to the religion of Om'echan. Maybe you'll find something in there that rings a bell: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/wiki/index.php?title=Om%27echan


    Overall, if it's what I'm thinking of, I'm pretty sure this was an elaborate series of events that got trumped and trampled over by new management with new ideas as we moved over to a new map. Would've been cool to see things play out.

  11. What do you plan to do about the hundreds of alts that players seldom ever play, but simply use as "extra meat" whenever a war erupts and their Team Speak buddy needs an extra body? I have a feeling we're going to see a lot more alts that no one ever sees active except in war-time. I know back in Asulon we saw a lot of this with the orcs, players that were never around yet suddenly logged in all passionate to take part in a raid or a battle.


    Team Speak and Skype are just furthering the destruction of this server.

  12. Just a possible tweak, I noticed some of the barley seeds are forming redundancies, where two seeds of the same description are unstackable. For example, I harvest fruity seeds from the forest biome, but end up with two stacks of fruity seeds with the same description, but that cannot be stacked together. It's just a minor nuisance, but with all of the random combinations already taking up inventory space, it would be nice if there were only one description per stackable type of seed, rather than two. I believe the hops may be similarly effected.


    Anyhow, fun plugin, same as fishing. I hope to see more of these. Don't worry about the whiners. It's frustrating to see everyone and their mother become a master brewer and to have all of our cauldrons looted from Lenfarthing due to a lack of iron on the server, but these plug-ins, one by one, are creating some tangible fun on the server for most of us, during times where role-play is either stagnant or non-existent. I think as more plug-ins arise, everyone will settle into their professions a bit better and we'll less masters of all.


    Thanks for putting the time into these plug-ins and for enduring one of the more thankless jobs per hours spent that we have on this server.

  13. I think it's better if you not only remove the artifact from the history, but remove all understanding of what caused the trolls to become what they are from the history as well. This would allow more room for legends and the trolls themselves could argue with one another over a pot of man-stew over what their origins might be. Sometimes it's nice to have some things left unsaid in story-telling.


    As for the sunlight turning them to stone, I would say let the sunlight turn them into stone and then have them return to their natural state once darkness falls. This allows more wiggle-room for RP and players encountering a stone troll would have limited time to decide what to do with it before it would eventually regain it's mobility at dusk and begin smashing at them again. This just leaves a lot more doors open for role-play, rather than a one-shot kill.

  14. ((I really like this idea, nice little stories to go along with your creations. It also gives more weight and authenticity to what you will be crafting, rather than just making a few hammering noises and then suddenly having a sack full of jewelry at the market overnight. Very cool, man, look forward to reading more of these.))

  15. I feel that the parkour nature of the mine is unnecessary and disrupts both role-play and the mining profession in a way that is not fun for the average player. One fall results in near-instant death and there is no way to improvise a bridge due to permissions. It just doesn't make sense that you would blindly leap several chasms before first attempting to build a small bridge across. Miners should have fair and safe access to their workplace, same as any other profession.


    The ores should respawn much faster and be readily available for any miner that needs them. To balance the faster respawn rates, the ores should have a lower drop percentage and ore production should thus be controlled through the consumption of resources. If you control the amount of materials and tools required to mine and you control the drop percentage rates, you can easily control how much ore you're releasing into the server. This would be a much more effective way to manage the ore flow and it would also create more work for blacksmiths, as there would be a higher demand for picks and pick repairs.


    I would also like to suggest that you implement, within the mines, some form of flint mining that requires a shovel. This would create a much better way to harvest flint than placing gravel blogs and then digging them up again and again, directly benefitting the work of fletchers. It also enhances the overall mining role-play by giving shovels a tangible purpose. Miners would now have a reason to take both a pick and a shovel to work with them and actively use both, within the mine.

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