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Posts posted by Polgrath

  1. *A glowing blue notice has appeared on the post board:


    Please attempt to maintain peaceful relationships with others around this fine realm. Making conflict with other groups risks our contained pursuit of exploration. The position of Delver public relations specialist is now created... a suitably fancy title for it shall be come up with at some point. Any interested diplomatically minded takers feel free to inquire.

    In the immortal words of Artimec "Never piss off anyone who can visit us with an army."

    As this fearsome illusion attests any Delvers that war monger, malinger, or make general saps of themselves  shall face my wizardly wrath!

    *a shimery looping crude moving image of a figure seems to be upon the board under the note


    Adventure is out there!


  2. But then every Mary Sue and Gary Stu will have mastered everything with nothing to justify it. It'll be ridiculous.

    Ditto, there should be some sort of light ooc oversight to make sure that people aren't abusing the system. Also it would be beneficial to build in a limitation to the system on the amount of skills that one can completely master, likely 1-2.

  3. I really like the idea of magic draining and the mechanics you have outlined seem really solid! 

    However just a minor personal idea with the lore and limitation to high elves. Honestly it seems like a magic focused on removing magic would jive better with a group that's less deeply involved with arcane magic and rational pursuits. However if you make these nomad high elves much different from the existing high elves which it seems like you're going for then it might all be solid.


    I picture some radical zeolus mage hunters ala the Wihuns or Inquisition and cold calculating bounty hunter type folk coming from this which would be really neat! I aim to quiver in my mage boots! :P

  4. I really like this idea! Adventure RP is really popular from what I've seen and any new way of going about it is a plus for me. A bounty board section would be great, maybe we'd see the formation of lots of small adventuring parties ala Dungeons and Dragons going questing for loot, glory, and likely death.

  5.                           I'm going to go on a brief tangent here on the merits of each.

            Role Play Combat is collective story telling, not actual struggle between two parties skills while in PVP the winner and loser are based off of their own merits. I highly support role play fighting when amongst close friends, but when dealing with another party who also wants to win on an ooc or even ic level  role play fighting devolves into the winner being whoever can push to win and yell the loudest. In RP fighting the best RPers are the ones that indulge the whims of the opposing side and allow themselves to be defeated. When someone brags about an awesome RP kill or victory they have achieved I struggle to be impressed. Pulling off a stealthy assassination or killing a crowd of people is a testament to the tolerance of your victims and your ooc desire to win. In fact I would go as far as to say that 90% of the time if someone pulls of some epic victory in RP they are likely just forceful oocly or have very oocly kind and tolerant rp enemies to defeat. However even good RP fighting with respectful oocly, skilled RPers devolves into the opposite problem with bland fights and both sides missing their swings constantly and generally undergaming resulting in bland fights which are admittedly far superior to when two powergamers cross paths.The rampancy of OOC bickering and ban/ strike reports from right around late Asulon and onwards when this was implemented attest to many of these problems as those more eloquent then I have pointed out. Continuing on my little side tangent, if I beat someone in PVP it is through my own skill, my own strategy that has done so. Converesly if I beat someone in RP fighting it is generally telling of only having a greater insistence on winning.

    Pure RP would be nice in an ideal world but Anthos is not that world.

  6. Hey there LOTC!

                    Haven't been too active these last two weeks or so but here's my magey two cents on the topic.
    I started out when Anthos begun as a firm supporter of RP combat, it's implementation in Asulon had lofty goals and RP is generally a good thing to strive for. However as time went on, I and many others have come to see that the path to hell is indeed paved with good intentions. IC hate has been brought oocly, ban reports have exponentially gone up, combat now takes often more then an hour, and powergaming is as rampant as chlamydia. However I still held on to the hopes that we could make RP work for far too long. I thought of exceptions such as skills not easily represented in MC combat and of course the plight of the poor pvped master wizard. However with the upcoming plug-in including magic and making PVP more interesting I have no way to continue to try to justify RP combat. I have been won over to the "dark" side.

    To bring a little Orwell into this;
    Polgrath had won the battle against himself. He loved Big Clicker.




    (Also Gaius's option, as well thought as it is, diverts votes from the two main options we are deciding on today. We should decide if we want RP or PVP default first and THEN work on the specifics and exceptions to each of the laws instead of taking fourty votes or so out of the mix between the two big contenders. Mayhap a secondary poll after the results of this one to work out specifics?)

  7. Yeah I also agree that the percentages for throwing it are a bit too high. I mean by all means it should be unstable, but not half chance blow up in your face unstable. In order to combat people spamming alchemical fire out of nowhere we really should just restrict alchemy like we do with magic so only folks who know the lore well and can be trusted to follow the proper RP can use it along with other alchemical concoctions.

  8. I'm simply hoping the following things are made sure of...

    • The 'professions' don't need to be grind to achieve the already role-played level of your current character.
    • The 'professions' do not encourage PvP and heavily mechanic based role-play.
    • These 'professions' only give bonus' for developing and do not restrict role-play like they did in Asulon.

    I agree and disagree with some of these

    First, one you and any others who didn't find out already will be happy to know it says in the Dev post that there will be absolutely no grinding ala the Vaq plug-in. 

    As for the idea on not encouraging PVP/Mechanic based role-play I think improvements to the current PVP/mechanic system will make PvP more balanced, varied, and fun when it does occur but not drive all RP to that.

    As for only giving bonuses, as I've suggested before, slight restrictions that the majority of the player base supports upon higher tier and more complex items help support specialized profession RP and a thriving economy where every player simply can't make everything. As long as it doesn't go crazy like Asulon one, restrictions are a great boon to RP!

  9. Being unable to create items like doors and tools was the issue with Vaq's plugin. Creating colored glass is a rather specific thing to be able to do and such a limitation doesn't decrease functionality of the server, which was the main problem with restrictions. 

    I tend to agree and while I know there are a number of members of the community that wants absolutely no restrictions upon crafting/gathering the poll on the topic showed the majority favoring minor restrictions to encourage an economy. I mean specialty items like stained glass, golden swords, cakes, or gourmet brews really won't hurt anyones RP by not allowing them to craft them without skill in the requisite profession. While the benefits system is good, I would advocate for actual restrictions about valuble and specialized items to help encourage economy RP and discourage masters of all things. Just don't stop us from making planks and bread ;p

    In addition, you said earlier when we were discussing maximum mastery levels that with enough time folks could be a master of every single one of the professions. To be fair you did also state that with each skill mastered the time to level up the next one increases exponentialy, but this still leaves us with everybody being masters of everything on the server in a long enough amount of time. Correct me if I misinterpreted what you said! I think that it would be better if everyone could only achieve mastership in one or two professions and I really like the idea on the dev blog of losing points in another to become clumsy.

    And a last tangential question. Have you done demo playtesting on the various magic profession tiers and types in pvp situations to see if they are balanced in combat situations to their appropriate power level? 

  10. Rumors of the Blackmont leader's death reach Polgrath's ears. He reflects upon the many injustices suffered at the hands of Flay men, the raids upon his own friends. But his anger turns calm upon reflection.
    "The old fell-spawn may have been the grandest son of a ***** in three realms, but by Ariel did he have the guts to take what he wanted, I hope the Nether can handle him."

  11. *posted upon many a town, hamlet, and city is a simple piece of parchment emblazoned with glowing blue text


    In my travels I hath come across many curiosities and intriguing objects but the properties of a large stash of strange ebony gems collected from fallen men of Ender would likely be fancied by several of the more curious collecters for their... many strange characteristics for study and matter transportation. 

    The bidding shall start at seventy minas for a single gem and for bulk orders, a discounted one thousand per each pouch of sixteen of the orbs.
    Please leave your bids under this posting and maintain civility, successful bidders may drop by Ac'Talarah to pick up their purchases.


  12. I have but one question: Since pvp will be extended by adding hearts to players who specialize in the martial skills, will there be buffs added to bows? Because then bows won't be used for pvp as well as pve, because they won't kill quickly in pvp, and they cost too much to use, anyway.

    I was wondering how bows are going to work as well, currently an archer has no chance against an armored foe even with a lot of distance. Some buffing of bows would be really useful, perhaps different arrow types like bodkin or broadhead too could be cool.

  13. MC Name: Chris66782

    IC Name: Polgrath


    Skills Relevant to the Trip: Illusion Magic, engaging conversationalist


    Reference, Must be from a Head: Alas I am not yet familiar with any, but I hope to change that.


    I ___Polgrath Klaren_______ here by agree to keep all guild, nation organization or other such ties to myself and to not engage in any arguments or fights before during or after the trip. I also here by agree to turn over any artifacts or other discoveries to the Ministry of Contemplation, with the understanding that I will be granted full access to the data and research gathered from such including a copy of any written discoveries:


    ((Time/date preferred:)) During the week 1-3 pst

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