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Posts posted by Polgrath

  1. * lettering in shimmering blue transperent type appears upon the Malinor bulliten board

    Greetings fellow Mali'ker, today I write to ye seeking out my ancestry... the lineage of dark elves I descend from. My parents did not oft socialize with other dark elves and never spoke of relatives to me. Today I seek my line of descent... perhaps one of ye can help my identify it?


    ((Basically I've been wanting to join up with a Mali'ker Family such as Flormai or Klaren through IC means))

  2. * Polgrath lies gravely injured and comatose in Lucion's house, hovering near the cusp of death, and there only due to strange high elven medicine. The bird arrives, alighting upon his barely moving chest. Without a monk's attention... The Mindlord will be no more.

  3. *Polgrath wanders down the road coming across a weather torn note upon a board. Squinting to make out the faded text he reads it and grins. Writing with his finger beneath the note, a reply in glowing semi-transparent blue letters is soon written. Polgrath coughs violently, doubling over, his lungs not what they once were and strolls off

    Many of magical talent look down upon those who seek them... but not The Arcane Delvers. While we hath not one well versed in the magicks of evocation enough to teach it... illusion is a formidable tool. If ye are interested... and prepared to face the perilous trials ahead... perhaps the eldritch awaits ye still...

  4. * some writing appears in several large towns, they have a shimmery semi-transparent blue lettering, familiar to but a few, reminding them of times long past, a grey crow perched upon each of the boards.

    The Arcane Delvers has long rested... but like the phoenix, we rise from the ashes, forged in the fires of this new world. Old comrades, allies, and servents... the time has come. The call is out, we rise again from our new mountain base. Prepare... for there is a storm coming and it is best to ride upon the thunderheads, than to be drowned underneath. For ye who hath not heard of us, consider joining... if knowledge, glory, and arcane matters are of interest to ye join up... send yonder bird adressed to the Mindlord... your interest shall be seen of that ye can be assured.

    *The word "Rise" in many languages encircles the bottom of the text

  5. *glancing over the job board, Polgrath pens a response

    Fae, as a fellow dark elf, ye may find yourself at home in the Arcane Delvers, we are an order of magic-users and brave defenders, and could as of like use ye skils. Fill out an application and we shall see if ye meet the standerds.



  6. Polgrath walks slowly, but purposefully out into the meeting area, worn robe of crimson trailing raggedly behind. Upon reaching the foot of the table he turns and adresses all present.

    Brethern I hath had a vision! I dub our new keep by the name of Malozar. But more then that... double up recruitment men! Mageshields, delvers, minions find them all! Our sway and power grows yet, as a mighty thunder cloud would gather. Ayuh a storm is coming... and we shall be the lightning.

  7. Polgrath descends the stairs of the keep, his steps measured coughing lightly as he reaches the ground floor. He glances around him at the progress around him approvingly, before glancing at the notice board. Penning his response he places a thin sheet on the board and strolls off.

    Request granted, meet me shortly at the docks - Polgrath

  8. MC Name: Chris6672

    Duty you'd like to apply for: General landscape smoothing and small interesting terrain additions, basically everything but massive "manmade" buildings.

    Concepts: Boulders, canyons, small creeks, caves, decayed ruins, plataus, coral reefs perhaps?

    Other works: Some general town maintenance and minor builds in Normandor, Didyo, and Crestfall.

    Do you have teamspeak?:(Microphone not required.)Yes sir.

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