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Roderick Greymane / Vegas

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Posts posted by Roderick Greymane / Vegas

  1. "A man who abandons his brothers in their time of need, is not a man at all but a coward looking out only for himself as he greedily takes the first chance to run away that he can..." Roderick would say as he watches the man drop to his knees and whimper like a sniveling child. "War may never change, but it seems that a man who would abandon the empire to fight for the rebellion, to then switch sides yet again surely will."

  2. 3 minutes ago, Pandan said:


    There is a massive change coming to the donation system soon in order to both make it more worth you while whilst better complying with the EULA. Something that offers greater value as quoting Tythus; 


    "any server who doesn't comply gets their domain and IP's blacklisted from the client"

    Good to hear things are being done, thanks for commenting.


    1 minute ago, TeaLulu said:

    umm its EULA dude. we all were warned it was coming.


    they're revising and reworking it and updating the donation page.

    I get that, but we've known this for quite some time now and are moving at a snails pace to do anything it seems. We shouldn't be losing a perk every few weeks, it should all be addressed right away and handled as soon as possible due to the fact that this is such a serious issue. 


    I just don't see why it's taken this long to address this issue, if the administration team knows what is and isn't allowed why not simply remove the perks all together instead of dragging it on. If we are going to lose it anyways, it's better to take it now all together rather than to make us wait a few weeks in between as our perks are slowly dwindling.

  3. Could we possibly receive a list of the perks we will be allowed to keep, because it seems like a lot of things have been removed from donation perks recently. I don't see the point of having all these donation packages if you're going to keep downgrading their worth and value to the players if you keep taking things away. This has been a constant problem over the years with players getting less and less worth for their monetary donations. Because let's be honest here, a large majority of the player base only donates to the server because of the certain perks they receive from the individual packages. If you have to remove these because you are required to do so then I ask that you guys revise the perk system as well as update the page so it's accurate and honest to the players that are potentially wasting their money on false perks that will no longer be there to use.

  4. Roderick reads over the thesis, casually stroking his beard as he does so, thinking out loud he says, "While much of this is true in certain aspects, I feel as though this is a tad bit one-sided." he would take a sip from a flask at his belt. "Perhaps if this were a much simpler world then this thesis would hold some merit, however, it is not." Roderick would chuckle softly, "If anything nationalism is working together for the greater good of one's country and if either side, both in this case, decide to ignore the other instead of working out their differences then war and disorder will surely arise as it has done thus far." setting the parchment down he sighs, "If the Emperor would acknowledge his faults as well as the rebels acknowledging their own, then perhaps this issue of war wouldn't be needed, but sometimes war is the only option in order to purge the sickness and greed that takes hold in the hearts of men." he mutters to himself, "We shall have to see what this war shall fix or destroy..."

  5. 56 minutes ago, ZipZapMan said:


    I am forced to disagree with you here. Leslie is stubborn and unwilling to own up to her actions which have upset people and caused conflict.

    Also, why are you rushing to her defense? Can Leslie not speak for herself and address people's concerns with her wanting this position?


    I'm not rushing to her defense, simply stating what I've seen. I have even said that I'm not for supporting her application. Though I do find it quite funny how you decided to talk about her inability to talk with others considering the fact that you were involved with a fight with her and refused to speak with her and shied away from any attempts to solve the problem. As for being stubborn, it was also you and another player that you spend your time with every single day that had a problem with her. When I was asked to mediate between your friend and wiseacres, Leslie attempted to acknowledge her wrongs while your friend didn't want to listen to reason and wanted Leslie to essentially read off of a handwritten script of an apology to suit her smug needs of wanting to be right in the situation where it was clearly evident that both parties were wrong. Do not come onto this application and post under false pretenses and try to make Leslie look like the bad guy just to suit your own selfish view point of her because you and a friend had a fight with her and decided to simply run away from the issue rather than talk like a bunch of adults. 


    I'll state this again I'm not for or against Wiseacres having GM and to be honest I'd be happier if she didn't, but if people like you ZipZap are going to come and lie about a situation because of your own biased viewpoint based on a situation where she made your friend look like an immature child then feel free to post and I'll "defend" her for you. 

  6. 31 minutes ago, weeaboo said:

    sadly I'll have to rain on the parade sorry :(


    This is a huge -1 from me. Leslie is one of the most aggravating people I have met on here probably. She starts arguments just to antagonise others with passive aggressive remarks, puts words into others mouths to make them into bad guys, jumps to conclusions to, once more, turn them into the evil doer of the situation. Then if she does feel like she's losing whatever argument she's participating in, she acts innocent and tries to pull others in, manipulating them into believing that she's being bullied or something.


    Next I feel she abuses the positions she already has - ET more so. There's proof that she has done it before, specifically towards people she doesn't like.


    This isn't just from things I've heard or seen, it's from personal experience from talking or interacting with her.



    While I'm not against or for her getting GM, just extremely critical of her having it because it's an important position I'd like to say that using the overused "She abused ET one time in the past" shouldn't be the excuse for not adding her to each team she's applied and been accepted to. Like other's have said, she's been very competent with the teams she's been involved with and the one mistake she made was almost half a year ago now I believe. The only thing I can slightly agree with is that when she does get into an argument she will get others to join in and help, whether you feel ganged up on or not is entirely up to the person fighting with her. She does like to play the "dumb victim" card from time to time, but I know for a fact that many on this server do the exact same thing, myself included sometimes. 


    Just to clarify my previous reply to this post wasn't meant to a negative or harassing response, it's simply a clear cut response besides just the +1 that most people do while they spout the exact same thing the previous person said with just a few words mixed around. I've talked to Wiseacres about her wanting GM in the past and she's been very adamant in getting it because she truly wants to help with roleplay on the server. Yes, she may be extremely annoying sometimes, yes she may start fights, but I've seen a lot of other players over the years do the exact same thing and never apologize or try to fix the situation. Wiseacres will always attempt to speak to anyone that she's been in a fight with, she might take a bit of time to do so because people usually need time to cool down, but I know she eventually attempts to right any wrongs she's made. The only reason people would have a problem with her after that is if they refuse to sit down and talk and instead decide to harass her on any posts she makes, in game, or on the forums. 


    TL;DR Don't just use the excuse that she at one time abused the ET position she had months ago, if you have an issue with her talk about it because she's always willing to fix any problems that people have with her. She's been a very competent staff member and has wanted this position for months because she wants to help improve roleplay.



  7. Considering how both of her best friends on the GM team are the only two GM Managers, I can see how fair the decision for this application will be... That being said, I suppose she's devoted a lot of time to trying to get on as many teams as possible in order to prove she deserves GM. So if she's going to be that annoyingly persistent I'd say give her the chance to see how fun the one thing she's coveted for the last 4-5 months really is. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, Rebbie11 said:



    I agree with a lot of what you've said, and at the end of the day it seems like the issue isn't really with the rp behind lockpicking it's with the person. Some players would rather abuse the system for their own personal gain rather then for providing rp, while others would rather abuse the fact that they have lwc and don't think they should be stolen from because of it.


    The server as it is now is sitting in a very different mindset from what it once used to be back when Villain Apps and thievery rp was a more accepted thing. Unless these certain players can get over themselves and join the rp of the server I don't think anything will work. The only way I see things changing is if the staff team actually enforced and encouraged players to rp rather then just allowing them to be on the server for the sole purpose of skilling and hoarding their items. A new system needs to be put into place, but the player base needs to realize lockpicking and thievery are both rp things and shouldn't be frowned upon just because there is a chance they might lose a few items.

  9. I'm all for pvp as well, but I think you are over exaggerating the extent of how things would be if a GM were involved in the rp of stealing from someone. You are taking the worst possible scenario and making it out to be like that's how all people will do things if allowed to steal from locked chests. Get over yourself and realize that not every is that item hungry and most people that do the rp, don't actually want the items. Those that need iron usually have it, so I don't know why you are so afraid of a select few people trying to rp something that interests them.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Salvo said:

    "haha xd thievery roleplay is nice! brings much enjoyment! haha xd it's rp don't be mad!!!"


    Frankly, no. There is a separate line between what I consider fair to steal and what is not.

    Mining iron is hard work, enchanting takes hours, and I will /not/ allow that hours of my life go wasted because some tard got lucky with a roll. Simply put, no. I don't care if you call it roleplay, it isn't. People do it for the OOC items, not for the roleplay.


    Sounds like you are obviously doing it for OOC items as well, perhaps you need to learn to handle things in RP and not focus so much on the time wasted and enjoy the server for what it's main focus is... Role play.

  11. 1 hour ago, Salvo said:

    Lockpicking through chests is R E T A R D E D. Period.


    Honestly, with the sheer OOC time it takes to make a set of Prot I iron armor, I don't want the first dumbass to come and take it from me. Call me item-hungry all you will, but I'm already being stolen from IRL, I'd rather not have it happen on a Minecraft server aswell.


    And if you think people try to steal things for the "experience", you are wrong.

    It's called role play, not retarded. I'm sorry you are being stolen from IRL, but you come onto this server to rp. Being a thief is a part of the fantasy theme, like it or not. Just because you have to waste hours creating a set of Prot I iron armour doesn't mean you automatically should be exempt from having someone steal from you if they go through the proper rp of doing so. Like I've said in my previous responses, people need to realize that just because you donate to the server and happen to get the ability to lock your chests does NOT mean you deserve the privilege of never being robbed. So sorry you just lost 10+ hours worth of work on a set, but someone came in and stole it because they rp'd and they just happened to get the items from a chest the GM let them have. Also, I'm fairly positive GM's usually give you odds and ends, it's not like they are going to be giving away everything in your chest. It's role play and if you don't like role playing on a server where thieves actually get to steal from you, then you need to leave or realize how ridiculous you are being about something that happens in real life and in rp.



  12. 4 hours ago, Adasinio said:

    I have a genuine question that I would appreciate if someone could give an answer to, I will be asking from personal experience though I'm not still angry over it and am just using it as an example.


    Having your entirety of your storage stolen where the chests have no locks but the door does (which happens in real life, who of us actually locks our hay / food items inside the house), what roleplay does this give to the victim to return home to a storage that was once full to a storage that is now completely empty?

    If thievery was role played properly and not just for items then it would provide rp for you as a victim. The transition from VA's where you had to prove you could rp being a thief to allowing people to commit villainous acts without a VA killed that type of mind set. The fact that you lost a large amount of hay because you simply don't have the money to donate is a sad thing to hear because I'm willing to bet the people who stole from you had no intention of rping and just wanted to items for skilling. 


    It's sad how the removal of things such as the original system of lockpicking has allowed being item hungry to be the norm on LotC. I see more and more posts defending how players should be able to keep their stuff simply because they donated. Donating money is for helping keep the server up, not so you can feel special because you can keep people out of your chests full of pointless items. 

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