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Posts posted by Sebasgann

  1. MC Name: Sebasgann


    Character Name: Thurland


    Character Age: 267


    Profession: Blacksmithing, Legion Soldier


    Appearance: Red hair, brown eyes, light skin, large scar across chest, long red beard, a little above average height, well built and sturdy as a rock.


    Bloodline: Bloodline of Dreek and son of Valen Grandaxe


    Short Biography: A mountain dwarf whom was brought into the world Dwarf, raised in the streets by a single mother in the dwarven capitol of Asulon. After dreaming of becoming an architect he started to move around and found passion in blacksmithing, shaping metal as his craft. He left his mother in search of work and lived in a small dwarven settlement where he helped repair and craft items for the soldiers who guarded it. After he was driven out by the destruction of his land he traveled to Aegis where he joined a guild called the Guardians. After mastering his art and reconnecting with his Kin by joining the construction of Mt. Ire he joined the smithing guild in hopes of mastering the most advanced level of this craft. Later he left the smithing guild to rejoin the Guardians as one of their grandmasters, leaders of the guild and watchers of a town called Glenwood. There after the guild died off and then the lands were plagued, he left the land along with the other races with the dwarves, where Hes now joing the Legion in hopes of leading soldiers one day against the evils that everso haunt life in this world.


    Role in Clan: Blacksmith, Legionnaire, Quell others, and beside his clansmen with a platter of meat and a jug of ale.


    Image: http://i.imgur.com/it4nEUP.png ((sorry about the inventory :I ))

  2. Hrm, Teh Gaurdians, an ancien' Guild reknowned f'r the'r kindness an' Involvmen' agains' Aegis an' Asulons people. We've begun to rebuil' once mor' and wouldn' mind ye joinin' our ranks, shelt'r, food, equipment and the Glenwood citizenship is giv'n to those 'ho wish teh join. We will sen' an initiate te pick ye up if ye choose to accept. Try teh reach one of the gran'mast'rs when ye'r ready. Eith'r meh ((sebasgann)) Lotherious ((sammeister97)) 'r Rinn ((NorAlvarin)).

  3. MC name: Sebasgann

    Character Name: GRD_Adept_High_Smith_Seb

    Forum name: sebasgann

    Mining level: 51

    Excavation level:52

    Blacksmith level:100

    Why do ye want te join? because im a dwarf, im a master smith, im eager, i wish to take in all that Asulon has to offer, learn from others, benifit others, my character has a background for being raised a mason and architect. i wish to learn form and contribute best to the guild in anyway that i can.

    If ther would be one thing ye want to change in teh city,

    what would it be, and how? Well, i wanted to specify in defense, specificly stratigic architecture, that best suit a fort. But also favor stratigic advantage, i would elevate parts of a town or city, kingdom so that it would be easier to secure areas and trap enemies, limiting the points one might strike. Walls and gates over these points might be an aid to it if walls are already installed into the city, town, fort ect...

    We are often in teh dwarf channel on TS3 te communicate.

    Would ye use it often if ye wher te be accepted into teh guild? Well, i wouldn't mind using it but i dont really know how to use it. so if i could learn i would deffinently be on it since im requested to be on TS for other people except another that rarely requests of it.

    Any previous work? ((screenshots are good)) ((il post some later if my application isnt good enough.))

  4. To Join the Guild Use the Following Layout:

    MC Name:Sebasgann

    RP Name:GRD_Adept_Sebasgann

    What is your smithing skill: 100

    What is your skill in either axe or sword: Axe

    Reason For Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph): I find that connecting with my dwarven brothers after searving a mix of races is to reestablish my connection. I find that the location of the guild is interesting, and the area is under construction, so i feel i can help. I also feel that because im a great smith the guild could use someone like me. Im a friend of Trod and know that he was once powerful in Aegis and ive seems to trust one another so keeping in tact can be good. My main reason for wanting to join is it looks like an exiting place, many people are active, theres a lot of iron guts, several kinsman, and i feel like i can be of some help to the guild.

    What Will You Add to the Guild: Im an explosives expert, i have 100 smithing, im very familiar with traps, am a good fighter, am also an expert in stratigic military architecture. i can benifit with the guild as a smither, and as a builder in the state that the guild hall is in. i can best contribute my knowledge to the construction of it when it is put back into play.

  5. that sounds like a nice idea but i think a meeting should be held about the construction of glenwood and exactly what the plan is. since we have recently retaken it and will begin construction of somesort, and our limiting members that stop us from fully opperating two places when weve completed glenwood, the topic of recruitment should be something a little more encouraged. and while im on the topic we might just get another two members, ((friends from school)) that can benifit our numbers. that put our numbers are somewhere nearing the 20's, and from what i see the ranks are a bit sloppy if i have any right to say so. ((also seems i will be getting on as early as tonight my time, or tommarow midday my time))

  6. well im soory but i wont be playing as much since my sister completle fucked up the computer. so if i want to play im going to have go bestbuy across streat. il be participating through the forums since i have a playstation so feel free to update me on whats going on through PM or something. probably wont be active for a VERY LONG time. take to it as you will.

  7. think of it this way. theres little reason we should be eating when we can have a profesional cook who is capable of cooking lots of food, more for it and its roleplay that we have a arange of food. the wood is simple, chop more of it, charcoal is only a need if there is someone constantly cutting wood since wood is of a great importance to the guild at the moment hell since we need to for our construction but also so we can sell, for monetary gain to buy stuff for the guild.

    probably best to leave things as it is the way the guild is going its one thing that the guild is getting a lot of members and leave most jobs to the profesionals in the occupation unless theyre on a trip.

  8. 1)MC Name & RP Name: Sebasgann, Dwarven_Smither_Sebasgann

    2)Chosen Patron:

    3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended):

    4)Race: Mountain Dwarf

    5)Flaws in Your Character: Im a dwarf. My faith in lord is doubted, but upon living with my honor bound brethren Ive come to have some sort of faith in him, undoubted escapes my companions lead from the undead. Through times that i made it out of the impossable, the death ive seen in war, i now live the life as a hermit, i am weak, i lack training, am not what i once was.

    6) How long have you been on the server: Around a year or so?

    Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

    7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages]

    Stop him from doing so and tell him to leave. If he challenges me then i feel i must defend myself and the citizen.

    8) You see a small child shivering in the snow.

    Give him bread and bring him to nearest village to care for him.

    9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables.

    Ask him to leave quietly, *Unsheath sword. and if he is first to attack he will have lost his defense in my justification of him.

    10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive. Take them into my care for my own reasons and aid them with my own expense.

    11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?"

    i tell him/her "Through suffering one can attain a higher state, tis a reason why most never attain it. And it is throught suffering that we overcome ourselves, that we get stronger, that we put our faith in him. Is so that God can find his champion among those, in reason to be a light in the dark."

  9. Name - Dwarven_Smither_Sebasgann

    Race ((With Subrace)) - Mountain Dwarf

    Age - (OOC 16) 22

    Where do you live and come from? - I live no where, wonder the lands in search of home, origonate from the last dwarven kingdom that was overwhealmed by the undead.

    A couple of small sentences about yourself - Im intelegent, attend high school, like playing RP games, revered swimmer in DC. I enjoy the experience of a RP game, the addition of minecraft that is already a good game and lotr univers makes this awesome :).

    Why do you wish to join The Guardians - Because im looking for a guild that i can help best, one that i can better, because i need purpose, i wish to smith, and thats what i will do if accepted.

    What do you wish to achieve in this guild? What are your goals? - My goals are to aid the guild i take shelter in as much as i can, in return for a forge and giving me purpose i hope to sharpen every blade and every chain that comes my way.

    Do you swear to protect the people and your brothers, with your very own life? - I swear

    Do you swear an oath by Aeriel, that you will not break The Code of The Guardians? - I swear

    Any useful skills that you can master?

    -Blacksmithing 50

    -Mining 7

    -Swordsmanship 12

    Any other information that might come in handy: none for the time being that need be presented.

  10. Application:

    OOC Information ~

    Mine Craft Name: Sebasgann

    Age: 16

    Time zone: Eastern standard

    RP Information ~

    Role Play Name: Dwarven_Smither_Sebasgann

    Gender: Male

    Race: Dwarf

    Sword Level: 10

    Axe Level: 0

    Archery Level: 0

    Profession: Blacksmithing, (plan to train Farming and Archery)

    Do you have an accepted villain application (if so link please): None

    Nation Affiliations (your characters view of other nations):I carry the nationalism towards my dwarven kinsmen, take pride in being a dwarf and somewhat full support their actions. I have a dislike towards the Orcish nation because of our common rivalry in might, as well as their rivalry with other nations, but come respectful to them when the circumstances are right. I have a wayward respect for the Human nations, can get somewhat well with the surface dwellers. Trade is important with them and they provide us with further purpose to work in the fires of a forge. The elves i leave to live in their damned trees reading books, i have no quarrel with them but have little reason to help them out of the goodness of my heart of such thing exists in a dwarf. But my true allegiance is held in my kinsmen and my honor bound brethren. I will not hesitate to aid them for they are my reason, my dream to help aid them in combat by keeping their blades sharp and their armor durable. i would not hesitate to lay my self to stone for them. my Dwarven stoutness towards other nations can wait for my brethren. But i would help those nations if it were what i had to, if it were for my brothers in arms.

  11. *A sign is posted at the sanctuary*

    "If yer lookin' fer a guild, this'd be the place to post!"

    "Leave yer information below so that a guild that best suits yer needs can scoop ye up!"

    *A small list of requirements are listed*






    (( post a new topic in the LFG thread, thanks! ))

    M' dwarf looking fr' a nice guild that needs smithing and town th't needs workin' on. Ima Dwarven smither, Im the son of a mason and was resident of the last dwarven capitol, im foreign to Asulon and seek shelter in this new land,

    -Name: Dwarven_Smither_Sebasgann

    -Age: 22

    -Gender: Male

    -Race: Dwarf

    -Occupation: Took m' occupation as a mason and smither, im a gardener on m' own time.

  12. wait, can someone whose actually working on magic tell us what they need ideas for or even if they need this forum anymore because people are just talking and talking on this post about stuff that probably wont see the light of day. it be nice if we knew whats been going on unless you got everything figured out, either tell us this is a dead forum or tell us what you still need this forum for k? it be amazingly helpful.

  13. Application:

    IGN: sebasgann

    Character Name:sebasgann

    Age:(Real: 15) Character: 22

    Timezone:Eastern Standard

    Race: Mountain Dwarf

    Roleplaying Skill: "The great city of the dwarves is under attack" one man shouted "undead!" another cried. The dwarves and allies whode come to defend the great city found it quiet. 10 minutes passed by, half not sure whether the undead would come, and thats when someone a man in the tower shouted "over there! to the right of us!" two hordes of undead appear and make way to the Keep. The archers launch a volly of arrows at them and the gunners launch TNT from their cannons from behind the walls. When the undead got close enough, those who remained outside the walls attacked them head on, some with their pets, valiant, they survive the first round.

    As time goes by, the undead begin to tear at the walls with their magic, thats when the Ascended came, striking them down with their magic. little by little, the dwarves and their allies began to take back ground. a third of the troops outside the walls dead, the remains of the fallen lay across the battle field. the troops within the walls still remain unscathed and the few outside make way for food and a smith to repair their equipment. "Ready yourselves! the others cannot hold for so long!" When out from behind the walls in the distance, a great number of soldiers from the Rangers of the Forest appear with their dogs, launching a vollies of arrows and sending their dogs forward into the battle field. With the Rangers efforts, the others were able to hold the Keep just a bit longer. But in time... the Keep was gone, lay in ruin, and the only survivers were those weak enough to retreat. The once great city of the dwarves, destroyed.many months later the dwarves set anew for the Keep and their city, rebuilt the walls, rebuilt the houses, rebuilt their lives, without the help from those who helped them defend it.

    Why you wish to join?: I wish to join because i live in the area, i dont have a guild and ive already been aquainted with a few of the people there and supplied some materials for them.

    Will you uphold every Rule: Yes I will.

    Link to your Application: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/11438-sebasganns-application/page__p__45392__hl__sebasgann__fromsearch__1#entry45392

    Skins: cant find picture of skin, (but heres directions to see it, 1. go to http://www.minecraftskins.com/ , 2. type in green dwarf, and 3.) its the Darker HoneyDew skin that im whearing, [i want to keep my dwarven heritage but also be a member of the Rangers, so i chose the green clothed dwarf])

  14. wait, im wondering wheather spells will be implemented as a skill that you level up like mining or smithing :/ if so, that be alright, id have to make my build something like 100 smither/100 magic/50 or 75 archer depending on the cap, need to check, plus im hearing about skills i havnt seen on the skills page, either theyre lieing or the skills page needs to be updated.

  15. Application:


    Character Name:sebasgann

    Age:(Real and Character)(Real: 15) Character: 22

    Timezone:Eastern Standard

    Race:Mountain Dwarf

    Roleplaying Skill:(been playing for 5-6 years for experience and have about as much skill as any other roleplayer in minecraft might have. I have an understanding of the "roleplay language and what you might expect.

    Why you wish to join?: I wish to join because i live in the area, i dont have a guild and ive already been aquainted with a few of the people there and supplied some materials for them.

    Will you uphold every Rule: Yes I will.

    Link to your Application:

    Skins: 44765.png

  16. pretty sure theres a differance between hobbits and halflings, if its not, its because ive played LotRO and DDO, and theyre differant race from human, but i can see why they made it a sub race, though id preffer it be called hobbit and be its own race, just because of the connection this game makes and give an addition to the world, the lore and might give some buff spells from them, since thats all theyre good at, besides being rogue-ish.

  17. k, so I dislike the idea of scrolls, just my take, if anyone should have powerful magic it should be the ascended because they are the ones with magic now, doesn’t seem fit that they keep their same spells, maybe they deserve an upgrade.

    Another idea is that in update 1.8, when attacking after sprinting, you can send a target flying about 8 blocks, said in the update by notch, now, it would be cool if there was some earth spell that knocks people down, just an idea. I already love the durability increase dwarves, have (I’m a dwarf so love that.) and I also heard an idea that dwarves could enchant an item? Or add a special ability, that would make people come to dwarves and respect dwarves for their dwarven armor unless there is a goblin race, then the weapon enchantment could go to them, but that would be awesome, gives dwarves another purpose that other races would want to seek out dwarven armor.

    I’m thinking that the mana bar will look something like the food bar, have 10 spots and a half or a full spot will be used in using magic. If the idea of regeneration is added then it should obviously be the same as the health regeneration speed.

    as for spells, I really can’t think of any spells, other than that there should be about 5-9 spells per tier, that would be a good range to the trade up for fighting and magic makes it a little even. Another thing, when adding spells, try not to add a lot of offensive spells, and the offensive spells should cost a little of someone chooses to use offense a lot. Spells should be divided in everyday use, buffs, offense, and defense. Since I really can’t think of many other uses for magic in minecraft. Spells that make blocks should disappear, as I saw in the wiki, good job on that, don’t want people farming with magic, just using it to help you.

    Remember that the ascended should get an upgrade, mostly damaging spells, and undead should too, they’re supposed to be better than normal people, can’t have them being as good, that very important.

    other than that, I really think resp has got a good idea for spells, at least spells for elves, maybe ascended, he really seems like he knows what he's talking about, but I want you to take this message in more than most because I have experience in magic and A LOT of games and rp, what systems work for games and which ones didn’t.

    p.s. I REALLY love this and REALLY think you guys are doing an amazing job, I just hope hope hope that my ideas aren’t too late because it seems that you have been looking for feedback for a while.

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