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Posts posted by Sebasgann

  1. I think you've surprisingly made it sound as though option 1 is better than option two, and still people chose option two over option 1.


    The biggest issue is that the -500 level in something is irritating to my eyes, it pains that such a thing could ever exist. It doesn't make sense either, someone who has 0 experience in wood working, wouldn't have gotten any less than 0 experience in wood working by farming. If anything you learn wood working in a sense by knowing the materials your farm is made of, what kind of wood should be used for your tool's handles exc.


    Also in option two you are given freedom, you can freely select which profession you choose to master. That's what people are doing now anyways, people are developing lists of who is going to be what, I've seen this with multiple player groups already, given what they're learning in this beta, they know what they want to pick. Therefore choosing a profession shouldn't be too bad since people have already decided what they want.


    With option two it seems that's what players are doing anyways, players are choosing one profession they want to keep at a their highest level, and turn XP:OFF when they aren't practicing their main chosen skill. Making it so we don't get experience in the first place would make it much less of a hassle for us, and it gives us what we want. To be able to pick a profession and level it freely until we can cap it, so we can be the best in our art, instead of making it hard for us to move around.


    If every skill but selected professions were capped at lv.0 then players could easily experiment with other professions without fear of consequence, and can actually do things they otherwise wouldn't if they had -500 in that particular skill. Not to mention they can't practice other skills for fear of lowering their main profession.




    In general, people hate the negative level concept, people don't want it and that's the main reason people have swayed away from option 1. It doesn't take a statistic major to see which choice the players prefer, esspecialy since you phrased things so that option 1 seems more appealing, making more players than normal pick that one over option two.


    You also state that your method is the status quo but Option two is the status quo, never (that I know of) has a profession degraded your other skills by progressing a different skill, we are familiar with our Aegis/Asulon style leveling system, but the addition of preventing players from leveling all professions except the two chosen makes us feel at home by allowing us to depend on other players for our equipment. This destroys players staying alone because they simply can't do everything, and that's kind of what is going on, players have the ability to do every thing, which isn't what we want. We want to see how our specific role in the world makes an impact on everyone around us, by us, the player being the sole provider for a certain material that everyone else relies on you to produce, not "oh, well I can make the best armors, but I'm a decent everything else" kind of idea where the supply and demand don't meet one another.

  2. Yeah. it shouldn't take you two days to become master farmer. Time for the ratios to go up up up. or maybe a change to the plugin like, you can only harvest during harvesting season, and there's a chance your crops die out during the winter season.


    The combination of season changes along with the idea that if harvested on the right season, then around 50 wheat crops = 20 xp. That way it would take forever for farmers to attain high levels :D (I can't play or am a farmer so I don't know how much or little that is.) But becoming a master at something should take months upon months of playing on the server to get. I think playing 1 hour a day for 12 months, with 1 harvest a day should grant you master farming. That way it takes you a year, or if you happen to play a lot, then you get it sooner, but probably not less than 6 months. Seems about fair if you ask me. You'll probably get it sooner since you'll have access to pumpkins, melons and mushrooms and such. 

  3. That's what I thought when I got 100 blacksmithing, that I was the best, but you're not the best unless you know 100% of the RP to it, and have highest farming/capped. For example, you don't be the best blacksmith with just 250 smithing, you'll have to know the RP, know how to construct golems, runesmithing, enchanting and transmutation (too bad if you know runesmithing you can't use transmutation and enchanting magics [but can use enchanting plugin]).


    Now to be the best you have to 

    1. Learn all the exact possible RP for each farming and RP farming

    2. Establish a guild or organization of some sort.

  4. Keep in mind I can't get on the server so I can't/haven't tested out the plugin but I've had me eyes and ears open on everyones comments/frustrations/reactions in TS and on the forums. But if something is wrong then don't hate me for it, I just don't know, but I do know a bit.


    I've proposed the idea of making a glass smithing, but seeing as though the tech team wants to incorporate glass smithing into a profession, that's why they've yet to implement glass. They also feel if glass smithing was it's own profession, then there wouldn't really be any benefit, there simply isn't enough progression to be called a profession. There also wouldn't be any use for glass, while this is true, just about everyone could say the same for motor and pestle. From what I've seen/heard all this does is turn flowers into dyes. big woop, the tech team wanted to make it so that each profession had some progression but I've yet to know or see any kind of progression gained from this. I still think implementing this profession is an important addition, and for those who pick this, it could prove quite rewarding for them if they chose to progress it.



    Taken from a PM to Sporadic:


    • Brewing Stands aren't craftable
      For a profession, you'd think that the main thing needed to perform it should be available. Rhia has added a few to the GM shop, but with the current inability for players to earn money they're practically impossible to get. Additionally, they seem to be broken, and clicking on the enderpearl which would usually open up a new menu in the old system no longer does anything. 
    • Glass bottles aren't craftable. 
      Another necessity, really. Without glass bottles you can't brew anything, so the whole profession is useless. By the time 4.0 comes out with the fixes or the glass-making profession most alchemists will have around -1000 skill in their profession, resulting in probably a 100% fail rate (I'm currently at around -400), which of course will be quite frustrating. 

      Mortar and Pestle does nothing for the alchemy skill, and aids no profession.
      Skills not upgraded slowly degrade into the minuses, to promote specialisation in some professions, which frankly seems kinda annoying being that in several of the plugins levelling up isn't possible. 

    I've also yet to see how Motor and Pestle can be connected to any other profession, perhaps leather making so that Motor and Pestle Makers are allowed to add color to clay and leather armor, but besides that there isn't much. Unless they're developing a great alchemy profession which uses Motor and Pestle.


    Aside from all that I think making Glass Smithing it's own profession would be useful, much more so than how the Motor and Pestle is. With glass smithing you can make glass bottles (a necessity for alchemy) Glass panes, glass blocks, and stained glass of the two glass variants (panes/blocks). It's big ticket item would also be Glow stone and Sea Lanterns (1.8).


    The glass smithing also encourages trade amoung other professions, other than the Motor and Pestle which doesn't encourage any kind of trade because it doesn't connect to any other profession (besides maybe alchemy in the future?). But glass smithing encourages trade with the mining and motor and pestle professions. The coal from mining, the sand from mining (or excavation?) and the prismarine shards/stuff for Sea Lanterns (1.8) While also encouraging trade with the motor and pestle for the colors so that the glass smither can create different colored glass.


    I think this would also help fix the professions since it's a viable profession that can be set up, is useful, has some sort of progression (glass blocks/glass panes/glass bottles/colored glass blocks/colored glass panes/glow stone/sea lanterns) with good trade between other professions (motor and pestle/miners).

  5. There are a few additions to the Nexus Craft I'd like to see implemented


    Horse Armors

    The fist of which I'd like to see is the introduction of Horse Armor. It wouldn't be that hard because you don't actually need a crafting recipe besides say, 4 Iron Ingots, 6 Chain links, 10 Leather or something (or a value relatively higher than base iron armor big enough to suffice for a horse.) I think it would be a great addition to smithing RP, and give an additional something to LotC.


    Glass Smithing Profession

    There seems to be a lack of glass smelting, there is no stained glass, no glass pane/blocks, no glass bottles no glass nothing. I think having a Glass Smithing. One of the big aspects to this Crafting plugin is that some of these professions depend on other professions, and in the case of Glass Smithing there is a lot of cooperation between other professions.


    Glass smelting depends on mining, and people who use the Motor. They depend on miners for glass, and coal for torches, which can then be used to remove glowstone from the mining workbench over to the Glass Smithing workbench because it's a glass material. They can use the the colors made from a Motor to make stained glass, and can then make things like glass bottles exc. I think given the number of things a glass smith, the reliance on other professions it can earn it's right as a profession. This would probably be popular among Orcs because they tend to live near sand filled environments.


    Better Bows and Arrows

    So we've seen a progression towards better leather armors that can be used for better protection for archers. But from what I know we haven't seen better offensive capabilities. Since arrows use flint, and have never used arrowheads I suggest that making it possible to create Iron arrow heads for stronger arrows be thought on to see if it's possible. I think it would also be interesting to add a flaming arrow aspect where craftable arrows are shot with a fire and ignites targets. Another idea is to improve bows, by making a bow that does higher base damage than the vanilla bow. This can fall under a fletching Profession. We all know that there are a number of professions, and I think making it possible for a fletcher would provide some good RP and a good RP profession to the playing field. Far too long has archery been left out and has been ignored since 2.0 and this could give it the attention it demands. How is it that a battleaxe and a different mele weapon is introduced, along with studded armor but archery itself hasn't been improved.


    Battle Axes

    Give Battle axes a +1 damage compared to it's equal material sword. ex. Iron axe has 5 damage in vanilla, while a iron sword has 6 damage in vanilla. Make it so that Iron battleaxes have 7 damage, having a higher advantage on damage without block potential compensating with greater damage. While also encouraging the use of Battle axes as it's relativly useless at the momeny since it has the same damage as an origonal axe, but costs more materials.

  6. I love this plugin, though I can't play right now I think the over all addition of the plugin adds a lot of depth to RP by adding items players can RP with. The objective this plugin attempts to accomplish is nearly there but there are a number of issues.


    Some of basic things that are literally aesthetic, or non important, a lot of items take a very long time to make. I think the cap on general items, that don't serve HUGE purposes should take less than 10 minutes. Mostly less than 5 minutes, maybe more than that but it depends on how much the crafting time is decreased after crafting the same item over and over. The most important aspect is that waiting times should be "Fair"


    • Some things I can understand that would take more than 10 minutes, such as saddles, armors, leather armor, anything involving metal or high craftsmanship, boats, mine carts, TNT (D: pleas add to server again) exc.
    • Keep wait times, they will encourage RP, most notably blacksmiths because people RP already during blacksmithing, and it makes it so that they can RP every part of it.
    • There are also a number of items that aren't available in game and I think adding those things would be nice.
    • I also think glass smithing should be a thing, being able to make glass, glass panes, glass bottles, and the different colored colored glass
    • Keep the times but most things have to be short, fair, and should take as long to make it as it would in RP. Or less for things that really don't require much rp like a button.
    • DON'T DE-LEVEL LEVELS IN OTHER AREAS WHEN YOU LEVEL ANOTHER. Just don't, there also shouldn't be negative levels, the base level should just be 0, while races start with a 2-5 level head start in certain areas, like races of dwarves getting bonuses to mining and smithing exc. Just use the Aegis/Asulon system of deleveling where you select a skill to de-level whenever you level a gain a level in your profession of choice. Also make the AI easier to see the "deleveling and turn xp gain on/off".

    One thing I think players don't understand is that eventually it will take shorter times to make things, and eventually once they're proficient enough then they'll be able to make these items with ease. Keep the wait times, I think some players are playing the ignorant kid who wants everything to be easy for them, but I also think that some of them are right in that the wait times are extremely high. They shouldn't be realistic, they should just take time to make, while being "Fair"


    Had I not been banned I'd probably have better feedback :)

  7. So, some people don't know 100% what the plugins that will be implemented into 4.0, and I don't think you guys want them all to be a surprise. I think it'd be informative upon the 4.0 release to note all of the plugins that have been added, and plugins that are being developed and will be added post-launch. 


    Aside from that LotC is looking up. Thales looks like it is quite a nice map and I hope 4.0 has some niftier stuff!

  8. ::OOC::
    MC Name: sebasgann
    Did you ever have a character with magic?: No
    Are you aware the rules of Magic?: Yes
    Name: Tomkin Blackfist
    Age: 247
    Gender: Male
    Race: Dwarf
    What would you like to learn?: I'd like to learn of runic knowledge, and about archaeology, learning some of the secrets that are found within this world. While also learning how to handle myself, in hopes of learning anything special that could one day be useful.
    Which Classes are you enrolling for?:  Scholar and Survival classes
  9. It'd be easy to check above a stair block and only let you sit if it's air, so the wall thing isn't an issue. Good idea!

    Freya lol plzzzzz, we all want this back, if it's set to exactly that then it would help a lot of RP. Players who abuse the system anyways will be caught and banned anyways, it's not like those in a war don't notice a guy magically tp onto a wall somewhere. The chair just seems so essential to rp because it encourages players to sit in a chair instead of stand out and do nothing in the middle of the street (at least a little more) and players don't look dumb when they're standing on top of a chair having to improvise by squatting on it. It's essential, it's been on the server, and it would make rp a lot better, I don't know why it isn't on the server xD PLLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ



  10. Such as the development in picking a "Profession" is it simply aesthetic? or would it have an impact on Nexus-Crafting such as preventing progression in crafting stations that don't correlate to your specific profession. Someone with profession of Tanner couldn't progress his ability to blacksmith due to the limitation, but can still craft white armors at base timers every time he makes it with no reduction in time. That's what I'd like to see, no limitations, but some people are just 'Better' than others.


    A 1 week cool down on profession swapping allows for people to switch if they don't like a profession, and not abuse the system just said above. My speculation and hope of what it would be.


    • Alchemist**
    • Breeder**
    • Chef
    • Woodworker
    • Enchanter**
    • Miner**
    • Stonemason
    • Fisherman**
    • Blacksmith
    • Tinkerer
    • Farmer**
    • Lumberjack**
    • Leather worker

    These were the professions listed, the one with two stars by it are the ones that have yet to announce any kind of progression or variety compared to the other professions. Just wondering, is there progression at all? Is picking a profession from playercard aesthetic?


    P.S. If stats don't Passover you lose, and don't gain a very large player base. The most important rule for a Minecraft server is to have players online. Not to mention there's a lot of new players joining, and I think they would be turned off at the lack of players, all new players would leave the server if there isn't a high count, even if people say "We're waiting for 4.0" because playing on a server for 3 weeks with the sole intention of using the plugins, then not developing the skills further seems exactly like a waste of time for most players (Though you do have to see how the immersion works, and if there are bugs.)


    Here's what I've heard from 40 players. "I'll log on to check the plugins out but if they don't carry over I'll check them out then not play till 4.0" and I lie not, 40 players you could have on your server that I alone know. You'll experience a very high number launch 3.75 but post launch there won't be anyone on after the first week. Except for those immersed in RP and furthering the professions.

  11. so I'm 99% sure that 100% of the coding or near that is complete but I had a cool idea. When trying to encourage RP by making environments look more RP-ish, like the tanning rack, the cauldron exc. , what if just for cooking, just for fun and it would operate as the same profession but would use two different tools, and that would be the current cauldron, But I thought it would be cool if you could combine the idea of "It has to have this form exactly" to work, By making cooking RP a tiny bit more fun with the introduction of the soul sand x3 in between fences on top of fire! It's a common thing seen when cooking meat, it is commonly used for RP cookouts exc.


    Everything once you right click this meat stand cooks all the meats, while the cauldron cooks nearly everything else. It's just an idea, but I thought it would be interesting. I know the idea of adding a second crafting station for the same profession seems over the top for some people, but "Why not". It certainly couldn't hurt the plugin at all, it would make kitchens look RP'ly more real, and gives the cooks different things to do in the kitchen, you can also cook two things at once (well, you could do that anyways if you had say, two anvils, maybe. Don't know if you can craft multiple things at once but I'd prefer not.) You can have the boar roasting over the fire while the rabbit stew is cooking in the cauldron.


    Another idea I had is that since cooking has a expiration date, adding a "burning" mechanic would also be over the top, but this encourages players to look after their food! Making it so that if you cooked something for a certain amount of time more than it was ready it would continue cooking, eventually turning your cooked item into gunpowder. Prevents players from mass cooking (If that's even a thing) and creates a way for gunpowder to get in the game, while adding an interesting mechanic to cooking.


    I'd also be down for more recipes, but that kind of work is tedious for coders to do, while fun for others. So, what did you guys think?

  12. See how the racial buff system is going to work is that every race gets a permanent buff, Orcs will get a perma str pot buff, dwarves get the perma resistance pot buff, and I'm not sure what other races get, but I heard they're giving each race a perma potion effect, which is pretty significant. A lot of these effects are around 15%, and I think it should be modified to a coded 5% buff instead of just slapping a potion effect, because those potion effects are quite significant. 



    This is a really good idea if nuggets were implemented as currency then we could have actual trade and economy rp. People would be required to actually run their shops instead of spamming those ridiculous sign shops everywhere. Resource convoys of donkeys could be used to move around wealth and materials these in turn could provide actual targets for bandits. Trade rp will alleviate alot of the boredom that players feel during lulls with no staff made rp conflict could be found through bandits, trade embargoes bartering etc while still maintaining an aspect of realism that would really help immersion +1 for this idea.


    Over what I just said because he says it better. But yeah, if you had read, most of these really would take place daily, gold now has a use, player run banks can be made (not that stuff vaq made), banks can encourage loan rp and retrieving those loans. People actually have to take care of their money much more than they used to, It discourages the shop plugin, but can easily be fixed to accept gold nuggets. Ignore the ideas I said earlier, but if the tech team could make a use for emeralds and give everyone op powers for no reason, why can't they just make physical currency to encourage RP. Btw, I don't know about you, other militaries since militaries on LotC aren't quite professional, but from what I remember on Anthos with the dwarven military there were patrols once in a while, and we didn't even have issues with bandits, whenever something happened like a drake attack we sent out patrols to roam to make sure we were still safe. We had guards stationed at the entrance of the deep roads after we had an event, such and such. There is still a possibility that patrols would be sent out because the risk is far greater, instead of loosing 1% of your money, you could potentially lose 50%, 20%, 100% of your money, encouraging guards to put their numbers where they are needed. Clearing mobs to protect people, or keeping bandits away is in their job description as guards anyways.


    This alone is sufficient for the idea for hard currency, along with other things that could happen whose possibilities didn't exist before.

  14. In terms of what I think should actually be brought back, I think that:

    • Iron+ cannot use bows
    • Slow based on armor
    • Head shot 2x damage with bow
    • TnT
    • Axe damage = to sword with a 5% crit chance (make them equal but because swords can block, they can be used defensively, so an axe for aggression with a slight debuff could be made. 10% is relatively equal because in 10 hits blocking with a sword successfully deflects 10 damage, and one in 10 axe hits does an additional 8 damage[if axes = swords and this is for diamond damage].) Critical: Double base damage

    (P.S. I like how the flays talk about this idea as thought it would make good pvp'ers worse, from what I see, you guys really aren't that good at pvp, you just like to fight and pick on people while breaking rules and somehow evading to get banned some how. If they were to implement this I'd recommend you wear leather at all times so you have an easier time running away. The Blacklists will reign supreme. Btw, the flays in early Anthos were scarier, because they actually RP'd being threatening, and RP'd 100x more than you do nowadays. Maybe if you actually RP'd robbing someone, instead of blatantly saying pvp engage, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Then people might actually fear you. What made me say this? You guys are literally like the only people who said -1, and were quick at it. That, and this system would actually hurt your childish antics so I'd see why you'd disagree to this because all you want to do is charge head on and kill people without an ounce of strategy.)



    This is a really good idea if nuggets were implemented as currency then we could have actual trade and economy rp. People would be required to actually run their shops instead of spamming those ridiculous sign shops everywhere. Resource convoys of donkeys could be used to move around wealth and materials these in turn could provide actual targets for bandits. Trade rp will alleviate alot of the boredom that players feel during lulls with no staff made rp conflict could be found through bandits, trade embargoes bartering etc while still maintaining an aspect of realism that would really help immersion +1 for this idea.


    Exactly, by making it a physical currency you all of a sudden create like 10+ RP scenarios that could happen on the daily. If people wondered how much you could hold in gold nuggets, if you converted the nuggets to ingots, ingots to blocks, and had full stacks in every inventory slot that would equal around 350k Fe. Which is quite  alot, and probably equal to the amount of money currently on the server, or more than what the current player base has.


    In addition to the bandit rp, you now encourage people to hire bodyguards, or encourage nations to send out regular patrols around the roads to keep their citizens happy from bandits. A curfew could also even be installed as a side effect, just think about it, the possibilities simply explode when you add a physical currency.

  16. I have a idea, add objectives that raiders have to capture or destroy whit catapults ((That fling REAL tnt, you can even ask the battle for Conwy Castle server for their famous catapult script.))  and bring the Asulon archers back, even make it so mages can fire REAL spells at enemies too like fireballs and shards of ice or even call down some lightning.


    Along whit this, have the outskirts directly outside the wall have trench networks and traps to slow the enemy down.


    This would make raids last much longer and have more RP.


    Also, a siege/raid should last days whit the enemy needing a camp.

  17. To and GM, Tech Team member, or anyone with power.


    By the way, when something gets +32 in 4 hours, that's a green light to at least bring this subject matter up with your staff and administrators. This also isn't the first time this has been discussed in a forum post, talking about the current status of PvP. I don't know how long it will take, but after 4.0 comes out and you've gotten a little relax time, you should start brainstorming with the other GM's, Admins and make polls as to where combat should evolve from. You've already made huge advancements to combat magic pvp, and a good advancement (I don't know how great or bad because I've yet to test it out or see it in the large scheme of things) on professions, but you still haven't done anything to actual PvP besides the knockout plugin.


    Speak with the staff, get their opinion, because repeatedly, PvP has been the #1 issue on the server, so address it, not only would a mechanical update to combat be very nice, but the rules regarding PvP should also be changed, because that's a the biggest no-no. When you do make a mechanical update to combat, make you you do it in such a way that encourages multiple kinds of RP, such as engineers, medics, archers, normal foot soldiers and Calvary. Making PvP as fun as possible seems to be your goal, so make it your goal, I understand you want some breathing time, but make sure this is on your agenda for the nearest future, and is high on your to-do list.

  18. Telanir, let me give you an example of how bad things are on LotC in terms of PvP. I logged on to see 5 flays, they litterally said something like *Preparing to kill __________* "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go!" and didn't give the other player time to react, it was completly one sided, the other player yelled "WAIT" "STOP!" and they killed him, 5v1, no chance. Then I logged off because yet again, right infront of my eyes not even a minute after I logged on there was PvP, and as dirty handed as I litterally just explained it. Ofc, that had nothing to do with plugins, or anything on your end (because your excessive progress towards a more PvP based server with almost every plugin with the exception of the profession plugin based on making combat better, or more stylized.) This was the fault of server rules and a player base that has been developed by excessive PvP and change to PvP default. Part of it may have been the fringe and people being bored, but honestly, I wonder how many players have been shyed away due to this kind of playerbase, and how many more have fit into it.


    I, someone who had been playing LotC since near the break of the server, most of my time as someone lowly like a blacksmith of farmer, some recruit in a guild and other lower positions, enjoying the smaller things in life and watching everything, miss what I had on Asulon and Aegis. Back then, we had diverse RP, in battles just as Pok said, people actually had to know how to RP in battles.


    When setting up a volly of arrows players had to know the RP of shooting a bow or crossbow, we had actual rp for siege weaponry, we had the freedom to RP inside of a battle.


    PvP was also a lot more flavorful, meta tanks in full armor could kill off anyone, with the restriction of not being able to move as fast and use a bow. Archers searved a purpose.


    What I'm trying to say, is instead of making new ways of combat, you should instead turn to something that actually worked, and will make players happy. Sure there were a few things that were iffy, but you can obviously meet with your tech and GM staff to discuss those kinds of things, or have an open poll on the players opinion. But, PvP was deffinently better in Asulon, probably the best it's been in LotC. Of course players died fast because of the meta behind golden axes, but you either died because you were reckless, or the enemy had a huge tactical advantage on you, not because the plugin was broken. Because compared to another player with the same equipment as you, you were equal, unless you made a choice to progress your levels differently than the other player, which had an impact on your playstyle.


    +1, because I miss Asulon combat, and it's 100x better than combat on the server today. I don't know how the Nexus-Combat was, and I'm not going to ask, or make any judgement, because you can never truly see the full potential, or effectiveness until you've actually tried it and witnessed it for a while, but honestly, instead of coming up with new ideas, take the olds idea, and Telanir, personal note to you, make plugins that encourage RP, not plugins that encourage PvP, and make PvP more colorful, because even PvPers say they miss RP.


    P.S. Don't dare say "If you want RP stop pvping and just actually RP" because it isn't as simple as that, you'd have to convince the entire server to do that, and how do you do that? Several ways, but only one way I'll tell you, is add professions skills (I'm hoping the Nexus-Professions will due it enough justice, and it just might, but we've yet to see).

  19. *Strokes his beard collectively and ponders on the subject of the double chest, looks through his chest and looks rummages through thousands upon thousands of minas to finds a tankard of ale. He then starts guzzling down the ale and figures he'll wait to strike again, locking his chest and storing the key in his beard*

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