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Everything posted by Cracker

  1. ( Still is weird how you got land in Dwarven territory. We will rewrite the claim anyway, Mogroka's only qualm was lack of RP in reasoning. It really doesn't make sense how you got land there so we will RP evict you rather then ooc evict you)
  2. Hope you got my PM!

  3. *A note is posted on the Town Board of Holm* Citizens of Holm! It burdens mi' heart, but as I prowl throughout the once lively halls of Karik, I sigh, knowing that the kindred of the Ironguts will rarely set foot. The halls are empty now, with few setting foot. Karik has been largely vacated, with very few souls in sight. While the remaining clans keep to their clan halls, entire districts remain empty, unused, as cobwebs accumulate and dust gathers. Kal'Dwain grows and grows, and the Holm's revel in their new wealth and new kings, but our Karik, our Dwarven homeland in the 'arsh wurld of Asulon, lies barren and cold. The hearths remain unlight, the mines untouched, and the ale unspilt. I understand that yer kin fled the wrath of T'orik. But surely reparations could be made. I plea to all, as a split Dwarven nation can do so little compared to a strongly forged, unified, Dwarven peoples. Reunification can strengthen the Dwarves as a race. We must put aside our differences and beliefs for the sake of our posterity and legacy, so that they do not grow to hate 'un anudder, as Alras and de Dwarfish kingdoms du now. Wot be dis talk of "Karik Ironguts" n' "Holm Ironguts"! By de Paragons, we are not defined by our kingdom or our clan. No, radder we are all DWARVES. Dwarves, lads, lasses, sirs, and ma'ams! If we do not let udder races pry into our customs n' secrets, 'ow can we divide amongst ourselves! Dis wrot will ruin us, as fractured Dwarfish states can only lead to a weaker Dwarven kin. Udder races will stomp open us, as we weaken our race n' our bloodlines by dividing amongst ourselves, secedin' over petty squabbles n' making enemies out of kinsmen. KINSMEN! A united Dwarven kingdom could triumph over any foe, nation, or peoples. However, divided our peoples are scattered, unsure of their own kinsmens allegiance and if they can trust their fellow dwarf. I find this sickening. As a race, to be split as this indicates weakness, and a lack of identity. I wish, nay beg for all of our Dwarves to have 'un home under one flag, and one government. Whether this means fighting a war of untold loss of life, deposing any king, fighting legions of men, or settling through peace and diplomacy, I would die for my kin to be reunited again. It must be done. To live as separate peoples under separate kings, is worse then death itself, as it fractures our race, our beliefs, and our peoples. Surely, there must be some way to reunite. High Lord Balthar Blackaxe
  4. Welcome to the Kal'Karik Trading Company! Hosted in Kal'Karik, our main base is the inn of the Entertainment District. Huge with a fair number of rooms, its quite the cozy place. Our goal is to employ the people of Asulon and to fuel its economy. We offer a variety of unique functions such as wealth allocation, stocks, and investments, which can be detailed on the service thread found below. You can make some serious cash joining up! Along with minas, you can even get yourself lodging and Dwarven passports letting you exploring the entirety of the city. But most importantly you can refine yourself as a spokesmen and merchant, utilizing your silver tongue to attain the best deals possible. If you are reading this, you are reading the employment part of the company. If you wish to request our services, check out this thread: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/38885-the-kalkarik-trade-co/ At the moment, we seek out tradesmen, merchants, workers and suppliers to fuel our company. Your job would range depending on the contract. A quick overview of the contracts can be found here, more in-depth ones are on the service page above. Merchants: Your job would vary, but consist of being given an amount of supplies or minas. You would then take those supplies or minas, and get the best deal possible while filling the objectives of the quota. Here's an example contract Turn 1000 minas into 25 Iron Ingots. You would go out, buy 25 iron ingots while finding the best deals and keep the rest of the money. For example, if you bought 25 iron ingots for 500 minas, you would get 450 minas or so ( a 50 minas percent-based surcharge which goes to the company). Depending on the contract you can make bonuses and the like Couriers: We need couriers to send supplies from places Suppliers: You would act as easy clients for the Merchants or providing goods for the company. You would be paid a wage and would receive benefits. Mercs: A part time job, we may call your services in case trouble is afoot. Normally we will rely on the Legion, but the best price goes! Bonuses include housing, lodging, passports, Legion security, and even free shops! So enlist now! Reveal your inner merchant and revel in the coin!
  5. (I'm just curious, but would it be possible for one of the members to figure out how to create stable TNT/Gunpowder through RP? Would be really cool, kind of create a renaissance in Aegis. Obviously this TNT would only do player damage, since gunpowder didn't really destroy "blocks" IRL and it'd be griefing, but if it does have the permission to eventually do so, that would be really interesting.)
  6. I'm in both guilds, so I hope it wouldn't be too burdensome to partake in this meeting?
  7. If it's just dark brotherhood thats not too bad, not like you are some crazed Iblees supporter. So I'd assume most likely no, but I can't speak for Amagous.
  8. I think it's because you are one of the most recognized villains on the forums (especially to newbs with your FAQ's) and this is probably the most recognized evil guild. I don't think anyones been using your name.
  9. *A crow flies through the air. His feathers are mangled and soaked in blood. A letter is firmly tucked in his beak. As he approaches you, with letter in beak he strikes out. As you reach for your blade to shoo him off, a hawk strikes him down. The hawk takes the letter, hands it to you, and flies off* Dear Blaedr Stouthammer, I don't want this lifestyle anymore. This isn't the power I asked for, and every day I'm sick of it all. Guilt...the nightmares. Lashing out on good people, this isn't what power is....right? I've done crimes, I've come close to murdering a man and I've come close to consorting with Iblees. But, I don't want this power. It's sickening, it pains, it washes me with guilt and leaves me awake at night, pain through my soul. It's bitter and sour and I vomit...my head spins. Why did I do it? I don't know, my parent's didn't raise me to betray men and harm the good people of Aegis. I'm...I'm sorry. I send this letter, begging for absolution. I damned myself and I'm damn near sold myself to Iblees. I was confused, I just wanted power, to feel important in life, to have a ******* purpose. But men have died to my taint, and I can't get it out of my head. My best friend...I nearly let him be sacrificed to Iblees. He nearly died for the sake of the nether. I almost did it...but then I realized. This isn't what power is, this isn't justifying anything. I was a puppet, I was doing terrible things under a blanket of lies, under a bullshit theory of "The ends justify the means". No, I'm not that anymore. I saved my best friend. He's safe. And now I want to redeem my deeds. Those who have suffered because of my taint shall be cured, ailed. I won't let this taint spread to anyone else. I've lost too much. My integrity is damaged. And that's why I wish to join, the Followers of Aeriel. The Black Hand, the meat shields of the Undead, made me their tool. I was fooled. But I am no fool anymore. I fight for justice...for real power. The power of temperance, friendship, and fighting for Aegis. I hope my deeds will be forgiven for the sake of Aegis. I don't want to harm those of justice anymore. I've wronged...but now I want right. - Rire Marimot Brief Character History: Was slowly sucked into the evil guilds of Aegis. He did not commit true evil, but aided their progress and watched the sick acts of the Black Hand and the Undead. He grew sick with guilt, remorse, and finally realized the horrors of Iblees and his worshippers. He still has ties and power within the ranks of the Black Hand, but does not indulge in their affairs anymore, only acts as a spy to the forces of good. Character name (I.C.) TheCrackerJack Character name (O.C.) Rire Marimot Race: Wood Elf IC Age: 40 Will you be a FOA soldier, or s preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): Soldier, he wishes to fight for the forces of good and to find true power amongst the good men and women of Aegis Goals in the FOA?: To right his wrongs, kill off his tormentors and abusers in the Black Hand, and cease the spread of the vile taint caused by the Undead. He firmly believes in the good of Aeriel after he saved his friends life from sacrifice. Good deeds you have done?: Betraying the Black Hand, saving someone from sacrifice, luring a few people away from Black Hand traps Have you done any bad deeds?: Consorting with the Undead and the Black Hand How did you hear of us?: Word of mouth, and the Black Hand Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: The Undead abused me, they had me fooled, they had spread their taint unto me. I had nearly been tricked into succumbing to the evils of Aegis. But I saw hope, and I saw true power, honor and glory in the form of the justice in Aegis. And this revelation brought me to realize the corruption and malevolence that plagues the Undead. Can you wield a blade?: Yes, though when the skill system comes out, I will prefer an Axe. Are you a capable builder?: Yes, I am capable at building. I'm not the best but I can do what's needed Are you an archer?: Rire is a wood elf! Of course he makes a fine archer. Any special skills?: Rire still holds the trust of the Black Hand. He can easily relay information to the FoA from these sinister guilds, exposing plots, secrets, and attacks. Do you have faith in the Ascendeds return and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: Although at first Rire had little faith in the Ascended, when he realized how they protect Aegis from certain doom however, he had full faith and admiration in them, and their power. He will tell others of their power, and how united the undead menace will crumble. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I will serve the FoA in as many ways as I physically can. I make a superb tactician and warrior in battle, able to plan a resistance to an Undead assualt with ease. I also have keen access to the malicious guilds of Aegis, which means I can spy on the Black Hand for the FoA. I also will donate my abilities as a laborer to the FoA, to the betterment of Aegis and removal of the Undead plague.
  10. (Now? I thought it one hour 45 minutes)
  11. :D Wish I could have helped more but its awesome we are getting protection EDIT: We made 80k, finally!
  12. In-game name : TheCrackerJack The position you wish to take : Mercenary/Assassin Why you want to join our company : I wish to aid in the companies overall progress How much do you devote yourself to our cause : I am a member of a few other guilds but I can still make time for the company. For shopkeepers, will you be able to supply yourself? N/a
  13. I thought only Amagous had the authority to accept, but if not thanks. :D Do I get a pm stating the details of the Warband? I also hear there is a forum.
  14. Minecraft Name: TheCrackerJack Character Name or Nickname: Rire Marimot Race: Elf Gender: Male Character age: 25 Age in real life: 16 How could you bring honor to the Cal'ek warband?: Honor? Bah, honor has its place, but I plan on bringing Glory to the Ca'lek warband. Those who oppose the Warband and my intentions will face my wrath. I will abide the rules of the Warband within my time there, however long it may be. But I desire to aid in making the Warband one of the strongest and most powerful factions of all Aegis. I will admit, I am not the most honorable fighter around. But I understand those who heed the call of the honor track, for they have their motives, while I have my motive of bringing power to myself and my allies. Why do you wish to serve the Cal'ek Warband and the people of Aegis?: With cold steel in one hand, bow in the other, thousands of undead and evil ghouls, minions, and beings will fall to me along with those who the Warband deem corrupt and unhonorable. The Warband, amongst its honorable fighters, needs ones who bring glory to it. I plan on working with the Warband to the best of my abilities, and all of its endeavors, while also bringing glory to thy Warband along with my title. Do you have a skype or steam account? If so, what is it?: My skype is thecrackerjack1234, steam is bullsticks With the guild leader of the dark brotherhood resigning, I lost contact with the dark brotherhood. Figured I might work with you guys instead. It fits my char's motives anyway, he just wants to be powerful and bring glory to his name, good or evil be damned.
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