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Posts posted by pi4t

  1. We ride straight past into Riften Casiorn!


    It's been a long time since I played Skyrim (and says a lot about the memorability of it that I'd forgotten about the existence of Riften: I can still remember the names of most of the Morrowind towns, having played Morrowind about the same time. Minirant over.)



    The startled guard dives aside as you spur your horse straight for
    him. You find that the gatehouse arch opens onto a cobblestoned square,
    but the only exit is blocked by the wagon and merchant caravan. A dozen
    guards, dressed in the green and black tunics of the town watch, are
    checking their cargoes. As you burst from the shadows of the gatehouse
    arch, they see you and cry in unison: ‘Tollbreaker! Tollbreaker!’

    If you wish to rein in your horse and prepare to fight the town watch, turn to 248.

    If you wish to attempt to jump over the wagons and escape into the shadows of the winding street ahead, turn to 72.


    Uh... We took Invisibility, didn't we?

  2. To the North Gate!



    A peasant wagon and a merchant caravan bearing the toa-tree emblem of
    Casiorn are waiting in front of the town gate. You bring your horse to a
    halt and wait in line as the great door of rust-red iron slowly creaks
    open. A guard appears and gestures to the wagon and caravan to enter,
    but he lowers his spear menacingly as you prepare to follow. ‘The town
    levy is 3 Gold Crowns, stranger. Pay or turn away.’

    If you wish to pay the levy, give the guard 3 Gold Crowns and turn to 332.

    If you do not wish to pay the tax and wish to try to ride past the guard, turn to 115.


    Pay 3 gold for the privilege of riding through a gate?
  3. Votes:

    Invisibility: 3

    Pathmanship: 5

    Psi-Screen: 3

    Animal Control: 1


    I'm surprised you went for Pathmanship: you neglected Tracking throughout the last series!


    We pick no equipment!



    The courtyard of the Kai Monastery is strangely silent the morning
    you begin the quest. A blanket of frost sparkles on the battlements and
    the air is crisp and clear as you guide your horse down the steep hill
    track that disappears into the Fryelund Forest. It is only a little
    later when you look back to see the tall grey towers of your stronghold
    silhouetted against the sky. You bid a silent farewell before entering
    the densely packed trees. You do not look back again.

    The long ride south is not without incident. On Raider’s Road, the
    highway between the capital and the province of Ruanon, you are
    confronted by a ragged outlaw band. They demand gold but instead receive
    a harsh lesson in the powers of a Kai Master. You fight them and they
    flee in confusion, leaving three of their number dead on the highway.
    After this encounter, you are given a wide berth by all the other
    unsavoury characters of this bleak and desolate region.

    In Ruanon, you are greeted with a hero’s welcome by the lord of the
    land, Baron Vanalund. He and his people will never forget the debt they
    owe you, for it was your courage that once saved them from destruction
    at the hands of an evil renegade warlord. You are made so welcome by the
    Ruanese that your quest is in danger of being forgotten in the endless
    round of banquets and celebrations held in your honour. However, you
    cannot neglect your duty, and the time soon comes for you to leave the
    mining town and venture south once more.

    Long ago, the highway from Ruanon to Quarlen was torn in two by a
    terrible earthquake that scarred the land for hundreds of miles. This
    deep crevasse became known as the Maakengorge—the Chasm of Doom—for its
    fathomless depths are cursed with a dreadful legacy. It was here, during
    the Age of the Black Moon, that King Ulnar killed the mightiest of the
    Darklords—Lord Vashna, whose body, along with the bodies of all his
    followers, was cast down into its bottomless reach. The legends say that
    his death-cry will echo through the gorge until he rises again to wreak
    his vengeance on Sommerlund and the House of Ulnar.

    You are eager to avoid the Chasm of Doom and the long detour to the
    free city-state of Casiorn is a far better prospect than a visit to the
    ghost-city of Maaken. Gradually, the fertile plain of southern Ruanon
    gives way to the sparse vegetation on the borders of the Dry Main.
    There, like a jewel rising out of the desert, lies the city-state of
    Casiorn. Your stay in the City of Merchants is a brief but profitable
    one; a piece of luck helped by your Kai skills gives a profitable win at
    the gambling house of the Silver Sage. With the gold you win you
    replenish your supplies and purchase a fresh mount for your ride to


    A week later, you arrive safely at the outskirts of Quarlen and, in
    the evening twilight, find yourself gazing upon the fortified wall that
    surrounds this river town. To reach Varetta you must cross the river—and
    only here, at Quarlen, is there a bridge that spans the fast-flowing
    waters of the Quarl. The highway divides as it approaches the town wall,
    for there are two gates that provide access to its east side.

    If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, turn to 308.

    If you wish to approach the north gate, turn to 137.

    If you wish to approach the south gate, turn to 225.


    We do. This is a good sign.



    Your Magnakai skill tells you the meaning of a symbol carved into the
    stone above the south gatehouse: it is a winged spur, the emblem of the
    army of Lyris. This gate must be the entrance to a guardhouse, for the
    highway that leads to the north gate shows signs of more frequent use
    where its deeply rutted surface has borne the brunt of merchant traffic
    to and from Casiorn. The tracks that mark the road here are only those
    of iron-shod horses. As the border guards of Lyris have a poor
    reputation for hospitality, it would be wise to avoid them if possible.

    If you wish to approach the north gate, turn to 137.

    If you decide to approach the south gate, turn to 225.


    Which gate?

  4. Oh, let's carry on. We will not stop while there are still players! We shall continue to fight! We will not be cowed by those duck people!




    Ahem. Sorry, I've been playing King of Dragon Pass lately, and clearly things got a bit confused...


    (Yes, I did die to a tribe of ducks in that game)




    On with the game.


     The Story So Far …

    You are Kai Master Lone Wolf—last of the Kai Lords of Sommerlund and
    the sole survivor of a massacre that destroyed your warrior kinsmen
    during a bitter war with your age-old enemies, the Darklords of

    Three years have passed since your triumph over the Darklord Haakon
    at the Tomb of the Majhan, and for the northern realm of Sommerlund,
    these have been three years of peace and prosperity. Since Haakon’s
    defeat, the power of the Darklords has waned. Rumours abound that a
    civil war rages in Helgedad, as the lesser Darklords fight for power and
    dominion over the city. However, it is a widely held belief in
    Sommerlund that your discovery of the lost Sommlending treasure, The Book of the Magnakai, is the real reason for their power struggle.

    The Book of the Magnakai is legendary in Sommerlund.
    With the wisdom of the Magnakai, Sun Eagle, the first Kai Grand Master,
    instilled the disciplines into the warriors of Sommerlund that were to
    protect your land from devastation at the hands of the Darklords. The Book of the Magnakai
    was lost hundreds of years ago, but its wisdom was kept alive, handed
    down through generations of Kai so that they too could share the
    strength to resist their eternal enemies.

    When you discovered The Book of the Magnakai, you gave a
    solemn pledge to restore the Kai to their former glory and so ensure
    the security of your land in the years to come. You returned to your
    homeland and, in the seclusion of your monastery in the hills, set about
    the study of the Magnakai Disciplines. It was an exacting task—a trial
    of physical strength and mental fortitude. The seasons came and went,
    but you were unaware of the passage of time, lost in your quest for the
    knowledge and the skills of your warrior kin. Three years of determined
    study pass, revealing the secrets of three of the Magnakai Disciplines.
    However, the others cannot be learnt by study alone, and in order to
    fulfil your pledge to restore the Kai, you must complete the quest first
    made by Sun Eagle over a thousand years ago. When he had finally
    completed his quest, he recorded all his experiences in The Book of the Magnakai, but the script has faded with the passing years and now few words remain to guide you.

    ‘Seek and find the Lorestone of Varetta, for this alone holds the
    power and the wisdom … ’ are the few words you can still decipher of the
    Grand Master’s chronicle.

    Although the verse is brief you are not without hope, for you
    recognize the name Varetta. It is one of the oldest cities of Magnamund,
    lying in the Stornlands beyond the Maakengorge, far to the south of
    Sommerlund. You realize that you must set out upon the quest without
    delay, for the war in Helgedad will not last indefinitely, and the
    Darklords swore long ago to conquer your country and destroy your
    people. As soon as their civil strife is resolved, the victorious lords
    of evil will turn on Sommerlund and summon the creatures of the Dark
    Realm to thwart your quest. You must therefore act quickly and with
    secrecy, for your life and the future of Sommerlund depend on your

    And so, guided by the words of your ancient mentor and with the
    shadow of the Darklords ever present, you set out on the quest for the
    Lorestone of Varetta, unaware of the wonders and the horrors that await
    you in the Stornlands.


    Ok, so we have to find a Lorestone. And the Darklords are currently busy fighting each other, so we have a chance to do so.


    Now, the most important page:


    Magnakai Disciplines

    During your training as a Kai Lord, and in the course of the adventures that led to the discovery of The Book of the Magnakai, you have mastered all ten of the basic warrior skills known as the Kai Disciplines.

    After studying The Book of the Magnakai, you have also reached the rank of Kai Master Superior, which means that you have learnt three
    of the Magnakai Disciplines listed below. It is up to you to choose
    which three skills these are. As all of the Magnakai Disciplines may be
    of use to you at some point on your adventure, pick your three with
    care. The correct use of a Magnakai Discipline at the right time can
    save your life.

    The Magnakai skills are divided into groups, each of which is
    governed by a separate school of training. These groups are called
    ‘Lore-circles’. By mastering all of the Magnakai Disciplines in a
    particular Lore-circle, you can gain an increase in your COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE points score. (See the section ‘Lore-circles of the Magnakai’ for details of these bonuses.)

    When you have chosen your three Magnakai Disciplines, enter them in the Magnakai Disciplines section of your Action Chart.


    This Magnakai Discipline enables a Kai Master to become proficient in the use of all types of weapon. When you enter combat with a weapon you
    have mastered, you add 3 points to your COMBAT SKILL. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 3 to any number that you choose from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow. The rank of Kai Master Superior, with which you begin the Magnakai series, means you are skilled in three of the weapons in the list below.


    The fact that you are skilled with three weapons does not mean that
    you begin the adventure carrying any of them. However, you will have
    opportunities to acquire weapons during your adventure. For every Lone Wolf book that you complete in the Magnakai series, you may add an additional weapon to your Weaponmastery Checklist.

    If you choose this skill, write ‘Weaponmastery: +3 COMBAT SKILL points’ on your Action Chart, and tick your chosen weapons on the Weapons List. You cannot carry more than two Weapons.

    Animal Control

    This Magnakai Discipline enables a Kai Master to communicate with
    most animals and to determine their purpose and intentions. It also
    enables a Kai Master to fight from the saddle with great advantage.

    If you choose this skill, write ‘Animal Control’ on your Action Chart.


    The possessor of this skill can restore 1 lost ENDURANCE
    point to his total for every numbered section of the book through which
    he passes, provided he is not involved in combat. (This can only be
    done after his ENDURANCE has fallen below
    its original level.) This Magnakai Discipline also enables a Kai Master
    to cure disease, blindness, and any combat wounds sustained by others,
    as well as himself. Using the knowledge that mastery of this skill
    provides will also allow a Kai Master to identify the properties of any
    herbs, roots, and potions that may be encountered during the adventure.

    If you choose this skill, write ‘Curing: +1 ENDURANCE point for each section without combat’ on your Action Chart.


    This Magnakai skill allows a Kai Master to blend in with his
    surroundings, even in the most exposed terrain. It will enable him to
    mask his body heat and scent, and to adopt the dialect and mannerisms of
    any town or city that he visits.

    If you choose this skill, write ‘Invisibility’ on your Action Chart.


    This skill ensures that a Kai Master will never starve in the wild;
    he will always be able to hunt for food, even in areas of wasteland and
    desert. It also enables a Kai Master to move with great speed and
    dexterity and will allow him to ignore any extra loss of COMBAT SKILL points due to a surprise attack or ambush.

    If you choose this skill, write ‘Huntmastery’ on your Action Chart.


    In addition to the basic skill of being able to recognize the correct
    path in unknown territory, the Magnakai skill of Pathsmanship will
    enable a Kai Master to read foreign languages, decipher symbols, read
    footprints and tracks (even if they have been disturbed), and detect the
    presence of most traps. It also grants him the gift of always knowing
    intuitively the position of north.

    If you choose this skill, write ‘Pathsmanship’ on your Action Chart.


    This psychic skill enables a Kai Master to attack an enemy using the
    force of his mind. It can be used as well as normal combat weapons and
    adds 4 extra points to your COMBAT SKILL.

    It is a powerful Discipline, but it is also a costly one. For every
    round of combat in which you use Psi-surge, you must deduct 2 ENDURANCE points. A weaker form of Psi-surge called Mindblast can be used against an enemy without losing any ENDURANCE points, but it will add only 2 extra points to your COMBAT SKILL. (Psi-surge and Mindblast cannot be used simultaneously.) Psi-surge cannot be used if your ENDURANCE
    falls to 6 points or below, and not all of the creatures encountered on
    your adventure will be affected by it; you will be told if a creature
    is immune.

    If you choose this skill, write ‘Psi-surge: +4 COMBAT SKILL points but −2 ENDURANCE points per round’ and ‘Mindblast: +2 COMBAT SKILL points’ on your Action Chart.


    Many of the hostile creatures that inhabit Magnamund have the ability
    to attack you using their Mindforce. The Magnakai Discipline of
    Psi-screen prevents you from losing any ENDURANCE points when subjected to this form of attack and greatly increases your defence against supernatural illusions and hypnosis.

    If you choose this skill, write ‘Psi-screen: no points lost when attacked by Mindforce’ on your Action Chart.


    Mastery of this Magnakai skill will enable you to withstand extremes of heat and cold without losing ENDURANCE points and to move items by your powers of concentration alone.

    If you choose this skill, write ‘Nexus’ on your Action Chart.


    This skill may warn a Kai Master of imminent or unseen danger or
    enable him to detect an invisible or hidden enemy. It may also reveal
    the true purpose or intent of a stranger or strange object encountered
    in your adventure. Divination may enable you to communicate
    telepathically with another person and to sense if a creature possesses
    psychic abilities.

    If you choose this skill, write ‘Divination’ on your Action Chart.

    If you successfully complete the mission as set in Book 6 of the Lone Wolf series, you may add a further Magnakai Discipline of your choice to your Action Chart in Book 7.
    This additional skill, together with your other Magnakai skills and any
    Special Items that you have found and been able to keep during your
    adventures may then be used in the next adventure in the Lone Wolf Magnakai series, which is called Castle Death.


    So, we have ten disciplines to choose from again, and can choose 3 of them. Which 3?


    (It's probably best if you list them in order of priority, so I'll assign 3 votes for your first choice, 2 for the second and 1 for the third).


    Oh, incidentally, we can still use our Kai disciplines as we've played through those books, so for instance we don't need Curing to continue getting the +1E per section, or Psi-surge to use Mindblast.



    Before leaving Sommerlund on your quest for the Lorestone of Varetta, you equip yourself with a map of the Stornlands and a pouch of gold. To find out how much gold is in the pouch, pick a number from the Random Number Table.
    Add 10 to the number you have picked. The total equals the number of Gold Crowns inside the pouch, and you should now enter this number in the ‘Gold Crowns’ section of your Action Chart. If you have successfully completed books 1–5 of the Lone Wolf adventures in the earlier series, you may add this sum to the total of
    any Crowns you already possess. You can only carry a maximum of fifty Crowns, but any over this number can be left in safekeeping at your Kai Monastery.

    You can take five items from the list below, again adding to these,
    if necessary, any you may already possess. However, remember you can
    only carry two Weapons and eight Backpack Items, maximum.

    • Sword (Weapons)
    • Potion of Laumspur (Backpack Items) This potion restores 4 ENDURANCE points to your total when swallowed after combat. There is enough for only one dose.
    •         potion.png        
    • Warhammer (Weapons)

    • Bow (Weapons)

    • Quiver (Special Items) This contains six Arrows. Tick them off as they are used.

    • 4 Special Rations (Meals) Each of these counts as one Meal, and each takes up one space in your Backpack.

    • Quarterstaff (Weapons)
    • Padded Leather Waistcoat (Special Item) This adds 2 ENDURANCE points to your total.
    • Rope (Backpack Items)

    • Dagger (Weapons)




    • Tinderbox (Backpack Items)

    • Axe (Weapons)



    Sorry about the bullet point under the Potion of Laumspur, I can't get it to go away without reformatting the whole quote, which is...a lot of effort for one with this many images.


    We get 19GC, storing 14 of them at the Kai Monastery.


    Anyway, what five (or less) items do we choose?


    For reference:

    1)Darklord Sword

    Belt Pouch: 50GC
    Safekeeping: 14GC

    Backpack Items:
    5)Potion of Laumspur (+4E)
    6)Meal of Larnuma (+3E)
    7)Laumspur Potion (+4E)

    Special Items:
    2)Crystal Star Pendant
    3)Vordak Gem
    5)Shield (+2CS)
    6)Chainmail Waistcoat (+4E)
    7)Gaoler's Keys
    8)Magic Spear
    9)Sommerswerd (+8CS)

    10)Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2E)
    11)Kalte Firesphere
    12)Dagger of Vashna


    Obviously, if we choose a weapon or special item, we need to say what to drop.


    Oh, yes, and we can now use bows (though we need arrows, so would need to take the quiver as well).


    Oh, and the map:




    Levels of Magnakai Training

    The following table is a guide to the ranks and titles that are
    achieved by Kai Masters at each stage of their training. As you
    successfully complete each adventure in the Lone Wolf Magnakai
    series, you will gain an additional Magnakai Discipline and progress
    towards the ultimate distinction of a Kai Warrior—Kai Grand Mastership.

    1. Kai Master
    2. Kai Master Senior
    3. Kai Master Superior—You begin the Lone Wolf Magnakai adventures with this level of training.
    4. Primate
    5. Tutelary
    6. Principalin
    7. Mentora
    8. Scion-kai
    9. Archmaster
    10. Kai Grand Master


    Lore-circles of the Magnakai

    In the years before their massacre, the Kai Masters of Sommerlund
    devoted themselves to the study of the Magnakai. These skills were
    divided into four schools of training called ‘Lore-circles’. By
    mastering all of the Magnakai Disciplines of a Lore-circle, the Kai
    Masters developed their fighting prowess (COMBAT SKILL), and their physical and mental stamina (ENDURANCE) to a level far higher than any mortal warrior could otherwise attain.

    Listed below are the four Lore-circles of the Magnakai and the skills that must be mastered in order to complete them.

    Circle of Fire Weaponmastery & Huntmastery Circle of Light Animal Control & Curing Circle of Solaris Invisibility, Huntmastery & Pathsmanship Circle of the Spirit Psi-surge, Psi-screen, Nexus & Divination

    By completing a Lore-circle, you may add to your COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE the extra bonus points that are shown below.

    Lore-circle Bonuses

    Circle of Fire +1 CS +2 EP Circle of Light 0 CS +3 EP Circle of Solaris +1 CS +3 EP Circle of the Spirit +3 CS +3 EP

    All bonus points that you acquire by completing a Lore-circle are additions to your basic COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE scores.


    Ah, now this is relevant. Pay attention to this when choosing our disciplines.


    Improved Disciplines

    As you rise through the higher levels of Magnakai training you will
    find that each of your skills will steadily improve. For example, if you
    possess the Discipline of Divination when you reach the Kai rank of
    Scion-kai, you will be able to ‘Spirit Walk’ and leave your body in a
    state of suspended animation as you explore your immediate surroundings
    unhindered by physical limitations.

    The nature of these additional improvements and how they affect your
    Magnakai Disciplines will be noted in the Improved Disciplines section
    of future Lone Wolf books.


    Ah, yes, we gain more abilities with the disciplines we have as we go through the series.

  5. We run for the sword!



    You run, half-crouched, towards your golden blade, grab the hilt, and
    continue at full speed towards the cover of another pillar. Suddenly, a
    burst of energy leaps from the Darklord’s fist, exploding into the base
    of the pillar, severing it from the floor. A tremendous roar fills your
    ears as you are thrown backwards by the shock of the blast. You lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Haakon’s laugh rises above the crash of falling stone until your head is filled with an agonizing pain.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, turn to 223.

    If you do not have this skill, turn to 379.


    We lose 3E = 23/26


    Of course we have Mindshield! We're Lone Wolf, there's not a discipline we don't have!




    Other than Tracking. We should probably fix that.


    H+1 24/26



    Suddenly, the pain subsides—but the onslaught has only just begun. A
    mist as black as the grave is seeping from Haakon’s mouth. It creeps
    along his outstretched arm and settles like a cloud in the palm of his
    upturned hand. Whirling shadow-shapes draw into focus; wings and
    tentacles sprout and take form. A curse in the dark tongue shakes the
    whole chamber as a deadly flood of horror hurtles from his hand.




    Crypt Spawn: COMBAT SKILL 24   ENDURANCE 40

    If you win the combat, turn to 353.


    Kill the evil Crypt Spawn of doom!


    Combat Ratio = 26-24 = 2

    Our E total = 24/26

    Crypt Spawn's E total = 40/40


    Round 1

    Random number = 9

    We take no damage = 24/26

    Crypt Spawn take 12 damage = 28/40


    Round 2

    Random number = 6

    We take 2 damage = 22/26

    Crypt Spawn take 9 damage = 19/40


    Round 3

    Random number = 1

    We take 5 damage = 17/26

    Crypt Spawn take 4 damage = 15/40


    Round 4

    Random number = 0

    We take no damage = 17/26

    Crypt Spawn take 14 damage = 1/40


    Round 5

    Random number = 0

    We take no damage = 17/26

    Crypt Spawn take 14 damage = DEAD!!


    Our E total = 17/26


    We killed your minions, Haakon! How about we fight you, now?



    As you slay the last of the Crypt Spawn, Haakon reels back as if
    weakened by the death of his creatures. You raise the Sommerswerd,
    willing the blade to discharge a bolt of power that will burn the evil
    Darklord from the face of Magnamund forever. The blade shimmers with
    golden fire, but no searing blast issues from its tip. Suddenly, you
    realize what has happened; you are beneath the earth, and there is no
    sun from which the sword can draw its power.


    Haakon utters a terrible laugh that shakes the floor. A beam of blue
    flame is growing from the stone in his hand, forming a fiery blade that
    crackles and spits as it cuts through the dust-choked air. The stench of
    death and decay fills your nostrils as the Darklord prepares to attack.

    Darklord Haakon: COMBAT SKILL 28   ENDURANCE 45

    Unless you have the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 2 for the duration of this combat.

    If you win the combat, turn to 400.


    *Reads stats* I didn't mean it!


    And there was me thinking we might make up for the 2 deaths in the last book by not dying here.


    Actually, I'm going to make the administrative decision that it would be a good idea to drink one or two of our potions before we turn to this section.


    We drink the Potent Laumspur Potion, and the Bottle of Koursash. E = 26/26


    Combat Ratio = 26-28 = -2

    Our E total = 26/26

    Darklord Haakon's E total = 45/45


    Round 1

    Random Number = 0

    We take no damage = 26/26

    Darklord Haakon takes 11 damage = 34/45


    3 0s in a row!


    Round 2

    Random Number = 8

    We take 1 damage = 25/26

    Darklord Haakon takes 9 damage = 25/45


    Round 3

    Random Number = 6

    We take 2 damage = 23/26

    Darklord Haakon takes 7 damage = 18/45


    Round 4

    Random Number = 1

    We take 5 damage = 18/26

    Darklord Haakon takes 2 damage = 16/45


    Round 5

    Random Number = 4

    We take 4 damage = 14/26

    Darklord Haakon takes 5 damage = 11/45


    Round 6

    Random Number = 5

    We take 3 damage = 11/26

    Darklord Haakon takes 6 damage = 5/45


    Round 7

    Random Number = 3

    We take 4 damage = 7/26

    Darklord Haakon takes 4 damage = 1/45


    Round 8

    Random Number = 0

    We take no damage = 7/26

    Darklord Haakon takes 11 damage = DEAD!!


    Our E total = 7/26


    We've killed our first Darklord in single combat!



    You examine the floor where Darklord Haakon fell, but there are no
    signs of his body. The atmosphere is strangely calm and peaceful, as if a
    great and evil shadow has been lifted. (If you lost the Sommerswerd in
    the confrontation with the Darklord, you may now retrieve it.)

    You turn and walk to the throne where Haakon sat, waiting for you to
    appear. Beyond it lies a portal, an ancient inscription carved deep into
    the blood-red stone. Below the carving is set the impression of a human
    hand. Instinct and intuition guide your hand to the door; the carving
    fits around it like a glove.


    Silently the portal slides back to reveal your destiny—the Book of the Magnakai.
    Set on a pedestal, the book lies open, its secrets revealed to your
    eyes alone. As you lift the sacred book, the very air throbs with the
    vibration of the force locked within its sun-gold cover. With a pounding
    heart you close the book and hurry from the chamber.

    By the time you reach the foothills of the Koneshi, Banedon has
    successfully completed his mission; he and Tipasa are waiting for you.
    As they see you appear, clutching the Book of the Magnakai, they can barely contain their excitement.

    ‘This night of triumph,’ says Banedon, jubilantly, ‘will herald a new dawn of hope for Sommerlund. The Kai are reborn.’

    The quest is now over. You have found the Book of the Magnakai and freed Magnamund from the shadow of Darklord Haakon. But for you, Kai Master Lone Wolf, the story has only just begun.

    Your destiny lies along the path of the Grand Masters. To learn their
    secrets and attempt the first exciting quest of the Magnakai, begin
    your journey with Book 6 of the Lone Wolf series entitled:

    The Kingdoms of Terror

    We win! We've now completed the entire Kai series!
    On a more practical note, there seem to have been less and less people participating lately, and posts less and less often. If that's going to continue, it might be best to end the series here, as we're not going to get a better stopping place for another 7 books. Opinions on this?
    Er...H+1 8/26
  6. What was that? 373, did you say? Congratulations, your guessing skills were correct! ;)



    ‘That’s it!’ exclaims Banedon, stabbing his finger at a map of the
    Dry Main that covers his chart table. ‘One hundred and fifteen miles due
    west of Bir Rabalou; one hundred and fifteen miles due south of the
    oasis of Bal-loftan.’ He picks up a quill pen and marks the spot. ‘The
    Tomb of the Majhan.

    You study the map and ponder the miles of desolation separating you
    from your goal. Banedon notices your look of dismay and quickly tries to
    put your mind at ease.

    ‘Fear not, Lone Wolf—we’ll be there before the dawn.’

    You smile at his confidence, but it is not the actual journey that
    worries you—your concern is what you may or may not find upon your

    Turn to 320.


    Hooray, we found it!



    Dawn is breaking on the horizon of a low hill, blurred and dotted with small tufted trees. Swiftly the Skyrider
    has voyaged through the night to arrive at the foothills of the Koneshi
    Mountains, in whose folds the skyship is safely tucked away from
    watchful eyes. Twenty-five miles to the north, across a landscape of
    barren rock and dry brush, lies the Tomb of the Majhan.



    You and Banedon set off before the dawn, anxious not to waste either
    time or the protective cover of darkness. Now, as the great golden disc
    of the sun rises in the sky, for the first time you can see your goal. A
    massive excavation has exposed the heart of this scorched land, delving
    deep around the tombs of its forgotten ancestors. Thousands of Giaks,
    spiteful and malicious servants of the Darklords, labour unceasingly to
    remove rock and sand from this quarry, forced by Drakkarim to drag their
    backbreaking loads up ramps to the rim of the crater.

    Close to the edge of the crater, an encampment of black tents
    surrounds a large domed canopy. Lying in the shade of this construction
    is a huge flying creature—an Imperial Zlanbeast. Its presence here can
    only mean one thing: Darklord Haakon has arrived. The thought chills
    your blood, but you draw comfort from the labour of his slaves. That
    they continue to labour is a sign that their mission has yet to be
    completed: the Book of the Magnakai has yet to be found.

    It is impossible to approach the crater unseen; you will have to wait
    for darkness before you attempt to enter the Tomb. During the long
    wait, it is agreed that Banedon should attempt to find Tipasa. It is
    likely that he is being held captive inside the encampment—the Darklords
    would be unlikely to kill him before discovering the treasure they

    During the day, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE
    points. (You may not use Hunting if required to eat a Meal in the
    middle of this wasteland.) Make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart.

    Turn to 286.


    We eat a meal.



    As night falls, your desperate quest begins. The Giaks pose few
    problems that you cannot overcome with your warrior skills, for they
    have been overworked to the point of exhaustion. Only the Drakkarim show
    any sign of vigilance, but even then, there are less than a dozen
    patrolling the entire crater. Not until you reach the main entrance to
    the Tomb do you encounter any real difficulty.

    A Drakkar stands on guard, his cruel eyes glinting behind his twisted
    iron death-mask. Occasionally, he diverts his attention from the watch
    to take a drink from a water flask.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn to 214.

    If you do not have this skill, turn to 239.


    Of course we do!



    You focus your skill on a nearby spade, willing the spade handle to
    rattle against the wheelbarrow in which it rests. It only takes a few
    seconds for the vigilant Drakkarim sentry to leave his post and
    investigate the noise. By the time he returns, you are inside the Tomb
    of the Majhan.

    Turn to 395.


    And we avoid the sentry in perhaps the most stereotypically magic way possible.



    As far as the eye can see, a long, straight, sandstone corridor
    slopes away into the distance. Torches crackle and sputter on the walls,
    illuminating the pictograms engraved in the yellow stone.

    At regular intervals, rough-edged slabs protrude into the main
    corridor. You stop to take a close look at one of these slabs and the
    floor beneath it and come to a frightening conclusion. They are
    obviously traps, no doubt set off by the Giaks when they cleared this
    corridor of sand. Rather than instructing the Giaks to avoid them, the
    Darklords must have deliberately used their slaves to set them off. Once
    the traps had been sprung, the squashed bodies were cleared away and
    the slabs chiselled through to the next section. Pit traps in the floors
    seem to have been neutralized in the same way. Set off by luckless
    Giaks, they would have been filled in with the dead bodies and levelled
    off with sand. The thought of this heartless barbarity fills you with

    Just over a mile along the corridor, you eventually arrive at a large
    stone door. The stone surround bears evidence of chisel-work, but the
    door itself is rock solid.

    You notice a faint beam of light descending from a hole in the
    ceiling. It creates a small circular pool of light, a little to one side
    of a similar hole in the floor. In the wall near to the door there is a
    triangular indentation, no larger than a Gold Crown.

    If you possess a Prism, turn to 233.

    If you possess a Blue Stone Triangle, turn to 245.

    If you have neither of these items, turn to 298.


    Er...you know how we got rid of that blue stone triangle...? That may have been a mistake.



    You are trying to decide whether to try prising open the door, when
    you hear the sound of stone grating on stone. The door slowly opens to
    reveal a large chamber. It is dimly lit, but in the thick dust which
    covers the marble floor you can see innumerable footprints.

    Then, as you enter, you catch sight of a rough stone throne, facing
    the wall on the far side of the chamber. Behind you, the stone door
    slides shut with unnerving speed.

    Turn to 289.


    Well, we're in, anyway.



    The throne begins to revolve. A terrible howling fills your ears,
    changing almost instantaneously to the growling of a harsh guttural
    language, the like of which you have never heard before. Words and
    sounds that the mouths of men could never be shaped to speak roll
    through the chamber like thunder. It is the dark tongue, spoken by
    Haakon, Lord of Aarnak, Darklord of Helgedad.

    He rises from the throne, the ghastly voice still echoing from his
    unnatural mouth. A spiked fist opens to reveal a glowing stone; blue
    flame smoulders around its surface, and you can feel the currents of
    power that radiate from its core. Suddenly, his words change and you
    hear a tongue you know so well—Sommlending.

    ‘Look on your doom, Kai Lord!’

    There is a deafening crack, a surge of power, and a fireball of blue flame hurtles towards your head.

    If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 311.

    If you do not have this Special Item, turn to 219.


    Darklord, darklord, run!!


    On the other hand, given that it's a known power of the Sommerswerd to absorb magic attacks against us, I'm not sure where we're supposed to be looking...



    You raise your golden sword just in time to deflect the bolt of raw
    energy. It screams from your blade and explodes into the chamber wall,
    gouging a hole several feet deep in the steel-hard rock. The impact jars
    the Sommerswerd from your hand; the blade arcs through the dust-choked
    air and embeds itself, upright, in the stone floor. You roll across the
    floor and take cover behind a pillar.

    ‘Your doom, Kai Lord,’ spits Haakon, ‘is but seconds away.’

    If you wish to retrieve the Sommerswerd, turn to 278.

    If you wish to try to move to a new hiding place, under cover of the swirling dust, turn to 350.

    If you wish to stay where you are, turn to 230.


    Not...good. Try to recover our ultimate-weapon-which-can-incidentally-absorb-Haakon's-evil-blue-fireballs by exposing ourselves to evil-blue-fireballs, or stay hidden?


    Also, I think I found that doom he wanted us to look at...

  7. 274

    Banedon holds a gleaming ring of silver beneath the merchant’s nose

    and says, ‘This is yours, my friend, if you tell us were Tipasa can be


    The merchant snatches the ring from the wizard’s hand and stammers,

    ‘The first alley on the left past the stables. He lives at the house

    with the blue door.’

    You hurry across the crowded marketplace towards the stables and

    enter the street beyond. As you turn into the alley, you hear the

    merchant’s shriek of dismay above the noise of the crowd; the ring has

    just dissolved on his finger. At the end of the alley you find the house

    with the blue door.

    Turn to 206.


    Have 5 dissolved crowns from us, too!



    There is no reply to your first knock. You are about to knock again

    when the door opens a few inches and the red-rimmed eyes of an old woman

    stare out from the darkness. ‘Banedon!’ she exclaims, her voice hoarse

    and shaky. ‘Thank the gods it is you.’

    She ushers you both inside and locks the door. The house is sparsely

    furnished, and what little is there is either damaged or broken. ‘They

    have taken him, Banedon, they have taken my husband—the men with the

    faces of the dead. Ten days ago. They came like shadows in the night.’

    She breaks down, her frail body wracked by sobs. Banedon comforts her

    as best he can, but you sense he shares her bitter loss. The Drakkarim

    have taken Tipasa, of that there is little doubt. By now they will have

    made him tell everything he knows about the Tomb of the Majhan.

    ‘We will find him, I promise,’ says Banedon, wiping the tears from

    the old woman’s face, ‘but you must try to help us if you can. Tipasa

    always kept a diary of his travels—do you have it still?’

    A flicker of hope shines in the old woman’s eyes. ‘Yes, it is here. He told me to hide it when the evil men came for him.’

    She kneels at an empty fireplace and prises a loose brick from the

    chimney; a leather-bound book drops from its hiding place into her hand.

    She gives it to Banedon who studies the yellowed pages, his face lined

    in thought. You notice that the book is full of cryptic symbols,

    numbers, and pictograms.

    ‘They are drawn by the night stars,’ says Banedon, tracing his finger

    along the astronomical drawings. ‘They hold the secret, I know, but

    without my star charts we cannot hope to find the tomb. We must return

    to the Skyrider at first light. There I shall be able to make some sense of this book.’


    Turn to 331.


    Well, we've got the book, but we should probably find Tipasa.


    I hope he's not dead.



    You have little sleep that night as you lie thinking about the quest

    that lies before you, haunted by the fear that the Darklords may already

    have found the Book of the Magnakai.

    You rise before dawn and breakfast on a meal of sheep’s butter and

    dried milk cake, before bidding farewell to Tipasa’s wife. The trek back

    to the Skyrider passes uneventfully, and by noon you have

    reached the rocky crag where the craft is moored. Nolrim is the first to

    greet you, but he cannot hide his disappointment that you have returned


    ‘Do not worry—the answer lies here,’ says Banedon, holding up Tipasa’s diary. ‘Prepare to set sail.’

    As the Skyrider rises into the clear blue sky, Banedon

    hands over the helm to Nolrim and bids you follow him to his quarters at

    the prow. For three hours he pores over his charts, making

    calculations, checking instrument readings, and racking his brain for

    the solution that will pinpoint the Tomb of the Majhan.

    ‘It’s no use,’ he says, tired and exasperated. ‘I cannot fathom these numbers.’

    As you peer at the pages of Tipasa’s diary, suddenly you realize that

    they are written in code. What Banedon had assumed to be positions of

    stars is a code to three numbers that give the precise location of the


    Consult the map to help you discover the location of the Tomb of the Majhan.

    The first of the three numbers is equal to the number of oases on the

    trail between Ikaresh and Bir Rabalou. The second number is equal to

    the number of cities in Vassagonia. The third number is equal to the

    number of islands off the coast of Cape Kabar.

    When you have broken the code, write the numbers in order and turn to the entry number that they indicate.


    A puzzle! The first one in the series, really. And...I should probably add that the illustrator forgot to put a flag on a city, probably Kuchek. Here's the map. On which section is the tomb located?



  8. 248

    A small, heavy-set merchant is hawking his wares from a stall set
    close to the archway. His small, beady eyes twinkle from beneath a
    ridiculously outsized turban. As you approach, he launches himself at
    you, desperately trying, with a flood of wild claims, to persuade you to
    buy his obviously inferior goods. He looks surprised when you interrupt
    him with your question. ‘Tipasa?’ he answers. ‘Yes, I know where he

    He holds up a gaudy waistcoat of pink and orange sackcloth and offers
    it to you. ‘It would make a worthy gift for your esteemed friend,’ he
    suggests, his eyes continually glancing at your Belt Pouch. ‘Only 5 Gold
    Crowns, master.’

    You realize you will first have to purchase this ridiculous garment before the merchant will tell you where Tipasa lives.

    If you wish to buy the waistcoat, pay the man 5 Gold Crowns and turn to 328.

    If you do not want to buy the waistcoat or cannot afford to pay him 5 Gold Crowns, turn to 274.

    Well, we can afford it, but can we live with the embarrassment? On the plus side, if we wore it, then no one would think we were Lone Wolf trying to keep a low profile!
  9. Hi Richi! Good to see a new face!


    Also, you stole my avatar :)



    You pass under an arch where two brass-gilded, conical towers gleam
    like gold and enter a marketplace crowded with squabbling merchants.
    Exotic carpets, brightly coloured material, and all manner of foods are
    being bought, sold, and haggled over. The north side of the marketplace
    is devoted to the auction of douggas. The sleek but noisy desert beasts
    are being paraded, for the benefit of the bidders, around a paddock
    adjoining their stables. Just past the stables, a street vanishes into
    the Carpet-weavers’ Quarter of Ikaresh.

    If you wish to investigate the stables, turn to 309.

    If you wish to ask one of the merchants if they know where Tipasa lives, turn to 248.

    If you wish to leave the marketplace, continue along the adjoining street and turn to 386.


    Tipasa? Where are you? Our directions from the evil assassin friendly householder have run out...

  10. 376

    Forty paces along the street is a barracks, a long whitewashed

    building with ugly square windows. A soldier sits dozing in the evening

    sun with his spear resting across his lap. Some children are tossing

    hollowed-out larnuma fruits at him, trying to catch them upon the tip of

    his spear. Opposite the barracks is a tavern with a line of saddled

    douggas tied to a rail near the main door. The braying of these

    sand-horses rivals the sound of revelry drifting from the tavern door.

    If you wish to enter the tavern, turn to 351.

    If you wish to continue along the street towards the Dougga Market, turn to 202.




    To market, to market, to buy a fat dougga?

  11. We lose 5GC (45/50)

    We gain a bottle of Kourash (+4E)



    ‘Ah, Tipasa,’ he replies thoughtfully. ‘He lives near the Dougga
    Market, but exactly where his home is I am not sure … I haven’t seen old
    Tipasa for years. If you should find him, remind him of Khamsin the
    Goatherd. He still owes me twelve Crowns—that I have not forgotten.’ You
    thank the goatherd for his help and bid him farewell before continuing
    your trek to Ikaresh.

    Turn to 272.


    Hmm. Directions.



    You follow a path along a dry gully, the bed of an ancient river that
    once flowed through the mountains. An arid breeze blows eddies of red
    dust along the banks of dead earth. The white-walled buildings of
    Ikaresh suddenly appear, and, as the dust settles, you find yourselves
    standing in a small square close to the open archway of the town’s east

    Perched upon a tall basalt monolith in the centre of the square is an
    eagle—the emblem of this mountain town—cast in bronze. Three bronze
    arrows are held in its beak, each indicating an exit from the square.

    If you wish to go north, towards the Dougga Market, turn to 376.

    If you wish to go west, towards the main square, turn to 216.

    If you wish to go south, along the Avenue of Eagles, turn to 342.


    Follow the directions we just got?

  12. 210.5


    You wake up from your mysterious, drink induced hallucinations of assassins and '404 errors' to discover that you're just about to have another bottle of wine. Worried that you might have another hallucination, you drink it. Turn to 211.



    Despite your misgivings, the lime-green wine tastes delicious. A warm

    glow radiates slowly from your stomach, filling you with a comfortable

    sense of well-being. Restore 2 ENDURANCE

    points. The man looks delighted by your reaction to his wine and offers

    to sell you the bottle for 5 Gold Crowns. If you wish to buy the Bottle

    of Kourshah, pay the man 5 Gold Crowns and make the necessary

    adjustments to your Action Chart. (There is enough Kourshah in the bottle to restore a further 4 ENDURANCE points.)

    If you wish to question him about Tipasa the Wanderer, turn to 318.

    If you wish to leave his home and continue on your way to Ikaresh, turn to 272.


    Buy more hallucinatory wine? We dropped some stuff in the terrible cave back there, so wouldn't need to lose anything else to carry it.


    Also, ask the mysterious definitely-not-assassin-because-Sixth-Sense-told-us-so about our goals?

  13. We lose a pick and a meal.



    The man is short of stature but broad-shouldered and strongly built,
    physical characteristics common among the tough mountain-dwellers in
    Vassagonia. He pulls a cork from a bottle of lime-green wine and pours
    three large measures into earthenware cups.

    ‘Kourshah!’ he exclaims, and downs the wine in one swift gulp.

    If you wish to follow his example and drink the strange wine, turn to 211.

    If you do not want to drink the wine, ask him where Tipasa can be found and turn to 318.


    Do we drink his wine?

  14. Investigate we do!



    Rows of stalactites hang from the roof of the cave, like the fangs of
    some incredible monster, and the bubbling of a distant geyser echoes
    eerily through the unknown depths.

    You begin to explore and eventually reach a place where a natural
    bridge of rock arches over a steaming course of water, red with ore.
    Huddled beneath the bridge is a pathetic figure, its body bent and
    emaciated. A tattered blanket covers his face, and in his withered hands
    he clutches a crude fishing rod. A small catch of lavacrabs lies on the
    bank, their claws twitching as they slowly die. As you move nearer, the
    figure raises his face to stare at you. It is a man, but the sight of
    his face shocks you to the core.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing, turn to 344.

    If you do not possess this Kai Discipline, turn to 208.


    We do!



    The old man’s face is a mask of putrescent green sores. The pupils of
    his eyes are yellow, and his ragged grey lips hang in tatters. He
    suffers from vaxelus, an infectious disease that rots the skin and
    attacks the nerves, resulting in hideous mutilation and deformity. He
    has been cast from his community, banished to this cave where he must
    eke out his last few years of life in misery and solitude.

    If you possess some Oede herb and wish to give it to the poor vaxeler, turn to 321.

    If you do not have any Oede herb, or if you do not wish to give it to this unfortunate wretch, flee the cave and turn to 270.


    Unfortunately, we don't. We seem to have been missing a lot of items lately.



    You race along the rock-strewn cave, eager to escape from the
    infected old man. The horrific stories that you have heard about vaxelus
    make you careless in your haste, and you lose 2 Items from your
    Backpack. Choose which two items to erase from your Action Chart (if you have no Backpack Items, you lose a Weapon and a Special Item instead).

    Turn to 241.


    And our quest to have as few useful items on us as possible continues! Which two items do we lose?


    Backpack Items:


    2)Potent Laumspur Potion (+5E)



    5)Potion of Laumspur (+4E)

    6)Meal of Larnuma (+3E)

    7)Laumspur Potion (+4E)




    Once outside the cave, you and Banedon waste no time in pressing on
    towards Ikaresh. As you near the outskirts of the town, you pass a
    small, round hut where a goat is eating from a manger near the door. A
    man appears in the darkened doorway and bids you welcome; he touches his
    forehead in a salute of friendship and invites you to enter his humble






    If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 365.

    If you wish to accept his invitation, turn to 225.

    If you decide to decline his offer and continue on your way towards Ikaresh, turn to 272.


    We have sixth sense!



    You sense that the man’s show of friendship is genuine. He may be
    able to help you find Tipasa the Wanderer if you accept his hospitality.

    If you wish to enter his home, turn to 225.

    If you decide to press on towards Ikaresh, turn to 272.


    Well, I see no reason not to... don't forget to say which items we should lose, too.

  15.  Yeah, I didn't think I needed to ask.



    The ale is thick and creamy, with a taste like malted apples. You
    lower the half-empty tankard and wipe away the froth from your lips with
    your sleeve.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your current ENDURANCE point total is less than 15, deduct 2 from this number. If your ENDURANCE point total is above 25, add 2 to this number. If you have reached the Kai rank of Savant, add 3 to this number.

    If your total score is now below 7, turn to 364.

    If your total score is now 7 or above, turn to 218.


    Well, we're (just) above 25E.


    Random number = 5+2+3 = 10.



    The dwarves continue their meal, pausing only to light large hooded
    pipes. Through the bluish hue of the pipe smoke that clouds the low
    cabin roof, you notice that they are casting nervous glances at you, as
    if you might explode at any moment.

    After five minutes have passed, Nolrim raises his tankard and proclaims a toast: ‘To Lone Wolf—a man among dwarves!’

    The dwarves guffaw at Nolrim’s wry toast and raise their tankards in a
    salute to your courage and fortitude. The Bor-brew has loosened their
    tongues, and they are eager to tell you of their past exploits.

    Turn to 291.





    You learn that the dwarves were once the crew of a more conventional
    vessel, a merchantman that sailed the Tentarias of southern Magnamund.
    The Tentarias is a vast expanse of lakes and land-locked seas, which
    connect to form a continuous canal stretching nearly three thousand
    miles. They were created, as was the Rymerift of Durenor, by a massive
    landslide. Three years ago, the dwarves’ former captain, a dwarf named
    Quan, lost his ship, cargo, and crew whilst gambling at cards; it seems
    the unfortunate captain was unaware of Banedon’s true profession until
    it was far too late. As a result, Banedon became the dwarves’ captain,
    and ever since they have adventured with him across the lands and skies
    of Southern Magnamund. The Skyrider itself was given to
    Banedon by the Magicians of Dessi, in return for his help in defeating
    the Gagadoth—a monstrous creature that terrorized their land, over which
    their own sorcery could not prevail.

    The Skyrider was travelling from Dessi on its way to
    Barrakeesh when you appeared. The dwarves have overheard your talk with
    Banedon and are excited by the prospects of a new adventure. They seem
    undaunted by the deadly dangers that it will certainly involve.

    Turn to 359.


    Oh, honestly! You'd never catch a Kai misusing his powers to win at gambling!


    Let's ignore the list of times when we'd have automatically used sixth sense for a bonus had we come to the appropriate sections.



    The fatigue of your ordeal finally catches up with you; you are
    finding it impossible to keep your eyes open. Nolrim shows you to a bunk
    in the hull of the Skyrider. Gratefully you climb into bed
    and pull the blankets over your aching limbs. Nolrim apologizes that
    the bunk is too short, but his words fall on deaf ears—you are already
    asleep. Restore 2 ENDURANCE points for this much needed rest.

    Turn to 300.


    Well, we didn't need the Endurance, but thanks all the same.



    You wake shortly after dawn to the sound of snoring dwarves and the low hum of the Skyrider. Gathering your equipment, you climb on deck to find everything in shadow, for the Skyrider
    is hovering beneath a massive outcrop of sandstone that juts out from
    the side of a mountain, thousands of feet above the valley floor below.
    Banedon stands at the helm, but he is no longer in a trance.

    ‘Kraan-riders,’ he says, pointing to the sun-bleached valley beyond the shadows. ‘They arrived with the dawn.’

    You stare out across this alien landscape, a mountain valley filled
    with pillars of massive and precariously balanced boulders. The
    Vassagonians call this place the Koos—‘the needles’. The rocky columns
    reach so high into the sky that an avalanche seems unavoidable. Perched
    upon two of the columns are Kraan, their Drakkarim riders scouring the
    valley with telescopes. An hour passes before they take to the air and

    ‘Trim the boom-sail, Bo’sun Nolrim,’ orders Banedon, his voice barely audible above the increasing hum of the Skyrider. ‘We’ve a fast run ahead.’

    If you possess a Black Crystal Cube, turn to 229.

    If you do not have this Special Item, turn to 247.


    We don't have one.



    The voyage through the Koos is breathtaking. The Skyrider
    glides between the towers of rock that rise from the valley floor with
    fantastic and unearthly grandeur. Far below, sulphurous water bubbles
    from fissures in the orange ground and streams of hissing lava carve
    circular channels, which glow like moats of liquid fire. You watch the
    sky, but there are no signs of the enemy.




    ‘Ikaresh,’ says Banedon pensively. ‘ “The Eagle’s Lair”. That is
    where we will find Tipasa the Wanderer. It is the place of his birth and
    the home of his family. He roams the Dry Main, but he always returns to

    It is late afternoon when you reach the hills beyond the Koos that overlook the town of Ikaresh. Banedon moors the Skyrider
    to a pinnacle of stone, and a rope ladder is lowered to the ground. It
    has been decided that you and he will enter Ikaresh on foot and locate
    Tipasa, while Nolrim and the crew wait in hiding for you to return—the
    sight of the Skyrider hovering above the mountain town would be sure to arouse unwanted interest in your arrival.

    You and Banedon prepare yourselves for your mission by staining your
    skins with brown copalla berries and dressing in the grey and white
    robes commonly worn by the mountain people of this region. You bid
    farewell to Nolrim and set off across the barren hills.

    Pick in number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 0–2, turn to 337.

    If it is 3–9, turn to 383.


    Our random number is 9.



    You trudge through the loose red sand, your faces covered to protect
    them from the dust and the blazing heat. The landscape is stark and
    desolate; all that seems to thrive here is the wire-hard grass that
    scratches your boots and leggings. You soon come across a dried river
    bed that leads to a cave in the orange sandstone hillside. A wooden
    plaque is nailed by the mouth of the cave, but you are unable to
    understand the strange words painted on its sun-blistered surface.

    If you wish to investigate the cave, turn to 235.

    If you wish to press on towards Ikaresh, turn to 272.


    Enter the mysterious cave?

  16. Come on, people, post! :(



    The Drakkar is strangling the dwarf. As he catches sight of you, he
    releases his grip and smashes his mailed fist into the dwarf’s face,
    sending him tumbling into space. You are inflamed by this cold-blooded
    murder. You draw your weapon and attack.

    Drakkar: COMBAT SKILL 18   ENDURANCE 25

    Due to the speed of your attack, do not deduct any of your own ENDURANCE points in the first round of combat.

    If you win the combat, turn to 213.




    Combat ratio = 26-18 = 8

    Our E total = 26/26

    Drakkar's E total = 25/25


    Round 1

    Random number  = 6

    We have the element of surprise = 26/26

    Drakkar takes 12 damage = 13/25


    Round 2

    Random number  = 0

    We take 0 damage = 26/26

    Drakkar is instakilled = dead!



    The Drakkar falls to his knees and makes a horrible rasping noise as
    he tries in vain to prise open his shattered death-mask. Your blows have
    staved in his helm, and the buckled metal has fractured his skull. You
    lash out with your foot and kick him from the outrigger, sending him
    spiralling down to Lake Inrahim to join the dwarf he murdered. But the
    dwarf is neither dead nor hundreds of feet below. He hangs by his foot,
    unconscious, snagged in the netting below the outrigger boards. You grab
    the dwarf’s leg and haul him to safety before continuing the fight.

    The platform looks empty—no heads are showing above its armoured
    parapet, but you sense something is wrong. Instinctively, you leap from
    the outrigger onto the main hull, your weapon poised to strike.

    Turn to 361.


    Maybe we should have hung the drakkar in the netting, then?




    Ducking beneath the boom-sail, you clamber onto the platform in time
    to witness a desperate struggle. The blond-haired magician is pinned to
    the deck, his left arm skewered by a spear. With a staff in his right
    hand, he is trying to fend off the dismounted Kraan-rider. The Drakkar
    senses your presence; he whirls round and draws a twisted black scimitar
    from its scabbard.

    Drakkar: COMBAT SKILL 18   ENDURANCE 25

    If you win and the fight lasts 3 rounds of combat or less, turn to 288.

    If the fight continues to a fourth round of combat, do not resolve it. Instead, turn immediately to 382.


    I swear that whenever we meet Banedon we end up defending him against Darklord troops...


    Combat ratio = 26-18 = 8

    Our E total = 26/26

    Drakkar's E total = 25/25


    Round 1

    Random number  = 8

    We take 0 damage = 26/26

    Drakkar takes 16 damage = 9/25


    Round 2

    Random number  = 6

    We have take 1 damage = 25/26

    Drakkar takes 12 damage = dead!


    Two fights, one Endurance lost. Not bad.


    Incidentally, did anyone notice that both Drakkar had exactly the same stats?



    The Drakkar curses you with his dying breath, his cry fading as he
    falls from the platform. You rush to aid your wounded countryman, but
    the battle is not yet over. A Kraan-rider is swooping towards you, a
    crossbow levelled at your head; he fires and the bolt shoots towards
    your face. Then a shrill, metallic whine rings in your ears as the bolt
    miraculously ricochets away, deflected by an invisible shield.

    If you have ever been given a Crystal Star Pendant, turn to 399.

    If you do not have this Special Item, turn to 294.


    Yep, we still were given it. I guess this is the 'say 'hi' to Banedon' section.


    H+1 26/26



    Banedon lowers his staff, the trace of a wry smile on his pain-racked
    face. ‘Alas, I was too slow to protect myself, Lone Wolf,’ he says,
    glancing at his arm. You kneel at his side and free the spear that pins
    him to the floor. The wound is serious; hastily you staunch the bleeding
    with strips of cloth torn from his dark blue robes. You recognize the
    robes, for they are the attire of a Journeymaster. It seems that young
    Banedon has achieved distinction among his brother magicians since last
    you met.

    ‘It appears that we are fated to meet in their company,’ he says,
    still watching the Kraan-riders anxiously. ‘Help me to my feet, we must
    escape before they drag us from the sky.’

    You support the magician as he grasps the ship’s helm—a radiant
    crystal sphere with hundreds of glowing facets set on a slim silver rod.
    No sooner has his hand closed around the crystal than there is a
    tremendous explosion.

    Turn to 323.


    Banedon, meet our new personalities.



    The explosion is followed by a huge cloud of smoke, which engulfs a
    cabin perched on the rear deck. As the noise rumbles across the desolate
    salt-plain, you hear the agonizing shriek of a wounded Kraan; it
    spirals past the platform, a ragged hole rent in its broken wing.



    The smoke clears to reveal the grinning face of a dwarf at the cabin
    window. A smear of soot blackens his rosy cheeks and exaggerates the
    whiteness of his crooked teeth. He is holding a tube of smoking steel
    that you assume to be a magic staff, until you notice that each of the
    dwarf crew carry identical staves. As they point them at the swooping
    Kraan, gouts of smoke and flame bellow from their tips. Suddenly you
    recognize the weapons and their wielders—they are dwarves from the
    mountain kingdom of Bor, armed with one of the inventions for which
    these ingenious artisans are justly famous throughout Magnamund.

    The Kraan are terrified by the noise; they turn their leathery tails
    and fly away, their Drakkarim riders powerless to stop them. The
    primitive guns have claimed only one victim, but nevertheless, they have
    driven off the enemy and saved the skyship from disaster.

    Banedon steers the craft about, banking steeply until the ship faces
    the darkening peaks of the southern mountains and the distinct V-shaped
    cleft of the Dahir Pass.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 0–2, turn to 250.

    If it is 3–9, turn to 312.


    Random number = 6.



    The dwarves are clearing the deck of battle debris. A dead Drakkar
    lies sprawled face down across a pile of chests and sacks roped beneath
    the boom-sail. As the dwarves grab his legs to cast him over the side he
    suddenly springs to life, sending the dwarves tumbling in all
    directions. He screams like a fiend, his black axe cutting a wide arc
    around his blood-smeared body. A curse, vile and evil, echoes from his
    death-mask as he draws back the axe to throw. His target is you.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Hunting or Sixth Sense, turn to 210.

    If you have neither of these skills, pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you of picked is 0–4, turn to 354.

    If it is 5–8, turn to 371.

    If it is 9, turn to 232.


    Not a chance.



    You dive aside, your Kai skill saving you from the axe that is spinning towards the platform. Suddenly, a deafening bang
    rings out and the Drakkar is flung backwards, his breastplate torn open
    by dwarf shot. He gives a long, agonizing death-cry as he disappears
    from sight, tumbling into the darkness that surrounds the speeding

    As if in answer to the shot, a menacing roll of thunder rumbles
    across the darkening plain from Barrakeesh. It is as if the city itself
    were cursing your escape.

    Banedon appears at your side, his face lined with concern. As he
    offers a shaky hand to help you to your feet, you notice that the
    makeshift bandage which binds his wound is soaked with blood. He is pale
    and weak and close to collapse.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing, turn to 377.

    If you do not possess this skill, turn to 339.


    We do. Whew, this is a long section.



    Clasping your hands around Banedon’s injured arm, you concentrate
    your Kai skill on healing the torn muscle and splintered bone. The
    warmth of your healing power numbs the pain and repairs the internal
    damage sufficiently to be able to remove the blood-soaked strips of
    cloth. The wound is still open, but you have saved the limb.

    ‘We’ll help him now, Lone Wolf,’ shouts a strange voice. You are
    surprised by this bold claim and turn around to discover who has made

    Turn to 339.


    But...we have magic healing powers!



    Two dwarves clamber onto the platform and hurry to their young
    captain’s side. One flicks open a red velvet satchel strapped to his
    barrel-like chest, and removes a glass vial and a clean linen bandage.
    They attend to the wound, and, as his strength returns, Banedon listens
    intently to your account of the terrifying events that have led up to
    this meeting. As you conclude your woeful tale, Banedon speaks, his
    voice full of grim determination.

    ‘The future of Sommerlund rests in our hands, Lone Wolf. We must stop Darklord Haakon from destroying the Book of the Magnakai.
    I have heard tell of the Tomb of the Majhan from the nomads of the Dry
    Main. They say it is a terrible place, a place of horror and death—for
    what little there is left to die there. It lies beyond the Dahir, near
    the oasis of Bal-loftan. That is all I know, for the Majhan hid their
    tombs well and what few traces remained have long since disappeared
    beneath the shifting sands of the Dry Main.’

    Your face conveys the disappointment you feel upon hearing these words.

    ‘However, all is not lost,’ says Banedon, undaunted. ‘There is a man
    who can guide us there. His name is Tipasa Edarouk—“Tipasa the
    Wanderer”. It is he who we must seek, for he is the only man who has
    ever entered the Tomb of the Majhan and lived to tell the tale.’

    Turn to 302.


    Well, I guess we're going to see him, then.



    Banedon takes over the helm as his extraordinary ship, the Skyrider,
    as the dwarves call it, speeds through the gathering darkness towards
    the Dahir Pass. Visibility diminishes with each passing minute until,
    finally, you can see no further than the outriggers. You feel uneasy; if
    the Skyrider veers but a fraction off course, you will be smashed to pieces against the mountainside.

    ‘Do not worry, Lone Wolf,’ says Nolrim, the dwarf with the velvet satchel. ‘The captain will see us through.’

    Banedon stands with his hand resting lightly on the glowing crystal,
    relaxed as if in a trance. His eyes are closed and a crackle of energy,
    like fine white lightning, traces an intricate pattern over his forehead
    and temples.

    The dwarf leads you to the cabin at the rear of the craft where the
    crew are excitedly recounting their victory over the Kraan-riders. They
    are seated about a table cluttered with plates of steaming food and jugs
    of foaming ale. The rich smell of spiced meat and Bor-brew fills your
    nostrils, reminding you of how ravenously hungry you are.

    You make short work of the meat and marrow placed before you. Restore 3 ENDURANCE
    points. However, you are unsure about accepting a jug of ale; Bor-brew
    is so strong that in many cities of Magnamund it has been banned for
    fear of the havoc it can cause.

    If you wish to accept a jug of the notorious ale, turn to 392.

    If you decide to decline the offer, turn to 283.


    A choice! Do we drink the incredibly strong alcohol?

  17. 'Dense dark forest?' Did you even look at the map? It's quite clearly a desert!




    We also couldn't fly west because there were mountains in the way. And we couldn't fly over the mountains apart from through the pass because...err...it was above the itikar's safe flight limit? Also, we do want to find the Tomb of the Majhan, and the desert sounds like a likely location. Wish it wasn't so big, though...




    A terrible shriek rings out above the rush of the wind, filling your
    head with pain. You are being attacked by a powerful Mindblast. Unless
    you possess the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, deduct 2 ENDURANCE points from your current total.

    The Itikar shudders and frantically twists its head from side to side
    as the shriek rings out again. You sense that the great bird is in
    agony, racked by the Mindblast. As you glance over your shoulder, your
    stomach becomes knotted with fear—a Kraan is swooping down to attack. On
    its back is your adversary: a Vordak, one of the undead and a hideous
    lieutenant of the Darklords. As the Kraan streaks towards you, the
    Vordak spreads its red-robed arms and leaps from the saddle. It lands
    behind you, astride the Itikar’s back, its skeletal fingers sunk deep
    into your mount’s feathered flesh. The shock of the impact throws you
    forward, and the reins slip from your hands.

    The giant bird screeches in horror and pain as the Vordak’s grip
    paralyses its spine. You must act quickly, for the Itikar is now
    plummeting towards the salt-plain of Lake Inrahim.


    If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 315.

    If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 299.


    Great. We're several kilometres up, our mount is about to drop to our doom, and - oh, yes - we have a vordak with us. Could things get any worse?



    As you unsheathe the Sommerswerd, a vivid golden flame shoots along
    the blade. The Vordak shrieks in terror, its blood-drenched bony fingers
    clawing at a black iron mace that hangs from its belt. It raises the
    mace to parry your blow, but the sun-sword shears through the iron, a
    splash of blue flame erupting in its wake. You strike again, curving the
    golden blade in a great arc. It bites into the Vordak’s neck, tearing
    through its unnatural body, and severing it diagonally from collarbone
    to hip. A sickening acidic smell chokes your throat as a fountain of
    green slime erupts from beneath the red robe. The Vordak crumples and
    topples from view, its dissolving corpse hissing as its spirals towards
    Lake Inrahim.

    Sheathing your sword, you grab the reins and fight to control your
    injured mount. You have slain the Vordak but the battle is not yet won.
    The Itikar is losing a lot of blood; it could become unconscious at any
    moment and drop like a stone.

    Suddenly you spot something in the distance. It is a sight that renews your faith in miracles.

    Turn to 221.


    Oh. Apparently they couldn't get worse.



    Emerging from a bank of cloud on the skyline is a flying ship. It is a
    small craft, no bigger than an Unoram river barge, with two triangular
    sails swept back either side of its curving prow. In the fading twilight
    you can make out a long pennant that flutters from its mast. A faint
    humming reaches your ears. Your first reaction is disbelief; what you
    are seeing must be a trick of the light or some fiendish illusion
    created by the Darklords. However, as the ship floats nearer, your
    senses tell you that it is indeed quite real.

    If you have ever been given a Crystal Star Pendant, turn to 336.

    If you do not have this Special Item, turn to 275.



    Standing at a fortified platform in the centre of the strange craft
    is a blond-haired young man with deep, brooding eyes. Instantly you
    recognize him: it is Banedon, the young Sommlending magician who gave
    you the Crystal Star Pendant at the ruins of Raumas, after you saved his
    life in a Giak ambush.

    You are so stunned by his unexpected appearance that you fail to
    notice the blood seeping from the Itikar’s mouth; the creature is near
    to death. Suddenly, the great bird lets out a pitiful and agonized caw,
    its wings stiffen, and its head falls limp as the last flicker of life
    escapes from its torn body. It pitches you forward, and your stomach
    heaves as you plummet towards Lake Inrahim.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 374.

    If it is 5–8, turn to 254.

    If it is 9, turn to 261.


    Banedon? We saw him on page 3, about a year and a half ago. Well, I say 'we'. Actually...none of you were around at the time.


    2. I have a feeling 9 would have been...bad.


    Yes. Yes, things could get worse.



    As you tumble earthwards, a blur of colour flashes before your eyes
    as the Kraan-riders, the skyship, and the distant horizon all melt into a
    kaleidoscope of shapes and images, which you fear will be the last
    things you will ever see.

    You have prepared yourself for death and are calm and relaxed, when
    suddenly you feel your body entwined by a mass of sticky fibres. There
    is a terrific jolt, which leaves you breathless and stunned. The
    impossible is happening; you are no longer falling, but rising!

    A net of clinging strands has caught you like a fly in a web. You
    rise up into the sky towards the flying ship as quickly as you fell.
    Three bearded dwarves clad in bright, padded battle-jerkins pull you
    aboard an outrigger that runs the length of the hull. However, there is
    no time to express your gratitude, for the small skyship is under attack
    from the Kraan-riders.

    At the end of the outrigger, a dwarf is engaged in hand-to-hand
    combat with a snarling Drakkar. He is obviously losing. As you rush to
    his aid, another of the evil warriors lands in the centre of the craft,
    on top of the fortified platform.

    If you wish to help the dwarf, turn to 280.

    If you wish to leap from the outrigger onto the platform, turn to 361.


    You know, this gives a new meaning to the term 'airship'.

  18. 224

    The great black bird beats its massive wings, cawing hoarsely through

    the domed pen. Two black eyes, fierce and cold, fix you with a deadly

    stare as you edge nearer to its perch.

    Grabbing the saddle pommel, you haul yourself up, but suddenly there

    is a flash of razor-sharp talons. Instinctively, you shield your face as

    a glint of orange sunlight is caught on the Itikar’s curved beak, for

    it slashes the air barely inches above your head.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship, turn to 308.

    If you possess an Onyx Medallion, turn to 319.

    If you possess neither the Kai Discipline nor the Special Item, pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have reached the Kai Rank of Aspirant or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked.

    If your total is now 8–11, turn to 287.

    If your total is 4–7, turn to 240.

    If your total is 1–3, turn to 370.

    If your total is 0, turn to 257.


    We have Animal Kinship!



    It can take many years for a rider to tame an Itikar, for by nature

    they are wild and malicious creatures. You use your Kai skill to

    communicate with the giant bird, to assure it that you mean no harm. It

    fixes you with a cold, black stare, but you sense that it is no longer


    As you settle in its wide saddle, you catch sight of the Drakkarim as

    they stream across the gangplank. Quickly you lean forward, unhook the

    anchor rope from the saddle ring and grab the thick leather reins.

    Turn to 343.


    Disciplines do make things so much easier. With any luck, we'll be getting some upgrades soon, too.



    You are jerked backwards in the saddle as the Itikar leaves its

    perch. It shrieks and caws, its wings beating as loud as thunder. A

    handful of Drakkarim are scattered as if they were rag dolls as the

    great black bird emerges from the pen and takes to the sky. You catch a

    glimpse of a Drakkar, his death-mask slashed in two by the bird’s

    razor-sharp talons, as he pitches from the landing platform and tumbles

    to his death in the palace gardens far below.




    The golden domes of the Grand Palace grow smaller as the Itikar

    gathers speed. Soon, you have passed over the city wall and are heading

    out towards the shimmering salt-flats of Lake Inrahim. The land below is

    bathed in beautiful orange twilight, as the sun slowly sinks behind the

    Dahir Mountains to the west. Elated by your escape, you throw back your

    head and give voice to a triumphant yell that is carried away on the

    chill evening wind.

    As if in answer to your cry, an echoing chorus of shrieks pierce the

    sky. Fear returns to your heart as you catch sight of a flock of Kraan,

    hideous leathery-winged fliers. Each carries a Drakkarim warrior on its

    back. They are over a mile behind you, but they are quickly closing the

    gap. Less than an hour of light remains; if you can evade them a little

    longer, you may be able to lose them when night falls.

    You must decide in which direction to fly, for you are now above the centre of Lake Inrahim—consult the map before making your decision.

    If you wish to steer the Itikar south towards the Dahir Pass, turn to 264.

    If you wish to head east towards the town of Chula, turn to 244.


    I've left the link to the map intact, in case you can't be bothered to hunt through the 72 previous pages of the thread to find it. Go to the nearby town, or the wilderness across the mountains?

  19. We continue!



    Leaving the arbour, you press on towards the outer wall of the
    arboretum. Through the dense foliage you can make out a narrow, arched
    doorway that leads to an open chamber. A stairway ascends to a parapeted
    walkway, at the end of which is a stone door. You are halfway up the
    stairs when the sound of a crossbow being cocked freezes your blood. To
    turn back now would be suicide; you grit your teeth and bound up the
    stairs as a hail of crossbow fire slams into the steps on either side of

    Turn to 372.


    Oh dear. This doesn't seem good.



    A crossbow bolt grazes your shoulder as you reach the walkway, making
    you dive for cover behind its low parapet wall. You lose 1 ENDURANCE point. Two more bolts ricochet from the stone lip barely inches from your head.

    The stone door is shut, secured by an iron bolt on this side. To pull
    open the bolt, you will have to expose yourself to crossbow fire, for
    the bolt is clearly in view above the lip of the wall.

    If you possess the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn to 269.

    If you do not have this skill, pick a number for the Random Number Table. If you have reached the Kai rank of Aspirant or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked.

    If your total is now is 0–3, turn to 366.

    If it is 4 or more, turn to 277.


    Disciplines to the rescue!


    We lose 1E


    H+1 26/26



    You stare at the bolt, willing it to move. The sound of running
    footsteps behind you sends a cold shiver down your spine as you realize
    that the Drakkarim are storming the stairs. Then, slowly, the bolt
    begins to move. As soon as it clears the bolt-hole, you pull open the
    stone portal and race through, unaware of what lies beyond.

    Turn to 352.


    Because that never seemed like a bad idea.



    Beyond the portal lies a vaulted corridor leading to a grand
    stairway. You narrowly avoid confrontation with a dozen Drakkarim, saved
    by your lightning reactions. As the enemy rush from an archway on the
    second floor landing, you dive behind a statue of the recently deceased
    Zakhan Moudalla. They are so intent on their chase that they fail to
    notice your hiding place and hurry down the stairs, grunting in their
    heavy armour as they run. Silently, you give thanks that Zakhan Moudalla
    was a very stout man and that his statue casts a very large shadow in
    which to hide.

    At the top of the stairway you discover a hatch, which gives access
    to the roof. You climb through it and follow a path of sun-bleached
    tiles that wind in and out of the domes and turrets, eventually leading
    to a bell-tower.

    You are exhausted and need to rest, your mind still full of the shock
    of your encounter with Darklord Haakon. The sound of his terrible voice
    repeating the words ‘Book of the Magnakai’ echoes again and again in your mind.

    With desperation sapping your will, you peer out through a grille in
    the bell-tower. The sight before you renews your flagging hope, for it
    inspires a daring escape plan.

    Turn to 313.


    Not, I assume, to walk out of the front door? That would be too easy.


    Incidentally, the old Zakhan has saved our life!



    Below the bell-tower you see a line of Itikar pens, each with its own
    circular landing platform. Itikar are a breed of huge black birds that
    nest in eyries high in the peaks of the Dahir and Vakar Mountains. The
    Vassagonians have long since tamed these giants of the skies, using them
    as winged mounts for their army leaders, their scouts, couriers, and

    An Itikar and rider swoop down out of the reddening sky and alight
    upon the platform nearest to the bell-tower. Slaves hurl a rope to the
    rider, who in turn fixes it to a saddle ring before he jumps to the
    ground. The Itikar caws and beats its huge wings as it is slowly winched
    into the pen by a hidden capstan.

    The rider and the slaves leave the platform; there is now only one
    sentry on guard at the pen. If you can overpower him, you can make your
    escape on the back of the giant bird.

    If you possess a Blowpipe and Sleep Dart, turn to 325.

    If you do not have these items, turn to 282.


    We have neither of those items.



    You leave the bell-tower and make your way down towards the sentry.
    At first, dodging from one turret to the next, it is easy to remain
    unseen. However, for the final thirty yards to the landing platform you
    will have no cover, for the platform and the palace roof are linked by
    an exposed gangplank. If you are to overpower the sentry, you must cross
    the gangplank undetected.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn to 295.

    If you do not possess the skill, pick a number from the Random Number Table.
    If you have the Kai Disciplines of either Hunting or Camouflage, add 2
    to the number you have picked. If you have reached the Kai rank of
    Warmarn or higher, add 3.

    If your total score is now 0–4, turn to 357.

    If your total is 5–9, turn to 389.

    If your total is 10 or more, turn to 236.


    We have Mind over Matter. It's been proving itself surprisingly useful lately.



    Focusing your skill on a money pouch that hangs from the sentry’s
    belt, you concentrate on untying the leather thong that secures it.
    Seconds later, the pouch drops to the ground and spills its contents.
    The guard yelps in horror as he sees his gold rolling over the edge of
    the platform and drops to his knees to gather what little remains. As he
    turns his back, you break cover and run across the gangplank. Your
    speed and stealth carry you across the gangplank undetected. When you
    strike, the guard is still on his knees, picking up his scattered gold.
    Your attack is silent and deadly.

    If you wish to search the guard’s body, turn to 207.

    If you decide to ignore the body, hurry into the Itikar’s pen and turn to 224.


    Shall we drop to our knees, picking up the guard's scattered gold?

  20. 391


    As you follow the track deeper into the arboretum, high-pitch shrieks

    echo above the ceiling of creepers and low branches. The air is humid

    as a jungle. You press on but the going is difficult; the soft, sticky,

    rotting humus clings to your boots like river clay.

    A sudden movement on the path ahead makes you dive for cover; a

    handful of Drakkarim are coming this way, led by a figure dressed in


    If you have reached the Kai rank of Warmarn or higher, turn to 242.

    If you not yet reached this level of Kai training, turn to 222.


    We have reached that rank!




    You recognize the creature dressed in red: it is a Vordak, a servant

    of the Darklords, one of the powerful undead. Vordaks possess great

    psychic power, and you feel it scanning for you with its Mindforce. You

    know that if you are to avoid these evil troops, you will not only have

    to hide, but also shield your mind.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage, add 2 to the number you

    have picked. If you have the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, add 3.

    If your total score is now 0–6, turn to 262.

    If it is 7 or over, turn to 378.


    Yep, we have both of those. Random number =7+5=12.



    Pressing yourself against the damp soil, you hold your breath and

    pray you will not be seen as the Vordak glides into view. Its bony arm

    is outstretched, and a skeletal finger sweeps the lush undergrowth on

    either side of the path. You sense the Vordak is using its Mindforce to

    try to locate your hiding place—as the finger points in your direction, a

    wave of pain washes over your body. You are near to crying out, when

    the pain ceases; you have not been detected. The finger sweeps away and

    the enemy continues its search along the path.

    Turn to 228.


    That solves that problem fairly easily.



    Eager to put distance between yourself and your merciless enemy, you

    race headlong through a tangle of trees and roots until you stumble upon

    a small domed hut of latticed wood, half hidden by a curtain of vines.

    Peering through the dense foliage, you see that the vines reach up to a

    wrought-iron walkway, which ends at an open stone door.

    If you wish to climb up a vine to the walkway and escape through the open stone door, turn to 352.

    If you wish to search for an exit from the arboretum at ground level, turn to 332.


    Up again?

  21. 329

    The heavy copper drum rolls from its wooden base and crashes down the

    tower stair, a thunderous boom echoing from the dark as it careers on a

    collision course with the enemy. The screams of horror are cut short as

    the drum hurtles through the ranks of the Drakkarim, crushing them into

    the hard stone steps.

    Your quick action has scattered your pursuers, but victory turns sour

    when you discover that you are trapped; there are no other stairs from

    the platform. You have delayed the Drakkarim, but your reprieve is only


    If you possess a Rope, you can attempt to climb down to the gardens below. Turn to 305.

    If you do not possess a Rope, turn to 387.


    Whee - splat!


    H+1 25/26


    We do have a rope.



    Tying one end of the rope to the parapet rail, you drop the other end

    over the side and glissade down the tower. You have reached halfway

    when you see two Drakkarim above you, sawing at the knot. Suddenly, the

    rope snaps and you plummet into the void.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 0–2, turn to 293.

    If it is 3–9, turn to 234.


    Aand we didn't have the choice not to use it?


    On the plus side, H+1 24/24


    We pick an 8.



    In a complete daze you tumble and spin, totally unaware of whether

    you are falling head- or feet-first. The warm wind tears at your face,

    forcing your eyelids and mouth open. You can barely breathe. You scream

    with terror until you hit the upper branches of a toa tree; in the next

    instant you hit water. You rapidly surface again, and instinctively

    begin to pump your legs.

    You have no idea in which direction you are swimming, but in three

    strokes you find yourself at the side of this deep, sculptured pool of

    clear water. Still shaking from the shock of impact, you crawl your way

    out onto a mossy bank. Miraculously, you have escaped injury, but your

    ordeal is far from over. The Drakkarim and the palace guards watched you

    fall and at this very moment are racing down from the tower and the

    bridge to the palace gardens.

    Ahead of you, beyond a tree-lined colonnade, a flight of steps

    ascends to a small portal in the wall of the upper palace. To your

    right, a leafy tunnel winds away into the trees and shrubs.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Tracking, turn to 220.

    If you wish to climb the stairs to the small portal, turn to 352.

    If you wish to follow the winding path, turn to 391.


    Phew. On the other hand, Tracking is the one discipline we don't have. Path or portal*?


    *Notice that portal is being used in the context 'door' here, rather than, for instance, 'giant obsidian structure that will teleport you to the nether/daziarn.

  22. 0-4 we jump the gate, 5-9 we attack the guards with crossbows aimed at us...


    6. Well, here goes...



    Beads of sweat break out on the faces of the guards as they
    frantically race to load their crossbows. Your bold move has unnerved
    them, and their fear makes them clumsy.

    You reach the top of the steps and attack with the speed of a tiger,
    dashing the crossbow from a guard’s shaking hands with your first blow
    and splitting his jaw with the second. He screams and falls, toppling
    from the bridge to crash into the garden below. Meanwhile, the other
    guard has thrown away his crossbow and drawn a steel mace. He runs at
    you with hatred blazing in his dark eyes; you have just killed his
    brother and he is thirsty for revenge. Due to his frenzied state of
    mind, this guard is now immune to Mindblast.

    Tower Guard: COMBAT SKILL 17   ENDURANCE 22



    If you win the combat, you enter the tower. Turn to 396.


    Well...that went better than might have been expected.


    Combat Ratio = 24-17 = 7

    Our E total = 26/26

    Tower Guard's E total = 22/22


    Round 1

    Random Number = 4

    We take 2 damage = 24/26

    Tower Guard takes 10 damage = 12/22


    Round 2

    Random Number = 4

    We take 2 damage = 22/26

    Tower Guard takes 10 damage = 2/22


    Round 3

    Random Number = 0

    We take 0 damage = 22/26

    Tower Guard is instakilled = Dead!



    Inside the cool marble tower, two flights of spiral stairs meet at a
    landing. You detect the sound of distant running feet, gradually growing
    louder. It is coming from one of the spiral staircases, but which one?
    Suddenly, a band of Drakkarim warriors appear; they are crossing the
    bridge that leads to the tower. You must escape.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 266.

    If you wish to ascend the spiral stairs, turn to 322.

    If you wish to descend the spiral stairs, turn to 360.


    We do have sixth sense.


    H+1 23/26




    Your Kai skill warns you that two palace guards are running up the
    spiral stairs from their guardroom in the base of the tower. Quickly,
    you ascend the stairs before the Drakkarim enter and see in which
    direction you have gone.

    Turn to 322.


    And...up. Into the tower. With nowhere to go from there. Oh dear.




    The stairs are high and steep. You gasp for breath and force your

    aching legs to climb, for the Drakkarim are less than a dozen steps
    behind you. At the top of the tower, an open arch leads out onto a
    platform where a huge kettledrum stands. This is used by the tower guard
    to send messages to the other palace towers. A bleached hide is
    stretched across its surface and a black wooden beater hangs from the

    If you wish to push the drum down the tower stairs, turn to 329.

    If you prefer to ignore the drum and escape out onto the platform, turn to 387.


    This should be fun...


    H+1 24/26

  23. Hey, it's only been a couple of days since the last post! Ok, I bought Master of Magic on GOG and was distracted, sorry.


    Stairs it is! You surprise me again.



    At the bottom of the stairs, a wooden door braced with iron blocks
    the entrance to the scented garden. Frantically you twist the handle,
    but it does not open—the door is locked. Then a couple of palace guards
    appear on the bridge above; they see you and unsling their heavy

    If you possess a Copper Key, turn to 246.

    If you do not possess this item, you can try to climb over the door by turning to 301.

    Alternatively, you can run back up the stairs and attempt to attack the guards before they load and fire their crossbows by turning to 375.


    Yeah...we don't have a copper key. Surprisingly, this is actually a fairly nasty situation. How do we (try to) get out of it?

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