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Posts posted by pi4t

  1. Ooh, a birthday party! Perhaps there'll be presents, and a birthday cake!


    The door slams shut, and you spin round to see a bandit leaping at you from the shadows. His head is a mass of bloodied bandages, but he is armed and determined to fight.

    Wounded Bandit: COMBAT SKILL 13 ENDURANCE 16

    He fights you with his back to the door and you cannot evade him.

    If you win the combat, turn to 109.

    Combat Ratio = 26-13 = 13

    Our E total = 26/26

    Wounded Bandit's E total = 16/16

    Round 1

    Random number = 7

    We take 0 damage = 26/26

    Wounded Bandit takes 18 damage = DEAD!


    That was easy. Now for the cake.


    You roll the dead bandit over with the toe of your boot and make a quick search of his body. You discover the following items:

    3 Gold Crowns



    You may take any of the above items. As you are leaving, you notice a trapdoor in the floor. Opening it, you see that it leads down to the cellar of the building.

    If you wish to search the cellar, turn to 347.

    If you wish to leave the hut, turn to 258.

    There was no cake.


    Well, our belt pouch is full, but we can swap our spear and/or darklord sword for the dagger or sword.

    Also, are we leaving now? Or investigating the cellar. I don't think there's cake there...

    Oh, and merry Christmas, all.

  2. We drop a Rope

    (We drop a Rope)

    We gain a Rope :)

    We gain a Spear

    We gain a Potion of Laumspur


    The forest is patrolled by bandits, but they take little interest in their guard duties, and you find it easy to avoid them in the dark. Then, by chance, you come across a small log cabin hidden deep in the woods. A candle flickers at the window, and the door is ajar.


    If you wish to enter the hut, turn to 53.

    If you do not wish to enter the hut, continue your mission by turning to 258.

    Investigate the hut? I have to admit I haven't got the slightest clue what will happen, I think I've always gone right here.

  3. Noo! Another forum post, eaten by the accidental pressing of the back button!


    You are in combat with a Vassagonian horseman who is now on foot. You cannot evade him and must fight him to the death.

    Bandit Horseman: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 24

    If you win, turn to 249.

    Combat Ratio = 26-17 = 9

    Our E total = 20/26

    Bandit Horseman's E total = 24/24

    Round 1

    Random number = 0

    We take 0 damage = 20/26

    Bandit Horseman is instakilled = DEAD!

    Well, that went fairly well.


    You run half-crouched to the barricade and prise a bow from the hand of a dead soldier. You have spotted the leader of the bandit cavalry—a tall, dark-skinned warrior with a thin, chiselled nose, rallying his horsemen at the foot of the stone watchtower. You know you must kill him before he can regroup his troops, or D’Val and his hard-pressed men will be ridden down and mercilessly slaughtered.


    You notch an arrow and draw back the bowstring. The straining cord bites into your fingers as you take aim.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Weaponskill (any weapon), add 2 to the number you have picked.

    If your total is now 0–3, turn to 153.

    If it is 4–7, turn to 323.

    If it is 8–11, turn to 39.

    Random number = 9+2 = 11

    Wow, we're rolling well today (and if we now get a string of bad rolls, you can blame me).

    H+1 21/26


    The arrow arcs through the smoke-blackened sky and pierces the officer’s shining breastplate. You hear his scream of pain ring out above the din of battle and watch as his cruel eyes flicker and close. He swoons and slips from his saddle, your arrow lodged deep in his heart.

    Turn to 148.


    H+1 22/26


    ‘To me! To me!’ Captain D’Val’s voice booms out above the battle noise. ‘Rally to me, Sommlending.’

    The brave captain draws about him a shielded wedge of soldiers and charges into the flank of the horsemen. They reel and buckle as the shield-wedge hews its way through their company. A Vassagonian herald, his crimson armour torn and his face smeared with blood, breaks free from the battle and sounds the retreat. You watch as the surviving bandits spur their mounts to the gallop, desperate to escape through the ragged hole in the barricade. Gripped by panic and fatigue, they ride through their own foot soldiers who are advancing to support them. The infantry falter and collapse as the cavalry ride them down.


    Captain D’Val leads his men to the barricade and directs a lethal volley of arrows into the shattered infantry. It is the last straw. They throw down their weapons and flee from the clouds of arrows raining down on them from out of the smoke-filled sky.

    A battle-cry, proud and strident pursues them across the plain: ‘For Sommerlund, for Sommerlund!’

    Turn to 137.

    For Sommerlund, and the Kai!

    H+1 23/26


    All around the barricade the enemy are retreating in disorder; bandit war-horns announce the withdrawal, exhorting their defeated warriors to flee the battlefield. A jubilant Captain D’Val emerges from the war-smoke, his eyes shining like jewels beneath the rim of his battered helmet. ‘We have triumphed, Lone Wolf. We have vanquished the foe!’

    All around you, the captain’s men are rebuilding the barricade and tending to their wounded comrades. It sorrows you to see Sommlending dead, but you take heart at how few they are beside the enemy’s losses.

    The captain ushers you to the watchtower where your wounds are cleaned and dressed with Laumspur. The herbs restore 6 ENDURANCE points.

    ‘We have beaten this foe, but I fear that it is but a temporary reprieve,’ says the captain, his face now composed and sombre. ‘The sacrifice of Baron Vanalund’s daughter must be stopped if we are to avoid catastrophe, for our strength will not avail us against a foe freshly risen from the grave.’

    The words of the verse flood into your mind and a chill runs down your spine as you realize what may lie ahead. In three days’ time, when the moon is full, Barraka will sacrifice the Baron’s daughter at the buried temple of Maaken, a sacrifice that will unleash the dead of Maakengorge—the Chasm of Doom. You know you must prevent the sacrifice.

    Turn to 12.

    We gain 6E = 26/26

    We also won the battle.


    Fifty miles south of Ruanon, the ruined city of Maaken teeters on the brink of Maakengorge. A cold sweat breaks out upon your brow as you contemplate the difficulty of your mission, for you are separated from your goal by fifty miles of enemy-held territory. But there is still a flicker of hope; with the enemy in confusion and retreat, your chances of success will be far higher now than before battle.

    Before you set off on your perilous mission, Captain D’Val offers you the choice of the following equipment and provisions:

    Enough food for 3 Meals


    Potion of Laumspur—Restores 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat



    Make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart before turning to 140.

    We'll need to decide what, if anything, to take. Remember to say what to drop if we want to take anything.

    These are our current backpack items:

    Backpack Items:


    2)Potent Laumspur Potion (+5E)




    6)Meal of Larnuma (+3E)

    7)Laumspur Potion (+4E)


    And weapons:


    1)Darklord Sword


    As you can see, we could at least replace our rope with the new one, which takes up only one backpack slot (and take another item in the new space), and take another weapon.


    Dusk soon enshrouds the beleaguered outpost of Ruanon and you use the cover of darkness to cross the body-strewn plain towards the south. An old highway trails off to Maaken but it is choked with Vassagonian warriors. They stand about in sullen groups, tending their wounded and brooding on their defeat; however, even demoralized and dejected, they are still a deadly foe. It will be too dangerous to risk passing through their ranks, so you must use the forest to conceal your passage.

    If you wish to venture through the trees to the right of the highway, turn to 70.

    If you wish to pass through the trees to the left, turn to 314.

    So, which items do we take (if any), and which way do we go?

  4. 333

    The horseman is charging at you very quickly. You will only be able to fight for one round of combat before the momentum of his attack carries him past you.

    Vassagonian Horseman: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 28

    If you lose more ENDURANCE points than your enemy in this one round of combat, turn to 209.

    If your enemy loses more ENDURANCE points than you in this round of combat, turn to 220.

    If you both lose exactly the same number of ENDURANCE points in this round of combat, turn to 344.


    Combat Ratio = 26-20 = 6

    Our E total = 22/26

    Vassagonian Horseman's E total = 28/28

    Round 1/1

    Random number = 3

    We lose 3E = 19/22

    Vassagonian Horseman loses 8E = 20/28

    We won :)


    Your blow has unhorsed the bandit. He falls to the ground heavily, shattering his lance beneath him. He staggers to his feet and, raising the hinged eye-shield of his helm, he stares at you and smiles wickedly, exposing a jagged line of blackened teeth. He spits his battle-cry and runs towards you, unsheathing a broadsword as he closes in.

    If you wish to fight the warrior, turn to 90.

    If you wish to evade combat, turn to 163.

    So, do we want to kill him?

    H+1 20/26

  5. Run away!


    You try to ignore your aching legs and the fear that knots your stomach by forcing your concentration on the sun-flag, a fluttering symbol of hope in the distance. Your face is streaked with sweat, and your lungs feel as though they will burst, but you dare not slacken your pace; the thought of Warhound fangs closing and tugging on your skin is all you need to drive you forward.

    At four hundred yards, you can see that the barricade and watchtower are inhabited, but at this distance the faces you can see are only a line of small, pink dots on the walls. At three hundred yards, you run into some gruesome remains, where the corpses of bandits lie twisted on the ground, most killed by arrows. Many have lain in the open for weeks; a flock of startled carrion crows rise shrieking from their feast as you race through the bodies. You turn away in disgust.

    Suddenly a new sound drifts across the plain: the sound of cheering. The beleaguered defenders have spotted you and recognized your green Kai cloak. Two hundred yards to go. You have just passed the ruins of a burnt-out cottage when you feel an agonizing pain tear through your left thigh. An arrow has pierced your leg, and you pitch forward into the mud and ash.

    Crouched in the ruined cottage, a bandit sniper raises his bow and takes careful aim at your head.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 1–5, turn to 20.

    If it is 6–9, turn to 300.

    If it is 0, turn to 181.

    Oh no. That 0 possibility looks suspiciously like a falling mast.

    We got a 9. That was close!


    A scream of pain and terror fills the air. The sniper crashes to the ground as the jaws of a Warhound clamp tightly around his neck. Other hounds are drawn by his ghastly screams, and he is soon ripped to pieces. You look up to see a man running towards you from the barricade. He has a shield in one hand and a longbow in the other; it is Captain D’Val.


    He reaches you, breathless from his run, and draws an arrow from his quiver. The Warhounds, tired of their victim, are in search of fresh sport and are turning their attentions on you. D’Val aims and fires, drawing another arrow as soon as his bow is empty. Warhounds tumble and crash to the ground around you, felled by D’Val’s deadly shafts. The captain grabs you by the arm and swings you over his shoulder in one swift movement, before carrying you back to the barricade. Others run forward to help him, but the bandit archers are now in range and the men are forced back by a hail of arrows. The red shafts whistle past on all sides. Finally you reach the barricade; a wagon is pulled aside and you are carried through the open gap. Captain D’Val is close to exhaustion; he staggers and his men rush to catch him before he drops you to the ground.

    Turn to 341.

    Hey, no Endurance loss! Also, we reached Ruanon, and it's under siege by bandits.


    A circle of unshaven faces are staring down at you. A soldier cradles your leg as another snaps the shaft buried deeply in your thigh. But before you can even cry out in pain, he has drawn the arrow from your leg with one swift tug. ‘You are very lucky, Kai Lord,’ he says, as he bandages a handful of Laumspur to your aching limb. ‘The wound is clean, and the bleeding is but slight.’

    You lose 4 ENDURANCE points, but the soldier’s quick thinking and skill has saved your leg from infection. With great care the soldiers carry both you and Captain D’Val into the stone watchtower.

    Turn to 116.

    ...Oh. I didn't expect us to lose Endurance now. Maybe we didn't notice before due to adrenaline?

    Also, imagine how embarrassing it would have been if we'd died in that section!

    We lose 4E = 22/26

    H+1 23/26


    ‘I was hoping the King would send a large search party,’ says Captain D’Val wryly, now having fully recovered from his exhaustion. ‘I was beginning to tire of this town.’

    You rise from your straw bed and offer your thanks to the captain. His brave and timely action saved you from certain death. ‘’Tis nothing to compare with you, Lone Wolf. Your bravery is legend. Your presence here is worth a hundred men.’

    He asks you about your mission, and you recount the events that have led you to this meeting; the ride south, the loss of your company, your passage through the Maaken Mines and the bandits.

    ‘Yes, the bandits—Barraka’s men,’ retorts D’Val, his gruff voice conveying his contempt for them and their leader. ‘It seems we have both suffered at his hand. A month ago, he and his Vassagonian renegades ambushed my troop on the Ruanon Pike. We were sorely outnumbered and the fight was indeed bitter. But we broke free from them and escaped here to Ruanon. We have been beleaguered ever since and praying for help to arrive. We have enough weapons to resist them, but we have barely enough food and water to survive.’

    You ask what has become of the people of Ruanon. ‘Most are now slaves. Barraka has taken the mines and he uses the Ruanese as forced labour. Other than yourself, only one man has escaped from the mines and survived the Warhounds and the bandit snipers. That man is Baron Oren Vanalund. Come, I shall take you to him.’

    D’Val leads you to the topmost chamber of the watchtower and pushes open an iron-shod door. The sight that greets you fills your heart with sorrow and pity.

    Turn to 318.

    Well, er, we'd love to stay and help, but the king did want our report as soon as possible, and erm well we've been invited to a grand banquet in a few days and we couldn't miss that so you see much as we'd like to help, no really, we really can't, so if you could arrange a distraction so we can escape leave the town?


    What a pity.

    H+1 24/26


    Oren Vanalund is the fifteenth baron of Ruanon, a noble warrior of royal lineage, and fifth in succession to the throne of Sommerlund. This once proud and chivalrous warlord now lies upon the cold stone floor of the chamber, red-eyed and whimpering like a frightened dog. ‘He has lost everything,’ says D’Val quietly. ‘Barraka has destroyed his castle, his land, his town, and his family. His sons are dead, and his only daughter has been taken captive by Barraka himself. I fear the ordeal has turned his mind.’


    The pathetic man raises his tear-stained face, and with feeble voice mutters a curious rhyme, over and over again.

    When a fair royal maid on the altar dies,

    The dead of Maakengorge shall rise.

    If you possess a Scroll, turn to 279.

    If you do not possess a Scroll, turn to 57.

    We do indeed. It has that poem on it, if you've forgotten.


    As you unfurl the Scroll and begin to read its ominous contents, the Baron struggles to his feet. Word for word he echoes the prophetic verse.

    When the full moon shines o’er the temple deep,

    A sacrifice will stir from sleep

    The legions of a long forgotten lord.

    When a fair royal maid on the altar dies,

    The dead of Maakengorge shall rise

    To claim their long-awaited reward.

    ‘You must save her, Lone Wolf. You must prevent the sacrifice.’ The Baron’s voice is choked with emotion.

    ‘Save who? Who must he save?’ questions Captain D’Val, as he tries to calm the distressed Baron.

    ‘My daughter, Madelon. Barraka has found the Dagger of Vashna. He plans to sacrifice my daughter upon the altar of Maaken to release the undead of Maakengorge.’

    The Baron explains that during the Age of the Black Moon, King Ulnar of Sommerlund killed the mightiest of all the Darklords, Vashna, with the Sommerswerd, the sword of the sun. His body and the bodies of all his soldiers were hurled into the bottomless abyss of Maakengorge. ‘He plans to lead the dead to victory first to conquer Sommerlund and then all of the Lastlands,’ he says in despair.

    You stare at the Baron in stunned silence. If Barraka completes the sacrifice, all is lost. What mortal army can stand against a legion of the dead?

    Captain D’Val ushers you from the chamber and closes the door. ‘I feared he was insane, but your Scroll confirms my worst nightmare. He speaks the truth!’

    As the dreadful significance of the verse begins to sink in, your thoughts are broken by the shrill blast of a war-horn. Captain D’Val strides over to an arrow slit and peers out across the plain. As he turns to speak, you notice that his face is ashen grey. ‘The bandits … they’re launching an attack!’

    If you possess Captain D’Val’s sword, turn to 327.

    If you do not possess it, turn to 289.

    Get rid of flashk. Holy waters only good for banishing the devil and Deamons and such not like were going to find any. Take the pickaxe.

    Why do we even have a Flask of Holy Water? Seriously. I don't think we'll be fighting any zombies or vampires anytime soon. Drop that Flask!

    Good work, guys, good work.

    Also, I guess we probably should give D'Val his sword back.

    H+1 25/26


    You draw the sword and offer it to the captain. A look of surprise and delight crosses his face as he examines the blade. ‘I never expected to see my trusty steel again. It is a good omen for the battle ahead.’

    Thanking you, the captain sheathes his sword in its scabbard, that until now, has hung empty from his belt. (Remember to erase this Sword from your Action Chart.)

    Turn to 289.

    We lose Captain D'Val's Sword

    H+1 26/26


    You follow Captain D’Val as he hurries down the broad watchtower steps and out to the barricade. A rolling sound like distant thunder fills the air. Cavalry are pouring onto the plain from all sides, grouping up into battalions in preparation for the advance. Columns of foot soldiers in bright scarlet armour march through their ranks, herding a frightened wall of people before them.

    ‘They’re Ruanese!’ cries D’Val, his hand shielding the light from his eyes. ‘That cur Barraka; he’s using them as a shield!’

    All around you, the captain’s men have drawn their bowstrings, awaiting his signal to fire. But it is an order he dare not give. Suddenly a hidden catapult hurls a massive black rock through the air, straight towards the barricade. You stare in horror as it bursts into flame and disintegrates, showering a rain of blazing oil on everyone beneath. The soldiers cannot evade the deluge, and many are badly burnt before the flames are smothered. A battle-cry resounds from the enemy ranks: the signal to attack. The Ruanese are pushed aside and trampled by the onrush of scarlet warriors who now race towards the barricade.


    The blazing oil has scattered D’Val’s men, and the barricade is poorly defended. You hear D’Val shout your name. His cloak and tunic are ablaze, and he is screaming for your help.

    If you have reached the Kai rank of Warmarn (you possess 8 Kai Disciplines), turn to 255.

    If you wish to help the captain, turn to 5.

    If you wish to rally the defenders before the enemy reach the barricade, turn to 86.

    This is turning into quite the wall of text! We do have 8 Disciplines.


    You must rally the defenders or all is lost. You order two soldiers to help the captain and then leap onto an overturned wagon in order to see clearly the enemy advance. They have already reached the ruined perimeter of Ruanon and are now creeping forward under cover of the broken cottage walls. You shout orders to D’Val’s men to defend the barricade, but the enemy are less than one hundred yards from the wall; you are afraid it might be too late to repel their attack.

    Turn to 186.

    Ok, we rally the defenders, then!


    The Vassagonian bandits break cover and charge, and you give the order to fire. A cloud of arrows sweeps down upon the armour-clad men, the hardened tips penetrating their scarlet plate. The first wave of assailants tumbles and falls; the second wave falters. Another volley forces them back, and they retreat to the ruins to reorganize themselves.

    Here and there, groups of bandit warriors have survived the hail of death and reached the barricade. Most are slain as they try to enter, but a small and determined section of their boldest fighters have broken through close to where you stand. Suddenly, a thick-bodied warrior with oily, black hair tied in a knot at the back of his scarred head leaps onto the wagon and attacks you.

    Vassagonian Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 18 ENDURANCE 25

    You can evade combat at any time by jumping from the wagon. Turn to 66.

    If you win the fight, turn to 243.

    I'll assume we won't consider evading until we're down to at most half our maximum E, and will just do combat automatically until then (unless there's some significant reason why we might want to, like a tight time constraint).

    Combat Ratio = 26-18 = 8

    Our E total = 26/26

    Vassagonian Warrior's E total = 25/25

    Round 1

    Random number = 6

    We take 1 damage = 25/26

    Vassagonian Warrior takes 12 damage = 13/25

    Round 2

    Random number = 5

    We take 2 damage = 23/26

    Vassagonian Warrior takes 11 damage = 2/25

    Round 3

    Random number = 2

    We take 3 damage = 20/26

    Vassagonian Warrior takes 9 damage = Dead!!

    Our E total = 20/26

    That was a little sloppy. Lone Wolf needs to brush up on his combat skills, apparently.


    D’Val runs past the wagon, leading a dozen of his best swordsmen in a countercharge and driving the enemy all the way back to the barricade. None escape alive. Those who survive D’Val’s swordsmen are cut down on the plain by his archers as they run towards the ruins. The shout of victory has barely died away before you are faced by a new threat.

    Turn to 124.

    Ok, what now?

    H+1 21/26


    A mantlet, a large shield on wheels, is being pushed slowly across the body-strewn battleground towards the barricade. Arrow shafts soon bristle from its thick wooden planks as D’Val’s men fire their bows time and time again in an attempt to hit the shielded foe.


    Suddenly a robed figure darts from behind the mantlet and levels a black staff at the barricade. He is cut down by an arrow, but not before he has let loose from his staff a guttering ball of flame. It cartwheels across the plain and explodes with a tremendous roar, hurling the bodies of defenders and shattered barricade high into the air. Through the cloud of dust and debris, you can see a line of enemy cavalry charging across the plain. They wear tall plumed helmets of polished steel and breastplates of deepest crimson. In the wake of the fireball they pour through the remains of the barricade and attack—they give no quarter. A horseman spurs his horse towards you, his lance levelled at your chest.

    If you wish to stand and fight the horseman, turn to 333.

    If you wish to run back to the watchtower, turn to 107.

    A choice! I didn't see that one coming at all!

    Ok, fight or run away and hide?

    H+1 22/26

  6. I tried to post this yesterday, and the forum refused to behave.


    You wait with bated breath as a line of haggard men file past your barely concealed hiding place. An escort of bandit warriors urge them forward, beating any who falter or step out of the line. Then each man is forced to take hold of a wagon and push it back along the tunnel. Soon they have all disappeared from view.

    You wait, and when you are sure that the coast is clear you step back into the tunnel and press on, taking care to keep well in the shadows. You finally reach a point where the tunnel emerges into daylight. To your left, a dense copse has been cut back from the entrance, and wagon tracks lead to a timber gantry above a mound of ore. The men and the guards who passed you are now at the gantry, but they fail to see you sprint from the entrance and dive into the trees. A brief pause for breath is all you allow yourself before setting off through the trees towards Ruanon.

    Turn to 200.

    That went as well as could reasonably be expected.


    The trees are alive with bandit patrols, but your quick wits and Kai skills prevent you from being seen by them. Eventually you reach the edge of the copse. You find yourself staring out across an expanse of open plain towards Ruanon. The sight that lies before you is very disquieting.

    Much of the mining town has been burnt to the ground. The blackened ruins of what were once shops, cottages, and taverns are now little more than smouldering mounds of charcoal. You are beginning to fear the worst, that Ruanon has been totally destroyed, when a gentle breeze clears the haze of wood smoke hanging like a grey curtain over the ruins. Inside the perimeter of ruined buildings, a barricade has been thrown up around a tower of stone. Above the tower, a tattered flag still flies bringing renewed hope; it is the sun-flag of Sommerlund edged with a band of white braid—the cavalry standard of the King’s Guard Regiment.


    The sudden crack of a twig makes you freeze. You glance behind to see three bandits creeping through the trees towards you. The wide steel tips of their spears glint. They seem to be coated with a clear, sticky fluid.

    If you possess the Kai Discipline of Hunting or if you have ever visited Gorn Cove, turn to 45.

    If you wish to fight the bandits, turn to 133.

    If you wish to evade them, you must run across the open plain towards Ruanon—eight hundred yards away. Turn to 307.

    Wait, Gorn Cove? Wasn't that where we were nearly poisoned? This seems bad...


    You recognize gnadurn sap dripping from their spears. It is a deadly poison. You dare not risk engaging in combat with these bandits, for the merest graze from one of their tainted weapons could be fatal. Leaping to your feet, you race away from the trees and run towards Ruanon.

    Turn to 307.

    I said so!


    From all along the forest edge, groups of bandits emerge from the trees, whipped and scolded by their bullying sergeants for allowing you to escape. This spurs you to quicken your pace, and you cover the first hundred yards with ease. Then arrows begin to fall around you. You duck and weave, making yourself a difficult target for the archers, and gradually the falling shafts dwindle in number. You smile at their futile attempts to stop you, but your confidence is soon shaken by a pack of snarling Warhounds breaking out of the woods to your right; they are off the leash and hungry for blood. You are less than five hundred yards from Ruanon, but the Warhounds are closing in.

    If you wish to quicken your pace and try to outrun them, turn to 225.

    If you wish to stop and fight them, turn to 36.

    Fight or (continue with) Flight?

  7. 291

    The passage leads to an iron-studded door. Placing your ear to the rough wood, you detect the sound of voices.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage, turn to 172.

    If you do not possess this skill, you can draw your weapon, open the door, and turn to 93.

    Alternatively you can retrace your steps back to the gallery and take the other exit by turning to 55.

    Er, game? We're behind a door. What possible benefit could Camouflage give us?

    We have it, anyway.


    You recognize the eastern accent in their voices. They are Vassagonian bandit warriors. There are at least four of them in the room beyond, and they are discussing what to do about an intruder in the mines. You decide that discretion is by far the better part of valour and return to the gallery. You make sure that you are not being followed and enter the wagon tunnel in the west wall.

    Turn to 55.

    Aah, it was the skill with languages. We made the wrong choice guys! Back we go!


    As you make your way along the torchlit tunnel, you pass several ore wagons bearing the same design branded upon their wooden sides: a cross moline above the initials ‘O.V.’. You recognize the seal of Oren Vanalund, the Baron of Ruanon, and it confirms the fact that you are heading in the right direction. Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps begins to echo along the tunnel ahead. They become louder, accompanied now by shouting and the crack of a whip.


    If you wish to dive into one of the empty ore wagons, turn to 161.

    If you wish to hide in the shadows of the rough tunnel wall, turn to 286.

    So, out of the balcony into the wagon? Or perhaps the shadow?

  8. We drop a Holy Water

    We get a Pickaxe

    I'm sure that was a worthwhile exchange...


    As you gradually descend into the tunnel, you feel a draught of cold, dank air on your face. The walls of the tunnel are composed of a glittering ore that catches the light of your torch and reflects it in a dazzling display of colour. As your eyes follow the dancing lights you suddenly notice that the floor is covered with pink fungi.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing and you have reached the Kai rank of Warmarn, turn to 4.

    If you do not have this skill, or if you have yet to reach the rank of Kai Warmarn, you can risk walking through the fungi by turning to 65.

    Alternatively, if you wish, you may eat some of the fungi by turning to 201.

    We do!

    H+1 25/26


    You recognize the fungi to be Calacena. The spores of these pink mushrooms are much sought after by illusionists and magicians, although it is said that they can cause terrible hallucinations and even madness. As you step gingerly along the corridor, you take great care not to tread or brush against the spore-laden fungi.

    The tunnel continues uninterrupted for several miles before eventually reaching a long, deserted gallery.

    Turn to 40.

    Whew! Lucky we had Healing!

    Wait, who in their right mind wouldn't pick Healing in Book 1?


    H+1 26/26

    Interestingly, we're on full hp on quite an appropriate paragraph. Now we're back to full strength, and can defeat anything!


    A line of empty ore wagons lie parked along a stretch of track that disappears into the west wall of this gallery. Above the arched tunnel, a flight of wooden stairs leads to a smaller passage lit by a sputtering torch.

    You stay hidden in the shadows, watching the gallery for half an hour before you are satisfied that it is safe to enter.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Tracking, and if you have reached the Kai rank of Aspirant or higher, turn to 349.

    If you wish to follow the wagon track into the west tunnel, turn to 55.

    If you wish to climb the stairs to the balcony and explore the passage, turn to 291.

    ...except a Tracking challenge. Ok, follow the wagon track or explore the balcony?

  9. It was two items. If we'd had two ropes I'd have had them both out of brackets, similar to the meals. Also, we have the flask from when we were given it by the redeemers a couple of pages back. My instincts say it's worth holding onto that, and it'll have a use later in the book, as it was a 'reward' for the successful encounter.

  10. Go to sleep.

    . . .

    -Takes out knife-

    GO. TO. SLEEP.

    OK, ok, we go to sleep! *backs away slowly*


    Extinguishing your torch, you curl up on the floor and quickly fall into a deep sleep. Many hours pass before you awake, totally refreshed by your rest. Restore 2 ENDURANCE points.

    Relighting your torch, you can now see that the hut is full of mining tools. Picks, shovels, and wheelbarrows are stacked upright along the far wall.

    If you wish to take either a Pick or a Shovel, do so and mark it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item. Due to the size of these tools, they each take up the same amount of space as two normal Backpack Items.

    Two tunnels lead away from the chamber. One heads west, the other south.

    If you wish to take the west tunnel, turn to 54.

    If you wish to take the south tunnel, turn to 129.

    Take either of the items?

    For reference our backpack items are currently:

    Backpack Items:

    1)Flask of Holy Water

    2)Potent Laumspur Potion (+5E)




    6)Meal of Larnuma (+3E)

    7)Laumspur Potion (+4E)


    So we'll need to drop something. Make sure to say what if you vote to take something.

    We gain 2E = 23/26

    Which way now?

    H+1 24/26

  11. what's the worst that could happen in an empty mine.

    If something bad happens to us, I'm blaming you :P


    The tunnel descends for miles into solid rock. You are occasionally startled by unexpected swarms of glowing mine flies or fluttering bats swooping out of the darkness, attracted by your body heat.


    You eventually reach a chamber where a small wooden hut has been built against the wall. You are now desperately tired and in need of sleep.

    If you wish to rest in the hut, turn to 322.

    If you wish to press on regardless of fatigue, turn to 162.

    Have a snooze?

    H+1 22/26

  12. 169

    As you part the dense foliage, you suddenly topple headlong over the edge of a steep drop and fall with a crash onto a wide forest track below. Less than ten feet away kneels a bandit examining the hoof of his horse and prising out a sharp stone from the animal’s shoe with a long, curved dagger. The noise of your fall alerts him, and he turns with his weapon raised for attack.

    Bandit Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 16 ENDURANCE 24

    If you win the combat, you notice that a group of bandits are closing in from the north. You spot them just in time to make a hasty escape.

    Turn to 123.

    Oh. Looks like we made the wrong choice.

    CR = 26 - 16 = 10

    Our E total = 19/26

    Bandit Warrior's E total = 24/24

    Round 1

    Random number = 9

    We take no damage = 19/26

    Bandit Warrior is instakilled = DEAD!

    ...Well, that was easy.


    Onward and upward, you claw your way through the wooded hillside. Your throat is dry and your heart is pounding as though it is about to burst, but you dare not slacken your pace. Four hours pass before you feel certain that you have outrun the enemy.

    It is nearly dusk when you chance upon a narrow steep-sided valley, carved from the hillside to afford access to a mine tunnel. For hundreds of years, the ore of the Maaken Range has been the blessing and the bane of many who have ventured here to seek their fortune: men have found wealth beyond their wildest dreams, but also men have perished without trace in its labyrinth of cold dark tunnels.

    You examine the mine entrance. You know that if you can find a major passage, you could trace your way to Ruanon itself. At the entrance, you find a discarded wooden crate, containing six Torches and a Tinderbox. The mines are dark and you will need to use at least one torch to light your way. You can take as many additional Torches as you wish, but remember each one counts as a Backpack Item, so be sure to make the appropriate changes to your Action Chart.6

    Enter the mines by turning to 315.

    The page has a footnote:

    [6] Unless you already possess an alternative means of relighting the torch later (e.g. another Tinderbox or a Kalte Firesphere), record this Tinderbox on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item. It is not necessary to record the one lit torch on your Action Chart.

    We have a Kalte Firesphere, so we can use that instead! Yay for not having to drop stuff! Also, we're going underground... Again.

    H+1 20/26


    In the flickering light of your torch, you can see that the tunnel is supported by a criss-cross of props and beams. The rock is damp, and a narrow rivulet of ore-stained water runs along the tunnel floor. You soon reach a junction where the tunnel heads off to the left and right.

    If you possess the Kai Discipline of Tracking, turn to 48.

    If you wish to go left, turn to 269.

    If you wish to go right, turn to 145.

    We do not have tracking, so it's an arbitrary choice.

    H+1 21/26

  13. Ok, then.


    You have barely taken a dozen steps when the old woman drops to the floor. A ranger shouts ‘Ambush!’ It is the last word he will ever speak. A razor-sharp disc of metal whistles down from the balcony above and sinks into his chest. Then, suddenly, the tavern is full of bandits, pouring in through windows and doors. Three charge straight at you, their battle-cries loud and savage. You draw your weapon and strike, beheading two of the dark-skinned warriors with a single blow. The third bandit is upon you before the bodies of the others have fallen to the floor.

    Bandit Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 27

    If you win the fight, turn to 75.

    Don't say the game didn't warn you... Also, we could have been using a quarterstaff or warhammer here, in which case 'beheading two...warriors with a single blow' would have been even more impressive!

    CR = 26 - 17 = 9

    Our E total = 26/26

    Bandit Warrior's E total = 27/27

    Round 1

    Random number = 1

    We take 3 damage = 23/26

    Bandit Warrior takes 8 damage = 19/27

    Round 2

    Random number = 3

    We take 2 damage = 21/26

    Bandit Warrior takes 10 damage = 9/27

    Round 3

    Random number = 5

    We take 2 damage = 19/26

    Bandit Warrior takes 12 damage = DEAD!!!

    That went less well than it could have done. Still, we won anyway.


    No sooner has the first warrior collapsed when another is hacking at you from the side. As you turn to face him, a spear thrust gashes your left arm and you lose 2 ENDURANCE points. You recoil in pain and, in the crush of battle, you slip and fall to the floor, which is already strewn with bodies. Then you glimpse an open door and crawl towards it.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Kai Discipline of Camouflage, add 3 to the number you have picked.

    If your total is now 0–5, turn to 192.

    If your total is now 6–12, turn to 16.

    We lose 2E = 17/26

    Random number = 3+3=6

    Luckily we have Camouflage. I have a nasty feeling 192 would have been an instant death.

    H+1 18/26


    You reach the door and quickly make your escape. The land behind the tavern is steep and heavily forested. Two of your men follow, but they are both badly wounded and cannot keep up with you. You turn to shout encouragement, only to witness their deaths as they are brutally stabbed to the ground. The bandit murderers wipe their blades and sprint towards you.

    If you wish to run straight into the forest, turn to 123.

    If you wish to try to change direction as soon as the trees hide you from your pursuers, turn to 169.

    Well, we lost everyone who was meant to be accompanying us, but we got out of the tavern.

    Where now, to escape the bandit menace?

    H+1 19/26

  14. ...

    Ok, we can ignore our discipline's warnings.


    Your men tether their horses and follow you into the tavern. An old woman stands behind the bar, her face taut and lined as if in pain. She wears men’s clothes—a shirt and chequered trousers. The tavern is empty, but the tables are covered with ale mugs, many half full of beer.


    If you feel uneasy about the tavern and wish to leave town, turn to 67.

    If you wish to question the old woman, turn to 287.

    Ok, talk to the weirdly drawn old woman, or leave now?

  15. I guess it's East.


    It is noon on the following day when you reach the outskirts of Eshnar. To the south, the wooded hills gradually ascend towards the magnificent snow-capped peaks of the Maaken Range. It is a beautiful sight, one of stark contrast to the squalor of Eshnar and the desolate Wildlands to the north. You ride along the only street in this dilapidated town and eventually arrive outside a large tavern called ‘The Pick and Shovel’. Your men are exhausted and badly in need of food and rest.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 210.

    If you wish to enter the tavern, turn to 132.

    If you decide to continue along the street, turn to 301.

    We have Sixth Sense. Also, wasn't this the place Captain D'Val's sword was found?


    You have a very uneasy feeling about this town. So far you have only seen women and children shuffling along the street; there has been no sign of any men whatsoever. The inhabitants all seem nervous and avoid looking you directly in the eye. Instinct tells you to turn around and leave as quickly as possible.

    If you wish to follow your instincts, turn to 67.

    If you wish to press on regardless of your instincts, you can investigate the tavern by turning to 132.

    If you wish to continue along the street, turn to 301.

    Trust our magically attuned powers of predicting the future?

  16. Wow. I thought I updated a day or so ago, but must have completely forgotten.


    As you reach the top of the ridge, a gruesome sight meets you. The bodies of men and horses lie scattered across the shallow valley beyond, their bones picked clean by the scavenging crows. You hear the gasps of horror as your men recognize the armour and tattered white uniforms of these skeletons, for they were once your countrymen, Sommlending Guards of the King’s cavalry. They must have died in battle, for the corpses of bandit warriors lie entwined among them. Forty brave soldiers, nearly half of the squadron that left Holmgard one month ago, now lie before you, and it is with heavy heart that your men set about the grisly task of burial. As you ride away from this valley of death, you are comforted only by the knowledge that Captain D’Val was not among those you buried.


    Turn to 120.

    They were dead men of ours :(


    After many hours of riding you reach a highway junction. (You have left the Wildlands and may once again use the Kai Discipline of Hunting to hunt for your food.) A large signpost indicates two destinations: south to Ruanon (60 miles) and east to Eshnar (40 miles).

    If you wish to continue south, turn to 33.

    If you decide to go east, turn to 92.

    South or East?

  17. Ok. We wander up to say hello. Why don't we leave the Sommerswerd in the camp, too? I'm sure we won't need it!


    As you approach they slip back their hoods to reveal two smiling faces. They seem relieved to have made friendly contact in the middle of this inhospitable wasteland. Neither of them speaks, but they remove amulets from around their necks and offer them as some kind of identification. The small wooden fish hanging on the neck-chains are symbols of a Holy Order known as ‘The Redeemers’, a silent order of pilgrims devoted to a lifetime of prayer and the study of the healing arts.


    One of the pilgrims hands you a small earthenware Flask that contains a potion of Holy Water. If you wish to keep this Flask, mark it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.

    Your men pitch camp beneath the marble canopy and preparations are made to get some sleep. You are hungry and must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

    Turn to 233.

    Well, guess what! They were good after all! Guess we didn't need the SS. Sadly we can't use Hunting, as we're in the Wildlands (see my previous post).

    We eat a meal

    We get a Flask of Holy Water

    Lovely. And there weren't even any battles! Incredible!


    Your rest is disturbed by the anxious shout of the night guard: ‘Awake! Awake! We’re under attack!’

    Throwing back their blankets, your men leap to their feet, peering through the teeming rain at the shadowy silhouette of horsemen circling the ruins. Suddenly an arrow whistles through the darkness. Your lookout screams and falls to his knees. ‘Form a circle,’ you shout. ‘Keep behind cover!’

    The rangers gather swords and shields and press themselves against the wet temple marble for protection. The sound of metal-shod boots on stone makes you spin around. A dozen warriors dressed in shiny red armour are clambering across the broken pillars. Two rangers run to block their advance, but they are felled by one sweep of the warrior leader’s broadsword. Then the warrior sees you and quickens his pace. His bloodied sword is raised to strike again. You cannot evade combat and must fight the warrior to the death.

    Bandit Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 26

    If you win, turn to 312.


    I take it all back.

    Combat Ratio = 26-17 = 9

    Our E total = 26/26

    Bandit Warrior's E total = 26/26

    Round 1

    Random number = 3

    We lose 2E = 24/26

    Bandit Warrior loses 10E = 16/26

    Round 2

    Random number = 0

    We are unharmed = 24/26

    Bandit Warrior is instakilled = DEAD!!

    Our E total = 24/26


    All around you the ruins echo to the clash of weapons and the screech of battle-cries. These armour-clad horsemen are no ordinary bandit clan; they fight with a discipline and skill unheard of among the lowly outlaws of the Wildlands.

    You step over the dead warrior and call about you a handful of your men. The enemy have surrounded your horses, and you must act quickly if you are to save them from being taken. You lead a charge through the ruins, piercing the enemy line. They falter and flee back into the darkness. However, by the time you have reached the temple perimeter, only eleven of your horses remain—the others have vanished.

    After much thought, you decide to choose ten rangers to continue the mission with you, sending the remainder of your company back to Sommerlund to report what has happened. As the gloomy light of dawn gradually fills the sky, you and your chosen companions bid a sad farewell to those who must march back on foot.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 0–2, turn to 120.

    If it is 3–9, turn to 51.

    Random number = 9



    You have been riding for over four hours when you see a flock of birds. They are black and very large and are swooping around the brow of a distant ridge.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship, turn to 227.

    If you wish to investigate the ridge, turn to 328.

    If you would rather ignore the birds and press on, turn to 120.

    We have Animal Kinship! This is our first use of it, in fact.

    H+1 26/26


    You identify the birds as carrion crows, a despicable breed of Wildland scavengers. Whenever a creature lies dead in the wastelands you can be sure to find a host of these loathsome predators.

    If you decide to take a closer look at what they are eating, turn to 328.

    If you would rather ignore them and continue your ride, turn to 120.

    Ok, so investigate the dead thing, or not?

  18. 290

    The ruins are overgrown with weeds and roots, but you can make out the shape of the inner sanctum of the temple quite distinctly. The huge marble canopy is still intact and will serve as an excellent shelter from the storm. As you tie your horse to a withered shrub, you glance up to see two men hiding beneath the canopy, dressed in long black robes. You order them to come out and identify themselves, but they neither move nor answer your call.


    If you wish to signal your men to attack the robed strangers, turn to 44.

    If you wish to try to capture them alive, turn to 102.

    If you decide to sheathe your weapon and approach them, your hand extended in a gesture of friendship, turn to 78.

    Hmm. Mysterious black robed figures. Do we try to kill them?

  19. We lose a bone sword. We gain Captain D'Val's sword.


    The food is delicious. You eat your fill and then make preparations for a good night’s sleep. At dawn, you and your company bid farewell to the travelling players and continue on your mission to Ruanon.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 25.

    If it is 5–9, turn to 171.

    Aha, a random encounter!

    We get a 0.


    After journeying through the rich wheat fields of southern Sommerlund, the view that lies before you now looks especially bleak and colourless. The landscape is flat and desolate, only relieved here and there by a ragged copse of stunted firs or mound of broken earth. (You have entered the Wildlands south of the Pass of Moytura and cannot use the Kai Discipline of Hunting to hunt for food in this desolate area.) During the afternoon, storm clouds gather above the peaks of the Durncrag Mountains to the west, and the roll of distant thunder warns of imminent rain. It is early evening when your scouts find the ruins of an old temple, less than a mile from the highway.

    If you wish to set up camp for the night in the shelter of the ruins, turn to 290.

    If you wish to avoid the temple and continue, turn to 141.

    Back in the wildlands again. Set up camp in the ruined and obviously evil temple?

  20. 182

    The wagons are drawn into a circle and you set up camp inside. A ranger is posted to patrol the perimeter. The troubadours construct a small stage onto which strides Yesu. He calls for silence before announcing the title of their play, ‘The Brave Warriors of Sommerlund’, a choice that meets with the hearty approval of your men.

    During the performance, you notice something very odd; not only is one of the actors using a real sword, but it is a type of sword only issued to officers of the Sommlending cavalry. After the play you approach the man to question him about the sword. He looks at you nervously and makes a dash for the darkness of the perimeter wagons.

    If you wish to give chase and have either the Kai Discipline of Tracking or Hunting, turn to 332.

    If you do not possess these skills but still wish to give chase, turn to 58.

    If you decide to let him go, return to your men by turning to 165.

    We have hunting! Let's use it to...hunt him!


    Although the wagons are shrouded in darkness, your Kai sense reveals to you the actor’s hiding place. You climb the ladder at the rear of a large caravan, push open the door with your weapon, and enter.

    Turn to 222.



    In the plush candlelit interior of the caravan you find the actor, cowering beneath a blanket in the far corner. You flick the blanket aside and ask the petrified man to explain how he came to possess such a fine sword.

    ‘I … I bought it in Eshnar,’ he stammers, his eyes wide with fear, ‘from the innkeeper of the “Pick and Shovel” tavern.’ He grasps the sword by the blade and offers it to you. ‘If it is your sword I have unwittingly bought, I am truly sorry. Here, please take it.’

    You grip the brass hilt and examine it closely. There is no doubt: it is a Sommlending cavalry sword, but the inscription on the blade makes your heart miss a beat: ‘Captain Remir D’Val—King’s Guard Regiment’.

    If you wish to keep this sword, mark Captain D’val’s Sword on your Action Chart as a Weapon.

    Turn to 165.

    Assuming we keep it, do we drop the Darklord Sword, or the Bone Sword?


    You return to the troubadours’ stage in time for a meal that has been prepared by your hosts. The steaming broth smells most appetising.

    If you wish to accept the meal, turn to 319.

    If you decline the food, you must now eat a Meal from your Backpack or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Turn to 13.

    Obviously we can use Hunting to avoid the -3 penalty, but it might be impolite to refuse. Then again, considering the last time we considered accepting a meal from a complete stranger we met while travelling...

  21. We drop the Effigy.


    You signal to the driver to stop. The wagons halt and a small, moon-faced man in a bright pink tunic throws open the rear door of the leading carriage. He shouts and curses the driver as he descends the ladder, pausing only to adjust the cummerbund that barely covers his huge stomach. Seeing your men, he lets out a strangled shriek and fumbles for a short sword hanging at his side. ‘Bandits! Robbers!’ he cries, and wrestles to free his sword from its ornate scabbard. A row of anxious faces appears at the wagon windows, but the expressions soon change to a smile when they recognize your Sommlending uniforms.

    ‘Calm yourself, Yesu,’ shouts an elderly woman. ‘They are Sommlending rangers. They will not steal your gold.’ Laughter ripples along the carriages as the little fat man suddenly unsheathes his sword with such force that he spins around and tumbles to the ground.


    ‘You must forgive Yesu,’ says the old woman. ‘He means you no harm. “Raider’s Road” has made him a nervous wreck.’

    You question the old woman, asking her where they have come from and their destination. You learn that they are a troupe of players and have journeyed many miles from their native land of Cloeasia in the east. They last played for the people of Eshnar, but it was a disappointing show. It seems that the town was as quiet as the grave; those who did come to see them were a sad and sorry crowd. They are now bound for Holmgard, and hopefully a more appreciative audience.

    ‘Light is fading,’ remarks the old woman. ‘Perhaps you and your men will camp with us tonight? We would deem it an honour, and would be happy to entertain you all with songs and dancing.’ You notice a hopeful look in the eyes of your men as they await your decision.

    If you wish to set up camp with the troubadours, turn to 182.

    If you decide to press on to Ruanon, turn to 247.

    It could be dangerous...They could assassinate us in our sleep... Yeah, right.

  22. No more votes? :(

    Come on, people, join in!

    Well, 0-4 we send in rangers, 5-9 we go in ourselves.

    1. We're being cowards.


    Your men push open the door with their swords and quickly enter. You hear a muffled voice, and a ranger soon reappears at the door. ‘It is safe, my Lord,’ he says, and stands aside to allow you to enter.

    Turn to 84.

    Now we look a little foolish. Still, at least we didn't go in with weapons drawn.


    In the dim light of the interior, you see an old man seated at a table. The flicker of a log fire is all that illuminates this foul-smelling hovel, yet it sheds enough light for you to see the clutter of charts and strange instruments that crowd the hut. The man slowly raises his gaze from a large crystal sphere and bids you sit opposite him.

    ‘You know my name—how?’ you ask warily.

    ‘The stars foretold our meeting long ago, Lone Wolf,’ he replies, slowly passing his withered old hands around the sphere. ‘Be not alarmed by my knowledge for I wish only to aid you.’ He produces a small scroll of parchment from within his robe, and he hands it to you. Upon the scroll is written the following verse:

    When the full moon shines o’er the temple deep,

    A sacrifice will stir from sleep

    The legions of a long forgotten lord.

    When a fair royal maid on the altar dies,

    The dead of Maakengorge shall rise

    To claim their long-awaited reward.


    You ask the meaning of the strange verse, but the old man does not answer you. He seems to have fallen into a deep trance. You lean across the cluttered table to awaken him and are shocked to see your hand pass straight through his body. Gradually his image begins to fade. Within seconds he has disappeared completely.

    You place the Scroll in your pocket. (Mark this as a Special Item on your Action Chart.) You quickly leave the hut, pausing only to wipe the cold sweat from your brow.

    Turn to 273.

    Ooh. A mysterious prophecy!

    We gain a scroll. Sadly we have to drop something in order to carry it. Here are our choices@

    Special Items:


    2)Crystal Star Pendant

    3)Vordak Gem


    5)Shield (+2CS)

    6)Chainmail Waistcoat (+4E)

    7)Blue Stone Triangle.

    8)Magic Spear

    9)Sommerswerd (+8CS)

    10)Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2E)

    11)Kalte Firesphere



    You have ridden less than five miles when you see a group of wagons on the highway ahead. They are painted in a gaudy mix of bright colours and drawn by teams of oxen. A huge tasselled banner flies above the leading wagon, which bears the following proclamation:

    The Famous Asajir Players—Troubadours to the Imperial Courts of Magnamund


    If you wish to stop to question these travelling minstrels, turn to 37.

    If you wish to ignore them and let them pass, turn to 126.

    Please ignore the fact that the player on the right looks like a terrible monster, that's perfectly normal for this illustrator :)

    So, which special item do we drop? And do we talk to the minstrels?

  23. No more responses? Ok.

    0-4 Mind over Matter, 5-9 Animal kinship.

    9. We get Animal Kinship.

    The consensus seems to be to drop the silver key for the waistcoat.

    We lose a silver key.

    We gain a Chainmail Waistcoat (+4E).


    An escort of five rangers accompanies you along the twisting narrow track that leads to the hut. The rough stone walls are covered with a damp moss into which is set a curious oval door. There are no windows. You have dismounted and are approaching the door when suddenly a man’s voice calls from inside the hut: ‘Come in, Lone Wolf, I’ve been expecting you.’

    If you wish to open the door and enter, turn to 84.

    If you wish to draw your weapon and kick open the door, turn to 205.

    If you wish to send your rangers into the hut, turn to 306.

    Ah, yes, we have companions. I wonder how long we'll keep them for this time?

    Of course, that may depend on our choice now.

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