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Posts posted by pi4t

  1. Panic running to the ARCH!


    Mainly because I'm not quite sure what an arch is. What exactly is an arch?


    Whatever it is, it sounds safe. It also sounds like it turns to a safe page. 381 is a very nice number. If you add it together, you get 12! A perfectly even and dividable number.


    See, if you add up 317, you get 11. An imperfectly odd and a prime indivisible number. If it's prime, it's probably a mime!

    And I HATE mimes.


    317 is, unless I'm very much mistaken, also a prime. 381 isn't, it's divisible by 3 for a start :)


    Also, do you really not know what an arch is? It looks something like this:


    Ok, the forum extension isn't letting me show it. If you really don't know, then just google image search it, and hang your head in shame at not knowing a perfectly normal English word. :)



    You run through the arch and straight into a black-robed palace

    guard. You bruise your ribs and the impact throws you off balance, but

    you manage to grab the wall to stop yourself from falling over. The

    guard lies sprawled upon the floor, but with incredible swiftness he

    draws a shining steel axe and lashes out at your legs.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Kai Discipline of Hunting, add 2 to the number you have picked.

    If your total is now 0–4, turn to 368.

    If it is 5–11, turn to 252.


    Yeah, yeah, we have hunting. Random number = 4+2=6.


    The arch wasn't as safe as we hoped...



    You whirl your feet away from the shining steel and narrowly escape

    being wounded as the axe bites inches deep into the polished stone

    floor. However, before the guard can strike another blow, you lash out

    and send the axe spinning from his hand. He screams, clutching broken

    fingers to his chest.

    You turn and run towards an open door. The air is filled with the

    sound of pounding feet, for the palace guard are on full alert; together

    with the Drakkarim, they are now bent on finding and killing you as

    quickly as possible.

    Beyond the door, a bridge rises at a slanted angle over an enclosed

    garden, joining this part of the palace to a needle-like tower of white

    marble. At the entrance to the bridge, a narrow stair disappears into

    the garden below.

    If you wish to cross the bridge and enter the Tower, turn to 396.

    If you decide to descend the stairs, turn to 215.


    It seems to me that there's one intelligent, sensible thing to do here. It also seems to me that we'll do the other.

  2. Run away!





    As you turn and sprint along the passage, a terrible roar of hatred and rage fills the hall: ‘Kill him!’

    You glance back. The Drakkarim are unsheathing their black swords,
    eager to obey their master’s command. You race down some stairs, through
    a silver archway, and along a balcony that overlooks the lower palace.

    The Akataz is nearly upon you; you feel its fetid breath on your
    legs. Instinctively you dodge aside at the very second it leaps. It
    crashes muzzle first into a marble pillar. A howl of pain leaves its
    broken mouth as you step forward and strike a death-blow; it will never
    attack again.

    You glimpse the grim silhouette of Darklord Haakon in the hall below,
    his spiked fist raised. A Drakkar appears as if from nowhere and
    advances, a sword held high above his skull-like helm. There is a
    deafening crack as a bolt of blue lightning streaks from a stone in the
    Darklord’s hand and comes hurtling towards you. The Drakkar lunges and
    wounds your arm (you lose 2 ENDURANCE
    points), but he now stands in the path of the bolt. In a flash of light,
    the Drakkar is gone, leaving only cinders and the rotten odour of
    scorched flesh behind.




    At the end of the balcony are another arch and a staircase.

    If you wish to escape through the arch, turn to 381.

    If you wish to escape by the stairs, turn to 317.


    Panic running to where?

  3. Ok, I won't listen to the other voice calling itself hammer01, and  go with the majority instead :)



    You hear a faint click followed by a soft whirring sound; the
    bronze door slides open. As you hurry through, the door clicks shut
    behind your back, as softly as it had opened.

    Instinct tells you that you have entered the chambers of the upper
    palace, the sumptuous private enclave of the Zakhan. You walk upon
    glistening tiles of opal and platinum, past sculptures and statues of
    pure gold. The door of solid amethyst ahead seems plain in comparison to
    the breathtaking splendour of this private world. Beyond the door lies
    another unique and startlingly beautiful world: the arboretum. A
    circular, cathedral-like arena spreads out below you, the green velvet
    canopy alive with the sound of bird song. Trees of every colour, shape,
    and size flourish in the deep, dark soil of the floor. The Zakhan’s
    arboretum houses a specimen of every tree that grows in Magnamund, and
    many species that are now extinct elsewhere. As you walk the wrought
    iron balcony which encircles the arboretum, you recognize the leaves of a
    Sommlending oak. You feel a sudden wave of homesickness, but it does
    not make you despair; rather it renews your determination to escape from
    this hostile, sun-bleached land.

    At one of the exits from the arboretum, you discover a Quarterstaff
    propped against the wall. (If you wish to take this, remember to mark it
    on your Action Chart.)
    The desire to escape urges you on as you leave the arboretum and hurry
    through a network of lavish corridors and empty, deserted vestibules.
    You reach a landing where a broad staircase descends to a massive room
    that occupies most of the lower palace.

    From the top of the staircase, hidden by the shadow of a pilaster,
    you stare down on a sight that freezes your blood with terror.

    Turn to 200.


    We were right! Wait, 200? That's the end of the first half of the book!


    H+1 26/26



    Upon a raised platform, carpeted with scarlet fur, sits the
    Vassagonian Emperor, Zakhan Kimah. He is robed in gold but devoid of all
    ornamentation. In his hand is an orb of black metal, and in his eye an
    ice-cold cruelty that chills your spine. The Zakhan is a man of awesome
    countenance, but he pales in the shadow of his companion.

    Before him stands the cause of your terror. A helm as black as death
    itself hides the face, but the stench of decay and a hideous sepulchral
    voice betray the identity.

    ‘Give me Lone Wolf!’

    It is the fell voice of a mortal enemy—a Darklord of Helgedad. As the
    Zakhan rises to his feet, you notice a flicker of doubt, or perhaps of
    fear, dim his cruel gaze, but he is quick to mask it. ‘He will be
    brought to you at sunset in exchange for the Orb of Death. It is

    ‘You have the Orb,’ echoes the chilling voice. ‘Give me Lone Wolf!’

    The Zakhan hides his fear well, but time is not on his side. The game
    of bluff he is playing is deadly. However, the fact that he has not yet
    been discovered is evidence of his powerful will, for you sense the
    Darklord is persistently clawing and probing at his mind.

    ‘You will get your Northlander, Lord Haakon,’ says the Zakhan, his
    voice curt with anger, ‘when you tell me why your servants defile the
    Tomb of the Majhan. You claim to have no need for gold and jewels—why
    then do you plunder the graves of our ancestors?’

    A deathly quiet fills the hall; only the unnatural hiss of the
    Darklord’s breath disturbs the silence. ‘This land, this insignificant
    speck of sand, harbours two small thorns that prick our skin. We seek to
    remove them both—forever. The fledgling Kai, Lone Wolf, is the thorn
    that denies us Sommerlund. The Tomb of the Majhan hides the other thorn
    that threatens us—the accursed Book of the Magnakai.’

    Your heart pounds as the words echo in your head. The Book of the Magnakai! Suddenly, the reason why you have been enticed into a deadly trap becomes clear, and the sinister truth is revealed.

    The Book of the Magnakai is one of the oldest legends of
    Sommerlund. With the wisdom of the Magnakai, Sun Eagle, the first Kai
    Grand Master, instilled the disciplines into the warriors of the House
    of Ulnar, the bloodline of your king, that were to save your land from
    devastation at the hands of the Darklords. The Book of the Magnakai
    was lost hundreds of years ago, but its wisdom was kept alive, handed
    down through generations of Sommlending warriors so that they could
    share the strength to resist their eternal enemies, the Darklords of

    If the Darklords discover and destroy the Book of the Magnakai, the secrets will be lost forever, and when you die, the Kai will become extinct. However, if you discover the Book of the Magnakai
    first and deny the Darklords their prize, all the wisdom of the
    Magnakai will be revealed to you. Through its wisdom you will become
    strong, strong enough to reach the ultimate achievement for a
    Sommlending warrior—to become a Kai Grand Master.

    However, the peril and the glory of the quest that lies ahead are
    distracting you from more immediate danger. To discover this danger and
    to begin the quest for the Book of the Magnakai, turn to Part Two of Shadow on the Sand.

    Begin your adventure at 201.


    Hooray, we can get Magnakai disciplines! We just have to get out of the palace of a ruler who's already captured us once successfully, while avoiding the darklord who's just turned up, then locate the resting place of an ancient book, in a tomb somewhere in the vast desert, and get there before either of the aforementioned enemies who already know its location. Simple!


    After we've done that, we can begin to reconcile our tomb robbing to the Kai's rules, and worry about what this orb is...


    Let's get started by leaving quietly, without being spotted.



    Suddenly, you catch sight of two warriors creeping towards you from a
    passage to your right. They are clad in jet-black armour and scarlet
    robes, and their hideous death-masks identify them as Drakkarim
    warriors. They are men, but they are evil men, as evil as the Darklords
    whom they serve.

    One of them holds a razor-fanged Akataz, a creeping leathery war-dog,
    straining on a chain leash. The Drakkar hisses and the Akataz springs
    towards your throat.

    If you wish to fight this creature, turn to 273.

    If you wish to try to evade the attack and escape, turn to 285.


    ...Lone Wolf, which part of 'without being spotted' did you miss?


    Fight or (nonliteral) flight?

  4. Don't forget the invisible personality who keeps telling the others what's happening!


    We get all kinds of stuff, while dropping some weapons and a blue stone triangle from book 3. That won't be useful again, will it?




    You sift through the vast number of items that litter the dais,
    separating the following articles, which may or may not be of use:

    • Silver Comb
    • Hourglass
    • Dagger
    • Healing Potion of Laumspur (restores 4 ENDURANCE points if swallowed after combat)
    • Prism
    • Enough food for 3 Meals (each Meal counts as 1 Backpack Item)

    Remember to make the necessary changes to your Action Chart before leaving the chamber.

    Turn to 58.


    Well, do we replace anything with this lot? I think you know what our weapons are, but these are our backpack items (which we'd need to replace with the other items):



    Potent Laumspur Potion (+5E)


    Potion of Laumspur (+4E)

    Meal of Larnuma (+3E)

    Laumspur Potion (+4E)




    You follow a straight passage of pale, rose-coloured stone, which
    soon ends at an empty vestibule. In its north wall is set a great wooden
    door, covered with engraved bronze plaques and studded with bronze
    nails. There is a curious lock set into the middle of this door,
    encircled by a beautiful carving of a long-tailed scorpion. A closer
    look at the lock reveals a series of Vassagonian numerals, numbered 1 to
    200, engraved in the lock. You recognize the design: it is a Cloeasian
    combination lock.

    If you know the correct number that will open the bronze door, turn to that section number.

    If you do not know the number that will open the door, turn to 156.


    We...err...don't know the code.



    After concentrating on the lock for several minutes, you realize that
    it is connected to an alarm. If you turn the lock to the wrong number,
    the alarm will be triggered, alerting the entire palace guard.

    If you possess the Kai Disciplines of Mind Over Matter and Sixth Sense, turn to 8.

    If you do not have both of these skills, turn to 98.


    We have both of them! And every other discipline, barring tracking.



    You channel all your Kai skill into detecting the number that will
    open the door; it is a strenuous task, and one that demands great
    concentration. Gradually, the image of two numbers—six and seven—begin
    to form in your mind. The image is hazy, and you’re not sure if the
    number is sixty-seven or seventy-six. You are exhausted by your efforts,
    and they have cost you 2 ENDURANCE points. Deduct these from your current ENDURANCE points total before choosing between the two possibilities.

    If you decide to choose sixty-seven, turn to 67.

    If you decide to choose seventy-six, turn to 76.



    We lose 2E = 24/26


    So, 67? Or 76?


    I'm sure it's 67. Wait, no, 76. No, it's 67. No, 97! I have no idea!


    Split personalities, work it out between you.


    H+1 25/26

  5. Well, LW's official warcry is 'For Sommerlund and the Kai!' Soo:


    'For Vassagonia and the old Zakhan who was almost certainly assassinated but sounds like he might have been quite nice compared to the new guy!'


    Also, apologies for allowing this volume of posts to build up before proceeding with the story. I didn't realise it we'd reached page 68!


    We heroically draw our...stolen weapon, and enter the secret passage shouting at the top of our voice.




    As soon as you enter, the panel slides shut, and you are plunged into
    darkness. You advance nervously, your hand held before your face to
    part the cobwebs hanging in festoons from the low ceiling. You are a few
    feet away from what appears to be a dead end when you tread on a
    pressure plate, which activates another panel that slides back to reveal
    a small chamber.

    Turn to 14.


    Cobwebs, and no giant spiders. Uhuh.




    You step into a perfect hemisphere. The walls of the chamber curve
    smoothly into the ceiling, where a small window casts a splash of light
    across the floor. There is a large circular dais in the centre of the
    room laden with incense burners, decanters, quilts, scrolls, cloaks,
    urns, and all kinds of fruit and sweetmeats. A drawer catches your eye,
    protruding from beneath the lip of the dais; you recognize the contents.
    You have found your confiscated equipment. Restore to your Action Chart all the Backpack Items, Special Items, Weapons, and Gold Crowns you lost when you were imprisoned.

    Elated by your discovery, you resolve to escape from the Grand Palace
    as quickly as possible. There is only one other door, apart from the
    one by which you entered the chamber, which is set into the north wall.

    If you wish to leave the chamber, turn to 58.

    If you wish to search the chamber for useful items, turn to 131.


    Our gear! We have the Sommerswerd back!


    Now to deal with the Zakhan who stole it from us!


    Before that, we do need to decide which items we keep out of what our current and old gear.


    We can keep 2 of these weapons...

    Darklord Sword




    ...and 12 of these 13 Special Items.


    Crystal Star Pendant

    Vordak Gem


    Shield (+2CS)

    Chainmail Waistcoat (+4E)

    Blue Stone Triangle.

    Magic Spear

    Sommerswerd (+8CS)

    Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2E)

    Kalte Firesphere

    Dagger of Vashna

    Gaoler's Keys


    So we need to drop 2 weapons, and 1 special item.


    Also, do we search the chamber?

  6. 171


    A panel in the alcove slides aside to reveal a secret, dark, and very

    narrow passage. A pair of footprints can clearly be seen in the

    dust-covered floor, leading into the darkness.

    If you wish to enter the secret passage, turn to 148.

    If you decide to avoid the passage, close the secret panel and continue along the corridor and turn to 158.


    Why are you even asking us this? Do we enter the secret passage, or carry on along the boring passage?

  7. Onwards!



    You pass several high-arched portals overlooking the east city wall
    and continue easily and safely until you hear noises drifting along the
    passage. The voices of hungry guards and the distinctive clatter of
    plates and mugs warn you that a crowded mess hall lies ahead.

    You are trying to decide on the best course of action when a patrol
    of guards suddenly appears behind you in the corridor. Quickly, you jump
    onto a window ledge and take cover behind the arch of a portal.
    However, the arch is narrow, and you are sure to be seen when the guards
    march past.

    If you have reached the Kai rank of Guardian or higher, turn to 62.

    If you wish to hide outside on the narrow ledge that runs round the palace wall, turn to 152.

    If you wish to attack the guards as they march past, turn to 124.


    We've reached that rank. Hooray?



    Instinct and experience warn you that it would be rash to attack the
    guards so close to a crowded mess hall; any noise of combat would
    immediately be heard by the soldiers inside. There’s now only one course
    of action for you to take—you must hide outside on the ledge running
    around a palace wall.

    Turn to 152.




    Yeah, that's a good point!



    You press yourself against the weathered stone and try to avoid
    looking down at the courtyards and gardens of the palace, hundreds of
    feet below. You bite your lip and wait for the guards to pass, but they
    do not pass. It is nearly sunset, and they have come to shut the iron
    grilles of the palace windows. You hear the creak of dry hinges and the
    click of bolts—sounds that send a shiver down your spine. You realize
    that you are now locked out.

    To your left, the ledge continues around outside of a dome; inside
    this is the mess hall. If you can only inch your way around the tower,
    you may be able to find an open window on the other side.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
    If you have the Kai Discipline of Hunting, add 2 to the number you have
    picked. If you have reached the Kai rank of Savant, you may add another

    If your total score is now 0–2, turn to 5.

    If your total score is now 3–8, turn to 38.

    If your total score is now 9–13, turn to 87.




    5+2+2=9! No problem! Wasn't worried at all! Honest!





    On the far side of the small tower, the ledge passes directly beneath
    a line of windows set high in the north wall. The sandstone blocks have
    been severely eroded by the strong ocean winds, creating many cracks
    and hollows which make climbing easy. To your delight, you also discover
    that the iron window grilles have yet to be locked on this side of the

    You drop to the floor of a corridor that heads off to the west. A
    wide staircase leads to a network of passages set with alcoves. Each
    alcove contains a bust or tapestry depicting past Zakhans and
    Vassagonian victories in long-forgotten wars.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 105.

    If you do not possess this skill, turn to 158.


    We have Sixth Sense. What does it give us?



    Your attention is drawn to a marble bust standing in an alcove, one
    of many standing along the south wall. A closer inspection of the bust
    reveals a hinge at the base of the neck. The head tilts backwards to
    reveal a tiny lever.

    If you wish to pull the lever, turn to 171.

    If you wish to close the head and continue along the corridor, turn to 158.


    This is hardly worth asking, but pull the lever?

  8. We drop a warhammer.

    We get a broadsword.



    Placing your ear close to the keyhole, you hear faint but horrible

    sounds. Screams of agony mingled with hysterical laughter and
    heart-rending sobs. The crack of a whip and the creaking of a rack
    confirm your suspicions that a torture chamber lies beyond this door.
    The terrible sounds make you shudder, and you waste no time in hurrying
    away from the chamber by the north door.

    Turn to 132.


    ...That was a door that really didn't need to be listened at.


    Poor door.




    You move quickly and quietly along the north corridor and soon arrive
    at another arched passage that heads off to the west. A fierce glow can
    be seen in the distance, and you hear the hiss of red-hot steel as it
    is thrust into water and the clang of hammer on anvil—the unmistakable sounds of a blacksmithy.

    If you wish to go west, towards the noise, turn to 195.

    If you wish to keep moving north, turn to 30.


    To the blacksmith?


    This was written quite a while ago, before we knew that blacksmiths will always, no matter what side they're on, not attack anyone but instead sell them weapons and armour...

  9. 155

    From the view, you judge that this window is set high up in the south

    wall of the Grand Palace. Far below you can see the buildings of the

    capital, in miniature clusters inside the white city wall. To the

    southeast lies Lake Inrahim, an immense salt-water plain that is

    completely dry and cracked. To the east, a road stretches across the

    causeway to the town of Chula, just visible on the horizon. To the

    southwest lie the barren, sun-scorched Dahir Mountains and the shifting

    ocean of sand known as the Dry Main.

    The bars of the window are badly corroded; it would be easy to

    dislodge them. However, the drop of several hundred feet to the city

    below means that there is no hope of escape this way. You climb down

    from the table and hurry along the corridor.

    Turn to 182.


    So...We know we're above ground, at least, and if we want to escape then we need to go down.



    You arrive at a high-vaulted chamber with a large, nail-studded door

    set into the south wall. A rack standing near to the door holds a Spear

    and a Broadsword. You may take either or both of these if you wish. To

    the north, beneath a beautifully decorated horseshoe arch, is another

    passage that leads out of the chamber.

    If you wish to enter the passage, turn to 132.

    If you wish to listen at the door, turn to 115.


    ...I don't remember getting this many weapons back in book 1! Ah well, swap a weapon for the spear or broadsword?


    Oh, yes, another 2 way junction. Passage or door, not much more to say?

  10. We get a warhammer!





    You descend the stairs and follow the corridor eastwards, taking care
    to tread lightly. The bars on windows high in the wall to your right
    cast latticed shadows across the smooth marble floor ahead. Beneath one
    of these windows stands a table on which rests a pitcher of water. Your
    throat is parched, and you stop to take a long drink. Restore 1 ENDURANCE point.

    If you wish to climb onto the table and look through the window, turn to 155.

    If you wish to press on along the corridor, turn to 182.



    We gain 1E (19/20)


    Look at the view?


    H+1 20/20

  11. 102

    A thorough search of both bodies uncovers the following items:

    • 1 Sword
    • 1 Dagger
    • 1 Warhammer
    • 6 Gold Crowns
    • Gaoler’s Keys (Special Item)

    You may take any of the above items. Remember to mark them on your Action Chart.

    The Gaoler’s Keys should be worn attached to your belt. You remember to

    lock the cell door before you hurry off along the corridor.

    Turn to 150.


    We gain 6GC.

    We gain Gaoler's Keys


    We also need to choose which of the weapons we're taking. Remember we already have a sword, so only have room for one more unless we drop it.




    The corridor heads north but soon ends at a junction where another

    passage runs across from east to west. Cautiously, you peer around the

    corner, but there are no signs of any guards. At the end of the east

    passage you can see a flight of steps descending out of view; to the

    west, you see a closed door.

    If you wish to go east, towards the stairs, turn to 93.

    If you decide to go west, towards the door, turn to 122.


    Well, this is pretty much a which way choice again.


    H+1 18/20

  12. Two updates in one day!


    ...Fine, forum. One update in one day and one 50 minutes after the start of the next day!


    Kill him!!



    Your attack is swift and deadly. Before the guard can scream for
    help, you have silenced him for good with an open-handed chop to the

    If you wish to leave the bodies and escape along the corridor, turn to 150.

    If you wish to search them, turn to 102.


    Search the bodies, or run away quickly before those guards our sixth sense told us about turn up?


    H+1 17/20

  13. 199

    You grasp the frightened guard in a secure head-lock and threaten to

    break his neck if he does not answer your questions. He immediately

    promises to tell you everything he knows. He says that the new Zakhan

    fears that you are an assassin, sent by his enemies in the west. He

    claims to hate the new Zakhan himself. He is only a simple gaoler, he

    says, and knows nothing more.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 39.

    If you do not possess this skill, turn to 9.


    We do have Sixth Sense.


    H+1 15/20



    The man is lying. He knows that other guards are sure to turn up at

    any moment. As soon as you loosen your grip, he will attempt to

    overpower you and raise the alarm.

    If you wish to continue questioning him, turn to 9.

    If you decide to kill him, turn to 78.


    Well, we didn't find out anything, but we may be able to avoid being attacked if we kill him now?


    H+1 16/20

  14. Sorry, I've been away from my computer for a few days. We take the sword!


    You stoop to grasp the sword, but as your fingers close around the hilt, the second guard attacks.

    Palace Gaoler: COMBAT SKILL 14 ENDURANCE 21

    Ignore all ENDURANCE points lost by the enemy in the first round of combat, for you can only attempt to parry his blow.

    If you win and the fight lasts for 4 rounds of combat or less, turn to 165.

    If you win and the fight lasts longer than 4 rounds of combat, turn to 180.

    Combat Ratio = 16*-14 = 2
    Our E total = 20/20
    Palace Gaoler's E total = 21/21
    *We don't have the Sommerswerd any more, remember!

    Round 1
    Random number = 6
    We take 2 damage = 18/20
    Palace Gaoler is immune to damage = 21/21

    Round 2
    Random number = 6
    We take 2 damage = 16/20
    Palace Gaoler takes 8 damage = 13/21

    Round 3
    Random number = 6
    We take 3 damage = 13/20
    Palace Gaoler takes 7 damage = 6/21

    Round 4
    Random number = 0
    We take 0 damage = 13/20
    Palace Gaoler takes 14 damage = Dead!

    That wasn't so hard. We killed him just in time, though.

    We get a sword.



    The guard clutches at his wounds and drops lifeless to the ground.
    You see that the other man is recovering from your blow and is clawing
    at the cell door to try to pull himself to his feet.

    If you wish to attack this guard, turn to 78.

    If you wish to overpower him and capture him alive, turn to 199.

    Another fairly basic question: capture or kill?


    H+1 14/20

  15. Well, they have unlocked the door already...


    No, it wasn't stylish. If we'd tried to run we could have heroically surrendered after Maouk threatened to kill the crews' families, and it would have sent us to the same section, but with a bit more of a glow of pride. And a chance of an instant death.


    We murder the guards!




    The guards pull open the door, and you spring into action. Your
    clenched fist strikes the first man beneath his bearded jaw, lifting him
    from the floor with the power of the blow. His sword drops from his
    hand and clatters to the ground close to your feet.

    If you wish to pick up the sword, turn to 4.

    If you wish to ignore the sword and attack the second guard with your bare hands, turn to 91.


    Well, this post was faster than I expected. Tactical or berserker?

  16. Welcome, James2k! Yes, if we die, we rollback and add a point to the dreaded death count. Currently we've had more deaths than books completed, so let's try not to die in this one, right? Right.


    We surrender! Don't hurt us!



    You are stripped of your Backpack, your Weapons, your Gold Crowns,
    and all of your Special Items. (Make all the necessary adjustments to
    your Action Chart,
    but note your lost possessions elsewhere in case you find them again
    later.) Your hands are tied behind your back and you are pushed
    head-first into the waiting carriage. ‘Back to the palace!’ commands
    Maouk as he climbs aboard and slams the door. ‘The Zakhan awaits his

    You fight to free the cords that bind you, but Maouk is quick to see
    the danger. He grabs your arm and forces a dart into your skin. As sleep
    engulfs your senses, you hear Maouk’s wicked laughter fading into the

    Make a necessary adjustments to your Action Chart,
    and list all the items that you have had confiscated on a separate
    piece of paper, for reference in case you should discover them later in
    your adventure.

    Turn to 69.



    We lose: EVERYTHING!




    were two ways the adventure could ultimately have gone here, depending on whether we were captured or not. We chose very...quickly.




    You wake up in great discomfort; every muscle of your body feels
    knotted and bruised. You force open eyelids clogged with dried sweat,
    and look with dread at your wretched surroundings. You are lying on the
    hard stone floor of a prison cell. Over by the far wall, beneath a
    window criss-crossed with iron bars, is a low wooden bunk covered in
    filthy rags. Cockroaches, some the size of field mice, scuttle along a
    foul-smelling gutter that disappears into a grating in the floor. (Erase
    from your Action Chart
    all Weapons, Special Items, Gold Crowns, and your Backpack and all its
    contents, but note them down elsewhere in case you should find them
    again later.)

    You discover that your hands are free and slowly pull yourself
    upright into a sitting position, resting your back against the cell
    door. A faint draught from the corridor outside provides the only relief
    from the stifling heat and bad air of the cell. In the distance you can
    hear footsteps approaching. Then there is a jangle of keys and the
    creak of hinges. A door closes with a dull thud. More footsteps; they
    are getting louder. They come to halt outside the cell door and a loud
    voice bellows out: ‘Sleeping on duty, Sefrou? You’ll wake up on the
    other side of this door if the captain catches you!’

    The chair scrapes along the ground, and a startled voice, full of
    indignation, replies: ‘Curse you, Hadj! The Zakhan doesn’t want the
    Northlander taken to the Grand Hall until sunset. You’ve cheated me of
    two hours sleep.’

    ‘Shut up, Sefrou,’ snarls the first voice, ‘and listen hard. I’ve
    just come from the armoury. Some interesting trinkets were found on the
    Northlander, worth a great deal of gold I’d say. Seems a pity to let
    them go to waste, eh?’

    The two guards chuckle greedily and discuss at length the good time
    they will be able to have in the city, once they have sold your

    ‘I’ll take a peek at our friend,’ says one of the guards. ‘I wonder if he’s enjoying our hospitality.’

    A spy-hole slides open above your head and you hear a gasp of shock.
    ‘He’s gone! He’s gone! By the Majhan, we’ll lose our heads!’ You
    suddenly realize that you cannot be seen so close to the door.

    ‘Let me see,’ hisses the other guard, eager to see for himself. You hear the click of a key in the lock; this could be your chance to escape.

    If you wish to attack the guards as soon as the door opens, turn to 138.

    If you wish to move away from the door and stand in the middle of the cell, turn to 85.



    Well, we're in prison now, but may be able to change that. Remember that we have no weapons, and will take a penalty if we attack them unarmed. Do we?

  17. I was, and am quite happy to continue. Unfortunately we seemed to somehow stop a bit under a month ago, with only Cows responding to the last message. I sort of sat there waiting for other people to post...

    Now, I guess we've had two votes and can carry on!

    We drop a diamond.

    We gain the Dagger of Vashna

    We gain Mind over Matter

    We also get a new map:



    For twenty-five days, the Vassagonian galley sails on a steady course

    for its home port of Barrakeesh, with only a brief stop at the Durenese

    harbour of Port Bax to break a safe but monotonous voyage.

    You use your time aboard the ship to good purpose, learning the

    Vassagonian language from the ship’s crew. They are only too eager to

    teach you, asking only in return tales of your adventures in the

    Lastlands—for many of the sailors, these are the most exciting stories

    they have ever heard. By the time you reach Barrakeesh, you have both

    mastered their language and won their respect.


    It is early afternoon when the ramparts of the desert capital are

    first sighted on the horizon. You push your way through the cheering

    crew, and join the envoy at the prow of the ship. Beaming with pride, he

    hands you a telescope and invites you to view the land of his birth.

    The sight is indeed breathtaking. You stare in fascination at the golden

    domes, minarets, and green-tiled roofs shimmering beneath the desert

    sun, and marvel at the splendour of the Grand Palace, which dominates

    this magnificent city. Then you notice that from every golden turret of

    the palace flutters a long, black pennant. You ask the envoy of the

    meaning of the black flags. Horror floods across his face as he snatches

    the telescope from your hands. ‘By the spirit of the Majhan! He is

    dead … The Zakhan is dead!’

    As the bad news spreads through the ship, you pray that the peace

    treaty will be signed and honoured by the Zakhan’s successor. However,

    the envoy is less than hopeful.

    The harbour of Barrakeesh is deserted save for a handful of citizens

    clad in black, and the only sound that greets you is the toll of a

    funeral bell, echoing through the harbour on this day of mourning. Then a

    horse-drawn carriage enters the harbour square, escorted by the cavalry

    of the Palace Guard. It halts, and a dour man in turquoise robes steps

    out to meet you.

    ‘A thousand greetings, Lone Wolf, I am Maouk, and I welcome you to

    our city on behalf of my master, his most sublime magnificence, Zakhan


    The envoy gasps upon hearing the name of the new Zakhan. He turns to speak, his eyes wild with fear. ‘It is a trap, you must … ’

    His warning is cut short by the blade of Maouk’s dagger. Suddenly,

    scores of black-clad warriors emerge from the shadows; they are

    Sharnazim, élite Vassagonian bodyguards. They close in, surrounding you

    on every side. You must act quickly if you are to survive this deadly


    If you wish to stand and fight against these overwhelming odds, turn to 36.

    If you wish to surrender to Maouk and his warriors, turn to 176.

    If you wish to run back to the galley, turn to 104.

    Not...ideal. So much for the diplomatic mission!

    Run, fight, or curl up in a ball and plead for mercy?

  18. Ok, Shadow on the Sand! This one's a bit unusual, as it's got 2 parts each containing 200 sections, rather than the total of 350 we're used to.



    The Story So Far … 

    You are Lone Wolf—last of the Kai Lords of Sommerlund, and sole survivor of the massacre that destroyed them during a bitter war with your age-old enemies, the Darklords of Helgedad.

    It is midwinter in your northern homeland and a mantle of snow lies knee-deep in the streets of Holmgard—the capital—when you are summoned from your monastery in the hills by a messenger bearing a scroll, signed and sealed by the hand of King Ulnar. You are surprised to read the King’s message, for it is a request for your help in solving an urgent problem of what he describes as ‘great diplomatic importance’. It seems a strange request to make of a warrior lord, whose skills are better suited to the field of battle than to parleying with foreign envoys. However, you obey the summons and upon your arrival at the capital, all is made clear.

    The Zakhan of Vassagonia, the imperial ruler of this desert empire, has sent his most trusted envoy to seek a treaty of peace between your two countries, and you have been asked to sign the treaty on behalf of your country. The reason for this is easily apparent.

    Less than a year ago, a renegade noble of Vassagonia called Barraka led his army of bandits in an attack upon the Sommlending province of Ruanon. This mining town and much of the surrounding land was overrun and destroyed. Many Sommlending lost their lives, and many more were enslaved and forced to labour in the mines of the Maaken Range. When the regular convoy from Ruanon failed to arrive at the capital, the king sent you to investigate. A great battle ensued in which you defeated Barraka in mortal combat. Without your courage and skill, the safety of Sommerlund and all of the Lastlands would have been placed in grave peril.

    ‘Your majesty, the Zakhan is gravely embarrassed by Barraka’s foul treachery, and is most anxious that our friendship and trust be restored. He begs that you send the Kai warrior, Lone Wolf, to sign a treaty of peace with him at the Grand Palace in Barrakeesh,’ whimpers the Zakhan’s emissary, as he kneels at the feet of King Ulnar.

    The king rises from his throne, barely able to conceal his distaste for the fawning envoy. He turns his gaze to you and bids you follow him to the privacy of an antechamber.

    ‘I have no liking for this desert realm, Lone Wolf, but I like the prospect of war even less. The Zakhan is old and frail, and has no son to claim his throne when he dies. Barraka was but one of many ruthless nobles who wait like jackals for the chance to seize power, and I fear they grow too impatient to allow the Zakhan to die a natural death. The treaty may not guarantee peace with Vassagonia once the Zakhan is dead, but it will at least buy us precious time to strengthen our southern border.’

    The king leads you to a window and points towards the harbour, barely visible through the falling snow. A Vassagonian galley lies anchored close to the harbour wall.

    ‘Go to Vassagonia, Lone Wolf. Sign the treaty and return quickly. Even with the promise of peace, I fear the shadow of war will fall upon us before the year is out.’

    You wave farewell to Holmgard on this bleak midwinter’s day, feeling sure you will return before the thaw. But as you watch the spires of Holmgard disappear in the falling snow, you have no inkling of the shadow that awaits you in Vassagonia.


    Basically Barraka was a minor noble of Vassagonia, so their ruler is offering us a peace agreement by apology. We have to go and sign it, and hope the ruler isn't assassinated too soon after...


    First, though, we choose one of the two disciplines remaining:



    Kai Disciplines Tracking

    This skill enables a Kai Lord to make the correct choice of a path in the wild, to discover the location of a person or object in a town or city and to read the secrets of footprints or tracks.

    If you choose this skill, write ‘Tracking’ on your Action Chart.


    Mind Over Matter

    Mastery of this Discipline enables a Kai Lord to move small objects with his powers of concentration.

    If you choose this skill, write ‘Mind Over Matter’ on your Action Chart.


    If you have successfully completed Books 1–4 of the Lone Wolf series, completion of Book 5 will raise you to the rank of Kai Master. This means that you will have acquired all ten basic Kai skills.


    I wonder what'll happen then? We won't have any more disciplines to choose from!




    Before leaving Holmgard on your voyage to the Vassagonian capital of Barrakeesh, you are given a map of the desert empire and a pouch of gold. To find out how much gold is in the pouch, pick a number from the Random Number Table. Now add 10 to the number you have picked. The total equals the number of Gold Crowns inside the pouch, and you may now enter this number in the Gold Crowns section of your Action Chart. (If you have successfully completed previous Lone Wolf adventures, you may add this sum to the total of any Crowns you may already possess. Remember you can only carry a maximum of fifty Crowns.)

    You may take your pick of the following items (in addition to those you already possess, but remember you may only carry two weapons). You may take up to four of the following:

    • Dagger (Weapons)

    • Potion of Laumspur (Backpack Items). This potion restores 4 ENDURANCE points to your total when swallowed after combat. There is enough for one dose.

    • Sword (Weapons)

    • Spear (Weapons)

    • 2 Special Rations (Meals). Each of these Special Rations counts as one Meal, and each takes up one space in your Backpack.

    • Mace (Weapons)

    • Shield (Special Items). This adds 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL when used in combat.


    List the four items that you choose on your Action Chart, under the heading given in brackets, and make a note of any effect it may have on your ENDURANCE points or COMBAT SKILL.


    I'm not going to bother quoting all our equipment here, partly as I'll probably go over the character limit. Just look at the action chart in my signature :)


    We're full up on all types of item, so if you say to take anything, say what to drop as well.


    So, basically do we want any of this equipment? And don't forget about choosing what to drop for the Dagger of Vashna.

  19. O...k, a new posting format. This may actually be easier, though I'll have to break the hyperlinks to the next sections.



    If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 122.

    If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 274.


    We do!




    As you raise your golden sword, the howling wind seems to rise in pitch and intensity. It claws at your mind, filling your head with terrible images of death and horror. Barraka sees you falter and strikes a cruel blow that opens a wound in your cheek. You lose 1 ENDURANCE point. But the sudden pain reawakens you to the presence of your enemy, and the combat begins.

    Barraka: COMBAT SKILL 25   ENDURANCE 29

    You are being attacked by a very powerful Mindblast. Unless you possess the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, your COMBAT SKILL is reduced by 4 for the duration of this combat. However, Barraka himself is a warrior who possesses formidable strength of will: he is immune to Mindblast.

    If you win the combat, turn to 350.


    Boss fight!


    We lose 1E = 25/26


    Combat Ratio: 24 (no mindblast) -25 = -1

    Our E total = 25/26

    Barraka's E total = 29/29


    Round 1

    Random number = 8

    We take 1 damage = 24/26

    Barraka takes 9 damage = 20/29


    Round 2

    Random number = 6

    We take 2 damage = 22/26

    Barraka takes 7 damage = 13/29


    Round 3

    Random number = 9

    We take no damage = 22/26

    Barraka takes 10 damage = 3/29


    Round 4

    Random number = 9

    We take no damage = 22/26

    Barraka takes 10 damage = DEAD!


    Our E total = 22/26


    Aand we win.




    As Barraka dies, the wind suddenly rises in pitch and intensity, filling the temple with a mournful cry of despair. You feel the chill, malevolent spirit of Darklord Vashna engulfing you in an icy embrace, but you sense that he is powerless to harm you. The sacrifice has been foiled; he is doomed to lament for a victory that might have been.

    Lying on the black temple floor is the Dagger of Vashna. As you pick it up and tuck it into your belt (mark this on your Action Chart as a Special Item), the evil blue flame flickers and dies. As long as you possess this evil blade, Darklord Vashna and his legion of dead warriors will remain imprisoned in the Chasm of Doom.

    You free fair Madelon from the altar and carry her through the corridors of the temple that lead up to the surface. As you emerge into the moonlit ruins, an astounding sight greets your eyes. Barraka’s warriors are running from the ghost city in all directions, closely pursued by an army of cavalrymen. The light of the full moon and the guttering torches that these horsemen carry, illuminates the sun-crest that bedecks their tunics. Word must have reached Holmgard for they are the Sommlending army, led by King Ulnar himself. Your countrymen praise your courage and daring, their strident cheers drowning the cry of Maakengorge, for once again you have proved yourself a true hero of Sommerlund. As you deliver Madelon into the waiting arms of her father, his overwhelming joy fills you with a sense of great achievement. You are indeed worthy of the title ‘Kai Lord’. You have succeeded in your perilous quest, but the epic saga of Lone Wolf—last of the Kai Lords—is far from complete. A new and deadly challenge awaits you in Book 5 of the Lone Wolf series entitled:

    Shadow on the Sand

    brdrtpl.pngbrdrtp.pngbrdrtpr.pngbrdrl.pngill21.png brdrr.pngbrdrbtl.pngbrdrbt.pngbrdrbtr.png


    Ooh, it copies pictures now! (EDIT: Ok, the borders mess up if I don't delete them. I'll leave this one as is, so you can see what I mean.)


    Also, we need to choose which special item to drop for the Dagger. It really wouldn't be safe to let it fall back into evil hands, after all...


    These are our options:



    Special Items:
    2)Crystal Star Pendant
    3)Vordak Gem
    5)Shield (+2CS)
    6)Chainmail Waistcoat (+4E)
    7)Blue Stone Triangle.
    8)Magic Spear
    9)Sommerswerd (+8CS)
    10)Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2E)
    11)Kalte Firesphere


    And with another book completed, it's on to Shadow on the Sand!

  20. *Winces*


    You have taken just one step into the cavern when a blow on the back of your head knocks you senseless. You were seen at the junction by two guards, who prepared this ambush for you. Your equipment is taken and your unconscious body bound by Barraka’s men, who throw you into a cell.

    You are unable to stop the sacrifice. When the time comes for your cell door to open, it is the bony hand of a skeleton that turns the key.

    Your life and your mission end here.

    Oops, we fell for both arbitrary instant deaths. Also, they were skeletons, not ponies.

    Death Count +1 = 5

    And we now have more deaths than our current book number. Let's try not to die next book, shall we? (Yeah, let's see how that works out...)

    We use our Kai powers of reversing time!


    The corridor ends at a flight of steps that descends a hundred feet into the earth. At the bottom, a short passage leads to a junction where a tunnel runs from north to south. To the north you can see a torchlit cavern with what appear to be observation slits carved into the wall; to the south a passage leads towards a low balcony.

    If you wish to investigate the torchlit cavern, turn to 177.

    If you wish to take a look over the low balcony, turn to 100.

    On the other hand a balcony could end up with a lame death like the cellar.

    I very much hope that this is wrong, or we have a problem.


    An empty feeling grips your stomach as you stare upon the altar and inner sanctum of the subterranean temple. Your Kai senses burn as if every nerve in your body is screaming a warning to flee from this evil chamber. Huge braziers of molten metal encircle a black altar upon which lies fair Madelon, the daughter of Baron Vanalund. She seems to be entranced—her breathing is slow and shallow. Beyond the altar lie two massive doors, a gigantic skull engraved upon their black stone surface. Out of your view, another door opens, and a procession of red-cloaked priests enters the temple. Their heads are covered and they each carry strange amulets of black stone. They file past the altar, depositing the amulets in a circle around the young girl’s body and then file out again in total silence. Then you hear the sound of a distant drumbeat; it grows louder and nearer. The measured steps of steel-shod boots resound in its wake. Barraka is approaching.


    Turn to 215.

    Uh oh...


    Barraka carries the stench of death and decay about him. He strides into the temple, his boots of Gourgaz hide covering both legs and feet, and slams shut the huge stone door with frightening ease. He stands in silence before pushing open the huge black doors engraved with the menacing skulls. Suddenly a gale force wind sweeps through the temple and your ears are filled by a terrible scream. Beyond the open doors, a pier of stone juts into the abyss of Maakengorge: you are staring into the Chasm of Doom.

    Barraka turns away from the windswept pier and walks slowly towards the altar. From a hidden scabbard he removes a twisted black dagger and holds its stiletto blade to the light. An evil blue flame runs up and down the black steel spike, flickering in the ice-cold winds of Maakengorge. The sacrifice is about to begin.


    If you wish to draw your weapon and attack Barraka, turn to 296.

    If you wish to distract his attention from the altar without attacking him, turn to 119.

    So, attack or be clever?

  21. Guards it is!


    You manage to reach a tangle of briars growing near the crypt door, and from here you can observe the Vassagonian guards undetected. More soldiers appear on horseback, riding into Maaken from the north. They dismount and approach the door.


    ‘Password!’ shout the crypt guards.

    ‘Lohn,’ reply the soldiers. The door opens and they are allowed to enter.

    Armed with the password, you decide to try to enter in the same way. Keeping the hood of your cloak raised and your Sommlending features in shadow, you walk boldly towards the guards.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage, add 4 to the number you have picked.

    If your total is now 0–6, turn to 198.

    If it is 7–13, turn to 338.

    Ok, maybe we can get in without combat! Camouflage, activating!

    4+4. I think that's the first time Camouflage has actually helped us, isn't it?


    Your bravado has paid off. The guards accept the password and allow you to enter the crypt. As the stone door is drawn shut, you find yourself in a wide torchlit corridor heading towards the east.

    Turn to 235.

    And on we go.


    The corridor ends at a flight of steps that descends a hundred feet into the earth. At the bottom, a short passage leads to a junction where a tunnel runs from north to south. To the north you can see a torchlit cavern with what appear to be observation slits carved into the wall; to the south a passage leads towards a low balcony.

    If you wish to investigate the torchlit cavern, turn to 177.

    If you wish to take a look over the low balcony, turn to 100.

    Enter the cavern from which we can watch the ceremony, or the balcony from which we can intervene?

  22. 0-4 we swap the spear for the dagger, 5-9 we don't.


    Ok, on we go then...


    You are at the bottom of the cellar ladder when the trapdoor slams shut and you hear a bolt slide across and lock. You hammer on the trapdoor desperately trying to escape, but your captors cover the trapdoor with a heavy oak cask and keep guard in the room above. Four days pass before the lock slides back, but the hands that open the trapdoor are bony and fleshless.

    Your life and your mission end here.



    The cake, it would seem, was indeed a lie.

    Death Count +1: 4

    Back we go, then...


    You roll the dead bandit over with the toe of your boot and make a quick search of his body. You discover the following items:

    3 Gold Crowns



    You may take any of the above items. As you are leaving, you notice a trapdoor in the floor. Opening it, you see that it leads down to the cellar of the building.

    If you wish to search the cellar, turn to 347.

    If you wish to leave the hut, turn to 258.

    We get a very strong sense that we shouldn't enter the cellar, and purging all thoughts of cake from our mind, we leave the hut.


    You quickly leave the hut far behind and press on through the trees. By morning, you have reached the edge of the forest. Staring out across the fields of tall crops, you see a small village lying at the base of a shallow valley. The fields are only separated by narrow tracks, which are alive with flying insects hovering in swarms.

    You are walking along the track when you suddenly spot bandits ahead. They are wandering idly up the track towards you, their spears slung over their shoulders.


    If you possess an Onyx Medallion, turn to 305.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage and you have reached the Kai Rank of Guardian or higher, turn to 49.

    If you do not have this Special Item or this Discipline and Kai Rank, dive into the tall crops and hide by turning to 159.

    We do not have an Onyx Medallion, but we do have Camouflage (and have, of course, reached that rank).


    Lifting your feet high, you step into the tall crops, taking care to part them first with your hands. You allow the stalks to close again behind your back before you crouch down and hold your breath. You have completely vanished from sight; it is as if the stalks have never been disturbed.

    The bandits amble past barely inches from where you hide, oblivious to your presence. When you are sure they have gone, you emerge from the crops and hurry away.

    Turn to 204.


    You bypass a village with orange-wood cabins and stone walls, and climb through the tall fields towards a wooded ridge. Beyond the ridge, you enter thick forest and discover a bubbling freshwater stream. You drink deeply and realize how hungry you are. You must eat a Meal here or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

    As night falls you reach the city of Maaken. The gaunt, weed-infested ruins of this shattered city are spread like a vast graveyard and bathed in the eerie light of a near-full moon. A sound fills the air like the wailing of lost souls; it is the cry of Maakengorge.

    It has been nearly two days since you last slept and fatigue begins to overwhelm you. Drawing your Kai cloak about your shoulders, you settle down to sleep; you will need all your strength for the daunting task that lies ahead.

    Turn to 142.

    Hunting prevents us from having to eat a meal from our backpack.


    Dawn arrives, rain-swept and gloom-laden. A pall of drizzle hangs over the ghost city and the gruesome discord of the wailing winds of Maakengorge makes you feel uneasy. You watch and wait, your Kai cloak drawn close about your shoulders to keep out the chill, damp air.

    It was here, during the Age of the Black Moon, that King Ulnar of Sommerlund killed the mightiest of the Darklords—Lord Vashna. In mortal combat upon the very brink of the abyss, the Darklord was slain by the Sommerswerd. It is said that his death-cry when he fell will echo through the gorge until the day he rises to wreak his vengeance on Sommerlund and the House of Ulnar. Your stomach contracts at the thought that this could be that very day.

    For five hours you observe and take in every detail of the ruined city. The first line of the strange verse keeps repeating itself in your mind. ‘When the full moon shines o’er the temple deep … ’ The temple must be underground and there must be an entrance to it—but where?

    You study every crack in the broken ground and eliminate all but two possibilities: a crypt door guarded by two Vassagonian warriors and a flight of marble steps descending into the earth between two columns of fractured pillars.


    If you wish to try to enter the temple through the guarded crypt door, turn to 183.

    If you wish to try to enter the temple via the unguarded marble stairs, turn to 270.

    So, guarded door or unguarded stairs? Of course, if they are both entrances, then it does beg the question of why the stairs are unguarded...

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