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Posts posted by pi4t

  1. ATTACK!


    Your first blow scatters the bones of the skeleton all over the chamber. It seems that it was nothing more than the harmless remains of an old tomb guard. A closer examination of the sword reveals that the blackness is nothing more than pitted iron. You lower your weapon and slowly climb the stairs.

    Turn to 36.

    Well, that was...disappointing.

    Hmph. At least we got a free use of Healing out of it.

    H+1 15/22


    You climb over fifty steps before reaching the archway. As you catch your breath, you notice that a billowing and swirling veil of mist completely covers the arch, hiding whatever lies beyond. You suddenly realize that the temperature is much colder around this archway.


    If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense and if you have reached the Kai rank of Guardian and therefore possess 7 Kai Disciplines, turn to 341.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, but have not yet reached the Kai rank of Guardian, turn to 124.

    If you do not possess the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, prepare yourself for attack and pass through the archway by turning to 264.

    Well, since we've played through the books from the start, we are Guardian rank, and we have sixth sense too. Yay!

    H+1 16/22


    You can sense the presence of a powerful life-force beyond the misty arch. As you concentrate, you suddenly recall a tale told to you when you were a small child, ‘The Legend of the Vagadyn Gate’. This was a tale of Ice Demons and how they once fought a war to be able to leave their world and come to Kalte. They were formless creatures, without shape and substance, and existed as pure energy in another dimension, beyond the confines of space and time. The Ice Demons discovered the Vagadyn gate, a sort of door between their world and Magnamund; they fought each other to enter this gate, unaware of the fate that awaited them. The Ancients had also discovered the gate. As the Ice Demons passed through the Vagadyn, their spirits were imprisoned in crystals by the cunning Ancients, who harnessed the power of the Ice Demons to build Ikaya. The M’lare bowls that light the fortress each contain the spirits of lesser Ice Demons trapped within. You also remember that the tale warns against destroying the crystal prisons: if an Ice Demon is released it will seek to claim the body of its rescuer.

    Forewarned by your Kai skill, you enter the misty arch.

    Turn to 264.

    Wow. Good thing we didn't break the M'lare bowl we swung over the hole on earlier.

    H+1 17/22


    You enter a massive chamber, ill-lit and icy cold: a hidden temple of the Ancients. The floor is made from slabs of quartz and granite and is littered with rock and ice. Your eye follows a line of tall pillars leading towards a sacrificial altar set into an alcove in the northern wall. Upon this altar lies a strange statue, which seems to be carved from smooth white stone. At its head and feet, black staves rest upright in holes bored into the altar stone.

    To the left of the altar there is a darkened archway, through which a flight of stairs ascends out of view.

    If you wish to cross the temple and advance towards the staircase, turn to 60.

    If you wish to cross the temple floor by stepping only on the quartz flagstones, turn to 168.

    If you wish to cross the temple by stepping only on the granite flagstones, turn to 244.

    Guys? Let's TRY not to smash the statue this time, ok?

    H+1 18/22

  2. 145

    The passage is short and you quickly arrive at another stone chamber. Ahead you can see a flight of stone stairs leading to a darkened archway high above. At the foot of the stairs, still upright and in armour, are the skeletal remains of an ancient tomb keeper. A large black sword rests in the skeleton’s bony fingers.


    If you wish to ignore the skeleton and climb the stairs, turn to 36.

    If you wish to attack the skeleton, turn to 278.

    I'm made nervous by the use of the word attack in this situation...Do we attack it and hope that it doesn't fight back, or ignore it and hope that it goes away?

    H+1 14/22

  3. And we were so close to full E, too...


    The monolith suddenly explodes, sending hundreds of razor-sharp shards screaming through the air. You are pierced by the stone shrapnel and thrown to the far wall by the sheer force of the blast. You lose 10 ENDURANCE points.

    If you are still alive, turn to 154.


    I disclaim all responsibility for that injury. It was entirely your fault :P

    We lose 10E = 11/22

    H+1 12/22


    You are bleeding very badly from a wound in your right leg. It seems as if the flow of blood will never stop, so you tie a makeshift tourniquet around your thigh. You stagger to your feet and survey the damaged chamber.

    The monolith must have been designed to guard against or ensnare trespassers. A powerful glyph, which is a spell of explosive power, was obviously placed on it long ago.

    You notice a panel in the north wall has opened to reveal a darkened exit from this chamber.

    If you wish to explore this new exit, turn to 145.

    If you wish to try to open the door by which you entered, turn to 242.

    Yeah, even trying to fight a massive stone monolith was probably not a good idea. Well, I think I know which way the vote will go, but do we finally try to get out or keep going along this route?

    H+1 13/22

  4. Well, I don't know. We are basically a fantasy version of jedi...

    Anyway, we stay.


    The door crashes shut, sealing the exit to the passage outside. Gradually you become aware of a vibration in the floor; but it lasts for only a few seconds and is followed by a dull click. Your gaze is drawn back to the black monolith. A crack has appeared in its surface. It runs the entire circumference of the slab and it is getting wider and wider.

    If you wish to prepare for combat, turn to 217.

    If you decide to press yourself into a corner of the chamber and take cover beneath your cloak, turn to 7.

    Out of the frying pan...into the fire?

    H+1 21/22

  5. 110

    The stone door grinds open to reveal a small, dimly lit chamber. A black monolith, eight feet high, stands directly in front of you. It is covered with strange symbols. You advance to get a clearer look, when the door suddenly begins to close behind you. There is no lever inside this chamber.


    If you wish to take a dive through the shrinking gap, turn to 283.

    If you prefer to stay where you are, turn to 256.

    Oh dear...

    H+1 20/22

  6. So, we're unanimously jumping over the pit of doom. Well, trying to jump anyway.


    The bowl creaks and splinters of stone fall from the ceiling as you swing across the black fissure, but you are lucky; the Rope holds and you land safely on the other side. With a flick of your wrist you retrieve the Rope and set off along the passage.

    You have gone only a few yards when you notice an arched stone door to your left, adorned with strange carvings. These carvings depict hundreds of skeletons entwined around smooth blocks of stone. To the side of the door you see that a lever in the wall is raised.


    If you wish to pull the lever and open the door, turn to 110.

    If you wish to continue along the passage, turn to 63.

    Well, that was...easy.

    Pull the lever?

    H+1 19/22

  7. Well, I guess we'll carry on. Sorry about the long wait, I guess DarkJames isn't going to post.

    We drop a meal.

    We get a rope.


    You walk along the passage for several minutes until it takes a left turn. To your dismay, you see that a huge fissure has opened, destroying most of the walls and floor of this new passage. The gaping hole is dark and wide.

    If you have a Rope, turn to 133.

    If you do not possess a Rope, you will have to retrace your steps and explore the other tunnel. Turn to 297.

    We do...

    H+1 17/22


    A M’lare bowl hangs from the ceiling directly above the fissure.


    If you wish to try to attach your rope to the bowl and swing across, turn to 201.

    If you do not wish to risk falling into the fissure, return along the passage and take the other route by turning to 297.

    This seems...pointlessly dangerous. Do we try and swing across the pit of death and possibly increase our death count to 4, or go back and go down the nice, safe, passage the other way?

    H+1 18/22

  8. Well, yes, but as we have hunting eating a meal would give us no benefit over dropping the meal on the ground (we bypass the penalty anyway by hunting and eating some kind of creature, maybe the kalkoth from earlier?). We also have to take the rope before the book tells us to eat a meal, so it wouldn't work doubly.

    We don't have to pick up everything we find, you know.

    Oh, and by the way, the options were 'east' and 'west'. Which did you mean by right?

  9. 38

    After ten minutes of searching the room, you discover an old fur Backpack and a long coil of Rope. You may take the Backpack only if you do not already wear one. The Rope counts as two Backpack Items, as it takes up extra space.

    Finally satisfied that there is nothing else of value in this junk-filled room, you leave and continue your exploration along the east passage.

    Turn to 237.

    If we want the rope, we'll have to drop another backpack item, and take up the empty space in the list too, to keep it. Do we?

    H+1 17/22


    You soon reach the bottom of a flight of broad stone steps that ascends northwards to a landing, thirty feet above. The centre of each step has been worn smooth by the feet of the countless creatures that once inhabited the lower levels of cold Ikaya. As you climb, you wonder how long you will remain undetected. So far you have neither seen nor heard any other living soul in these deserted passages.

    You have the element of surprise on your side; you now pray that Vonotar is unprepared for an intruder from the depths of his own fortress. You reach the landing and pass through an empty hall, towards a darkened archway beyond. Here, the passage splits and branches off towards the east and west. You are hungry and must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

    If you wish to take the east passage, turn to 92.

    If you decide to take the west passage, turn to 297.

    We have hunting, and this probably doesn't count as a wasteland. Moving on.

    Which way?

    H+1 18/22

  10. We get a silver key, and a Blue Stone Triangle.

    We drop a ticket, and a red pass

    Pull the lever!


    As you lower the lever, a stone door slides across and seals off the rubbish-strewn chamber. When you raise the lever, the stone door slides open once again.

    If you wish to enter the room and investigate its contents, turn to 38.

    If you wish to continue along the east passage, turn to 237.


    Ok, it shuts the door. How exciting.

    Ah well, at least it gave us another chance to use Healing.

    So, which of our other two options do we choose?

    H+1 16/22

  11. 280

    The Key is coated with a corrosive digestive acid that burns through your mittens and attacks your fingers. Lose 1 ENDURANCE point. You drop the Key and plunge your hand into the snow to ease the pain. If you still wish to keep the key, you can wipe it in the snow before placing it in your pocket, but remember to mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. You must now search for a way of opening the fortress door.

    Turn to 344.

    Ah. We're actually out of special item slots. If we want to take the key, we'll need to drop one of our other special items. (See my sig for our inventory)

    We also really need to stop putting our hands into creatures which we've just killed and which have dissolved. This happened with the Vordak, too...

    We lose 1E = 13/23

    H+1 14/23


    The fortress door is completely smooth; it has no visible lock, hinge, or keyhole. However, turning your attention to the granite wall you notice that one of the massive blocks is different to all the others. A small triangle has been cut into its surface.

    If you possess a Blue Stone Triangle, turn to 41.

    If you do not, turn to 147.

    Something tells me we should have looked for one at some point...

    H+1 15/23


    You search every square inch of the door and surrounding wall, but there appear to be no unusual features. You are examining the stone ramp when a loud roar freezes your blood. A Kalkoth has entered the ice hall. You turn to see the creature bounding towards you—its jaws are wide open, revealing its barbed tongue. You cannot evade the Kalkoth and you must fight it to the death.



    If you lose any ENDURANCE points during the course of the combat, turn immediately to 66.

    If you win the combat without losing any ENDURANCE points, turn to 84.

    Incidentally, 66 is an instant death. So the good news is, our poor rolling in the last combat shouldn't affect us at all. The bad news is that poor rolling in this combat will affect us. A lot.

    CR = 26-10 = 16

    Our E total = 15/23

    Kalkoth's E total = 28/28

    Round 1

    Random number = 2

    We take 2 damage = 13/23

    Kalkoth takes 10 damage = 18/28

    Oh dear.


    The barb of a Kalkoth’s tongue holds a powerful venom, with which it paralyses its victims before devouring them. The venom takes only a few seconds to act. Stung by the barb, you quickly fade into unconsciousness. It is a sleep from which there will be no awakening.

    Your life and your mission end here.

    Ouch. That...went badly.

    Death Count +1 = 3

    -1 Max E = 12/22

    Back we go...

    H+1 13/22 Hey, there's no combat in this section, so the rules say we can...

    Round 2

    Random number = 9

    We take 0 damage = 13/22

    Kalkoth is killed instantly = DEAD!

    Why couldn't that have happened in round one?

    Annoyingly enough, that wasn't even a falling mast, as it was possible to avoid that fight if we'd found a blue stone triangle earlier.


    You notice that the Kalkoth has a blue triangle of stone on a chain around its neck. Suddenly you realize the significance of this strange amulet. Grabbing the blue stone, you race back to the fortress door and press it into the wall recess. It is a perfect fit. (You may record this Special Item as a Blue Stone Triangle which you wear around your neck.)

    You become aware of a faint tremor running through the ledge on which you are standing, followed by the grinding noise of stone upon stone. The door opens, but it has only opened three feet when there is a loud crack, and it starts to close. Without a second’s hesitation, you dive into the fortress and hear the massive door crash shut behind you.

    Turn to 221.

    Yeah, thanks. We can have a blue stone triangle to keep, but have to drop another special item

    H+1 14/22


    The corridor in which you now stand is far warmer than the icy cavern outside. For the first time in many days, you can lower the hood of your cloak and remove your mittens without risking frostbite.

    You notice that the stone passage ascends to a landing where another passage branches off to the east. M’lare bowls hang at regular intervals along the arched ceiling, their unnatural light illuminating the carved walls.

    As you approach the landing, you notice an archway leading into a small room beyond. A strange sight meets your eyes. Ragged furs, pottery shards, and the debris of hundreds of years seem to have been thrown into this chamber. A large lever protrudes from the wall beside the archway.


    If you wish to enter the room and investigate the contents, turn to 38.

    If you wish to pull the lever, turn to 163.

    If you wish to explore eastwards along the passage, turn to 237.

    So, we have three questions at the end of this. One, what is our choice here? Two, do we keep the key and/or the triangle, and if so which special items do we drop in exchange? (Note that that's special items, not backpack items). Three, why did we die again?

    H+1 15/22

  12. 169

    As you reach the massive door, you desperately cast your eyes over it in the hope of discovering a way to make it open. The door is completely smooth; it has no handle, lock, or keyhole. The creature will soon reach the top of the ramp, and you are about to cry out in desperation when you notice a block of granite set into the nearby wall. It has a small triangle cut into its surface.

    If you possess a Blue Stone Triangle, turn to 41.

    If you do not, turn to 265.

    We...do...not. Uh oh.


    This strange creature is a Crystal Frostwyrm, a scavenging beast now living on the remains of the unfortunate creatures that have entered the cavern. Its hard skin is almost transparent, and its internal organs can be seen pulsating inside. A large mouth opens in the crystalline head to reveal row upon row of jagged crystal teeth. Your back is pressed to the stone door and there is no way to evade the monster. You must fight the creature to the death. It is immune to Mindblast.


    Crystal Frostwyrm: COMBAT SKILL 15 ENDURANCE 30

    If you win the combat, turn to 3.

    Well, that idea went well. Time to fight, I guess.

    CR = 24 - 15 = 9

    Our E total = 23/23

    Crystal Frostwyrm's E total = 30/30

    Why were we running, again?

    Round 1

    Random number = 3

    We take 2 damage = 21/23

    Crystal Frostwyrm takes 10 damage = 20/30

    Round 2

    Random number = 3

    We take 2 damage = 19/23

    Crystal Frostwyrm takes 10 damage = 10/30

    Right, we should take it down this round.

    Round 3

    Random number = 2

    We take 3 damage = 16/23

    Crystal Frostwyrm takes 9 damage = 1/30


    Round 4

    Random number = 1(!)

    We take 3 damage = 13/23

    Crystal Frostwyrm takes 8 damage = DEAD!

    Well, that was embarrassingly poor rolling on my part.


    You watch with a mixture of fascination and revulsion as each segment of the creature shatters and then slowly dissolves into the ice. Soon, all that remains of the Crystal Frostwyrm are the undigested contents of its stomach. To your surprise, in the centre of this mess of fetid flesh and bone, you can see the shank of an Ornate Silver Key.

    If you wish to take this Key, turn to 280.

    If you would rather ignore it and look for a way to open the fortress door, turn to 344.

    Ooh, loot. Do we take it?

    H+1 14/23

  13. Sorry for the long wait, I've been without power more or less for a few days. A mouse ate through some wires.


    The bone box contains a beautiful Diamond. Its many facets gleam and sparkle, even in the dim half-light of the ice hall. In Sommerlund, a jewel of this size and quality would be worth thousands of crowns. If you wish to keep the Diamond, slip it into your pocket and mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item.

    You can now examine the fortress door by turning to 52.

    We get a diamond! We get a diamond!


    As you climb the slippery stone ramp, the sound of cracking ice makes you spin round. The large mound of crystals at the base of the ramp is beginning to move. The crystals are alive! You stare in disbelief as the mound is transformed into a writhing mass of crystal coils. The coils unwind, and the ice creature slithers towards you.

    If you wish to evade this creature and run towards the stone door, turn to 169.

    If you wish to fight it, turn to 265.

    Fight or flight?

  14. And search we do!


    You discover that many of the bones scattered among the stalagmites are of human origin. Shattered skulls, skeletal hands, and rib cages lie half buried in the ice. You are about to abandon your search when a small box made of carved bone catches your eye.

    If you wish to open this box, turn to 218.

    If you prefer to leave it, you can examine the fortress door by turning to 52.

    Hey, a mysterious box. I'm assuming we open it, since we've come this far?

  15. Right it is!


    You have covered less than fifty yards when you arrive at another cavern. Lying upon a raised dais of ice in the centre of the frozen chamber is a Baknar, a fierce and carnivorous ice creature. It seems to be sound asleep and the remains of an animal lie scattered around the slab. In the far wall of the chamber lies another tunnel.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Hunting, turn to 279.

    If you wish to creep stealthily past the Baknar, turn to 23.

    If you wish to attack the creature, turn to 101.

    Guess what discipline we have!


    Baknar are known to sleep for up to three days after a feast. By the number of freshly stripped bones littering the chamber, this Baknar is likely to be asleep for many hours. You slip past the snoring creature and leave the chamber.

    Turn to 235.

    Ok. Fair enough, it got us through that encounter.


    After a short walk, you arrive at a massive ice hall full of crystal stalagmites and stalactites. The floor is covered with animal tracks and bones, yet the vast hall seems empty and still. You notice that the northern wall is a completely smooth surface of granite blocks stretching upwards to the icy ceiling, over one hundred feet above. You suddenly realize that you are staring at the foundation stones of Ikaya—you have reached the ice fortress.


    Partially obscured by a large mound of crystals, you can just make out a ramp leading up to a massive stone door in the fortress wall. Your discovery brings renewed hope. If you can gain entry to Ikaya and quickly capture Vonotar, there is still time to reach your ship, the Cardonal, before the pack-ice starts to freeze.

    If you wish to cross the icy hall and examine the stone door, turn to 52.

    If you decide to stop and search the bone-littered floor, turn to 115.

    So now we need to decide whether to examine the floor for possible loot, or not.

    Oh, happy Easter, guys.

  16. A close vote, but we stay.


    You discover a low passage that opens out into a cavern full of stalagmites. There are two exits in the opposite ice wall; both disappear into darkness. In the snow around the entrances of both tunnels are many strange tracks.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Tracking, turn to 75.

    If you wish to take the right tunnel, turn to 114.

    If you wish to explore the left tunnel, turn to 235.

    No, we don't have tracking. Left or right?

  17. Sorry, Cows, looks like you've been outvoted. Let's greet them!


    On seeing you enter, the two old men jump to their feet and flee from the chamber along a smaller passageway. Their screams of panic echo loudly throughout the caverns.

    You are very hungry and quickly consume the cooked animal, pausing only to spit out the bones. You then notice that the fire is burning in a strange, half-spherical metal bowl. The other half of the sphere lies on the icy floor nearby and you find that both halves fit together perfectly. When you open it, you discover that the fire still burns inside. If you wish to keep this Firesphere, place it inside your jacket and mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item.

    Return to the tunnel by turning to 132.


    Well, that was easy. We get a Kalte Firesphere.


    Unless you have just eaten, you lose 3 ENDURANCE points from hunger. You continue along the tunnel for over a mile, but you soon become tired and stop to sleep. You awake feeling refreshed, but have no idea just how long you have been sleeping—the light of these caverns never changes, be it day or night.

    You continue onwards, mile after mile, passing through a series of huge ice halls containing towering pillars of crystal. In one vast chamber, you are mesmerized by the beautiful sight of a shimmering crystal ceiling. But beyond this chamber lies an even greater spectacle. A narrow passage leads on to a ledge running around the brink of a huge chasm, over half a mile wide. As you edge your way around this awesome void, you try not to look down into its windswept depths, many miles below.

    You have been on the ledge for only a few minutes when a noise behind you makes you glance back. To your horror, you see you are being followed by a monstrous, two-headed serpent.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of either Tracking or Animal Kinship, turn to 229.

    If you do not have these skills, turn to 88.

    We do not.


    As the two-headed serpent slithers along the ledge, you can clearly see the open jaw of its second head and the yellow, curved fangs, dripping with venom. Peeling off your thick jacket, you wind it around your left forearm. You can now use your padded arm to shield yourself from one deadly head as you strike at the other. This creature is immune to Mindblast.



    If you lose any ENDURANCE points during this combat, do not subtract them from your ENDURANCE point total. Instead, pick a number from the Random Number Table. If the number you pick is 0–8, the Javek has sunk its fangs harmlessly into your padded arm, and you may continue the combat without losing any ENDURANCE points.

    However, if you pick a 9, the fangs have punctured your arm. The venom of a Javek is the most powerful natural poison in all of Magnamund. In a few seconds your heart stops, and your paralysed body falls into the abyss. Your mission ends here.

    If you win the combat, turn to 269.

    Ok. So, a falling mast combined with a battle. Original, at least. Let's not take any damage.

    Combat Ratio = 26 - 15 = 11

    Chance of us taking no damage = 4/10

    Javek's E total = 15

    Round 1

    Random number = 7

    We are not hit

    Javek takes 18 damage = DEAD!

    That was lucky.


    You reach a tunnel on the far side of the chasm and follow it for many miles. You eventually arrive at an enormous chamber, the ceiling of which towers five hundred feet above you. An icy wind, blowing through the many fissures that crack the ceiling, whips around the hall.

    If you wish to search for a way of climbing up and out through the fissures, turn to 335.

    If you decide to press on and look for an exit on the far side of the hall, turn to 182.

    Hmm. Look for a way to climb up, or are we happy down here?

  18. 5

    You can see two men in ragged clothes, huddled together beside a fire that seems to be burning inside a small metal bowl. Over the flames, the skinned carcass of a small animal is roasting on a spit. The men are old and toothless, and they have a strange glint of madness in their slanted eyes.


    If you wish to approach them and ask for some of their food, turn to 295.

    If you wish to attack them, turn to 14.

    If you wish to ignore them and continue on your way, turn to 132.


    Yeah. It wasn't a trap, just that these tunnels are inhabited. Shall we 'say hello'?

  19. A standoff. Been a while since we've had one of those. 0-4 give back, 5-9 keep.

    0. That's that decided then.


    Letting the boy go free at the last possible moment, you grab the sledge whip and lash the dogs, driving them for everything they are worth. On all sides, flurries of arrows whistle past you and several thud into the framework of the empty sledge. A couple of the Ice Barbarian scouts give chase, but your dog team is now much faster and you soon outdistance even their arrows.

    By nightfall, you reach the very edge of the Viad Mountains. This vast granite range rises sheer out of the ice and snow and presents you with an impassable barrier on such a moonless night. Meanwhile a wind arises in the west, heralding a night squall. You must find shelter or you will surely perish in the blizzard.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of either Tracking or Sixth Sense, turn to 348.

    If you do not have either of these skills, you can look for shelter towards the north by turning to 27.

    If you prefer, you can search towards the south by turning to 314.

    Yes, we have Sixth Sense. Quite a useful discipline, isn't it?


    Your Kai Discipline reveals to you that there is a network of caves less than a couple of hundred yards to the south. You abandon the sledge and search southwards.

    Turn to 314.

    Hooray for Sixth Sense!


    You have explored only a hundred yards of the rock-face when you discover a large fissure—the entrance to a cave. In your eagerness to escape from the bitter wind you quickly enter and, in the darkness, fail to notice the crevasse that divides this cave in two. In a tumble of ice and stone, you fall head-first into the dark.

    Turn to 240.


    I take back my earlier remark.


    You fall over thirty feet and land flat on your back in the snow-filled crevasse. You are surrounded by sharp stalagmites and jagged ice, but you have miraculously escaped death and injury. Shaken, but thankful to be alive, you stagger to your feet and grasp a crystal stalagmite for support. You slowly become aware that you can see your hands quite clearly. A faint light is seeping from a fissure to your left. With curiosity getting the better of your natural caution, you stagger across the crevasse floor and explore this mysterious cave.

    Turn to 284.

    Well, we survived (without injury, even), but we're now stuck underground. This is all our guides' fault, dying on us like that.


    After a few hundred yards, you find yourself in a huge cavern that spreads out in all directions as far as the eye can see. You have entered the caverns of Kalte and are now looking at an uncharted world that few Sommlending have ever seen. This massive underground labyrinth was constructed by the Ancients many ages before the Sommlending set foot in Magnamund. Its wide avenues, temples, and arenas once echoed to the sounds of a race of creatures for whom the ice was a natural home. M’lare bowls still hang from the ceiling bathing the caverns in their eternal light.

    You trek steadily northwards for nearly six hours, until you arrive at the bank of a fast-flowing melt-water river. On the opposite bank, you see a tunnel leading off into the distance. You can find no apparent way of crossing the deep water, except by using the ice-floes bobbing up and down on the surface. By jumping from one floe to the next, you could get to the opposite bank, but it will not be easy. You will have to jump at least three of the icy slabs to reach the other side.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Kai Discipline of Hunting, you may add 2 to the number you have picked. If your current ENDURANCE points total is less than 8, deduct 2 from the number you have picked.

    If your total score is now −2–+3, turn to 94.

    If your total score is now 4–11, turn to 176.

    Ah, yes, an early example of Hunting being used to give increased agility. And a random number pick that looks suspiciously like a falling mast (we can still fail if we get a 0 or 1).

    4 + 2 = 6


    Running for the tunnel entrance, you quickly leave the icy river far behind. You follow the tunnel for countless hours as it bends its way northwards. It becomes impossible to recall what hour of the day it is; the perpetual half-light of these caverns never changes. Through fissures in the wall of the tunnel, you catch glimpses of other chambers, and you marvel at the sheer scale of the labyrinth.

    You are nearly asleep on your feet when you suddenly detect the aroma of cooked meat. It is coming from a chamber just a few yards ahead to your right. You are very hungry and must soon eat.

    If you wish to investigate the chamber, turn to 5.

    If you wish to ignore the chamber and continue, turn to 132.

    So, an interesting chamber which may or may not contain incredible loot, and quite probably contains some form of food. Investigate?

    Incidentally, if we'd failed the check, we wouldn't have been instantly killed, but we would have had a 3/10 chance of dying on the section we were sent to.

  20. Sorry about the long wait, I was waiting for Darkjames to post.

    Hostage time!


    The child kicks and bites at your arm like a wild animal.

    If you possess the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 71.

    Otherwise, pick a number from the Random Number Table to see if you manage to hang on to him.

    If the number you have picked is 0–6, turn to 320.

    If the number you have picked is 7–9, turn to 140.

    We have Sixth Sense!

    H+1 21/23


    You can sense that the Ice Barbarian child has a bone dagger hidden in his boot. He is trying to reach it so that he can attack you.

    Forewarned by your Kai sense, turn to 320.

    Not very nice, is he? I guess this means that forewarned is foredisarmed.

    Sorry, that was a terrible joke. *hangs head in shame*

    H+1 22/23


    You manage to hang on to the struggling child, and remove a bone dagger from his boot to prevent him stabbing you in the back.

    The Ice Barbarians have drawn themselves up into a circle around you, but they dare not attack while you are holding one of their children as a hostage. Holding the bone dagger to the child’s throat, you slowly inch your way towards the sledge. You soon realize that you will never be able to outdistance them on a loaded sledge. You will have to think of something—and quickly.


    If you wish to cut the equipment loose, free the Ice Barbarian child, and escape on the unloaded sledge, turn to 190.

    If you wish to cut loose the equipment but keep the boy with you as a hostage during your escape, turn to 33.

    So, are we keeping the kidnapped boy, or giving him back?

    H+1 23/23

  21. I think that was 4 votes for fight.


    As the Ice Barbarian scout is on skis, you will only be able to fight one round of combat before the momentum of his attack carries him past you.

    Ice Barbarian Scout: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 28

    If you sustain a higher ENDURANCE point loss than the enemy in this one round of combat, turn to 165.

    If the Ice Barbarian scout loses more ENDURANCE points than you in this one round of combat, turn to 271.

    If you both lose exactly the same number of ENDURANCE points in this one round of combat, turn to 337.

    Shouldn't be too hard.

    CR = 26-20 = 6

    Our E total = 23/23

    Ice Barbarian Scout's E total = 28/28

    Round 1

    Random number = 1 (oh, no)

    We take 4 damage = 19/23

    Ice Barbarian Scout takes 6 damage = 22/28

    Wait what? We actually had a high enough CR to be guaranteed to deal more damage than we took!


    Your attack has caused the Ice Barbarian scout to lose his balance. He tumbles in a flurry of snow and broken skis. The fur-clad child rolls clear of his father’s backpack and lies face downwards in the snow, less, than ten feet away.

    The Ice Barbarian scout is badly dazed by the fall, but is already attempting to stagger to his feet.

    If you wish to attack the Ice Barbarian scout before he fully regains his senses, turn to 241.

    If you wish to grab the child as a hostage and try to escape, turn to 262.

    Decisions, decisions...

    H+1 20/23

  22. Forum just swallowed my half written post, thanks for that...


    You gingerly inch your way back to the rear of the sledge—but you hear the cracking of ice as the crevasse opens wider and wider. ‘Jump!’ shouts Fenor, as the sledge topples into the widening void.

    You steady yourself to try to leap to safety but your left foot becomes entangled in the ropes and equipment.

    If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 43.

    If you have the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn to 121.

    If you possess neither of the above, pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 1–4, turn to 226.

    If the number is 5–9, turn to 266.

    If the number is 0, turn to 312.

    Yay, apparently the SS has even more powers which we don't know about!


    You unsheathe the golden sword and sever the ropes with one blow. Your foot is free, and you leap from the sledge barely seconds before it disappears into the crevasse. Quickly, Fenor runs to your side and pulls you away from the crumbling edge. You have lost your Kanu-dogs, your sledge, and provisions, but not your life. You both jump the widening gap and join the others.

    Despite the loss of equipment, your guides agree to continue the mission even though they know that the hardships will now be far greater. In the distance, you can see a narrow passage at the edge of the ice shelf where it joins the Hrod Basin. By nightfall, you have reached the shelter of this narrow pass and you decide to set up camp.

    You make a check of the remaining food stores and realize that rations will have to be cut by half if you are all to reach Ikaya. You lose 1 ENDURANCE point due to the small evening meal.

    Turn to 325.

    Oh. So we just used it as a glorified knife. Couldn't any sword have been used for that? Or, say, an axe? Oh well.

    We lose 1E = 22/23

    H+1 23/23

    Oh I love Healing...


    The next morning arrives bright and windless. The sun pierces the thin layer of cloud, bathing the east in a soft pink glow. This beautiful vision reminds you that your Kai masters once told you that the light of Kalte is unlike anywhere else in Magnamund. With tent and equipment packed, you leave the pass and venture out onto the Hrod Basin; one hundred miles of open ice now lie between you and Storm Giant Pass.

    At first, the journey is easy. The Basin has been worn smooth by the wind and no crevasses lurk unseen beneath the hard, dense snow. But at dawn on the third day, events take a turn for the worse. You are awoken from a deep sleep by Dyce shaking your shoulder. He is frightened. ‘What’s wrong?’ you ask, still bleary-eyed and sleepy.

    ‘Ice Barbarians … on the horizon. Twenty, maybe more. Five wind sledges and a warrior escort. I think they’ve seen us.’

    In an instant, you have all climbed out of your sleeping furs and begun to pack away the tent. Dyce is correct, they are Ice Barbarians and they are heading towards you from the west. ‘If they catch us, we’re as good as dead,’ says Fenor, as he ties the last of the equipment to the sledge.

    The Ice Barbarians of Kalte are a fierce and war-like race of nomads. For thousands of years they have travelled this icy wasteland, trapping furs and herding mammoths. Their only contact with the rest of Magnamund is through the trading post of Ljuk. In summer, when the coast around Ljuk is free from ice, they journey there to trade their furs for weapons and tools, as there is no iron or wood in Kalte. They hate all except their own kind, and kill anyone they find who dares to trespass in their icy domain. You soon hear their war-cries less than three miles distant, and for the first time since you landed, you pray for a blizzard to hide your escape.

    Turn to 216.

    On the plus side, we just made a journey of 80 miles in 3 days. 27 miles per day in hostile conditions, not bad. I'm pretty sure it's faster than that cart last book, for a start...

    On the other hand, we may now have to slaughter some innocent(ish) ice barbarians.


    You have covered less than a mile when the first of the Ice Barbarian scouts appear to the north on skis. At first, there are only two of the fearsome warriors, but they are soon joined by three others. They are large, muscular, and bedecked with furs. Some of them wear bone armour. Despite their size, they glide across the snow with an almost feline grace and speed. Each of them has a pole attached to his back from which a small flag flutters.

    Suddenly, a bone-tipped arrow whistles past your knee and embeds itself in the sledge. An Ice Barbarian scout skis past to your right. He is less than ten yards away and you can clearly see his slanted eyes and sharp cheek-bones. You suddenly realize that what you had mistaken for muscle and fur is in fact an Ice Barbarian child. Each scout is carrying a large backpack containing a small child. These children are armed with small bone bows, and they fire a constant stream of arrows as their fathers ski nearer and nearer.


    Suddenly Irian falls, an arrow buried in his back. Dyce runs to his aid but is shot down before he has taken a dozen steps. Fenor is hit. An arrow passes straight through his throat. He bravely staggers on for nearly a minute before collapsing in the snow. You are on your own. An Ice Barbarian scout skis past to your left and returns towards you head on. He has a spear under one arm, which is levelled at your chest.

    If you wish to fight the Ice Barbarian scout, turn to 158.

    If you wish to try to escape, turn to 149.

    Well, there go some more NPCs who did nothing wrong except follow us...

    So, get revenge or try to escape?

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