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Everything posted by Eryc

  1. ((Sorry about the wait, the leaders of the guild are quite busy at the moment and with the map reset coming so soon, things are being discussed about the new castle in a different private conversation which is taking up the little time they have. The problem I have is that I don't know whether I can accept you with the, admittedly, rather brief application you gave and the fact that I haven't met you in-game. If I knew a bit more about you I could probably accept you, but if you look at Malanor, i think it was, he had a good sizeable bit of writing. It doesn't take to long to write and it shows you will be more committed than some of the other applicants that we have been getting who give applications of similar size to yours, who subsequently stick around in the guild for about half an hour. We simply don't have the capabilities to house hundreds (exaggeration) of recruits who aren't actually doing anything for the guild. Most of us have also been on holiday abroad. To summarise, we are pretty busy at the moment with the map reset and the big plans we have for the new castle, meaning that we can't spend as much time as we want on new recruits. I am sure that if you provided a tiny bit more background lore we would know more about who you are, what you do and how we could use you, we would surely accept you due to the need for committed players. If you do decide to forgive the pure lack of time that we have, I am sure that you could help us to set up the new guild at the map reset, what with the need to raise the walls as soon as possible and set up the training and testing grounds. This would be a great opportunity to show that you are willing to show commitment.))
  2. Vote 2/2, you're accepted! ((Due to the reset and whatnot, we may not be able to spend as much time as we want or should on new recruits, if you want to help us get running sooner, feel free to come and mine some stone or build some walls etc. Once the base walls are up, I, for one, will begin work on training grounds and testing grounds. (first of all for the rangers, because I'm a ranger lol). To start off with we may need quite a bit of food, so fishing would be a great help!)) ((P.S. Would you consider being a ranger? (we use swords too, we're just more focused on tracking, scouting and assassinations, bows usually come to be more useful in these circumstances, so most of us will probably be archers though) :P)) ((P.P.S. The rangers are still part of the knights of the north))
  3. ((You need to work on you iPad typing skills lol. (I find using autocorrect and slamming my face on the touch screen to usually give the wanted result) You should probably also tell them that it will be a while before they can be tested, trained and have a house etc.))
  4. ((what timezone are you in?))
  5. ((sounds quite promising ( i am not the leader of this guild so I can't accept you though) the leader is quite busy at the moment so you may not be accepted for a few days, don't lose patience though as I am sure once he gets round to it you'll be accpeted anyway. Also bear in mind that the server is getting reset in the next week so it may be a while before the training and testing facilities are up and running. Again, don't lose patience as i'm sure we don't have any other fishermen in this guild :P ))
  6. ((Can you make an actual forum thread for the castle ideas so that I can actually write. I also looked up some sizes for a castle i live near (Warwick Castle) I think we may have different impressions of what a castle should look like. Look up on google images warwick castle and you will see what I mean. The walls are 128 feet tall (21 tall people, or 42 blocks high). Castles where you live may be of a smaller scale :).))
  7. ((Could you re-invite me to that castle build ideas conversation, because i may have deleted it from my inbox (strange place to have the conversation)))
  8. Just to offer some sort of out of the box comment, what about a castle mounted onto the side of a cliff?
  9. Perhaps we should incorporate a firing step as seen in some castles and used in the WW1 trenches to allow soldiers to move freely around on the walls with no risk of being shot, yet they can climb the step and begin to fire too. I personally think that if we have 200x100 blocks worth of castle, we should really consider a gatehouse the size that I made mine, bearing in mind it only took up 20 blocks out of the 100 for the wall. I like the amount of research that you have done and I especially like the idea of having murder holes with gravel. We have to bear in mind, however, that although we do have 100x200 blocks, we cannot afford to plonk the keep bang in the centre as this will leave 25ish locks either side, not nearly enough for anything and extremely impractical. What i was saying before is that the desgin 2 is going sort of what i was thinking of, bar the perimeter defenses stretching all the way round. They should only go round the front so as to maximise room for farming etc. In my personal opinion, I think that ramparts are THE most important thing for our castle as they are our best defense. If we sacrifice height of the wall and width of the wall, we will consequently be losing the ability to fit effective defenses without making them look top heavy. Please also bear in mind that most of the inhabitants of this castle won't be 'peasants' but rather knights. Take this into consideration when thinking about how housing will work as I doubt a knight will want to live in a ramshack hut or a tiny flat in a barracks.
  10. if we have 2 100x100 plots, we will have a ridiculous amount of space by the way. Place down a rectangle of stone in the dimensions of 200x100 and you will see. I doubt we will have any lack of room.
  11. ((It says "this network does not exist", maybe your computer has gone onto standby or something? Also, after looking at castle 2 and realising that we only have 2 bedrock plots, I was thinking that we could take away the outer curtain, using the layout they have for the inner keep thing as the outer curtain, while turning the top bit into the actual keep. I like the open plan/courtyard nature of it and I think that if the buildings connect to the walls it would look pretty awesome.(2 bedrock plots means that we would have a rectangle shape, not a square.))
  12. how do i join your hamachi? i have it downloaded and i need to type in the network id, however the ip you gave doesnt work, s it because you aren't running it or is it something i have done?
  13. Personally, and not meaning to sound harsh, I think that the floating tower looks a bit odd, the ramparts on the walls aren't big enough, imposing enough nor advanatgeous to us enough and the gatehouse is a bit on the scrawny side. I will try to download hamachi and have a look.
  14. ((how many bedrock plots will we have?))
  15. ((how much land will we have so that I can actually understand how big to make everything))
  16. Just a quick sketch i did. Opinions?
  17. ((If it's too tall, i can easily lower the gatehouse. This will, however, mean that we can't have the portcullis looking like an actual portcullis as when it retracts it will just disapper into thin air. The height shouldn't be a problem i would have thought, thouhg if thats decision then so be it. The gatehouse won't look as imposing, nor will we be able to get decorations onto the walls due to them being too small. Are the walls fine or will we go for the 5 year old ramparts like our surrounding forts at the moment. If we are going to have a castle we need to at least make it look imposing and detailed. Also, I would advise something along the lines of the second image else we will have a keep like we have at the moment, where the keep takes up the middle, leaving no space for anything else and removing the ability to have districts. How large is the plot that we will be allowed, because it's quite hard designing something without any specifications.
  18. ((Here is a screenshot of what I thought the castle entrance would look like. It's unfinished in the picture but each tower is 25 blocks high, the walls are 10 blocks high and there are 8 stories inside the towers. each tower is 7x7 and the walls are 3 thick with lava in the middle :3. There are murder holes in the ramparts (i forgot to include them in the walls in the pic but they are there in reality). Are these too big or what? If you have any negative feedback, i won't take offense, after all, it is your castle.)) P.S. ((if you want the roofy thing in the middle to be stone its perfectly fine, it just depends on what the roofs elsewhere are made from.
  19. ((As i said before, I am a pretty impressive medieval themed builder and would be more than happy to help you build. Too many times have i gazed upon the cube that is our keep at the moment, not to mention the wall and literally soiled my trousers (im exaggerating by the way). After looking at lastguyplaying's picture I seriously don't want us to have puny little ramparts that a 5 year old would draw, rather massive things that come towards you, armed with murder holes and windows that are easier to shoot out of than shoot into. The wall also wouldn't be flat but rather adorned with decorations to make the castle look all the more imposing. If we are going to make a good castle, it has to look menacing and like we have put time into it, not a flat wall going ridiculously high with 5 year old ramparts at the top. I am going to start on a section of the wall now and I will post a screenshot, to show you what I mean.)) P.S. Please don't rush the castle, take your time and consult us who will actually be inhabiting the castle. P.P.S I wouldn't put farms inside the castle walls, it would just be a waste of wall and look unauthentic
  20. ((I mean no offense with what I am about to say, I think it would probably be better if we have a little build contest of a section of wall plus a building of your choice limited to a 15x15 area. I realise that this is supposed to be a sketch but that gate is pretty *expletive*ing large, plus the walls are a little too basic for my liking. Is this what the walls will actually look like and is the gate realy going to look that massive and out of place (gatehouse anywhere?). Again, i mean no offense but i don't really understand what you are trying to show here.))
  21. ((sounds really good, just like I thought it would be like when you mentioned it earlier. Please bear in mind that although I am essentially completely an archer, I joined this server after the skills were disabled, so don't judge me lol. Will I need to grind up my archery before I can gain knighthood then? Also, when you come up with the names for the titles, please remember that we aren't all swordsmen so don't call the rank up from initiate "swordsman" or something like that as it won't really work. On another note, will there be a builder job because I make pretty bad ass medieval styled buildings. On another other note, when designing the new castle (if you actually are going to design it and not vomit stone on the floor into a castle shaped heap) i would urge you to take defensive measures into consideration, our previous fort was nowhere near as prtected as it should be, nor even the keep in the verge)) ((Suggested defensive capabilities for the castle (only suggestions): burning oil (lava with pistons) Thicker walls More protective and advantagous ramparts Concentric walls rising in height as you near the keep A moat Defensive turrets (activated by a lever to rise out of the ground and launch damage potions if corresponding pressure plates are stepped on, not medieval themed though so...) Emergency barricades (block of areas of the city if breached, pistons) If you find any of these to be impractical, I won't take offense, though please consider the addition of defenses for times when arrows aren't enough)) ((P.S. underground pig farms are amazing :) ))
  22. I would advise improving the grammar etc just to make sure that when he does look at the thread he accepts you rather than postponing it a few days. Only trying to be helpful (it makes you seem like a lot better candidate if you take the time to spell correctly)
  23. I haven't been on lately due to skyrim, battlefield and waiting for the update, though I usually go on around 8-9:30ish
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