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Everything posted by Eryc

  1. ((please make a castle that is actually the size of a castle, plus up really far in the north so that we can actually farm etc... Also, could you seriously consider making me a knight due to the fact that there is a group of us who are GMT yet all the knights aren't GMT, meaning that you end up with 5 recruits online sitting around chatting in the keep doing jack all becasue there are no knights. Possibly make the GMTers more oriented to archery (bearing in mind i am primarily an archer) so that in battles we can work together a lot more easily. (by the way, I am talking about before skyrim etc when the knights were actually active) The order shouldn't be run on the principle that if you are GMT you are automatically doomed to an eternity of being a recruit, it isn't really that fair to be honest))
  2. ((im not so sure that you being a "dark knight" and being willing to sacrifice your friends, while having no soul link too well with you being a knight of the north, just saying"
  3. ((can i be chief archer as nobody else seems to be a full archer like me...))
  4. I guess i'll be the archer then?
  5. i disagree, wouldnt it be better to build on top of an abandoned mineshaft, it would mean we would get tons of ores.
  6. build it in the 4000ish coordinates
  7. I think he means in the verge, i found a castle there with a few undead/worshippers in it
  8. wtf you do realise that all of us are playing skyrim and half of us are in a completely fifferent timezone to you....
  9. could you repeat what you said but so that i can actually understand what you are talking about, you make no sense....
  10. I am at the verge, please, just send us the directions from there. ((i really dont want to stay up until 5 in the morning just to wait for you to come on))
  11. follow the north road out of the temple. If you reach the watermelon store you are heading in the right direction. You should see some signposts indicating the way to the keep along the road a bit further along from said stall. There should be a covered tunnel leading there. ((I don't know if you are in a different timezone because everyone here seems to be GMT)) ((The server will be being reset soon anyway so there isn't much point in finding us at the present, to give you my honest opinion))
  12. Are any knights looking for squires? If so please say as there is a backlog in the ranks.
  13. It might take a while for my inspiration to shine, so it will definately be done by the weekend
  14. I am ok at creating skins and will have a stab at it if you want?
  15. Due to the large numbers of Recruits, and the tiny amount of knights, I was wondering whether you could make a seperate branch of the promotion thing, except for acrhers. I don't think you can train archers in the same way as knights, so it would take an archer to be in charge of what archers do. You can't have a guild made purely of archers. Bob Darastrix (PS when the world gets reset, make sure to build the castle really far away so that we can get farmland and ares that we can harvest friendly mobs for items such as feathers that are currently incredibly rare, it would also give us a lot more space to expand, at a fraction of the price.
  16. I am a pretty darn awesome medieval building builder, so if you need any help i'll be there. I also have a knack with redstone wiring if you need any traps or entry things. I'll have a go at the book writing with my skill at sign writing (sarcasm)
  17. can i go to the northern one?
  18. At the moment I feel a bit lost. You never seem to be online and when you are you say "you need to do training!" the problem is, where do i train, what am i supposed to achieve from this 'training' and when to I actually get to do something rather than sit around writing random signs. I don't mean to come across as angry and I can understand that you are renovating the keep, but if one of you could actually give me something to do I would be very grateful. Please reply soon Bob_Darastrix
  19. Name: Dan MCName: D3LLI5 A bit about yourself: I am Grimjaw Darastrix and I was originally brought up in the northern mountains before our castle was raided by hordes of pigmen, angered by the smell of bacon from our baconry. Luckily I managed to escape to the south, where I have come across a small fort in which a few members of a neighbouring castle before managed to escape to. Your skills: I am great at building medieval styled buildings, I run my own town of 20 people on another server so I understand what is annoying and how I can help, I am an expert marksman with the bow though my hand to hand skills are fairly limited, though i can hold my own. Your goals: I want to be a part of raids and general killing What do you bring: I have loads of experience in running a town, I am a great builder, I can wire up redstone pretty well and I am unsurpassed in my skill with a bow. Other notes: I may need a hand with sword fighting try to expand more and possibly move your fort further north while it is still small, as you are in a very crowded space with little if no possibility of farms etc. inv please :3
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