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Everything posted by Corndoggeh

  1. Are we using bricks or smoothstone for the walls? Personally I believe bricks are the way to go.
  2. How tall are the walls going to be?
  3. We just need a 1x19 slit of land access so the front can be completed. Whoever made it forgot to push it back atleast one block. Ill talk to Shift and see if we can get/pay for the slit.
  4. I will volunteer to be the miner.
  5. All the chests are locked right now, we just need the land permission.
  6. Barias* And yes, just need the word and we can finish tearing it down. Ive also used the warehouse to store the items that are being taken on the trip. EDIT: I can volunteer to start moving supplies.
  7. This should be a good sign that we should hurry with what we are doing and head to the new city. Do we have any coordinates?
  8. I have already been filling up chests of cobblestone, right now 2 chests are filled. EDIT: I also have enough coal to smelt more than 2 chests of cobble.
  9. ((Someone wanna Pm me the password to the chests in the settlement?))
  10. Can anyone tell me where the settlement is?
  11. I'll try and get on and help construct the city as soon as I can, do we have a location?
  12. Ogedi maybe the center should be a citadel with multiple layers instead of a castle?
  13. I'm still alive, I've just been sucked into the addiction of Skyrim. Also I'm writing some things down that I want to talk to you about Ogedi on the the new city.
  14. I always believed that when the new map comes out the center of the town would have a large library and above it would be where the mages go and above that the council meets; AND THEN right above that would be ogedi's throne room.
  15. Some news: After taking a visit of an abandoned town across the way, I've started to document my findings, I will be keeping them in a study inside the Verge stronghold. Through a series of events with Ogedi, I have joined the White Ravens through IC means. I look forward to meeting the rest of you.
  16. More like Stage 1.5, annihilate the Wardens and the Orcs. And a few undead to demonstrate our power.
  17. Message from Barias, the dwarf. -Vault has been completed -Fellowship room created -Armory created -Updated the main gate to something more sturdy -Increased the output to the farm Supplies needed -Wool for tents and beds -Feathers/flint/arrows -Extra wood -Extra coal -Eggs -Milk Notes The Verge, yet hostile, has an eerie calmness to it. The town next to us continues to be bombarded with spider attacks while we remain relatively harmless. A town across the water is completely abandoned and overrun with spiders. Perhaps there may be resources that can be scrounged up from there. Very few groups of roving bandits dare to come near the surrounding forests as it is filled up to the brim with spiders, there must be a reason as to why there are so many. A group of bandits was recently encountered but were taken care of relatively quickly, they did not know of the built in defense system I have painstakingly created. After two of their men perished they quickly fled as night had befallen on them, and the red eyes of the spiders were starting to be seen on the treeline. Extra hands would be very appreciated.
  18. I assure you the base is safe, even from others. You can have your emergency base but ours is a sure way of safety.
  19. Such as a meeting room? What needs to be in it?
  20. This is the dwarf, Barias. Norgirn(Verge/WR city) -Construction of a functional vault is complete on the city. -Construction of a bridge and duel guard posts is complete. -Expanded the inside of the city. (Ill have emberhard upload pics tomorrow) All who come to the City/WR camp do not forget to bring some resources with you as we are still in need of: -Wood(Lots of it) -Wool -Coal -Feathers/Flint/Arrows(There are no chickens in the Verge from what I see) -Any other extras that could help us in the future We can also store your valuables inside the vault for safekeeping.
  21. I am the dwarf that occupies the bottom with my new companion, I am Barias. Though if you would be so kind to bring coal with you it would be great, were down to only half a stack. I look forward to meeting all of you.
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