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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Beneh

  1. Just tasted Malteasers for the first time... Pure Bliss...

  2. Robbaz...Funniest guy on youtube I have ever seen

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. K'orr/Kungg <3

      K'orr/Kungg <3

      Robbaz. <3

      It'd be awesome if Native got him to make a LoTC let's play. :3

    3. BannanaToYou



    4. Beneh


      Bahaha , It would ^-^

  3. Why not..Just make one war claim with all the allies in it , all that's different in each one is the title and formatting

    1. Ivran


      They're all conquering different areas of Salvus.

    2. Beneh


      Ah , that makes sense , It looked to me though that each war claim had the same coloured in white bit , but my eyesight is terrible :p

  4. To buy and Alt Account , or not to buy...That is the question

    1. Nico


      I got 2 alts

    2. K'orr/Kungg <3

      K'orr/Kungg <3

      You should, it's fun. What're you planning to RP as?

  5. The amount of adverts on Game of Thrones is very frustrating....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beneh


      Game of thrones is amazing , I never said it wasn't , however the amount of adverts really takes away the experience of watching it. There has been at least 15 minutes in adverts altogether.

    3. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      it's to mainstream now

    4. KarmaDelta


      Hipster Alert.....

  6. * sigh *. Had to get a police virus that locks you computer on the day of the Kharajyr event..Now , after much googling , I am in safe mode scanning my computer , which may take several hours.....If I miss that event... :C

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Neri


      Oh dear. Try pressing F2 as you boot up, it might, depending on your OS, boot System Recovery which will allow you to roll back your computer.

    3. Beneh


      It worked...Freya , I officially love you.

    4. Neri


      When in doubt, press all the buttons.

  7. Can I ask the same as Sala here , became Gold VIP Yesterday , Not too fussed about it , but it would be nice ^.^

  8. I swear this illness will be the end of me.....

  9. Lol at the kingdom everard

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beneh


      There is an scars channel in TS , they're all singing :P

    3. Beneh


      scars ?!?! Pardon my auto correct , should have been Everard

    4. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm
  10. Stay strong Ebo and Freya !

  11. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/35425-janos-baelishs-gm-application/ - Leave a comment with your thoughts and if you think I could improve something
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