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Everything posted by Vinnyvedivici

  1. *Ye see an official parchment from the City of Aeriel posted at the gatehouse* Ta the valiant men and women o' the White Ravens: Th' city o' Aeriel formally requests that ye aid us in patroling and protection o' the area. As your Eastern neighbors we 'ave began to feel the push o' undead- Wrath's men are more frequentlly apearing, armed and ready ta cause problems. Yer assistance is greatly appriciated.
  2. Have a location fer ye ta use, very large academy building that would seem ta suit yer needs
  3. ((reposted for your convienence)) MC name Vinnyvedivici ((In-game name:)) Lord Lucius Murmillo ((IRL age)): 25 Who are you?: I am Lord Lucius Murmillo, one of the founding members o' the wonderful city o' Aeriel and current Mast'r o' House. I am a 64 year old Cavern Dwarf and the Patriarch of House Murmillo. I am one of the overall planners fer our city and orginized the governmental system with the input of Lord Anamius and Hawthorne. With the help o' our citizens we have rapidly built our city and look forword ta welcoming the Acadmey and assisting in the construction. Which job and subject/s are you applying for?: I would like ta be a professor o' Architecture and Interior Design. I feel that both courses are interrelated and as a result ye ought ta be proficent in yer ability ta think about interior space when yer designin' any buildin' and in the same way consider the building's exterior and even its surroundings when ye begin ta decorate inside. By teachin' both o' these subjects students will 'ave a better grasp of building techniques and proper use of materials that will flow throughout their creations. What are your past experiences that can strengthen your chance to get the position?: Through a series of events in my early life I was fortunate enough ta study in several libraries throughout Aegis, in fact some o' my fondest memories came from my time studing at Cloud Temple. I learned about the lore of our land, the early histories and the basic foundations o' the races. Through this understanding I began ta appriciate the distinct buildin styles o' each race, and fell in love with the art of designing dimesionally. Unfortunatly, family tragedy forced me ta end my studies abrod and return home. When the Craig swollowed outter Kal Urguan I lead House Murmillo inta the wilds and established new lands fer us. I was responsible fer the design and buildings within and as our House began ta be established more and more people began ta come and ask ta join what would become the City o' Aeriel. By treatin' all citizens with respect an fairness we 'ave achieved sucess and growth that I had never envisioned. Through this expierence I have learned to go beyond what I can build alone, but to utilize other's strengths and acomplish much more buildin' in a much faster timeframe than I could individually compleate. I have built on a small and grand scale, envisioned and obtained what I once thought was impossible, and would like ta impart some o' my knowledge and expierences ta others intrested in creating visually striking spaces and stunning exteriors. At the end of my class students should feel confortable using multiple materials together, understand ratios and symmetry, and the know how ta make the basic architectural shapes including arches and domes. They will be able ta use landscape to accent their buildin's-or incorporate inta the buildin's. They should also 'ave an understandin' o' perception, depth, texture, and how the interplay of the key elements of design are worked inta everythin' they do. What are your thoughts on The Aegean Academy? I am a staunch supporter o' The Aegean Academy and I think it is a unique concept that has the potential fer greatness! I would like ta see this come ta fruitation and am willing ta put my resources inta helpin it succeed. What can you help out with besides being a professor?: I will be providing housin nearby fer professors ta live in if they wished ta live near the academy, as well as dorms fer students should they also wish ta live while studing. Also, I can provide the use o' our farms fer students if needed.
  4. And we have brick log? So IF it happened -which it wouldn't- it could be reverted to how it was? I talked to you in game and said it was better to wait until the building was compleated so the entire thing is protected and you agreed. So coming here and qqing doesn't seem to be beneficial as if it was that big of a deal you could have talked to me in game. If it does concern you however feel free to donate $100 of your own money :). In the building of Aeriel I extended out a few blocks from my protected land when I made a few changes to my overall plan and having learned from my expierence, I would like for that not to happen here. As for the building, it is currentally looking great and moving right along, thanks to the hard work of sting and vonebs! I cannot wait until it's compleation!
  5. ((Char615 was banned from the server so I must deny you.)) Also updated list
  6. ((Let me know if you want building to begin, we have gathered some 100 or so stacks of materials to begin building with if you want us to begin.))
  7. ((sorry for the double post, but the new map IF there will be a new map will not be until 1.9 has been released so there will be plenty of time - acording to Shiftnative at least 2 months. Thus it would be prudent to continue as if nothing were changing because at the moment nothing will and if/when there is a new map it will be implimented in a manor that will not be detrimental to those with creations in the old. In fact, it seems now is the time to build, to try and test what you can do so when/if we get a new world we can build improved versions of what is already created- but now with personal feedback of what was sucessful and what wasn't))
  8. MC name Vinnyvedivici ((In-game name:)) Lord Lucius Murmillo ((IRL age)): 25 Who are you?: I am Lord Lucius Murmillo, one of the founding members o' the wonderful city o' Aeriel and current Mast'r o' House. I am a 64 year old Cavern Dwarf and the Patriarch of House Murmillo. I am one of the overall planners fer our city and orginized the governmental system with the input of Lord Anamius and Hawthorne. With the help o' our citizens we have rapidly built our city and look forword ta welcoming the Acadmey and assisting in the construction. Which job and subject/s are you applying for?: I would like ta be a professor o' Architecture and Interior Design. I feel that both courses are interrelated and as a result ye ought ta be proficent in yer ability ta think about interior space when yer designin' any buildin' and in the same way consider the building's exterior and even its surroundings when ye begin ta decorate inside. By teachin' both o' these subjects students will 'ave a better grasp of building techniques and proper use of materials that will flow throughout their creations. What are your past experiences that can strengthen your chance to get the position?: Through a series of events in my early life I was fortunate enough ta study in several libraries throughout Aegis, in fact some o' my fondest memories came from my time studing at Cloud Temple. I learned about the lore of our land, the early histories and the basic foundations o' the races. Through this understanding I began ta appriciate the distinct buildin styles o' each race, and fell in love with the art of designing dimesionally. Unfortunatly, family tragedy forced me ta end my studies abrod and return home. When the Craig swollowed outter Kal Urguan I lead House Murmillo inta the wilds and established new lands fer us. I was responsible fer the design and buildings within and as our House began ta be established more and more people began ta come and ask ta join what would become the City o' Aeriel. By treatin' all citizens with respect an fairness we 'ave achieved sucess and growth that I had never envisioned. Through this expierence I have learned to go beyond what I can build alone, but to utilize other's strengths and acomplish much more buildin' in a much faster timeframe than I could individually compleate. I have built on a small and grand scale, envisioned and obtained what I once thought was impossible, and would like ta impart some o' my knowledge and expierences ta others intrested in creating visually striking spaces and stunning exteriors. At the end of my class students should feel confortable using multiple materials together, understand ratios and symmetry, and the know how ta make the basic architectural shapes including arches and domes. They will be able ta use landscape to accent their buildin's-or incorporate inta the buildin's. They should also 'ave an understandin' o' perception, depth, texture, and how the interplay of the key elements of design are worked inta everythin' they do. What are your thoughts on The Aegean Academy? I am a staunch supporter o' The Aegean Academy and I think it is a unique concept that has the potential fer greatness! I would like ta see this come ta fruitation and am willing ta put my resources inta helpin it succeed. What can you help out with besides being a professor?: I should be able ta provide workers ta help with the construction, as well as a general outlay o' the grounds and landscape. With yer approval I would like ta create a set of general rules- or building codes if ye may ((ceiling and building heights, material use, ect))- that would keep uniformity throughout th' campus while allowing fer individual expression and variance of the respective architects and builders.
  9. Hail, I was wondering about gathering wool and stumbled upon the caves o' life. Just wanted ta let ye know that yer doin a good job, and ta give my support ta a unique and quite wonderful place. Lord Lucius Murmillo
  10. Sers: I have the land ye can build on, its adjacent ta our city and which 'as a public mine 50m away and also has a private protected mine that could be used. I would be able ta provide free housing fer professors and admin o' the university- we also have an active community o' builders (took one week ta build and develop our city) We have a fair amount of building materials and the manpower ta get more as needed- We have yet ta stop building due ta lack of material. Lucius Murmillo ((pm me or send me a tell in game - Vinnyvedivici. ))
  11. Still looking fer good men and ladies! Updated the roster as well :)
  12. Welcome ta Aeriel Nosor! ((pm myself - Vinnyvedivici- or the Lord Carnush Nature -Carnush fer yer housin and directions)
  13. Thank ye both, and welcome ta our city! ((Rendo if you would like to pm me in game my mc name is Vinnyvedivici))
  14. ((Thank you for the spelling correction. I do so wish that there were other Aengul that are named besides Aeriel and of course Avalier. The sons of man and their respective decendants all have taken names from the four sons and as we are no single race we decided on naming our city after a known hero and Aengul. On a side note "Divine Right" is the medieval theory behind a regent's right to rule and most of the feudal societies that existed at the time subscribed to it. It is no more than a historical reference and idological belief that we happen to hold IC. If you choose not to believe in that tenent you are absolutly allowed to do so, you may also not believe in God or the existance of Iblees and maybe your minecraft character is atheist- I am not one to judge. I thank you again for your input :) If you have further ideas you wish to share with me feel free to pm me or /tell me in game: Vinnyvedivici))
  15. *Underneath the scroll you find an application form* ((1. Minecraft name:)) 2. Character's name: 3. Are ye applying ta start a House? -If so who (if any) will you be bringing as household members? -What are yer House Words? 4. Are ye applying as a Knight?: -If so which House would ye like ta join and why? -What expierence do ye have ((also list skill stats in applicable weapons)) 5. Are ye applying ta be a house member?: -If so which House would ye like ta join and why? 6. Other info we should know:
  16. List of Noble Houses House Murmillo: House Patriarch: Lord Lucius Murmillo, Master of Houses House Words: Courage, Honor, Loyalty House Knights: Ser Ainnr, Ser Rendo House Members: Mariah, Robert, Twi Osit, Annora, Ayrs House Crixius: House Patriarch: Lord Animeius Crixius, High Arbiter House Words: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken House Knights: House Members: House Barius: House Patriarch: Lord Leviticus Barius, High Marshal House Words: Steadfast and Strong House Knights: House Members: Scholar Ventraux House Nature: House Patriarch: Lord Carnush Nature, Master of Nature House Words: Bringing Balance House Knights: Ranger Nosor House Members: Iou, Ev Ahrbor House Kane: House Patriarch: Lord William Kane, Master of the Guard House Words: Axes High! House Knights: Ser Wheatly House Members: Frowman, Tend'el, Kyle House Construct: House Patriarch: Lord Sean Hawthorn, High Architect House Words: Build Beauty Perfection House Knights: House Members:Reed
  17. ((This post is an outdated, original layout of Aeriel's laws, when it was to be a minor city and before it became the Free Kingdom of Aerarium. For the updated post click here)) *You notice a large beautifully illustrated scroll posted on the wall.* Ta the good people of Aegis: A new city is being constructed, aye it is nearing compleation now, and we are accepting those that wish to live among us in a new world order. The first race ever created were the Aengul - livin' incarnations o' light and enlightenment and the walking servants o' God. Named after the great Aeriel we likewise strive ta achieve the perfection that was intended fer our races, but lost due ta Iblees' taint. I. Overview II. Government structure III. Government ranks IV. Tithes I. Overview Th’ great city of Aerial shall here after be ruled by a single ruling Council, by whose Divine Right shall distribute land and titles ta citizens of outstandin’ merit. The Council shall be responsible fer the security o’ the land, citizens, and treasures. The Council shall collect its tithe from the Houses within its lands and put said resources ta good stewardship by providing fer public works and the provisions of the Army in case o’ war or undead attacks. All citizens may advance through the ranks o' their government through hard work and meritous behaviour. Even the poorest of citizens can work hard and end up the Lord of a House, and even a seat on th' Council. We believe that all should be rewarded fer a job well done, and in the city of Aerial the greatest of ambitions can be achevied! II. Government structure - There shall be a single Council, but split inta two parts. The High Council shall consist of 5 Houses. The leaders of those Houses will be members of the High Council, 2 of which shall run the Council - the High Marshal and the High Arbiter. The High Arbiter has the power to veto and speaks for the Council. During a state of war the High Arbiter defers to the High Marshal who then gains the power of veto and speaks for the Council. The Lord’s Council shall consist of 6 Houses. Each leader of these Houses will be Council members. The High Council will each appoint one member of the Lord’s Council, with the sixth spot given to the Landholding noble with the largest tithe. Terms shall last one month. At the end of the month, the Tithes will be reviewed. If a House has failed to meet its tithe it shall lose its spot on the Council. The sixth house will then be reviewed. The house with the largest tithe shall earn the spot (not including the other 10 houses already on Council.) If the current sixth house has the largest tithe, it retains its spot. Any house may contest an incumbent position, their tithes will be reviewed, each may make a statement and then it will be decided on by a vote. A house may only contest one position a month. If the sixth house enters its second term it becomes eligible to contest for a position. III. Government ranks - The various positions of the council are as follows: High Council: High Arbiter, High Marshal, Field Marshal, Master of Coin, and the Master of the Houses Lord Council: Master of the Guard (Appointed by High Arbiter), Master of Arms (High Marshal), Master of the Hunt (Field Marshal), Master of the Couriers (Master of Coin), Master of Stone (Master of the Houses), Master of Resources (the sixth house). IV. Tithes Lords Houses - In return fer the land granted ta the various Houses, every house shall pay a tithe. It shall be received ta the council on a weekly basis. The Houses shall each deliver a minimum o' 16 iron ignots, 256 wheat, 32 wool and 64 logs as well as provide for 2 guardians. Larger Houses and Houses on th’ Council will be expected ta suppliment their quotas with rare and precious materials. - Council members are responsible fer overseeing the collection o' materials from their Houses. Guardian - This would include city or personal guardsmen, as well as the standing Army. Full-time guardians are ta have their food, housing and equiptment provided fer them. Part-time guardians may be required ta provide a portion of their equiptment and will be given land and a partial citizen quota. - Responsible for the saftey of the realm, its citizens and its treasure. Citizen - The remainder o' the populace will be citizens, and members to a particular House. Citizens will have weekly quota's and will be responsible fer delivering it ta their House. They may be farmers delivering 64 wheat, Woodsmen delivering 32 logs, shepards delivering 30 wool, miners delivering 16 iron or any combination of the above. They may take up arms as citizen soldiers and provide part time work as guardians for a reduced quota- but must provide their own equiptment. - Citizens supply the city with the raw materials necessary for the system to work. Signed, Lord Lucius Murmillo, Master of the Houses Lord Animus Crixius, High Arbiter Lord Levaticus Barius, High Marshal
  18. *You open a scroll addressed to Lord Animeius of the AFF and Magistrate Alvaska of the White Ravens from Lord Lucius Murmillo.* Ta the honourable Lord Animeius and Magistrate Alvaska: After much deliberation, it seems the most prudent course o’ action fer us ta take is a written review of our triumvirate, detailing our ruling consul, positions and adaptation of feudalism. I. Overview II. Government structure III. Government ranks IV. Tithes I. Overview Th’ three adjacent and noble houses shall hereafter be conjoined inta a single ruling Council, by whose Divine Right shall distribute land and titles ta citizens of outstandin’ merit. The Council shall be responsible fer the security o’ the land, citizens, and treasures. The Council shall collect its tithe from the Houses within its lands and put said resources ta good stewardship by providing fer public works and the provisions of the Army in case o’ war or undead attacks. II. Government structure - There shall be a single Council, but split inta two parts. The High Council shall consist of 5 Houses. (The makeup shall be 2 Aegis Freedom Force, 2 White Falcons, and meself, Lucius Murmillo.) Of the 5 members of the High Council, 2 shall run the Council - the High Marshal and the High Lord. The High Lord has the power to veto and speaks for the Council. During a state of war the High Lord defers to the High Marshal who then gains the power of veto and speaks for the Council. The Lord’s Council shall consist of 6 Houses. Each member of the High Council will appoint one member of the Lord’s Council, with the sixth spot given to the Landholding noble with the largest tithe. Terms shall last one month. At the end of the month, the Tithes will be reviewed. If a House has failed to meet its tithe it shall lose its spot on the Council. The sixth house will then be reviewed. The house with the largest tithe shall earn the spot (not including the other 10 houses already on Council.) If the current sixth house has the largest tithe, it retains its spot. Any house may contest an incumbent position, their tithes will be reviewed, each may make a statement and then it will be decided on by a vote. A house may only contest one position a month. If the sixth house enters its second term it becomes eligible to contest for a position. III. Government ranks - The various positions of the council are as follows: High Council: High Lord, High Marshal, Field Marshal, Master of Coin, and the Master of the Houses Lord Council: Master of the Guard (Appointed by High Lord), Master of Arms (High Marshal), Master of the Hunt (Field Marshal), Master of the Couriers (Master of Coin), Master of Stone (Master of the Houses), Master of Resources (the sixth house). IV. Tithes Lords Houses - In return fer the land granted ta the various Houses, every house shall pay a tithe. It shall be received ta the council on a weekly basis. The Houses shall each deliver a minimum o' 16 iron ignots, 256 wheat, 32 wool and 64 logs as well as provide for 2 guardians. Larger Houses and Houses on th’ Council will be expected ta suppliment their quotas with rare and precious materials. - Council members are responsible fer overseeing the collection o' materials from their Houses. Guardian - This would include city or personal guardsmen, as well as the standing Army. Full-time guardians are ta have their food, housing and equiptment provided fer them. Part-time guardians may be required ta provide a portion of their equiptment and will be given land and a partial citizen quota. - Responsible for the saftey of the realm, its citizens and its treasure. Citizen - The remainder o' the populace will be citizens, and members to a particular House. Citizens will have weekly quota's and will be responsible fer delivering it ta their House. They may be farmers delivering 64 wheat, Woodsmen delivering 32 logs, shepards delivering 30 wool, miners delivering 16 iron or any combination of the above. They may take up arms as citizen soldiers and provide part time work as guardians for a reduced quota- but must provide their own equiptment. - Citizens supply the Triumvirate with the raw materials necessary for the system to work. Signed, Lord Lucius Murmillo
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