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Status Replies posted by Muppet

  1. #WhiteRoseInfluence

    1. Muppet



  2. Its been 24 hours.... Still no App Check...

    1. Muppet


      I checked over your app, and even though I'm not part of the application team I see that you have said you are a shaman. Shaman's are classed as magic and cannot be RPed without a Magic Application. Apart from that it looks good, yet I am not in the application team so don't take my word for truth.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Yep, feel like crap again, just spoiled ooc reputation with half the rose over a misunderstanding, beh, just, just beh...

    1. Muppet


      Hah don't worry, I understood the misunderstanding from your part and it didn't spoil your reputation ;D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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