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  1. I made a status about quitting but like im sort of playing again now soooo 

    Edited by Muppet
    1. DahStalker


      king pls no come back

  2. How a Ker Almost Caused a War is finished, all 3 acts released. It was nice to spend some time to reflect on what happened IC and to talk around an interesting subject. Hopefully there's opportunities to do some more writing in the future!

  3. Act III - Instability in the Land Almaris has been strained recently. There have been conflict throughout the land that has caused instability, one unfaithful act of a partner made a nation fall apart, more Irehearts were hunting for elf ears than ever before & a nefarious gang known as the Gobkuza roam the streets of Nor’asath (this isn’t relevant to the story but I think people should know to stay safe), each nation had to act to secure their security within Almaris. One certain Rex was exceptionally concerned with the war in Petra. “Petra lost to Haense simpatiser. The Empire is reforming agh we'll oppose it.” “Here agh now we sign ah full blown military alliance.” Borok’s diplomatic style was to instil a sense of urgency which never matched that of Netseth’s. Military alliances take time to make, trust is something that takes time to build and Netseth wasn’t ready. Borok was pushing and pushing to try and get an agreement signed as soon as we entered the throne room until we left. No agreement was made on that day. The Irehearts and Mali were butting heads. Every elven nation was receiving reports of Irehearts looking to harvest ears all over West Almaris, causing friction between the clan and the Mali nations. All of us Mali feared for escalation and what this could amount to in the future. A defensive alliance was made with Celia’nor & Amaethea to unite all Mali together, building on previous agreements that were put in place and with the history Nor’asath have with these other nations, the Primarch felt comfortable to make said agreement. The Rex however was not comfortable with the fact that this agreement was made and he was going to make it clear that he wasn’t. I didn’t know when I next went to Krugmar how things had changed between Uruk & Ker until I went past the gates. Irehearts were running around explaining how they wanted to put Ker heads on pikes if we ever went to their lands. Orcs who I knew and respected were calling me a darkspawn lover and threatening to hurt me. The Rex himself decided to use the spirits as a weapon again, mentioning the Ker turning their back on Luara and all of the other spirits. He mentioned Luara was angered by Nor’asath’s behaviour. I remember telling Borok that I no longer feel safe in Krug’mar and there were other Ker that felt the same. At this point the Shamanistic moot ended after I reported what happened to Netseth and Qudlia. I thought that was the end of it. I couldn’t go to Krugmar anymore as I worried for my safety but I felt secure in my own walls. Orcs entered through the gates of Nor’asath with the Rex following shortly after. He heard news of the moot ending and what I had told the leaders of Nor’asath, he believed what I said to be lies. As he grew angry in a fit of rage he wouldn’t listen to reason. He threatened to release the wrath of Ogrol & demanded tribute to be paid to the orcs he was with. I refused which led me to be lifted up by an Orc, smashed into a shrine of the very spirits they apparently worship. As I lay there my belongings were stolen and I looked up into the night sky not sure of what would happen next. And we all know what happened next, Celia’nor were informed of the attack and went to retaliate along with Nor’asath, causing a threat of war. After the dust has settled I’m going to be put on trial for this escalation. I’m not sure what the future holds for me but I don’t think this is the end.
  4. Act II - The Fudgelling Rex A fudgel is defined as 'To pretend to work in reality one is not doing anything' As a living breathing thing above a certain level of intelligence you will always want to feel like you are doing better. The Rex that leads you today is a mortal, although he sees others around him as lessers he is the same as the rest of us. Relations between Nor’asath and The Iron Horde looked like they were steadily improving, more finding Darkspawn & Voidal Mages meant the two nations had to work together to do everything they can to destroy these blights. I joined Borok & Qudlia on a spirit walk where we ended up in the realm of Scorthuz, the Greater Immortal Spirit of Cleansing, Purity & Purging in a land of sand and glass. Dûthsharkû, the Lesser Immortal Spirit of Orkish Purity met with us. Borok tried to pact with this spirit to get more strength and power to fight against darkspawn. After much back and forth, deliberating and denial the rex finally seemingly learnt the errors of his ways of using the spirits as a weapon for his greatness instead of what they should be, worshipped and respected. Dûthsharkû's statement which stood out to me the most was: “You come before me with a thirst for power. A quest to add another weapon to your collection. You lie, you use, you cheat.” Seeking redemption and a change in his ways, Borok left the Jusmia clan hall a new Uruk on his quest to reformation. The Ker saw that unfortunately this was not to be the case very quickly. Act III is where it all unfolds.
  5. Act I - Dark Beginnings As I, Gotrin Eilsviir will be facing a trial in front of my fellow Ker as a result of a peace treaty between Nor’Asath and the Iron Horde I thought I would give my viewpoint on the matters leading up to where we are now as this may end up being the last thing I write.. My role and perspective is that of a Ker who is a Nor’Asath citizen who has quite a bit of time in Krugmar. The reason for the title 'How a Ker Almost Caused a War' is merely because these are the charges that I’m facing, that I apparently somehow almost caused a war between two nations. The first time I met Borok was when Qudlia sent me to him to learn more about shamanism and the spirits as I wanted to deepen my ties and understanding with these spirits that I had such a poor understanding of. Borok was reluctant to teach me until there was a sit down meeting between Borok, Qudlia Jusmia; The High Priestess of Nor’asath & Netseth Loa’chil; Primarch of Nor’asath where they could discuss a united nation of Ker & Uruk under one banner. This was the start of me being pushed into the role of messenger between the two nations. After going back I passed on the message of Borok to Qudlia & Netseth to which they were not interested to pursue an alliance let alone a united nation at the time due to a lack of trust & as history dictates us Ker have found life to be better amongst their own kind where they celebrate their traditions, culture & spiritual practices in the way they see fit. One day in the Nor’asath temple an anonymised citizen of Krugmar came to Qudlia and I to discuss troubles they had experienced with Borok. Borok’s mental state was showing to worsen with erratic behaviour. In his quest for power he was looking to work alongside Darkspawn more than only Tzakztar-Elan more commonly known as The Brazen Bull who is a known Darkspawn that lives within the walls of Krugmar. As well as a willingness to work with Darkspawn it was a well known fact amongst Ker shamans that Borok worshipped the spirits to gain as much power as possible from them and to use them as a weapon instead of truly respecting & worshipping them for what they are. Borok’s dogmatic agenda to make the Iron Horde the strongest they have ever been will always cause him to be short sighted, yet unfortunately this is just the beginning as tensions between the Ker & Orcs started to build beneath the surface. Act II - The Fudgelling Rex- Coming soon
  6. Gotrin slams his feet ontop of his desk while sat down "Seems like I'm going to need to get myself a hotshot legal team"
  7. Muppet


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” Gotrin eyes the hag before looking around his surroundings with suspicion while clutching his leather satchel... "Me? I'm sure you've got me confused for somebody else..." Gotrin then would proceed to keep a distance and proceeding to position closely to the entrance of the tent. Just for a note I've played LOTC before but for some reason lost my whitelist as It's been 9 years since playing. I was told applying again would be faster than solving the issue of finding out how to get re-whitelisted.
  8. RIP romvert. u wot m8

  9. Quit for good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samoblivion
    3. Avacyn


      oh that's right, it's my buddy rom. You should give me your diamond VIP :D

    4. Esterlen


      Romvert why :(

  10. 4 hours sleep last night, time to get some good sleep now!

  11. Profile picture so Pro

  12. Wai do you keep viewing my profile daily. It scares me.

  13. MC Name:Rottingcoreispro RP Name:Puedra Race:Orc Skill Levels ( Swords, Archery, Axe Mastery, Wrestling ): Axe Mastery 50 Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
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