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Posts posted by Mithradites

  1. Posted around the various Elven notice-boards (with the exception of Darkhaven, upon which it is posted on a stake close to the Dark Elf's forest. But not too close) are bone-white posters, covered in scribblings in plain, black ink. Were you to walk towards it for a quick look (I assume you would, otherwise why would you be reading this?), you'd read it as thus--


    Mali'aheral Seeking an Argument


    As a Mali'aheral thrown out of his natural environment, one has found very little to replace his beloved Lin'evaral. Now that the shadow of civil war has descended upon the Mali'nor, one finds that it is simply too dangerous to continue his research with impending looting and burning on the horizon. 


    That said, I crave intellectual stimulation. I am sure many of you loathe proper mali'aheral such as myself. Come and argue with me, then. Inform me how I am wrong. Stand upon your gilded pedestal and lecture me how foul, cruel, "racist," and terrible I am. I will be glad to listen. In fact, I promise not to even laugh. I will then defend myself in kind.


    I am currently residing in Leanniel after my ill-fated expedition to observe the Mali'ame culture (sadly it seems some "Conclave" has appeared nearby, and they keep touting their egalitarianism like a swarm of buzzing hornets). I invite any and all to convince me that my assertions are wrong.




    -No weapons (I am not here to fight you, vile degenerate)

    -No mindless screaming (Just because you loathe me, does not entitle you to baseless yelling)

    -No alchemy (No real reason. I just detest it)

    -No use of magic (Spectacle-magic is unwanted, and unnecessary)

    -No children

    -No crying (The sound is unpleasant. Though I suspect there will be much of it regardless)


    Many regards etc etc,


    L. Sullas

  2. "The Mali'aheral are too divided by creed to make this proposal effective for us. Those true to Larihei's teachings will not be effectively represented by various "high-elven" degenerates that will inevitably be a part of this council. One supposes the degenerates would think similarly to ourselves in that they will not be effectively represented by the pure-born. Though our guiding hand would none-the-less be far better for them."

  3. Oh gosh! I keep forgetting to pin the newer, better guide!



    At the time of writing the "Comprehensive" guide to the high elves, we were an independent nation - Haelun'or. What you're looking for in regards to the "sentinels" or their current form, the "Lumin'drim" you should look in the main Elven subforum or just seek out the commanders in RP. 

    This here's the high-elven forum. Not Malinor, is what I'm saying! :P


    Good luck with your application!

  4. Upon the noticeboards in New Malinor and the Cloud Temple, multiple posters made of overly clean, white paper are hung for any passer-bys to observe. It reads as thus--


    Seeking Physically Adept Sentient Creatures for the Purposes of Scientific Research


    One L. Sullas is currently pursuing beings of significant strength to undertake simplistic research in New Malinor.


    The "test" entails grasping hold of a large, iron mace, and sending it as hard as possible into a pile of wooden planks. The effects of such will then be calculated.


    Should an entrant not appear to be remotely capable of causing damage to the layers of wood, they will be refused participation.


    Should they appear capable, perform the test and the results are successfully calculated, they will be awarded 150 minas. 


    A rudimentary intelligence would be preferable for applicants, however it is apparently not required. 


    Testing will continue until a decently-sized pool of information is gathered.



    L. Sullas

  5. Sitting out in the muddy, filth ridden streets, a ragged friar looks up to the great Abby in awe, and wonder. Strung around his neck with rough twine is a simple, wooden Lorraine cross which he grasps in his hands tightly. Dropping to his knees, he closes his eyes, and begins a mumbled prayer.


    "May His light o' lights drive away the wicked an' deceitful.


    May His wisdom illuminate the lost an' confused.


    May His love fill the hearts o' every man an' woman who seek His guidance.


    May the holiest o' men be guided by His hand, so that they, in turn, may guide His chosen people.


    Deus magnus. May he 'ave mercy on us."


    Quickly scrambling to his feet, he quickly makes off to the local marketplace to preach.


    Seeing how a lot of the music I listen to comes from movies, I am beginning to realise how utterly uncultured I am.

    Being as we are apparently internet-dating, I have to say that I'm pretty darn heartbroken that you're buggering off without so much as leaving a text-message! 

    Aside from those half-dozen times you told me you were leaving. Aherm aherm. 

    Not too great with all the slushy-mushy pleasantries, no. Guess I'll write something in my own manner.


    Muh Stupidface,


    You are the sock to my gumboot, the stink to my fart, the flibble to my flibble-dibble, the Sasquatch armpit bicycle to my ceiling-fan, the balloon-animal sandwich-maker William Defoe Colossus of Knossos.


    Much loves,




    And finally, I will leave you with a small quote from William Shakespeare.


    "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.


    Also Lana is really butt-slapping awesome and she should totally keep talking with Mithradites. Forsooth." -William Shakespeare.



    See you around, Cuteyface!!

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