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Posts posted by Mithradites

  1. The posters appear to have further pieces of paper roughly attached to them with pins. They read as thus--




    No Elves that designate themselves as "Mali'fenn" or "Snow Elves" shall be given sanctuary by the Triumvirate and People of Haelun'or whilst hostilities with the Human Empire continue. All non-Mali'fenn elves who are pure of blood are welcome within the districts of Lin'ame and Lin'ker, as they always have been.


    Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgtQj8O92eI



    Within the silver gates of Haelun'or Lucion paces back and forth before a crowd of elves. He glares at each with cold, impassive eyes, and speaks in his usual, stern monotone.
    "Years ago, a bond was formed between those of Crimson, and those of Silver. One that has stood the test of time, and did not falter and fall as so many of our alliances in the past. The Valah of "Kaedrin" are unique in this world for one key reason— They do not take their knives and twist them in our backs when the opportunity presents itself. They do not seek to destroy us, as did the Old Princedom of Malinor, they do not fabricate reasons for war, as Urguan did attempt, and they do not mindlessly seek chaos and ruin, as the Uruk continuously do.
    Intelligent elves, -pure- elves, do not seek war, but we have learned that war always finds its way to us. These elves of fenn are odd in their actions. Their minds are twisted, and broken. Perhaps beyond any form of healing, or re-education. They shall continue to bring war, should they fester long enough.
    These elves of frost, these mali'fenn allegedly devour flesh and pick at bones. They threaten those who have stood faithful to the promises made to us. When we stood in their very city:
    elelor ito narne.
    Should they threaten to bring our allies war, we shall stand with the Human Empire, and compel peace by the blade.
    For now the time has come-- the mali'aheral are bound by Crimson, bound for blood.
    Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya"
  3. I don't think this post is out to destroy the snow elves, ww2buff. Might just be a misinterpretation of the tone. The point of this post is that since the arguably smallest and largest elven subraces have a subforum, why don't the other two have one as well? The google.doc was probably unnecessary, but he was trying to make a point with it.


    We honestly don't really care about the snow elves IC, or OOC, ww2buff. It's just an issue of fairness.

  4. I always thought subforums were given out to groups that made a buggerload of posts. Not based on nation-status. And what would it hurt to give the DERPs and the WERPs a subforum too? I can imagine it might be a pain for the web-guys to make it, but c'mon! Snelfs get one but not the poor ol' darkies and barkies? They've been pining after them for ages!

  5. I have heard of the 10-15 year rule for elven births, but I have never seen it confirmed. I do not believe it is a rule, nor ever has been. However, if you want a decent way to represent elven infertility, here is a few superior methods--


    a) If you are in an elven community, don't ever have a child when there are other children around.


    b) If you are an elf in a non-elven community, don't have children (as there will likely be plenty around anyway).


    c) Just don't ever have children!


    Want lotsa babbies? Make a human, dwarf, or orc! If you wish to be a nigh-immortal creature with the wisdom of centuries, be an elf!


    You shouldn't have both, dawg!

  6. The tea-house of Tahn'siol was bustling with the chattering and gossiping Mali'aheral. Today was an auspicious day, after all, as it was pronounced that Lucion Sullas had won the election. His supporters were relatively pleased, and thus there was an excuse for a small gathering. 
    Sitting at a table with a number of his associates around him, Lucion scratches his chin slowly and leans back in his wooden chair. 
    "It seems rather odd that I, now the leader of the only known elven political entity, has no official celebration for this day. One feels like he should indulge himself, should he not...?"
    Quickly, his associates began to chatter their approval and disapproval of the idea. Which Lucion dismissed away with an airy hand-gesture.
    "I am Sohaer, and I think it best that we have a celebration. The retreat of the Uruk, the alliance with the Valah, the end of the Conclave, all seem to be too fortunate to do otherwise."
    Looking at Kalenz, Lucion scowled briefly, before speaking to him in his stern monotone.
    "Go and fetch some of those Valah Lauriran who signed the Concordat with us. Perhaps some of those Bortu fellows as well. Oh yes. And elves. Invite some of their more agreeable fellows. Elorna tends to be pleasant at gatherings, I hear."
    "And someone prepare food, seating and entertainment."
    The high elves around him began to grumble at the prospect of having to work, but slowly put down their tea and ambled out of the building.
  7. I thought in the original lore, that Krug killed Horen, but his city remained intact which imparted some kind of moral lesson or something? I haven't read the lore in ages, though, so I don't fully know.


    Secondly, though I may have missed this while skimming at 7am, but what exactly is "honour" in shamanism's context? It seems important but it isn't mentioned.

    With careful precision, Lucion Sullas slowly walks towards the front of the gathered high elves. He twists around to face them, and clears his throat.
    "It is rare for someone as myself to admit..."
    He clears his throat once again, before quickly pulling his arms behind his back.
    "... fault. However, it seems this day is fine enough to  past stubbornness, and make some admissions. Neutrality, as desirable, logical, and safe as it may theoretically be, is simply unsuitable in this day, and this age. Where there is an unaligned state, there will be barbarians seeking plunder. This has occurred far too many times to be coincidental. Thus, despite previous positions, I have re-evaluated my position on political treaties.
    In my past, I loathed the Renatus-spawned Empire for its love of conquest, and its many grasping bandits that would attack us repeatedly. But in a time of worry, their nobility pledged their warriors to our cause. Them, and so many others. The Uruk, despite their overtures and threats, came and requested peace. It would be disingenuous to not feel..."
    He pauses, and breathes in slowly. Noticeably, he speaks softer for a single word.
    "... grateful.
    It is my intention to continue this alliance with the Valah nobility, until such time where we, as a society and people, will not require our safety to be in numbers."
    Lucion gestures towards the gathered high elves  airily, and speaks in his usual stern monotone.
    "You all know me, lliran. I am a seasoned leader of my people. I am resolute. I am logical. And I will see us through the hopeful days of peace with a measured hand, and the wisdom of experience. Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya. Vote without emotion."
  9. In the tea-house, Lucion is questioned by Lelien upon the contents of the letter. Were you there, perhaps you might hear a short part of the conversation.


    "... and to think--all I did was request her not to bring her human companion in. The obstinate little free-loader thought it wise to threaten -us- with her kin departing, should he not be allowed inside! Were it not so aggravating, it would almost be comical! The danger to her infant was simply due to her pointless stubbornness. And then she went on to declare that I was not of Malin's blood for not doing as she requested! Who would allow a Mali in after such tasteless insults? Certainly not I. But by the grace and wisdom of Larihei, I am a patient fellow, and when she returned without the human, declaring that she wished to collect her things and move away, I allowed her. After hearing of this letter, one wished he had the ability to return to the past, so as to confiscate all of her..."


    You leave the tea-house, not bothering to listen to the rest.

  10. Lucion glares at the names of the candidates, and shakes his head with a furrowed brow, and a tsk.


    "Not a single non-flawed candidate."


    He gazes up to the sky in thought, and begins to recount what he knows of each entrant beneath his breath.


    "That "Vollet" fellow seems rather lacking in experience, even if he has been a Tilruir for such a time. Perhaps a little longer in lower positions will allow him further practice in leadership."


    "Dasyra spoke of dreadfully regressive ideals. Further entreating outside dregs? An arm's length is still close enough to touch. And I do not appreciate the way she referred to our culture as "unique" in that speech of hers. Were I to be more presumptuous, I would swear the tone was disingenuous."


    "And then lastly sits that under-shirt disregarding buffoon Iatrilimar. For all his respectable clarity, I am simply incapable of thinking him anything but a tea-serving clown! Oh, the indignity..."


    After a full minute of staring at the parchment, he raises his hands in the air, and shakes his head.


    "I must elect that which is least-flawed."



    Iatrilemar Elervathar

  11. ((Lets just move on from that awkward bit of OOC, shall we? :P))



    A very tired-looking Lucion Sullas stands in front of one of many posters, and raises his hands upwards with the gathering numbers of concerned on-lookers.


    "Calm yourself, lliran, calm yourself. There is no need for fear for your lives and such. One shall seek out this "Coalition" and find out what this business is about. I am not sure how these fellows found this document, but I will ensure to speak to them prior to any nonsense with swords begin. We can't have our new mali'ker residents put to the sword before the first elven week of their habitation, after all. Such would make us rather poor hosts."

  12. (("Arcane Shielding

    Advanced, magical shields that hold fast against the ravages of blade, and arrow. Few understand it, fewer know of it."

    Think you might want to change it to: few know of it, fewer understand it.

    Makes more sense :)



    ((We live with the original user of the magic. My character has seen it in action many times. ;) ))


    What no shamanism?


    "What's shamanism?"


    A note is placed



    I am quite astonished that Arcane Evocation recieved only an acceptable mark. Perhaps I will demonstrate for you the true artistry of the magic so you might recant it to a higher mark.



    -Iatrilemar Elervathar


    "All offensive magics are acceptable, but they are still unstable in their own right."


    Toriel drafts a letter to Lucion Sullas, before having it delivered to him.



    " Dear L. Sullas,

           What is the Triumvirate's official stance on the magic of the Monks? I have reason to believe it is Aengul derived, yet I am inclined to think that without it our race would have long since passed from this world. This is a quandary I have debated on and off over the years, and I would seek an official opinion on your stance towards their art. Ahernan'inder, llir.


    - Toriel "


    A letter is returned to strange writer whom, like so many others, knows of the notices placed within that racist, gated community.


    "To "Toriel."


    One has no clue what the Triumvirate officially recognises, as he is not in the triumvirate. This is all opinion. However, I myself would not be foolish enough to speak poorly of, as you have said, something that has a tendency to keep us alive. Best not to insult those who would selflessly bring our people back from their deaths. The same can not be said for the disdainful and judgemental clerics.


    Regards, etc etc,


    L. Sullas"

  13. Another small notice is hung in various places among the walls of Tahn’siol, covering several others. It reads as thus--



    To our most venerated citizenry.


    It has not escaped one’s notice that so many Mali’aheral have chosen to take up the arts of magic. This is excellent, but caution must be had, for many magics are innately dangerous, and some even impure. To help educate my fellow citizens in such things, here is a quick list of magics that myself and a number of notable associates created. Read it, and know it well. One’s opinion may not be triumvirate-mandated, but one hopes his words will be heeded none-the-less.


    L. Sullas


    Maehr’sae hiylun’ehya






    A magic of contemplation, and quiet intelligence. Its usefulness outstrips its fine reputation among the elite of sorcerers.




    One of deceptively simple practice, it is a useful magic for bloodless defence.




    Only those highly learned in the masteries of anatomy may successfully grasp the nuances of this school. It is splendid by its own nature.


    Arcane Shielding


    Advanced, magical shields that hold fast against the ravages of blade, and arrow. Few understand it, fewer know of it.




    Initially honed by pure Mali’aheral bloodlines, its use has faded. Its pedigree, however, is beyond reproach.




    Water Evocation

    Lightning Evocation

    Earth Evocation

    Air Evocation

    Arcane Evocation


    All evocations are dangerous in their own right, but their power is certain. Skilled evocationists are a boon to any around them.






    The trickster’s magic--one of manipulation. Many miscreants use it, and for good reason. Its usefulness cannot be denied, but its users never fully trusted.




    The old elven school of nature manipulation. Though innately peaceful, its practice seems too akin to a religion. It is not recommended for those who have taken the duty of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya.


    Fire Evocation


    Innumerable impures and monsters take up the school of pyromancy. The superstitious would name it “cursed.” The wise would deign it unworthy of study.


    Mental Magic


    To delve into the minds of others is a hateful thing. Thought must remain untainted by the presence of illusionary manipulation.




    Cleric-based Magics


    Power derived from Aengelic beings through praise. Mali’aheral whom do so, serve strive for philosophies outside the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, and are unworthy of their blood.




    Shade magics


    A foul betrayer of your people you must be to degrade yourself to the use of this ‘school.’ A gift from the dread-daemon Iblees himself, those who use it are forever cursed by mind, and by blood.




    There can be no mercy afforded to the beasts that would pilfer tombs and boneyards to piece together monstrosities. They are a befoulment against nature itself, and must be expunged from every corner of every civilised society.

  14. Were you inside the walls of the High Elven settlement Tahn'siol, you would notice numerous large posters emblazoned with gold and red text. As you are likely a high elf, your curiosity takes hold, and you slowly begin to examine the bombastic words. It reads as thus--



    Beware, good citizens and denizens, of the greatest magical threat to these walls...







    The illusionist is a slippery, and naturally untrustworthy individual, who contorts the minds of others for their own whims and amusement.


    Upon this elven day, a band of impure vagrants entered the cihi using this vile magic, and murdered one of our pure citizens in cold blood. They are a plague upon civilised society, and must be removed at all costs!


    This citizen beseeches our wise Triumvirate to bequeath these foul magics, and ban their use within our city. Furthermore, this citizen demands that any and all illusionist citizens/denizens give up their distasteful "art," and practice magic that would see the continuance and advancement of our venerated society.


    Illusion is nothing but the tool of grasping tricksters, whom work only for their personal gain.


    Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya!

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