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Posts posted by Mithradites

  1. After gathering up the first few of the applications, Lucion carefully places them in a neat stack, and walks them towards the tea-house. Sitting comfortably in his chair, and and sipping of what he hoped was tea (Iatrilemar being the creative sort made it hard to tell) Lucion wrote letters to the applicants, and smiled as he sent them off with a grumbling messenger.



    One’s Name: Iatrilemar Elervathar


    One’s Area of Expertise: I have studied physiology of a few races, namely Elven and Human. I also have quite the knack for mechanisms.


    One’s future projects (No time-wasters, please): To state it simply I have a plan for future city protection that I need help with however this task branches between science and the arcane. I need a gifted enchanter to help. 


    Will you uphold the regulations of this consortium, knowing fully that disobeying them will lead to you immediate rejection and, should your actions be particularly distasteful, punishment through the law of the Mali’aheral? Of course.


    Dear Mr Elervathar,


    My thanks for showing interest in this organisation. It would be my pleasure to welcome a well-spoken individual as yourself into these ranks, even though you appear to sway towards the arcane more than you do scientific pursuits. Even so, your knowledge will be invaluable.


    Regards, etc etc


    L. Sullas



    One’s Name: Seth Calith
    One’s Area of Expertise: Water and the art of Water Evocation, otherwise known as hydromancy.
    One’s future projects (No time-wasters, please): I got none, I simply wish to let mali'aheral know that I am ready to share my knowledge or can prudoce (temporary) water for any experiments if needed be.
    Will you uphold the regulations of this consortium, knowing fully that disobeying them will lead to you immediate rejection and, should your actions be particularly distasteful, punishment through the law of the Mali’aheral?

    Just as I follow the laws of the city, I shall follow the rules of this consortium.



    Dear Mr Calith.


    My thanks for showing interest in this consortium. Unfortunately, you do not fit the requirements for application, and I must decline it. Mages are not what we seek, but scholars. I am sure there are many other individuals who would gladly seek out your guidance upon matters regarding the arcane, but it is not for this organisation.


    Regards etc etc,


    L. Sullas



    One’s Name: Ikur Narnir'sul


    One’s Area of Expertise: Neurology, though with knowledge in general medical procedures.


    One’s future projects (No time-wasters, please): I wish to test the effects of Thahnium as a neurotoxin, continuing some of the research done by the currently missing Miss Toriel.


    Will you uphold the regulations of this consortium, knowing fully that disobeying them will lead to you immediate rejection and, should your actions be particularly distasteful, punishment through the law of the Mali’aheral?


    To ask the Okarir'tir to follow the laws and regulations is to ask the sun to shine: I will happily conform to any and all regulations when applicable.


    Dear Mr Narnir'sul,


    Despite my reservations regarding toxins of any kind, I am intrigued by your knowledge of medicine regardless. It will be a pleasure to welcome you as an associate of this consortium.


    Regards etc etc,


    L. Sullas

  2. Within the Eternal library of the Mali'aheral, there is a nondescript table resting in a corner covered in papers, along with a single quill and ink-pot. As an individual with considerable spacial-awareness, you would immediately notice this change, and your natural curiosity would push you to investigate. The papers read as thus--


    Fellow citizens.


    Despite the best intentions of singular researchers and scholars, it has become apparent that without the support of fellow scientists, our advancement becomes stunted and slow. Thus I, Lucion Sullas, announce the creation of the Haelun'or Scientific Consortium.


    This association will be a fertile meeting-ground for like-minded citizens with a desire to discover, understand, and manipulate the nature of the true-world. To ask a rhetorical question in your stead (mostly as they happen to be a pleasant form of breaking the monotony of scribing these notices), 'what advantages specifically does such a society offer?'


    Partnership: Quick, and direct access to the knowledge of fellow scholars for your research.


    Organisation: Aid in the building, repairing, testing, and archiving of discoveries/breakthroughs/failures etc.


    Friendship: I jest. Arbitrary emotional attachments have no basis in science.


    I inform you, however, that this establishment is not a school. It is an association of intellectuals who excel in their chosen fields. Those desiring simply to learn without having anything useful to offer shall not be accepted.


    Within this consortium, there shall be rules to which each member must abide.


    The Regulations


    I. There shall be no unwilling participants in experiments.

    We are scholars, and not torturers. Those who kidnap, injure, disable, or gather 'volunteers' in any nefarious manner will be ejected, and their works confiscated. Animals, obviously, do not apply.


    II. There shall be no revealing research associated with the consortium to those outside of it.

    This is not for the sake of hoarding knowledge, but to allow the individuals who created such works to receive their rightful praise without the greedy stealing their research.


    III. There shall be no theft of research.

    Taking from your fellow scholars is inherently cruel, and will be met with immediate ejection.


    For those who may join, there are a number of conditions that must be met prior to doing so. For quality of what is offered must always come before quantity.


    All applicants must have experience in some scholarly/scientific field. Magic, despite the research associated with it, does not count towards this.

    All applicants must be willing to share their knowledge if requested of it. One must give to receive, and secrecy between fellow members is pointless.

    All applicants must be willing to publish tomes upon their works and discoveries for use in the Eternal Library when appropriate.


    At the end of each elven month, members are encouraged to convene a council, and discuss their findings before the whole of the consortium. Sharing both success and failure is equally useful in the continuing march of progress.


    As the hypothetical head of this organisation, I will be the one to review applications to its ranks. Merely refer to the nearby form, and I will judge your worth to this consortium. Detailed answers are more desirable to short ones. Keep in mind that as for the moment, only pure citizens may apply. Should you be a reasonable individual of another race who has somehow managed to find this through serendipity or otherwise merely state so, and a more practical test of your ability will be arranged. Furthermore, I repeat, that regardless of its scholarly roots magic does not count as an area of expertise.


    Understanding the nature of the true-world is our goal, and not its manipulation through forces outside of it.


    A separate pile of papers resides nearby the notice stacked neatly, all with the same words written upon it.


    Haelun’or Scientific Consortium


    One’s Name:


    One’s Area of Expertise:


    One’s future projects (No time-wasters, please):


    Will you uphold the regulations of this consortium, knowing fully that disobeying them will lead to you immediate rejection and, should your actions be particularly distasteful, punishment through the law of the Mali’aheral?

  3. I'm with GrimReaper here. GMs often have trouble with RPing. That and being a nation-leader/LM will make your life waaay too work-focused in my opinion. Stay out dude.


    Though, I can't fully say that you wouldn't be great at it. Supremacy's organisational skills and crazy efficiency makes him awesome GM material. +1 to you, I guess.

  4. Scattered around all sorts of places where people are known to frequent (and not die) another elven notice is posted with all the usual pomp of Haelun'or. If you have bothered to read the notice, being the dreadfully inquisitive fellow that you are, it would read as thus--





    Lliran, what is freedom?


    In the days of the old Princedom, when the Bearded Elf reigned in lands untarnished by war, there was not an elf who would harm another out of malice, or for the desire to keep order. We were an innocent people kept safe from Iblees’ greatest evils, and the brave Wardens would watch our roads and end any monster with a firm shot from their bows. Freedom was simply to live without fear.


    But time drew on, and without the hand of Native, the Princedom festered. Asulon brought laziness, debauchery and ignorance; with the throw-offs of every foul place slithering into elmalin’or. Normandor, for all its attempts at order, eventually fell into disarray under a number of poor leaders. Haelun’or, thankfully having left the influence of the Princes, remained unaffected.


    This ‘council of splinters’ is the beginning to a return of the past. Chaos. Sheer debauched disorder. They desire freedom from the influence of Haelun’or, which has done its utmost to shepherd its wayward cousins to discipline and logic, only to have the ways of old return to the fore. These elves, in all their idealistic fervour, certainly expect any ensuing ‘rights’ to ensure the continuance of their egalitarian ways. But these rights will undoubtedly return to precisely what they were before.


    The Rights of Old


    The Right to live above the law.

    To ignore their superiors and disregard common decency.


    The Right to care nothing for the state.

    For when the ship is sinking, the rats will board another.


    The Right to harbour the foulest of beings.

    Necromancers, Shades, serial-killers, and Uruks are, in their eyes, ‘misunderstood.’


    The Right to breed genocide.

    Mixing of blood curses twice. And without longevity, what is more certain than a lonely death?


    The Right to die painfully.

    To be raided, murdered, tossed about and tread upon by any and all who would choose to do so.


    The Right to be afraid.

    To fear every passer-by as a killer, a thug, a thief, or a monster.


    Who are these individuals who would harbour yet another failed state? The cast-offs of every society. Almost all are known to take part in selfish, wasteful relationships for their sake of their own emotional gratification. The creation of Elven children is an obligation that all elves must answer. It is a crime in Haelun’or, but they are punished not for the act, but for the sheer lack of common sense. Add this to their consorting with dark magicians, and some even being enemies of the Valah Temple. Even if they do not outwardly show it, they will always put themselves before the whole.


    Something that has been stated before, and supported by our own council, was a condition within each concordat that afforded the signatories the right to depart Haelun’or at any time. This was indeed true. And we stopped none who did so. However, a further condition has been violated.

    “VI: From this day forward pledge to never allow half-breeds of high elven blood, or impure high elves into their ranks, cities, or wherever they call home.”


    Relgard Sintel -- Osage Village. Banished, impure.

    Naeri Evangelo --  Talonnii Village. Banished, impure.

    Elwen Evangelo -- Talonnii Village. Banished, impure.


    Reported attacks upon our people within the druid grove have further strained our ability to trust in their capability of rational thought. Though with such leaders, can we be surprised?


    Claimed ‘cruelties’ enacted by the Silver Council could have simply been abated by obedience, and discipline. The pulling of the vilest weeds was a necessity to bring order to our people. But for this horrifying construct, this ‘council of splinters,’ euthanasia is the only option. We of Haelun’or advise, and perhaps even beg, for nations near and far to destroy this Malinor, before its blackened ichors seep back into all of our lands.


    Iyathante ito elhaelun’or


    Maehr’sae hiylun’ehya

  5. A concerned expression draws across the Maheral's face as he is informed of the notice, and rubs his chin slowly. Shooing away the messenger, he walks over to his potted tulip, and cuts away an errant leaf upon its stem.


    "A patch of weeds is worth digging up the whole garden it seems. Very well. If the elven lands of the future must be yet another warzone, I hope they appreciate this small moment of calm."

  6. Posted in places where elves of any kind frequent, a strangely-worded notice has appeared on many a wall and tavern. It is strange not for being a notice (as they are obviously quite common) but by the fact it is written in the form of a letter. Doubtful, indeed, that any such person has read to this point in the flavour-text, as they will likely only have read the italic's first and last sentence to ascertain the location of this post. However, to those who had the sheer wonderous and delightful disposition to actually bother reading to this point, I give you all one hypothetical Euro. Thank you for being the type of individual who still gives reason for me to write these silly sections, as it means my time has not been wasted on something that has increasingly become a formality, rather than a joy. The notice reads as thus--
    "Good tidings to you, my kindred.
    My name is Garrion Elerei, and I an explorer of history, and writer thereof. I am currently in the process of scribing a tome of elven history. However, I am missing some key features in our earlier days--namely that of Asulon-era elven settlements and individuals. I seek people who will aid me in my quest for knowledge and enlightenment. If you are an individual who knows of such things, please, send me a letter. I am currently residing with the other elves during this strange transitional period.
    I am mainly interested in the actions and gestures of the leaders of the time, as well as information on a peculiar mainland dark-elven settlement whose name escapes me. I believe it was in quite a kerfuffle with numerous human factions at the time, including an early and infamous White Rose. 
    If nothing else, at least direct me to information upon this subject. I am truly desperate, and willing to learn.
    With kind, and somewhat excited regards,
    Garrion Elerei"
  7. Sitting in the Lin'ame district, Lucion nods his head as he patiently listens to the letter being read by one of his associates. He leans back on his bench as the letter is finished, and remains silent for a few moments.


    "I have heard," he begins in his usual monotonous drawl, "that there are those who refer to the elven people as "tools" in one scheme or another. Be they tools under Oren as Haelun'or, tools under Urguan as the Conclave, or tools under the Krugistan Bloc as the "Grand" Princedom. Though it is blatantly untrue of Haelun'or and the elves therein being tools of any sort, for the sake of my coming analogy let us all presume that we are." The Maheral joins his hands together as he prepares to speak further.


    "A saw is placed in the hands of a man who uses it to trim errant branches. He prefers his tool to be properly cared for, as rust can form on metal of any sort, so he cleans it after its use and places it somewhere safe and dry for storage. When its teeth grow dull through use, he scrapes it upon a grindstone. Though sharpening the blade is an arduous task, he does so regardless to ensure it remains in the condition it ought to be.

    Now through some means or another, the saw comes into the hands of a second man. This one, however, is less inclined towards keeping his tools maintained. He cares little where it is kept, so long as it is within arms reach. When its teeth grow dull, he does not put it to the grindstone. He instead accepts its condition as it is, and continues to use it until the blade is so dull it finds trouble cutting through parchment. Accepting its condition as before, even in its worthless state, he instead uses it to plug a hole in his roof. He proclaims thereafter "were I to sharpen it, how would I stop the rain from coming in?"


    Fatefully, the saw is lost once more and is left on its own in the middle of a grassy hillock. It is a picturesque place. The saw is never used; its blade is kept from any sharpening or cutting, and it remains on that hillock for some time. But days pass. Then weeks. The rain rusts its metal and rots the wooden handle. The grass overgrows it and covers it with filth. All manners of creatures walk over it, knock it about, and damage it before the tool finally gives in to the pressures and collapses into pieces. Though who would expect otherwise, given its situation?"


    Lucion gestures outwardly towards his associates one by one, before inclining his head respectfully. "Think of that what you will. I am, after all, merely your oppressor."

  8. Don't wanna type the ~two paragraph thing again


    tl;dr High elves are ruining dark elf / wood elf rp with their security / discrimination making them undesirable to play, any elves who try to live independently will be slaughtered by the high elves (Ex. Snow elves)


    my opinion, fuuck off it you dislike it.


    This thread probably should not have been made, Leo. OOC stuff ignites the angry-juices and is more trouble than it's worth.


    As for you Areon, please don't think this. What security issues? A closed gate? Who enters is ultimately their decision, and we haven't done anything to tell them otherwise. Or do you mean removal of impure elves from the districts? That's an IC issue. We don't care about independent elves, so long as they're not causing trouble for us. Fenn was attacked because they had attacked us in the past, which the elves considered unjust. Places like Alras which have a relatively high impure/independent population are not touched by us for IC reasons.


    tl;dr Please don't be silly on the forums.

  9. Sullas

    "​Diligence in the face of ignorance."









    The Origins



    The Sullas family as it is now has its origins within Aegis, where a high elven couple made their way to Al'Khazar to work as managers/civil servants. These two were the parents of Lucion Sullas, whom both died during the great migration to Asulon, along with Lucion's two siblings. After a period of wandering, he came across the first iteration of Haelun'or, and has not left since. He is likely one of the only members of any Haelun'or government to have never been a citizen of Malinor.


    He climbed the social ladder of Haelun'or, and quickly became a member of the original Silver Council. After taking the position of Okarir'indor, he soon met his wife Celia Windsworn, and went on to procure a number of spawn. All of whom (with the exception of Celia Windsworn, who was murdered) commit suicide, with the exception of Ionia Sullas, who is the only surviving member other than Lucion himself.


    The Lucion Sullas has continued to be a part of the High Elven governing body ever since his original appointment. During the brief periods of political inactivity, his word carried a degree of authority regardless. It is yet to be seen if his remaining daughter will make any similar attempts at leadership.






    Those of the Sullas family tend to have tall faces, with hair ranging in lighter-greys to whites. Sometimes (rarely) one might come with light brown/blond hair. These can be attributed to the influence of the late Celia Sullas. Their heights remain average for high elves, around 6'3"- 6'6'', and tend to be thin, and pallid.


    A Sullas is slow to anger, but easy to irritate. Magic, being only a recent addition to their family repertoire, is not one of their strong suites. However, the sciences tend to interest them far more. They have an eye for research, and a highly inquisitive disposition.


    ((No posts other than high elven family things and so-forth, thank you! :D))

    The Eternal Library of the Mali'aheral stands stark and silent as you delve deeper into its more obscure crevices. The nigh-infinite pages, some centuries in age, are stacked as neatly as possible. Some books are arranged by subject, or perhaps in alphabetical order. Yet many others are simply placed pell-mell inside the shelves, where some poor, beleagured librarian simply gave up. As you pass by the shelves of books one by one, you spot one particularly old tome standing out from the others. 
    Unlike the mad organisation of the books around it, this one sits on its own upon a finely-decorated wooden podium. The cover of the book is made of a worn leather, upon it a faded picture of a stony-faced high elf gesturing outwardly at those who would look upon it. There is no title upon the spine, nor cover. High elves, after all, do not tend to explain that which should be obvious. Whoever would come to view this book obviously already knew what its contents contained.
    Being unable to suppress your curiosity, you pull open the tome to examine the contents. The first page, arguably the most faded and yet still the most ornate, would be hard to read for the untrained eye. Yet were you to struggle through the cursive and beautiful lettering, it would read as thus--
    The Bloodline Archive, 
    the written record of pure families within Haelun'or.
    The purpose of the Mali'aheral is within the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya. 
    Our philosophy stems both from our minds, and our blood. 
    Silver elves take heed: for the recording of one's family ensures the continuance of our people's health. Scribe your lineage for all to know, and ensure our prosperity for all eternity. 
    As you turn the first page, the lettering is almost immediately different than the original. Multiple family lines are shown on each page, and there is plenty of room for more additions. Shall you add to it?
    ((Important stuff you might want))

    This topic could be argued as semi-OOC due to how it's set out. Basically, it's a good place to describe your family bloodline and traits that tend to be passed down! Also, it's kinda neat! A few things that should be mentioned:
    1) A family tree. There's a good/easy program for making these on familyecho.com
    2) A short recountment of the history your bloodline has. Maybe it's just a direct rip from the last VA you did or something. Doesn't have to be long, though!
    3) Physical and personality traits that are unique to your bloodline! 
    4) Anything else you think is relevant! I'll be doing my own on this first, so everyone has something to work off of if they're confused! ;)

  11. Upon the various poster-boards, where many a poster is righteously scoffed at by the denizens, a new, un-scoffed poster now resides there. As a particularly scoffey denizen, you decide to scuff your scoffs slowly so to accent the suspense of your superior scoffing skills. You also find yourself placing alliteration in your descriptive sentences if for no other reason than to make the doldrums of writing descriptive sentences more pleasant. Anyway, despite this pointless preamble, you begin to read the poster.


    Attention, District-Dwellers of Blessed Haelun'or


    The council has taken note of number of issues being brought up by our denizens. We have been informed of many issues previously, but in light of the most fresh discontent, this council has taken the time to push forward this announcement.


    The accepted Tilruir of the districts have the authority to form local governing bodies beneath the auspices of the Silver Council. The districts are free to legislate their own local laws, as long as they do not conflict with Silver Law, and are accepted by the Silver Council.


    The accepted Tilruir and leader of the local guard have the authority to remove chaotic/unpleasant entities from their district regardless of race or creed. They may not remove any members of the Silver Council, Sillumir, or E.T.H.I.C. unless they prove to be of unsound mind, or work directly against Silver or local law. Should any dispute this ruling, a signed document of Authority will be given for direct referral.


    Members of the E.T.H.I.C. must have identification upon them at all times, written and signed by the Sohaer and the leader of the E.T.H.I.C. Those that do not will be considered impersonating important civic officials, and may be taken to the Silver Council for due punishment.


    As a final reminder to the citizenry of the districts: Remember that you may exercise your right to leave Haelun'or at any time.


    Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya.


    Iyatante ito elhaelun'or




  12. So hey! How about that war? Pretty nifty! You know what I love about war? When neither side is willing to concede over anything, or allow a warclaim to pass! That sounds pretty crazy right? No? Would you agree if I wrote another rhetorical question? 


    So I've been thinking, as I am known to do. Neither side of this conflict is willing to bend on the whole 'war' thing, and with this newest addition of the droods, I think we can safely say we've exhausted every level this war can take. So while peace is not possible due to reasons, lets do a little thing and stop fighting for a bit when 4.0 hits. You don't need to have a treaty, or stop hating each-other or anything, we just ease up for a bit. Take this hypothetical situation:


    So, when we leave the fringe, I theorise we'll all go through the same way again (I know I should know as a loremaster, but I haven't been keeping up with the stuff surrounding the departure).


    When this occurs, everyone'll be rubbing shoulders--friends with enemies, enemies against their myriad of other enemies, and everyone will stack into their own little squares of the boats/carts/whatever and the main thing that will be going through their heads is "gosh, this is really awkward, isn't it?" So for the days and weeks they travel, they all sort of chat amongst themselves, eat together, presumably bathe together, and amble throughout the whole ordeal, all that can pierce their thoughts is "Holy butts, this is absurdly awkward." After they land and they say their gruff goodbyes and rub the back of their heads, they meet up with the other members of their nations, cities, etc etc and they all say to one-another "Did you feel as awkward as I did? I felt pretty bloody awkward." They all then go their separate ways and build their walls and cities and armies, but everyone is too embarrassed to go and raid or attack people. "I owe that Dwarven feller 120 minas for beating me in poker! I can't show my face there!" "I can't go and burn the dark elves today! I touched bums with one in the showers! We have a special connection!"


    tl'dr, just stop warring for a while after 4.0 hits due to reasons. 


    We can do that, right? C'mon!


    (Also, this thread is not about babbling over who did what IC/OOC. )

  13. (Bloody good idea to change that title, eh, Spamshock? :P I'll give this a throw.)


    Name: Lucion Sullas


    Age: Currently 200-ish


    Race: High Elf


    Character Allegiance: Haelun'or.


    Short Physical Description: (I presume you want a current description rather than a fictionalised one for the story) Lucion stands around 6'6" with a thin, gaunt appearance. He has silvery hair and green eyes, while his face is pallid and set in a near permanent scowl.


    Short Personality Description: Lucion Sullas is the stuffy cultural leader (Maheral) of Haelun'or. A loyalist, moderate, radical of the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya, lay philosopher, prominent scientist, sorcerer, and a self-taught surgeon, he has a wide range of skills that he offers to his people for those willing to learn. Excessively polite, excessively passive, and excessively logical, Lucion is a gem of Haelun'or ethics and values. And he is very aware of it. Despite being utterly loyal to his city, and people, he has no desire or interest in violent conflict, and will avoid it when possible.

  14. Having listened to another elf discuss the contents of the letter, Lucion answers coolly.


    "The Mali'aheral threaten only when threatened. Otherwise, we care little for the actions beyond our walls and lands, save for the the obligations of political alignment. As for any such business regarding the 'archaic' nature of the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya, I would point to the society that has thrived, and then to that which has fallen."

  15. Walking around the wood elven and dark elven districts is a gaunt-looking high elf, who appears to speak to all those who would listen. Elves being the vocal and argumentative race that they are, many are inclined to listen to Lucion before batting away his comments. At least, the more pleasant denizens are.


    "What are these people whom that speaker described? I recall no time when I saw united elves as this one recalls. Not a race of beasts at least, nor ones as an example of prosperity. The days of Aegis are long gone, along with this one's grip on reality. Elves have been transformed by a century of cruelty! A century of hedonism! A century of madness, and mismanagement! 


    Upon the landing in Asulon, we trekked to the Emerald Peninsular and built a new city in the name of purity, learning, and peace. And yet at every opportunity we have been met by hate due to the tiny, misshapen egos of lesser people. And at the same time, Malinor in its isolation devolved from what marvels it once had to mimic the fragile minds of fouler folk. Weep not for Malinor, as it gained its due fate. Weep only for those who suffered for the incompetence of its leaders. It died the death of a plague-ridden man fed on nothing but plague-ridden potatoes.


    And what of Haelun'or? The motherland remains as it always has. Its people have gone through trials, but their dedication and loyalty remains. And what of those who are not high elves? The many who have taken up silver, and discarded the poisons of the Old Princedom to the wayside? You face trials, yes. As have we all! Their sting is but the precursor to a glorious new age. Another era of stability and peace comes, Mali. And in the name of both Malin and Larihei, they shall be something to be learned from, just as others seek wisdom from the days of old.


    However, only if you let it be so. All elves untainted by the hedonism of old are welcome to the Silver City. Make your choice."

  16. Notices are placed on the iron voting boxes by a number of sour-faced high elves inside the Mali'fenn district, each one of them fastening them carefully with a smelly adhesive. After this is performed, the same notices are delivered to both Gabriel and Irelia before they quickly depart the district in the same manner they came. The notices are a simple kind, written in black ink on smooth, bone-white parchment. They read as thus--




    Attention to all Mali'fenn of Haelun'or Voting in the 'Election.'


    As you have entered the silver embrace of Haelun'or, so have you embraced the Concordat by which your district bases its existence. This Council reminds you of the seventh agreement.


    "VII: The Mali'fenn shall not offer refuge to the former Grand Prince Tundrak of the Mali'fenn."


    Illogical arguments of the degenerate in question not "living" inside the fenn district should he be elected are irrelevant. Alignment to an enemy of the Crimson-Silver Concordat will not be appreciated. As you left the cursed lord of your people, so did you remove yourself from his influence. Therefore, any vote that involves the handful of Mali'fenn still under the command of Tundrak is declared null and void by the Silver Council. Should said vote involve only the district of the Mali'fenn in Haelun'or, this council agrees to observe it.


    Should it continue to include the former Grand Prince and and his remaining servants, it is advised that the resident Mali'fenn observe the fourth right afforded to them.

    • "The right to depart Haelun'or at any time."


    However this right will be enforced universally and immediately by the Sillumiran, and the other elven auxilliaries.


    Maehr'sae hiylun'eyha.


    Iyathante ito elhaelun'or

  17. The wood elf wrinkles his nose and makes a face. "Eh, doesn't really roll nicely off the tongue. I'll just stick to 'DIE MUTANTS'."


    "Technically, none of the races or crossbreeds are 'mutants.' A mutant would be a human with two heads. Or perhaps an Uruk without teeth. Or maybe even a beardless dwarf? Something that would physically differentiate it from its parent species. Thus, unless you wish to kill those I listed, or Mori, I would say your statement is incorrect."

  18. "Grand Prince Tundrak is like trying to wash off oil with water. No matter how much you scrub, he doesn't go away! Also, what does iyathae ito haelun'or mean?" Asks a puzzled wood elf, looking around at the various mali'aheral around him for an answer.


    "It's supposed to mean "Last thoughts to the motherland," a nosy Maheral would say, after sneaking up behind the quizzical wood-elf. "I always thought it was "Iyatante ito elhaelun'or, but Elven is a dreadfully ambiguous language."

  19. 5o65gWM.png


    The Maheral Lucion Sullas stands in the centre of the teahouse, looking towards the gathered members of elven districts. He scowls momentarily at the presence of Jiub, before regaining his composure. In his usual monotonous drawl, he begins to speak.


    "It has come to the attention of the Sohaer and Silver Council that there are currently issues of tension in and around the districts. Now is the opportune time to voice them. Speak clearly, and without fear."


    He narrows his eyes briefly, glaring coldly at the gathered elves.


    "So long as your words do not conflict with the blessed laws."

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