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Status Updates posted by Durzio

  1. ban lifted! i knew the system wouldnt fail me! :D

    1. Botar


      sorry i did not know.. i have not been on the fourms for a while...

    2. Durzio


      no problem :)

  2. blarg,maybe im impatient,but its rough waiting to be accepted or denied for the whiteleist. i hope i make it >.

  3. Crackerjack494 has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello?

  4. finnally on the server! :D

  5. got someone to look at my application.just waiting to be accepted,whitelisted,the whole she-bang

  6. having issues connecting to the server "internal exception: java.net.socketexception:connection reset" is the exact wording of it,do you know what the issue might be?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sykogenic
    3. Durzio


      cool.....and how do i do that? >.< its been a while for me

    4. Sykogenic


      Main page, Download Vaq's Muc program.

  7. how many of the people of aegis are homeless i wonder?

    1. Durzio


      i intend to fix this somehow

  8. it seems you check the application directly above mine,then all the new ones following and mine never gets seen >.

  9. Kae Maleyu ehya Mamali!

    1. Durzio


      Kae mavalahnon! haha

  10. sigh,so irratated.just as my career was starting they falsley accuse and ban me :/

  11. well im back frrom military training,so how do i get rewhitelisted? X.x

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sultan


      Send me your mc name on pm

    3. Durzio


      hey mogroka :) its just durzio

    4. Durzio


      but i did talk to native ^^

  12. what is the address to the teamspeak? I can't seem to find it >.

    1. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      The teamspeak is :ts.lordofthecraft.net

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