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Posts posted by Lirinya

  1. A Bird-en-ous NighT



    “A beautiful piece of two rather angry looking parrots…”



    La Dorada is host to many striking creatures, but the city has recently come to play host to a brand new shop. Flora and Fauna supplies the most beautiful birds of varying origins for sale. Each come from varying places within Aevos and each have their own story to share.




    And so, La Dorada will be host to an official Grand Opening of the shop in hopes that guests will adopt these wonderful creatures into loving homes.


    Guests are invited to bring treats for their bird of choice, some of which can be found on the earlier missive shared. But in general, birds seem to like: Fruits, Seeds, Insects and some even like small fish. 


    There will be plenty more on offer than just animals however, if a new companion is not something you are able to dedicate to. Gifts, and Plushies, even an auction will be hosted for some one-of-a-kind birds that are unlike most others.


    We invite you to dress for your best, wearing all colors you can muster, the brighter the better. The best dressed in the most colors and bird-like theme will win a mina prize. 


    Finding a forever home, in a classy fashion. We will also be welcoming one Senor Kennedy Everett, Who has been kind enough to bring his traveling bird collections and will be hosting this event. 



    Wednesday, 6:30pm EST.
    BYOM (Bring your own Mina)

  2. The announcement came with a mixture of disbelief, shock, regret and anger.


    Elianos had taken to withdrawing to the Palace for much of his free time nowadays. He had become reclusive, despite his recent marriage, his sisters marriage, Ari and Xanders children being born- there was just no happiness left, he felt.


    He had been angry when he had last spoken to his mother properly. She had met with Ophelia and himself as they had argued- some family squabbles relating to life choices. You know, that sort of thing.

    He had dismissed Sybille and refused to explain. At least now she does not have to worry about it, he thought.


    Elianos took the missive in hand. He had already been delivered this inheritance her farewell letter had spoke of. A banner he would truly treasure forever, for the memories it held. The letter she had left struck an unspoken cord in his heart- and some fury rose before it dispelled quickly. Now just wasn't the time.


    But what time was it? What did he do now? Did he seek out his siblings, his wife, or set off to explore and be free? Be free, he thought, was something he had fought for as a child. To sail the seas and to adventure.


    They had wanted to be pirates, after all.



    I've already said this to you HF but thank you for everything, for the character and for the support you gave me during my time of Poppiya, Cosima and Elianos. I wish you all the best, and hope that your next chapter in life is a good one, no matter where you go or what you do.


  3. XNPGil0LHuOPB54YRnh6R1eyxJeQ_hcWgnIYZFE-yOEY7idvSzhP3swVgjeJ5iysfnyJ-G_-V1UbdTdqtr6SkQzp6Mx24stZSEnxBMp_QPhkRlDjjpls9S6Fclk2BGkYl9rDMYxaYArVwhkxwmBYt2o


    Issued on the 24th of Sun’s Smile, 122 B.A

    BY THE  VISCOUNTY OF SAN ADRIANO9qY4yz8tbV-mkjq3lQj2LIlpjOgVssSip9szbFicO4vQJzu8o_beeB83DJpfngr3VrbKCLCk-7DENzE0CfI_XLdtHhQZnSxzK2eYjNwAcPmjORCsJWvhSCtZgX5tVcfWEomEBqlRaWR2Jm20LYUV0OUXNPGil0LHuOPB54YRnh6R1eyxJeQ_hcWgnIYZFE-yOEY7idvSzhP3swVgjeJ5iysfnyJ-G_-V1UbdTdqtr6SkQzp6Mx24stZSEnxBMp_QPhkRlDjjpls9S6Fclk2BGkYl9rDMYxaYArVwhkxwmBYt2o

    I was blessed some years ago, with the title of heir to our then County of Petra, now Viscounty of Balian.

    Due to my elder brother's misfortune, my father- GOD rest his soul in the skies- entrusted me with such a task, a girl whose only desire had been to amass a collection of books and to enjoy her time peacefully. I was willing to take such a task, however, and proud to do so.

    However, with the return of my brother, August Benedict Temesch, and with his recent marriage to the Princess Ophelia, I have come to believe that he would be better suited for the role of Viscount. August has shown true dedication to his work for Balian and Portoregne, and I am confident that he will put in an equal amount of care and love into raising the house as our father had done so, in his tenure.

    May GOD guide him true and honorable.


    S I G N E D,

    The Most Honorable, August Benedict Temesch

    Viscount of San Adriano, Ryal-Legate and Vice-Amiratus of Valian

    Lady Cosima Victoria Temesch

    Former Viscountess of San Adriano


  4. The Birds oF




    “Sketches of some of the stores more… unique creatures.”



    A grand new stall located within the city of La Dorada features a plethora of new avian friends, who practically exude social anxiety and require much rehabilitation.

    Each of our feathered friends has their own story to tell- see below to be introduced to some of them- and visit La Dorada to claim one for yourself.


    Remember: These creatures require plenty of love and care and attention!



    A youthful flamingo, who appears to be the ugly duckling of the nest. She was never cared for by her mother, her colour seems to have taken more of a purple hue- which was perhaps the cause of her rejection. Equally, she never found it quite possible to stand upon one leg. Truly, she was a unique flamingo.


    A pirate bird, so to speak. Kept within an ugly bone cage, this creature saw much of its life surrounded by the seas and the conflict which followed with it. When its former owners were slain, this creature was able to make its way free, though was left with residual trauma.


    Once resident to a wealthy duchy, this poor creature soon found itself without any of its kin remaining, thanks to raiders. It was forced to seek shelter within caves until it fought its way free, to which it then began its travels across Aevos. Unfortunatly, past experiences has left the creature with a lingering angst towards others.

    “This striking new shop can be found within the square of La Dorada.”


  5. 14 minutes ago, teeylin said:

    Dimitri's daughter, Santana, stared at the will with nothing more than the barest hint of pain her in eyes. Not grief, not remorse, not even anger. 


    She set the writ aside to move towards the balcony. "All that effort, and for what?" A slow exhale escaped the princess. For all their arguments, dinners alone without a parent in sight, and the long nights alone stewing over his decisions as a parent, she would still mourn him- in her own way. 


    Luis strode a few paces behind Santana. He had not met the man, but he had heard some of his now wife's worries and complaints.

    He had promised support, after all.

    "May he rest peace," he muttered to the skies as he guided Santana to sit besides him, and allowed her to mull over, and vent her frustrations in comfort.

  6. AD_4nXe_xbpr3T1pMh05TTshGzVwu2EEAm459aE8N314e3tOlR-RmdrPFkbp-SHg4qW9wHTiwdqaLkk0fuaJRedxRudaceZ3OijgbcBgKgvK19W-lJIOdmfXoOaDhSniALNq7fy2xF9ym9X4jQbugM3bO0hlZxA?key=MTo2-vNd4HmX8ZBPQXyGlA



    24th of Godfrey's Triumph, 122 B.A



    “A portrait of Elianos and Selyne stood within the Palace of Portoregne”


    It brings great pleasure to the House of Novellen and the House of Amador to announce the union between their kin. In a private event between said houses, His Highness Elianos Hadrian Novellen and her Ladyship Selyne Sosina Amador exchanged their vows and bound themselves in matrimony with the guidance of Father Jan, a childhood friend of the Prince. 


    The couple express their thanks to their surrounding net of friends and family during this momentous occasion and ask that in place of gifts, donations be made to the less fortunate instead.



    His Highness, Elianos Hadrian Novellen, Prince of Balian.

    Her Ladyship, Selyne Sosina Amador.

  7. Cosima took to her fathers crypt once more.

    He had brought life back to the family whilst within Petra and, she supposed, they were branches of the same house.

    There was some respect there, for the reigning family. She had even purchased a doll of the dubbed War-Queen, in her youth. Catherine had, arguably, been a woman that Cosima had respected.


    "I'll have a statue added besides the former... former queen of Petra," she explained to her eternally sleeping father, "I am sure you would have wished for her to be remembered."

  8. Cosima sat within the newly constructed tomb beneath the San Adriano keep. At her deceased fathers side, she sat and read the missive to him. It would have given him some semblence of entertainment, she assumed.


    "We left at the right time," she concluded after reading the missive aloud, "it started to fall apart so quickly. If only we could gossip about it together."





    “Viva Hyspia” 

    10th of Laurelie’s Piety, 104 D.R 




    “A piece depicting the Princess Santana and her bridesmaids teasing Señor Murietta for his wedding attire.”

    With this new generation quickly reaching adulthood, then begins the course of marriages and partnerships. Whether brought on by matters of the heart or of requirement, each union promises to be honorable and beneficial in the eyes of the houses and nations brought together.


    This day, the first of two unions to take place within La Dorada, Her Royal Highness, Santana Leya de Pelear is to wed Señor Luis Murietta. Two of equal diligence and duty, the pair hope to see their union blossom for the benefit of Hyspia.



    Event Itinerary

    The Wedding and Reception

    At the couple’s request, the wedding and following celebrations are to be kept small, to ensure ample time for the day's remaining festivities.

    The awaited wedding will then take place within the church of Blessed Francisco, joining the two in matrimony. Upon the end, a reception will be held within el Palacio de Girasol following the accompanying union of Her Royal Highness Renata and His Excellency Carlos.


    [Friday 31st, 2pm EST]




    Formal Invitations are Sent to:

    Her Highness, Ramona I, Sovereign of Hyspia and the citizens of Hyspia

    The House of Murietta

    The Viscomital House of Denodado

    The Baronial House of Halcourt

    The Baronial House of Salazar

    His Holiness Caius I, and the Church of Canon

    His Royal Majesty, Ivan VIII, and his Citizenry.
    His Apostolic Majesty, John I, and his Citizenry.

    Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I, and her Citizenry.

    Her Royal Majesty, Sybille I, and her Citizenry. 

    Her Royal Majesty, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë, and her Citizenry.
    Their Highnesses, Alfred I and Leon II, Princes in Reinmar and the citizens of Reinmar


    Personal Invitations are Sent to:

    Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba

    His Highness, Rafael Arsenico

    His Highness, Inigo Andres

    Her Highness, Solana Aracely

    The Most Honorable, Cosima Temesch

    Her Ladyship, Esfir Artemisia Amador 

    Señor Nicolas Murietta

    Señora Gabriela Salazar

    Señor Alejandro Flores

    Señorita Ornella Roa






    HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Santana Leya de Pelear

    Crown Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Paraiso


    Señor Luis Murietta








    Toil and till

    Soil and stone


    These were the things that Luis had come to favor as a daily routine. Each morning he woke before dawn had broken, to begin his duties to the land just like any other farmer- of which there were plenty amongst the village. 


    It had been this way for years, he recalled one particular sunny morning, as he pulled his shirt over his head. He was not afraid of hard work, especially not after so many years. His calloused hands explained as much. In their mid twenties, these hands had seen-


    “How long has it been?” 


    Luis could not recall the exact amount of years his life had been the same. His early waking, his working all day, through any weather. It had certainly been -a time-. What scattered memories he had, he recalled Orcs firstly- time after time being huddled together with his mother within their home, keeping quiet to ensure they were not found-. 

    Then came the relocation. It was just him- no one else came with him. For safety, his parents sent him to their hometown, to help on their mothers family farm- which is where he still stood now.


    “But that was years ago.”


    The man found himself within the middle of a field. Somehow, throughout this recollection, he had autonomously begun to work his routine. He smiled at that, somewhat proud of the fact.


    “Perhaps too long is what it is.”


    He had come and gone of course. In weeks of bad weather, when crops was low and farmland flooded, Luis had taken the chance to return to his parents, once the conflict had calmed and the roads were clear. 



    He had always found La Dorada to be quite beautiful on his sporadic visits to the midlands. The surrounding sands were odd, but the heat was certainly not new. He had considered from time to time, the pros and cons of if he were to rejoin his siblings. 


    His parents had passed now. He had been fortunate enough to return prior, just in time to see his mother before she passed to the seven skies. His father however- he lamented the loss terribly.  




    It had drawn to night, already? The soil was tilled, and crops harvested. Their family would eat well tonight.

    But the more he pondered, the more he longed. What if he did return to his siblings? He could still farm, surely. If not- well, he could find a new purpose.. Or simply return. He knew the roads off by heart, by now.


    The family was stable enough. They had a comfortable surplus of food, and his uncles still tended the farms- as did their children.


    “Children. A family.”


     Such a dream- perhaps it was about that time.



    Their family dinner drew to a close as it always had, with laughing and dancing around the table. There were many of them- but they all loved dearly. That would make things easier.


    A conversation was had between adults, with children who listened in from their shared bunk. A farewell, and a promise to visit from time to time, and a plea to write should they ever need a helping hand.



    Morning broke again, but this time the tools were not lifted. They remained propped against the door. What little belongings Luis did have- a cloak, a worn pair of boots- were worn on his person. His Uncle had packed him some food for his travels, and sent him off with a few coins in hand. 


    “Be kind to each other.”

    “God bless.”






  11. The news met Cosima with no surprise.

    She had already grieved for their father, that to her, they had lost years ago. Their move to Balian had been completed just in time- for it was near then that he had begun to slip from them. Occasional good days were mingled within the plethora of bad ones. He had been able to offer her some guidance in her youth and in her teen years- he had done his best of course.

    The truth was, there was little to feel sorrowful for. He had not been the affectionate type- nor a present figure in her life. Once upon a time they had sat together after he had been blinded. Cosima had- she was perhaps seven or eight years old- read to him the letter she had received from a young princeling from Aaun, how excited she had been to share that with Adrian.

    But that had been it, really. There had been no father and daughter outings. Not much in the way of family celebrations, even after the war had passed and Humanity fell into calm. Adrian had begun his political, ‘paper pushing’ work again, or so she called it, and that had been that.

    Cosima took to her desk within her library tower; her retreat from the world when she so truly needed it. A plethora of research papers and sewing equipment lay strewn about, accompanied by a box of cigarettes and a bottle of wine. She sat herself down at her papers, and simply set about at her work.


    Just another day.”


    You played a good dad. Ty for all the hard work you put into Temesch! You know full well, you're not allowed to leave us anyway.


  12. 𝔓𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔢𝔤𝔫𝔢 𝔓𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔡𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩


    9th of Horen's Calling, 111B.A                                                                                 Price: Free (Donations welcome)



    Portoregne’s retail sector sees frequent change, and with new residents and trade feels constantly formed on a yearly basis, it is only natural that these businesses change with the seasons.


    This edition of the periodical is purely to promote some of the newest businesses that have recently made their debut. Do not fret if yours is not included- feel free to reach out and ask!



    𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝕸𝖊𝖓𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖊𝖆 𝕾𝖍𝖔𝖕

    𝒜𝓃𝓃𝑒'𝓈 𝒜𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓊𝑒 𝐼


    · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


    · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


    Situated at the corner of the central square of Portoregne is The Equestrian Menagerie and Tea Shop, an establishment owned and run by the family of Vourkehardt- a newcomer crew to the nation of Balian.


    Beautifully decorated, this place of business is diligently separated into its respective sections. One would assume that they only dabble in the trade of horses, however a meander into the shop shows otherwise.


    Nestled within the farthest corner is their smithing section- metals, fuels- all the basics at competitive prices.

    A display behind the window, overlooking the street, offers on sale a variety of purchases. A wine, a bauble and a toy- an unusual array of items though, they are quite the eye catcher.

    Of course, the equestrian themed products take up most of the space. Saddles, leashes, and tokens for horses themselves are sold for variable prices. They even boast the purest bred horses at a cool 100 minae.


    Finally, my personal favorite section- The Tea Shop

    Sat right beside the door to welcome one in, it is impossible to miss Griffin’s Tea bar.

    At 3 minae a cup- you can truly not go wrong.

    Their menu reads as follows:

    Sweetberry tea, Honey lemon tea, Green bitter tea and Milk tea.



    𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝕯𝖊 𝕷𝖞𝖔𝖓𝖘

    𝒜𝓃𝓃𝑒'𝓈 𝒜𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓊𝑒 𝐼𝒱


    · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


    · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


    A few doors along the main road and any visitor will find it difficult to come across the beautiful establishment of Couture de Lyons. A pristine white building surrounded by an array of vibrant and scented flora- that alone is enough to draw someone inside.


    The first floor, or perhaps the reception, offers a desk and catalog - introducing the visitor to the owner of the business, the Lady Juliana de Lyons. Displayed for sale at this level are tokens for makeovers! Ranging from price and detail,  the most expensive is that of a full makeover at 325 minae. The others, in descending order are Outfit Makeover - 250, Head Makeover - 100 and Accessory - 75. Though at the time of writing, these all are out of stock. A shame. 

    To conclude this level of the store, two dresses stand on display within the main window, both priced at 150 Minae. Shoppers can purchase the dresses at said display- and look their most prettiest in an instant!


    The store does boast an upper and lower floor, though each are somewhat lacking in stock.

    The upper has a wide array of books on sale- perfect for your bookworm relative or friend, of varying topics. A large collection, assumedly the entire collection of the Works of Borris Kortrevich can be purchased here, along with some other fantasy stories. 


    Finally, the lower level displays a few bottles of perfume, though it seems to offer promise of much more, given the displays which stand ready!



    𝕷𝖆 𝕾𝖊𝖉𝖆 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖆

    𝒫𝒾𝒶𝓉𝒶 𝒹𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑔𝓃𝑒 𝟥


    · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


    · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


    This could hardly be a promotion of Portoregne businesses without noting the nation's own shop!


    Ran assumedly by Her Majesty, this perfectly situated place of trade- directly in view of the city square, offers a variety of resources, weapons, tomes and more. 

    Each, I assume, were either created by a member of the Portoregne peerage or by Her Majesty herself. There are potions a plenty of each and all kinds, so clearly the court alchemist is being kept occupied.

    A 38 inch weapon sits besides these for sale, at only 25 mina- quite the steal, really.


    Other items to purchase are a book on the Baliante tongue, standard resources such as iron and… cactus green! 


    It is worth noting that the businesses of Portoregne do not simply reside within the main street.

    The market, which is still a work in progress in terms of decor, is still open for trade!


    Stalls seem to come and go rather quickly, though I can certainly not leave them out of the paper! Following are three unique business all open and ready for trade, with a little bit of self promotion slotted within.

    𝕭𝖗𝖆𝖇𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖚𝖒 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖘

    · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


    · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


    Opened only within the last saints day or two, this new stall features imported goods from the settlement of Brabant. Located within the woodlands of the east coast, these wares have certainly traveled a good distance.


    Here you will find beautifully cut gems, weapons, resources and even a potion on sale! A wide variety, it seems.


    𝕲𝖊𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖘 𝕾𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖙𝖊𝖗

    · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


    · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


    A business which has stood for a short while now. Ran by His Highness Elianos, Geologists Corner sells, well, rocks.


    The Prince is often out of stock- it seems guests can hardly keep their hands off these stones, which offer a chance of producing a beautiful geode. Equally, they also offer.. Stone… or fossils, I am to gather. But at 10 minae a piece, how can we say no?


    𝕾𝖆𝖓 𝕬𝖉𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖓𝖔 𝕰𝖒𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖚𝖒

    · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


    · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·


    To conclude the business, I did promise a little self promotion.


    San Adriano Emporium, once Author's Corner, began as a labor of love for the written word. Anyone who knows me just knows my love for books. Though with some new found skills blooming, I have begun to offer entirely custom living dolls.


    Do feel free to reach out for any enquiries!



    The Portoregne Periodical now has its own office! Located within the second level of Ledicort’s Hall, just above the market place. Visitors who wish to write to the author may do so, either by sending a bird to Cosima Temesch or by leaving a note within the office mailbox.


  13. 11 minutes ago, __Stal27 said:

    Children are not permitted to travel outside the city walls without the accompaniment of a soldier or knight.

    "This feels like the war all over again," commented the Legate's sister with a frown, "I can only pray it does not last too long. I do not wish to raise any children in the same, locked down conditions."

  14. Mourning the loss of her father, one Katherina lounged within her home of Brabant.

    She flicked through the plethora of pages of the research and history of a family she had yet to form ties with. A weak, yet present smile lingered here and there throughout.


    "What a family vy brought eam into, papej."




    "From Ashes."


    Holy hell. This is amazing. Well done, Cheese.


  15. DXMgjvj14GjibC2rm0NnbcmsmRimXqjT_oT7R2q2dcxAnfc24YcNfHSDKculirl0_AcpH3qOCTWtNqhB8jy0KNMp5VsgfaQpvlH4rhVY3PbISIPDGz09SLuEpeTnInVNlfypivHIDFhls5YBgf1TBEU


    The Portoregne Book Drive

    Writing, Mina and More


    [May 27th - June 2nd]





    For as long as I can remember, I have been enthralled with the written word.

    Books on stories, skills, history, creatures- the lot. 


    But my truest dream has been to encourage others to write and to share their love and understanding and knowledge. The knowledge retained by the people of Aevos is extensive, such can be seen by the almost 100 books within the San Adriano library alone. One can only imagine what knowledge remains unwritten, what wisdom remains unpenned.


    And so, I extend to the people of Balian and any guests along the way to partake in a week long drive for newly written content


    A stall is to be set within the city of Portoregne which will offer stationary for purchase. Equally, it will offer a place to safely deposit written work.


    For every new* book written, a price of fifteen mina will be paid to the author- assuming the quality is acceptable**. This will act as an entry to an overall competition in which the top three books will be awarded prizes. 


    *Books deemed as ‘new’ are either books dated with the current date, or a date within the last four saint weeks. Equally, San Adriano keeps a list of books within their library, and should the given book not be within that list, that will equally suffice.


    **Book quality and standards will be decided by the organizer. Any books given that are considered ‘low quality’ will be retained, but neither paid nor entered into the overall competition.





    The Most Honorable, Cosima Victoria Temesch

    Countess of Martiel, Viscountess of San Adriano and author of the Portoregne Periodical


  16. 15 hours ago, MarquisAlex said:

    Goodbye, my dearest Katherina.


    "What do vy mean?"  Cried Katherina as she received the letter. 




    Diligently she worked away in the forge of Brabant- hammer upon molten metal came to a swift halt as a courier met her at the door, who then thrust the letter forward.


    "From you father," the courier spoke solemnly. 


    Heavy leather gloves were removed and discarded aside. Odd, her father lived in the same town. Why would he send a letter?

    Kat took the letter, and tipped the courier a few mina before she sent them on their way. 


    Besides the anvil she sat, besides her pride and her work to read the letter.. and so she crumbled.

    Each word she read, she shook further. Tears welled in her eyes and she, this otherwise stern and guarded woman, sobbed.


    "There has to be a mistake." - "Is this a cruel joke?" - "Papej.."


  17. 𝔓𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔢𝔤𝔫𝔢 𝔓𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔬𝔡𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩


    11th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 109B.A                                                                                 Price: Free (Donations welcome)



    𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓻𝔂 𝓗𝓲𝓹𝓹𝓸

    Oh To Be a Barkeep


    Tavern owner Achillius is on the hunt for individuals who wish to enlist in employment at the Hungry Hippo!


    • Profits are kept majorly by the barkeep,

    • Meet a plethora of people; from all walks of life,

    • Build your skillset. Take advantage- learn to brew and to mix all sorts of drinks.


    A bird can be sent to Achillius d’Arkent 𝓝𝓸𝔀!




    𝕊𝕠𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟

    Summary of the Symposia Pragma


    Event One - The Debut


    Whilst the debutante list was not a lengthy one, it promised a wide array of individuals; from heirs to spares, from royal, common and to noble. 

    The two most notable of the introductions were to be crowned The Ruby and the Sapphire of the evening.


    The introductions began with the royal twins. I hear that Their Highnesses both opted to wear the apparel of their parents; to honor both their mother and their late father in their big moment.


    Following, we saw a handful of Balians noble youths. Temesch, d’Arkent, Roa and so on. We also saw a guest to Balian, the Miss Amari Morozov-Tabbris, debut this season. I hear she may have outshone some of our nobility- interesting.


    Ultimately, the end goal of the debut was to crown our winners. 

    Such an honor was bestowed upon His Highness Elianos Novellen as the Sapphire and Dona Tryphania d’Arkent as the Ruby.


    Event Two - The Hunt


    Word spreads that Her Majesty was the best performing at the hunt, this eve! 

    With a proud two kills under her belt, Her Majesty walks away with a duo of slain boars as trophies.


    Achillius d’Arkent followed in closeby with the third kill of the eve!


    Event Three - The Cooking Contest


    The cooking competition, held by our Lovely Lavanya, came to an eventful conclusion!

    With Mister Grover Reid- a known man of chaos within the city scoring first place, with the runners up being that of the duo Princess Ariadne and her companion, Hilda Brawn.


    Grover Reid walked away with a cool one hundred minae. And for cooking? Perhaps I should finally learn the skill.


    Event Four - The Queen’s Fortune


    Her Majesty held a fortune telling booth within the Palace gardens. 

    I hear it was quite successful, with many of Balian’s youth attending to scope their future prospects. Of course, a similar topic was on mind for some- the outcome to the social season and whether or not it would be successful for them.


    Event Five - The Tourney


    Our tourney went ahead, hosted by Mister Dainn.

    Paul Temesch won the archery tournament!

    Joven won the joust in place for Her Majesty!


    Event Six - The Flower Fest


    A lesson of culture and craft hosted by the beloved Viktoria vas Ruthern

    The Dame planned an eve of lore- detailing Balian’s history and culture surrounding the local flora.

    Touched upon within the last release of the paper- Balian holds its flowers dear and significant.


    Event Six - The Final Ball


    Crafted and put together by Dame Viktoria, the final ball’s theme was that of flowers. This writer noted the importance of a certain bloom in the last paper, and those interested in courtship found it placed on sale beside the ballroom, along with other significant bouquets.


    Prizes were offered for three categories: Best Dressed, Best Dancers and Best Overall couple.

    The night began quietly- whilst it was noted that there were several pairs huddled together, no one quite seemed ready to dance. So myself and my fiance ushered them onto the dance floor one by one. Siblings joined us first, and a couple of others followed along.


    The Prizes were distributed as follows:

    Best Dressed: Princess Ophelia and August Temesch.

    Awarded by their strikingly beautiful, and matching attire.


    Best Dancers: Princess Ariadne and Hilda Brawn.

    Awarded for their elaborate dance- with a daring dip within its choreography!


    Best Overall: Myself - Cosima Temesch - and Olivier de Savoie.

    Awarded for our encouragement of the crowds.




    𝐻𝒶𝓇𝓀, 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉?

    Gossip Column


    Word spreads that Her Highness Ophelia is courting! 

    Courting none other than our new Legate, August Temesch- but it gets better. Word has it that they began not even a year after meeting. 




    𝔸 𝕄𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕠𝕗 ℙ𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘


    With a heavy heart, this writer shares the news of the passing of His Lordship, Rhys var Ruthern.


    A public missive was released by one ‘Irene’, announcing the capture and murder.

    Our condolences and prayers are with the family at this time, and we ask our readers to extend the same.




    In addition, we make note of the passing of Ser Alberic du Lac

    A Petran Prince by birth, it is said that Ser Alberic accomplished much in his years, and touched many hearts along his journey from Numendil, to Balian and beyond. He will be sorely missed.



    𝕬 𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊


    Following the Royal Wedding last year, this writer is pleased to announce the birth of the heir’s heir, His Highness John Casimir.


    Both mother and babe are said to be doing well.


    Congratulations to the Royal Family on this joyous occasion.




    The Portoregne Periodical now has its own office! Located within the second level of Ledicort’s Hall, just above the market place. Visitors who wish to write to the author may do so, either by sending a bird to Cosima Temesch or by leaving a note within the office mailbox.

  18. MC Name: lirinya


    Discord: lirinya




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