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Application Comments posted by Lirinya

  1. qgcl0pt.png

    • You need to include at least two pieces of lore into your biography, and try to make the biography at least 7 sentences long. At fifty two, your character has a lot of leeway. There are a lot of places he could have visited, and things that have been seen.
    • Your powergaming definition is inaccurate/not what we’re looking for. I suggest looking up power-emoting.
    • Your metagaming definition also needs to be elaborated.
    • Your interesting facts should be traits. Things like social anxiety, or a stammer, and make sure you have a strong positive, neutral and a negative.
      • You don’t absorb power from a twin that was never born...You could say that he was supposed to be a twin but one died, but not only does he gain nothing from it, it wouldn’t be a character trait. You could work it into the bio, if you really wanted to.

    Please, make your changes in your own time! Any questions, feel free to PM me on the forums or on discord, Laurelin#0797

    And, feel free to join us on the new player discord too: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  2. qgcl0pt.png

    • My only feedback is your interesting facts. Remember, they should be more based around character traits. A stammer, for example, or social anxiety.
      • To clarify, he can read as many books on magic as he wishes- but he can not learn until he is taught.

    Please, make your changes in your own time! Any questions, feel free to PM me on the forums or on discord, Laurelin#0797

    And, feel free to join us on the new player discord too: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  3. qgcl0pt.png

    Hey there. For starters, I really love your app as a starting point, and had I read about the Tuvati before now, I’d have made a character from it.

    • That being said, while traditions from the tribe does technically count as lore, I’d ask you add a few more too. Something more direct, like names of the lands, or titles of its people.
    • Reversing a bit, your power gaming definition is, while not wrong, not entirely what we look for. I suggest taking a look at power-emoting, too.
    • Finally, your interesting facts are lacking a defining neutral and positive.
      • I suppose carrying a fishing rod all the time could be a neutral, if that’s what you intend to do.
    • By the way, I adore  your skin.

    Please, make your changes in your own time! Any questions, feel free to PM me on the forums or on discord, Laurelin#0797

    And, feel free to join us on the new player discord too: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  4. 8zWwwdk.png

    I’m going to deny this based on the lack of following instruction. But this doesn’t mean you’re banned for applying. What you need to do is take some proper time to read about the server. Read the lore- the history. Of your characters race, of the worlds. You can also read through other applications- but remember not to copy them.


    And, just because this server is named Lord of the Craft doesn’t mean it’s linked to Lord of the Rings. We don’t have hobbits.


    Please take 24 hours at minimum before you reapply. Take your time, don’t rush.

  5. Changed Status to Under Review


    Hey there. A good start to your app, and there has been some effort in trying to find some relevent lore. However, let me help you there!

    • While your powergaming definition is alright, it’s not what we’re looking for. In terms of a text based roleplay system there is also power emoting. I suggest you look into that, and reword your definition.
    • Unfortunatly, Lin’evaral was destroyed such a long time ago. That is also when the Black Scourge was a thing. (You’ve gone as far back as Anthos! For context, Anthos ended in 1454, and we’re now in 1715!
      • With a character ages 40, he will have seen the maps Atlas (our previous one) and our current one, which is Arcas.
      • With that in mind, please rewrite the biography with more current lore. Remember, it needs to be around seven sentences long, so try and list where they came from, what they did, where their family when, and where they are now at the very least.
    • Culturarly, fourty is still child-territory for elves. This is fine, as long as you are aware.
    • Two out of three of your character facts are fine, but I can’t define the last one as a positive, negative or neutral.

    Feel free to make the changes, and tag me in the discord when you have done!

  6. Changed Status to Under Review


    Hey there.

    I’m going to flat out deny this for the following reasons.

    • You haven’t read any of the help in the section above the application.
    • Your definitions are incorrect.
    • You can not be a lava demon.


    Generally, you need to read the server lore, and rules, and help avaliable. Please take 24 hours to re-think, and reapply.

  7. qgcl0pt.png

    • Your powergaming definition, while not wrong, needs a bit of an addition. I suggest looking up power emoting.
    • I’d suggest a little work on your biography. You have included two very vague references to lore; the name of the world once, and a religion.
      • Remember. Atlas was the previous map. We are on Arcas now- So while the character will have been born there, she would not be there now.
      • I suggest elaborating on the lore side of things a little more. Where does she live now? Where did her family go in the transition between Atlas and Arcas?
    • For an elf, 18 is very young, and the character will culturarly be defined as a child. While fine, you should be aware of this.
    • Please elaborate on your character description.
      • Height, build, expand it a little as opposed to just making a list.
      • Purple hair is not natural, so be aware that if you must have it, it will have been dyed.
    • Your interesting facts seem all negative. Instead, look up some trait lists and pick out a positive and a neutral to go alongside a negative.

    Please, make your changes in your own time! Any questions, feel free to PM me on the forums or on discord, Laurelin#0797

    And, feel free to join us on the new player discord too: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  8. qgcl0pt.png

    • Your metagaming definition is incorrect.
    • Your powergaming definition is also inaccurate. I suggest looking up both power gaming, and power emoting.
    • I’d like to see a little more from your biography.
      • The culture you have had your character begin in, is a player made culture, and is not technically canon to LoTC lore until it is accepted by staff. So while they can be from that culture, they can not carry artifacts from it, and so on.
      • There is much more lore to be had on the world. We have recently had a map chance from Atlas, to Arcas. Two worlds worth of lore!
    • I don’t suggest having the tribe name as the characters surname, especially not when it was unlikely they existed when your character was born.
    • 19 is a very young age for an elf, and she will culturarly defined as a child, as long as you are aware.
    • High elves can not have red eyes. [High Elves]. Your culture can not edit the biological appearence of your character.
    • Your interesting facts need work. Remember, you need a positive, negative, and neutral.
      • Perhaps give google a quick search. Character trait lists are easy to come across.

    Please, make your changes in your own time! Any questions, feel free to PM me on the forums or on discord, Laurelin#0797

    And, feel free to join us on the new player discord too: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  9. qgcl0pt.png

    Hey there. I’m going to pop this on pending for the following reasons.

    • Your powergaming definition is almost there, but I’d also like you to take a look at [Power Emoting].
    • In terms of lore, the only two things you have mentioned is Distor and Arcas once. I’d like to see more. Remember, we have only just had a map change from Atlas to Arcas- a big even in everyones life.
      • To clarify, Distor is a player made culture from 2016. You might struggle to find players of that same culture.
      • Since it is player made, and not filed under accepted by staff, you are able to claim that you are from there, but are not able to bring over, for example, artifacts and such, nor be decendants of any wildly royal, or noble families.
      • A katana is a japenese weapon, and the culture is chinese based. Katanas are also very cliche.
    • I’d argue that your neutral in your interesting facts is another positive. There are plenty of lists online to help you, if you need it.

    Please, make your changes in your own time! Any questions, feel free to PM me on the forums or on discord, Laurelin#0797

    And, feel free to join us on the new player discord too: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

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