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Posts posted by Elindor

  1. This 'event proposal' is my idea drop. The scale of this is unrealistic and I have no expectations that it could be achieved at its most awesome level in the current timeframe, however scale down or leave it for next year. If a team of Event people really wanted to run with this, something could be put together in time though. I believe in you. What is important in this event is reminiscence as an opportunity to invite past players back to the server, even if only for a few days, anticipating that some will convert to playing again. So the event setup is just as important as keeping players informed about what is to come, particularly in the form of a mailout to all email addresses of LotC forum accounts. @Tythus probably needs to be on board for that to happen. Hence the intentional tie in to this time of year as distanced past players won't mind so much being invited to take a look at LotC again if its a festive celebration of our past.


    12 Days of Christmas
    The concept is super simple. Every day there is something new to take a look at. Its like an LotC advent calendar. The IG setup is the sudden appearance of a mushroom house which has little inside it but many locked doors that appear not to lead anywhere. 12 to be precise. And at a designated time each day one of the doors closes and another opens, revealing a portal traversing space and time. Each day players can come and travel through that day's portal to a multiverse location. Some suggestions for destination will come later.

    An explanation is not entirely neccessary, though in this community it it usually sought after. So I'll happily get specific using someone that I know well, Elindor The Volatile. However a wizard from another realm altogether could be used instead, as Rasmot was introduced all that time ago. Seen as a return for me is at about 1% likelihood, this is a good opportunity for me to explain away what's happenned. Elindor dissappeared some time ago to traverse through time and space to another moment in the Universe which he believes requires him. Note: I have been playing Elindor as wholly believing himself to have travelled forwards through time previously, but in a manner as to call into question his grip upon reality. If LT decide that there is no way ever for someone to move through time, that's cool.


    [Stole this pic from an amazing artist on pinterest. I have no regrets]

    Image result for zany fantasy wizard

    ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~
    Once a scholar, teacher, winemaker; a master of minds continued to press upon the boundaries of magical possibility, ever challenging the Void to rend his form assunder in an effort to overcome Time. Thrusting himself through centuries in an instant, the highly fortified mind of Elindor began to fragment. The wizard clung to memories with vivacious desperation in a bid to claw back his identity. His hermitage abode progressively reflected the intentional compartmentalising of his own consciousness, housing little more than bookshelves and doors. Until his will could withhold no longer and he abandoned his home to once again become a philosophical wanderer. Inexplicably the mushroom hideaway appeared out of the Void without any trace of its inhabitant. A sign hung upon the door reading "Merry Krugmas".

    ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~


    Twelve Doors
    Each door contains a portal that leads to a location within 'memory'. These can be memories of past and future, as the timeline Elindor was last in may be centuries in the distance. So not every area would need to be from a past map, but obviously having many of them honouring the past of LotC creates a warm nostalgic vibe. Perhaps the last door could be a snapshot of a future realm...? Whether the portal is transporting travellers across realms (and through time) to a past location, or if the area has just been created like a vivid memory is not fully explainable. But every area is absent of the original inhabitants. It might be interesting to throw in an event creature or dragon here or there too. But mostly the intention would be to copy memorable areas from old maps and allow our players to explore them once again (or for the first time). The area sizes should be limited so as not to ditract too much from the server's normal roleplay.

    In terms of locations, AlKhazar in Aegis was very important to Elindor's emotional past. Aside from that I really don't mind where the other doors go. Practically just use whatever maps there is easy access to old backup files for.




  2. On 4/29/2017 at 4:55 PM, Sagwort said:

    I'm not very good at this sort of thing but...  "The Cosmology of LotC" to my understanding at least, kind of magic-y right?  It's probably not totally accurate.







    This is cool because of the rotations. Are there different axis'? Like do some move in different directions throughout the year? I think you should have some light alignment lines (or is that what the star is for??) on it for special events in which bodies overlap.

  3. My written entry is title "Out of the Woods"




    Arthur’s foot trod in the same puddle, he stepped over the same fallen branch, and swore at the same shrub skirted by orange mushrooms. Every shred of hope had flittered away beyond the impending limbs of dense decaying foliage. He was most definitely lost. But this wasn’t the ordinary type of lost in which one has no one to blame but themselves. There was an admissible degree of self loathing in that he had chosen to enter the forest in the first place, but all compunction for his predicament lay in the talon-like arms of the tightly enclosing trees that blocked any delineation from a singular path. Another minute of walking and he’d be back at the crossroads for the sixth time. The direction chosen meant literally nothing as the outcome was always the same. These god forsaken woods refused to be bound by geographical rationale. No amount of intel was worth this hell. The stupid old hermit be damned, there must be plenty of other ways to kill a lich. Arthur just needed to get out.


    That relentless barn owl was still perched overhead hooted ad nauseam. It's the only living thing he’d seen since getting here, however many hours ago that was, and it hadn’t moved an inch in that time, stunned with the identical asinine expression on its face as though it enjoyed his suffering. Frustration bubbled over. Arthur picked up a stick and hurled it at the bird with a gruff outburst. Amidst a squawk and fluttering feathers proceeded a thud as something large collided with the ground. The owl was no more; where it should have been lay sprawled a geriatric woman in an unflattering tangle of robes. As quick as creaking bones would allow she was up on her feet pulling a hood back over her face with the exception of a ludicrously protruding nose.


    The odd woman croaked, “is that how you usually treat god’s creatures? With malintent?” The nose directed this question up at Arthur. Quizzical, he examined the lady whose height stretched up to his own waist and was further stunted by a steep hunch. A realisation flittered into existence; “ya’rr the one tha trapped me ‘ere. I ought to do more an knock ya off ya perch.” The comical nose turned away, signaling the woman’s intended departure. “Well then you won't find what you came for.” And with that the oldie waddled away down the path. Arthur stood treading uncertainty and retreated to questioning. “How’d ya know why I came?” The hobbling didn't cease. “You wouldn't have gotten in if you didn't want to,” she called over her shoulder. Arthur’s hope rekindled, “then ow do oi ge’ out?” The old woman stopped twixt the crossroads and shuffled round to throw a gouging glare down the path. “What's this now?” Arthur repeated in agitation “ow do oi ge’ out?”. “You," she scoffed. ”You don't.” And with that she tottered down a path which Arthur had taken twice already, and soon disappeared from view. Better to be free and humiliated than proud and eternally trapped; Arthur took off in haste after the woman, slowing from his sprint to take the corner. The deceleration saved his face from an immediate collision with a heavy oakwood door that should not have been there. Understandably he grumbled profanities before rapping his knuckles upon its surface.


    “No thankyou. We’ve already got enough lord’s and saviour’s and we aren’t interested in any more,” the old lady’s voice called from within. Arthur’s hand floated in space frozen in stupefaction. The sound of sliding wood revealed a small hole aligned with his navel. Arthur stooped down to look through the hole and met a large eye squinting back at him. The eyes stared at one another. “What do you want?” blurted the more bloodshot of the two. “To ge’ out” gesticulated the other. The first eye squinted with agitation and retorted “You shant have gotten into these woods for no reason. So be straight boy. What do you want?” Arthur scoured the recesses of his mind for what foolish intent had caused him to stumble into this reality. “To kill a lich.” The lady’s eye surveyed his own scrupulously and then disappeared, momentarily replaced by a mouth that blew hot air into his unsuspecting eyeball. Arthur reeled back nursing his eye’s ego with the palm of his hand. The dragging of bolts across the door signalled that change stirred. A few too many bolts for any reasonable person to have affixed to one door, and the jingling of a couple padlocks for good measure, and with a heavy creak and billowing cloud of dust the door drifted open.


    The old woman craned over a table staring through a magnifying glass at crystals of varying size, colour, and magical energy. She continued her busy work unperturbed as Arthur stepped inside. The single room house was a rabble of books, trinkets, and small animals, some stuffed and others still leaving muddied footprints. The door swung closed taking with it the only source of light besides a single candle, and all supply of air that didn’t stifle the lungs with centuries of dust. Despite his best efforts at conspicuousness, Arthur remained completely ignored. He breathed in to speak and received a lung full of grime. Amidst a small fit of coughing he spluttered, “do ya know ‘ow oi can kill a lich, then?” The magnifying glass swung in his direction enlarging a familiar inflamed eyeball. “Irritating little buggers they are,” she replied in a voice much louder than necessary. “I will have just the thing if they’re giving you trouble.” The old woman hopped down from her step and scurried off into a corner of the room, quickly vanishing as she passed beyond the candle’s reach. Hollow metallic crashing reverberated around the room, along with a variety of bellowing marsupial, before the woman returned into view brandishing a glass vial containing hundreds of tiny white crystals. She held it up to him triumphantly.


    “Wha’ do oi do wiff i’?” Arthur asked turning the vial over in his palm. The woman now returned to her previous stooped position staring into the nucleus of a chunk of garnet. Her reply showed the least possible interest, “They hate the stuff. Just shake some out and they’ll shrink into a crumpled ball.” With a sudden crash the garnet was struck by an oversize wooden mallet. The giant eyeball scrutinised the crystal again as Arthur marvelled at the tiny rocks in his hand for long enough to realize he was being ignored. Taking care not to trample scampering molerats he returned to the door and fondled for the handle in the dark. The door’s weight wrestled against his efforts before begrudgingly swinging ajar. His eyes were blinded by sudden streams of amber light flooding through the opening. A chilly wafting breeze filled his nostrils and he drunk in the clear air with the vibrant twilight horizon. In a direct path from the door lay the exit to the woods some ten paces distance. He would be well within reason to curse the day and assault unsuspecting bushes with his boot, but the relief of liberty pushed all trace of malice aside, and he immediately set off towards home with a veritable spring in his weary step.


    The lamplighter was retiring for the evening when Arthur made it back under the familiar slate rooves of his village. Scents of roasted pheasant and broiled potatoes tempted his nostrils to turn in for the evening. Upon entering his cloth cap retired to a hook and comfy boots ricocheted off a wall, flicking dirt across the bed,before coming to rest between a spare blanket and a bedpan. He arranged various devices wrought or iron on the dining table and cast the burlap sack that had contained them upon a crooked chair. He examined the wares that equated a year’s wage, seeming unimpressed: a slightly malformed steel blade that had yet to be fitted to a scabbard; a very beaten pre-loved armour chestplate that was tight around the chest and loose everywhere else; and a mismatch of other pieces of armour which amounted to the image of a passable soldier. Arthur fished from his pocket the small vial and held it up to his eye, examining the little crystals rolling about as he turned it. The glass bottle was placed at the end of the table as Arthurs attention shifted towards the window. His gaze was not fixed upon the dark clouds rolling in upon darkening night but rested on an austere clay urn that sat alone upon the sill. Insensibly he drifted towards it. Instinctively his hands caressed the glazed surface. For a few minutes the man remained frozen at the window staring vacantly out, leaving a sour taste in the mouth of a friendly neighbour whose “good evening” wave endured unanswered. Returning the urn to its place Arthur harrumphed a conclusive assertion and began strapping on armour.


    By day the ominous stone tower was little more than a grey pillar breaking the skyline, but now the night sky was darkened by a foreboding umbra that blocked out far more of the moon than seems reasonable. Ancient foundations had sunken into the dried marsh leaving the column at an unsettling angle that was exaggerated by the dancing shadows. Arthur neared the dim lamp that feebly attempted to illuminate the doorway against insistent shadows playfully consuming it. A torturous wind picked up whipping dust into his eyes and jagged breaths of ice between the joints in his plate mail. Ignoring the discomfort he shuffled up the cobble steps, his foot landing upon the last as a puff of wind extinguished the lamp’s flame. Arthur was not the type to yield to omens, and so his hand pushed the iron door so that it swung with a blood draining shriek. He fumbled to steel himself, switching between standard and reverse grasp on the sword’s hilt. The murky darkness within threatened to consume him whole. Arthur chose to remain on this side of the threshold and direct fabricated bravery inwards in the form of a furrowed brow. Something was moving nearer the door. And it was big. Arthur’s stance shifted to defensive, and for good measure he switched grips a couple more times, unable to confirm which felt more lethal. The thing moved laboriously with the sound of bones grinding. His memory screamed out to his hand to scramble within the pouch at his side for a glass vial. The seven foot tall figure drew near enough that some semblance of the moon’s light revealed a white cage of ribs between the lapels of a tailored greatcoat. The lich voicelessly dipped its head in what could pass for a greeting. Arthur’s arm shot forward with a triumphant “aha” and a few granules of salt flew at the unnatural being. Nothing happened. He shook the vial a bit more to dispense a larger serving. The two stared at each other in incredulous silence, and then, of all the peculiar things Arthur’s short life experience had to offer, something happened that was flabbergasting. The lich began to laugh. Beginning as a singular huff that grew into a bellowing guffaw that rattled joints together. The lich grinned wide. “My boy, you are the unfortunate victim of rather droll wordplay.” A grim cloud brushed against the moon and the cobble steps leading to the crooked tower plummeted into darkness.


    A brisk wind carried faint echoes, which bore haunting resemblance to a man’s scream, over the hills, beyond a village, and into some overgrown woods where an owl was perched in its familiar place. And that was that.


  4. Do you have a separate explanation for the previous Hollows that created random structures and entities by telepathically reading those who entered its presence? Is there a situation in which this happens, rather than the Hollows which you have detailed? They were typically from Nodes upon which Mages had established themselves so it could have something to do with the tampering of the energies put out by the Node prior to it resulting in a Hollows.

  5. On 10/03/2017 at 0:47 AM, Gallidron said:

    What is the absolute maximum weight a telekinetic can lift?

    The limit at T3 is the strength of a regular person. So in terms of what to be doing in combat, shy away from lifting any more than a (strong) person would be able to.

  6. 21 hours ago, Evocress said:

    I've already written up the soul puppetry guide, waiting for things to settle down before I submit the voidal translocation guide tbh.

    They only just did one for VT in September. There is a big gap in illusion as the current guide is massively old and many of the updates to its lore are now lost in the unsearchable archives. Its a pretty easy magic so should be simple enough and somewhat enjoyable to smash out a guide for. I'd be tempted to do it but seen as there's this new LT thing I am sure some budding young enthusiasts who don't have newborn twins will be keen to pick it up.

  7. Meanwhile Elindor sits atop a large mushroom with muddied knees contemplating the surface of a potato. Of the earth, and always reminded of its birthplace. But a being unto itself that proves to be indefinable, for always the potato is more than a finite root vegetable. Its purposes and capacity are virtually limitless to those who are willing to test its potential.

  8. 10 hours ago, KorusPrime said:

    Ooooh. friend. No. It's a red line of illusion that mages cannot see their own illusion. And also, illusion can affect singular people as well, but does work on more than one person as opposed to mental magic. Other than that... I see no mention of Glamours, Figments, and Phantasms. Perhaps you should read up a bit on current illusion lore before you start teaching others again. But that is just my input. It's up to the MT.

    I like to teach and practice magic with definitions and understandings that are roleplay based rather than dragging ooc names into it. If any MT beleive that I lack an understanding of how illusion works, having been practicing on and off for four years, they can address me upon it.

  9. I have previously taught illusion.


    MC Name:


    Character's Name:


    Character's Age:


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:

    What magic(s) will you be teaching?:

    Regular Sensory Illusion


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    Creating a 'broadcast' falsehood (whereas mental magic is to one person only) with the senses, most commonly sight. The Illusion is projected by the mage from their imagination by connecting to the void and pushing the image (or sound, touch, smell, motivated emotion), and can fool those nearby to believing something exists when its image has been created from the void. The mage does this by having seen, and studied to some extent, the appearance of the thing in reality, recreating it mentally as any evoker would, and uses their mana to bring this apparent creation into existence through the void. As it gets more complicated, or as others attempt to interact with it and the mage needs to alter what has been created, and just with the passing of time; the mage's mana continues to drain. The limit on Illusion is both the caster's mental ability to reimagine their experiences, and in what they create to be logically plausible. For, where logic seems to faulter, the minds of those perceiving it immediately pick holes, generally resulting in the illusion disappearing.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:

    Elindor has had previous experience teaching illusion. Here is one as best I recall it.


    Artimec creates plumes of smoke falling out from his pants that covers the floor very thick. It reaches to the walls and begins travelling up them.

    Elindor watches thoughtfully and then begins to wander around the room.

    Artimec grins, thinking his efforts impressive as he darkens the smoke, and candles within the room grow dimmer.

    Elindor walks behind a bench and looks down. The smoke doesn't know how to react to the legs of the seat and in some areas moves around it, while in other areas it drift straight through.

    The illusion begins to crumble under the defying of logic. Much of the smoke disappears.

    Elindor kicks up his feet, attempting to shift a pool of smoke. When it doesn't move in reaction he chuckles.

    "You attempt to create the grand in an effort to awe and earn respect or fear. But what you create is still weak. You will be undone immediately.

    Artimec gives up and the failing illusion disperses.

    "Then what would you do, old man?"

    Elindor reaches deep inside his coat and withdraws a large red apple. He tosses it at Artimec.

    Artimec does nothing until he feels the hit of the fruit against his chest. His hands instinctively move up to catch it. He looks at the fruit for a moment and then queries the wizard.

    "You want me to eat more fruit?"

    "I wish you would"

    Artimec takes a bite of the fruit. It is perfectly ripe and tastes delicious, but as he masticates, the fibres of apple seem to melt strangely in his mouth and upon attempting to swallow it becomes clear there is nothing there. He looks at the apple inquisitively. There is a clear bitemark.

    "You did this? It is incredible. But... What good is an apple?"

    "It is small, Art. That is the point of what I am trying to show you. You do everything so big that the details fall apart and you cannot possibly take into account how someone might see through what you're doing. That means that your confidence is misplaced. You have to get back to basics and really look at what it is you're making. If you want to make smoke then study it even /more/ closely. Simplify the visuals of what you are making so that you can keep an eye on who you are trying to fool and adapt to what they are doing. The apple is good because it is so simple to create each element. But when you piece together vision, touch, taste... that makes it more than just an illusion. It is virtually unquestionable. /That/ is where you should be trying to get to.

    "But this doesn't help me in a fight. I can't use fruit."

    Elindor rolls his eyes.

    "Fine. You create something more convincing and I will give you your reward. I have a tip in mind that will compliment your methods perfectly.

    Artimec positions himself to create another illusion.

    "Well it had better be good"

    Artimec focuses on the table besides them. He envisions a book he had just been reading, re imagining the feel of its cover, the weight of it, the way light is absorbed by the leather's texture.

    Elindor nods examining the book. It is quite intricately decorated. A slight chuckle escapes him as he picks it up and flips to a page. He flips to another. Each one is blank.

    "You've got to watch out for books, Art. To some people they are just too tempting. And I wouldn't claim to have the mental capacity to fill every page of a book with writing. But! You have been a good boy and so I will give you your treat."


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

    No. I do have a successful TA for Mental Magic.

  10. On 06/02/2017 at 4:04 AM, Kowaman said:

    4. Remove mention of "donation" from store.lordofthecraft.net.

    Wait wait wait. So Mojang's EULA says that you can't be using Minecraft to make money on your server (ie no perks for VIPs). Yet you also cannot ask for donations?

    **** OFF


    Can lotc file for Not-for-profit status? In which case you can throw the word donation around and there's nothing they can do to prevent you as that would not be legal. And donors would get a tax break!

  11. Full Name: Elindor

    Race: Elf

    Age: Unknown

    Do you know any magic, and if so what kind?: Most Arcane basics. Further information currently withheld

    Do you own any constructs/familiars, and if so what kind?: None

    Do you require housing and/or keys?: I have keys and a house


    MC Name: Jerry_Man

    Skype: Will PM the new one

    Timezone: GMT-0

  12. 10 hours ago, Sky said:

    Yes, this post does show how I am as a person, it shows that I will not stand up for being abused and ignored by corrupt staff members. But you can have your opinion and I can have mine.

    Through your evidence of what happened it has demonstrated that Administrators (or at least one in particular) are aiming for a corporate level of professionalism in their management structure. And if that is the case then defending yourself is of little interest in their redundancy procedure. Your posting the experience calls in to question whether this is the best practice for a community of volunteering minors (mostly). However as an objective watcher it does seem like you're out of luck and will have to wait for the results of another trial for a different director before you could step up to the position again. Unless your team harbours such discontent at your dismissal that they can petition to the Admins.


    7 hours ago, drfate786 said:

    People shouldn't get hate for posting player reports, if I genuinely feel like someone broke the rules then I have the right to report them for it and not be given hate the next day. If you spread hate towards a person for reporting you then you're making the community toxic. 

    The arguments for anonymity of reports is the same for rape victims. It isn't on the same scale obviously, but they need to feel protected in order to sincerely share their experience.

  13. 20 hours ago, A Moongazer said:

    I love how the admins can actually remove anybody they want whenever they want and use the excuse "It was in an anonymous staff report" because they don't even have to inform the person of the rule they have aparently broke lol. 

    As they handle management the same way a business would, they have every freedom to let someone go if they're within a trial period. Anonymity of staff reports is vital so that reports will continue to be made by the community. As soon as you remove their protection you remove a large chunk of people willing to make a report.


    To be frank I see nothing wrong in the administration responding to a trial period with "sorry it isn't going to work out". Because all is voluntary here there should be an increased sensitivity towards your 'employees', but if in the end they can operate with whatever grace or firmness they so desire.


    Format your title as follows: [Type of Magic] [MA] MC or RP name


    MC Name:


    Character's Name:


    Character's Age:


    Character's Race:


    What magic(s) will you be learning?:

    Void Shifting

    Teacher's MC Name:


    Teacher's RP Name:

    Haadi Mubdee

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:

    Of course

    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

    Applied for Self Teaching

    Already Accepted App for Magics:

  15. There is no need for a backup plan. It is just a consideration of time. Whatever Mojang's problem is, it can be sorted one way or another. Even if that way is to completely remove VIP perks and find a different solution for keeping financially afloat.

  16. I would like to first and foremost argue that, while Shifting is not available to be self taught, Elindor possesses more than enough knowledge to combine his existing understandings in practice to perform this subtype.



    MC Name:


    Character's Name:


    Character's Age:


    Character's Race:


    What magic(s) will you be learning?:

    Void Shifting

    Link a MA of a magic your character already uses that is in the same archetype as the magic you are self teaching:

    How did you learn this magic(s)?:

    Elindor was in the Haelun'or library trying to learn as much as he could of developments over the last half century. While there he happened to check in on the current arcane writings and found an interesting little book that described in good detail what is required to Void Shift. From this book he realised that the magic relies upon two simple concepts of which he was already well familiarised: mana anchors, and void translocation. Lastly, as someone who believes he has at various times throughout his life made use of large distance teleportation (after having studied the Arcane Mage's teleporting across realms in Asulon) and is also of the impression that he not only traversed space in a single bound, but also time; resulting in the loss of an aforementioned half century.

    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT):

    Beautiful Elad

    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning:

    A mage is able to pass through space contrary to the linear laws of physics. As space is not a concept within the void, all areas are joined at the same time, meaning that in theory one could enter the void and emerge in a completely different realm (as has been noted in history). However the ambiguity of such leaps without an anchor makes it more hazardous than rewarding, as one shall surely be joined with the void forever and never be seen again. Void Shifting is a method whereby these theories can be achieved by setting a nearby anchor that can be located from the spaceless Void, Translocating one's entire person, and immediately reappearing upon the anchor. Known in many games as 'blinking'.

    Provide evidence you've a proper means of learning this magic(s):

    I have a picture of the book if that counts? I'll be doing some experimentation on using mana anchors to translocate objects to and can take screenshots.

    The chief principle of teleporting great distances through the void is having a location to arrive at. Where Void Shifting uses mana anchors, large distances requires a little more presence to be identifiable, and so the main areas which mages have transported themselves to are around Void Nodes. This ability to find a specific location regardless of physical distance regards an incredible awareness of the void. So before a mage would even think to send themselves through a seam in the universe they must be completely confident that their destination is finitely determined. As this can be one of the most difficult practices to grasp for Void Shifting, Elindor having a similar understanding is highly advantageous. Whether or not it is agreed that he has managed to so so, or is purely delusional to the fact, the theory required for teleporting he has studied and experimented with at great length.

    Similarly, use of small mana anchors has been an advantage purely for the identification of certain entities within the universe where the common senses fall short. That is to say, Elindor has not had a use for mana anchors previously, other than to find something that isn't always visible, instead using his sense of the void to discover where that particular anchor is.

    Elindor has had multiple experiences of completely exhausting himself of mana. Partly as a training exercise, but sometimes in attempting to perform a particularly impressive spell, he is very familiar of his magical limitations and at most times knows how much magical energy he has available to him. (This came from the IG book so if incorrect I will correct the error if notified) To transfer the concepts of Void Translocation onto one's self, Elindor is aware how much mana is required to completely submerge his entity.

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  17. This research, although slightly conflicting in particular findings, is broadly confirmed by another independent study conducted in segregated conditions. Any research that is produced that disagrees with these notes, in the general sense, are outright incorrect and should be scorned by the academic community.

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