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Posts posted by danic

  1. 2 hours ago, Hedgehug said:


    I hereby share the results for the following contest:


    Winner of the first place and shall receive 2500 minas + 5 caskets 

    @CowsGoMoo with the following art piece made for their friend danic (jpiroden)





    we did it mom they said we couldn't but we finally did it!!!


    they said i wouldn't be nothin but look at me now im a award winning piece of art god bless the lord eat it nerds

  2. im pretty much in the camp of leave it unexplained. as much as it would make everyone's job a little easier if it was set in stone, to me it stifles a lot of possible views and ideas that could be formed IC in pursuit of discovering the mysteries of the aspects. i'd be totally hip to your jive if you wrote about this in IC as your characters views on what druidism is but to make it an ooc lore submission fills me with apprehension.



    The Aspects are, Cerridwen, Cernunnos, and Nemiisae

    help me ive been triggered and i cant get up

  3. istNu8g.png

    Source: http://twpictures.deviantart.com/art/Source-of-Life-293928960

    - Aspect Assortments -

    100% all natural, quality handcrafted, no substitutes, highly personalized trinkets, icons, and other assorted knick knacks now for available for a low price. Carefully grown in minutes by a Druid no short of centuries of skill, these assortments will keep the Aspects and Nature close to your heart. Whether you choose from the shown selection, or choose to opt into the limitless possibilities of a personalized piece, you're guaranteed to be satisfied. If you wish to take advantage of such an opportunity, seek out Danic ((Jpiroden)) within the Wood Elven city of Laurelin to either purchase such items or place your personalized order. If you cannot find him, please place a letter within the mailbox to schedule a meeting ((Post below)). Permanent locations vary.


    Alternative paymentIf you cannot afford the already affordable price of any trinket, one can instead pay in poems, short stories, or your time in listening to a lesson on the Aspects.


    Advertised pieces:


    Armbands, rings, bracelets; Tenderly grown on the owner themselves, these pieces will always be at your side, giving you the reassuring grasp that only the Aspect's blessed foliage can give.

    Q9inthB.png?1  Small armband - 5 minas


    of6SrGG.png?1  Large armband - 10 minas


    m5zTiLd.png?1  Gem entwined small bracelet - Request gem: 20 minas, Bring your own gem: 16 minas

    fLI0l6V.png?1  Large gem entwined bracelet - Request gem: 22 minas. Bring your own gem: 18 minas



    Earrings; Hear the chimes and songs of nature as it clings to your ear. Can either be grown to dangle or to pierce the ear.


    vFylpcw.png?1Pieced small earrings  - 5 minas


    Kgx57rr.png?1Dangle large earrings - 8 minas

    e36B29l.png?1Pierced large gem entwined - Request gem: 15 minas. Bring your own gem: 11 minas



    NecklacesWhether in the comfort of your home, or the strain of battle, a blessed necklace will always keep the Aspect's love and strength near your heart. 

    B6otvJ7.png?1  Around shoulders small necklace - 5 minas


    rAMnOcz.png?1  Crooked large necklace - 10 minas


    fGtbvPm.png?1  Gem entwined charm necklace - Request gem: 17 minas. Bring your own gem: 13 minas



    Miscellaneous trinkets and icons; Speak to Danic for any further items of your desire, and he will be happy to accommodate you to the best of his ability.



    Personalized requestsAll of the above items and virtually anything else you need may be personally ordered, designed, and fit by the customers request. Prices not determined until previously mentioned criteria are discussed.






    These are living plants, and will begin to wilt after lengthy use. Do not worry, this can be fixed by storing in a pot filled with nutrient rich dirt, and daily watering. Alternatively, if you cannot give such care, return to Danic for assistance.

  4. Danic strolls through the library, taking note of pieces or compilations he might wish to add to his personal collection. He walks by the book at first, not paying any mind, until notices how out of place and odd it seemed. Curious, he wanders back over to it, and reads the inscription.


    "Hm, ah well." he says plainly, shrugging and continues on with his browsing within the library.


    It did say 'DO NOT open' after all.

  5. Your Name: Elk Druid Danic
    Your Age: 849 years of age.
    Are you of full Mali blood?: Of course.
    Do you join as Naelurir or Sirame?: Naelurir; I was requested, along with Sister Dove (Or Elorna, as you know her), to assist in the guidance of the Mali'ame back to the old ways of Nature's reverence and coexistence within the Natural world.
    What does the old way, the natural order, and the Aspects spirits mean to you?: As a practicing druid since the days of Aegis, I'd be a bit concerned if these things meant nothing to me. The old ways were my true culture, as they were for all Mali, before the schisms and splinterings of our people; The preservation of the natural order and the Aspects are what I have based my entire life on, as have all Druids; To assist my fellow Sister in the guidance of our people back to their roots would be an honor.
  6. MC name: Jpiroden

    Character's name and age: Elk Druid Danic, 823 years old


    Character’s Race: Wood Elf

    What magic/s did you learn?: Druidism Communion and Control


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: I've been a practicing druid for 3 years, since Aegis minus Anthos when I stopped playing unless you want to count that then it's been a little under 4 years now and was one of the Archdruids of the Druidic Order. I've learned from a multitude of people throughout the years and also was heavily self taught/practiced at the same time.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Communion is the basis of all Druidic 'magic' (It is technically not magic in the arcane sense but gifts from the Aspects) which is a Druids connection to the Natural world upon attunement, it allows for communing with the Natural world and one's ability of such is increased through meditation, practice in some senses, and time through serving the Aspects and preserving the Balance. Control of Nature, or more properly named Favors of Nature, is the Druids ability to request 'Favors' from Nature, which may or may not comply depending on your connection to Nature and the Aspects. The stronger connection to Nature you have, the bigger requests from a wider range of organisms you can successfully be complied with.

  7. MC Name: jpiroden
    Current Skin (if requesting an edit/outfit): http://i.imgur.com/cr7CZMk.png Just need an outfit, though if you're willing, you can change the hair however you see fit and I'll pay for it
    Description of What You Want: Do try your best and take as much time as you want, I'll like it either way :D Hope it isn't too much of a request
    : kiaN2pX.jpg
  8. ((MCName: --- jpiroden
    ((Time Zone: --- CST
    ((When would you be available for lessons on a weekly basis? --- Usually every night from about 5 to 10pm during the week; During the weekend it's more or less all day, depending on whats going on.
    Name and Totem: --- Danic, Elk Druid
    How long have you been attuned? --- Around 3 years, since Aegis
    At what level of skill do you believe yourself to be in Communion with Nature and Control of Nature? ---
    Tier 5 Communion
    Tier 5 Control of Nature

    Do you have any other skills and would you be able to teach them? (Blight Healing, Nature's Healing, even mundane healing.) --- I can and have given lectures of Control of Nature previously, and can do so again.

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